Konstantinos Magliveras
Konstantinos D. Magliveras is presently Professor of the Law of International Organisations and of Public International Law, Department of Mediterranean Studies, University of the Aegean, Greece. He holds postgraduate degrees from the University of Exeter and the University of Each Anglia, and a DPhil from Oxford University. For more than 25 years, he has published on several aspects of African legal studies as well on the African international organisations and institutions. He is the co-editor of an edited volume on the legal system of the African Union (Oxford University Press, 2021), which claims that there is emergent and developing AU law. He has also co-authored a monograph on the African Union’s legal history, organs and activities, whose third revised edition was published in 2024 by Wolters Kluwer. He is the coordinator of the Hellenic African Studies Network and an affiliated member of AEGIS, the Europe-wide African Studies association.
Recent publications:
Κ. Magliveras & G. Naldi, The African Union (AU), Third revised edition, , Wolters Kluwer, Alphen aan den Rijn, 2024.
O. Amao, M. Olivier & K. Magliveras (editors), The Emergent African Union Law - Conceptualization, Delimitation, and Application, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2021.
K. Magliveras & G. Naldi, “Questions of Responsibility and Non-Contractual Liability in African International Organizations: The African Union and the African Regional Economic Communities” in V. Pergantis (ed.), European Union Responsibility in the International Legal Order. Volume B: Human Rights – Comparative Approaches – Special Issues, Sakkoulas Publications, Athens/Thessaloniki, 2023, pp. 177-206.
K. Magliveras, “Legal and Regulatory Aspects of Regional Radioactive Waste Management Regimes: Africa and the South Pacific Compared” in Proceedings of an International Conference Organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency in Cooperation with the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency, the European Commission and the World Nuclear Association and Held in Vienna, 1–5 November 2021, IAEAL 23-01645, Vienna, December 2023.
F. Amao, M. Olivier & K. Magliveras, “Rule-making in the African Union: Current challenges and the way forward” in J. Wouters et al. (eds), Towards More Inclusive Rule-Making by International Organisations: Challenges and Innovations, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, 2024 (forthcoming).
K. Magliveras & G. Naldi, “Migration and Human Rights in Africa” in O. Abegunrin & S. Abidde (editors), African Migrants and the Refugee Crisis, Springer Verlag, Chem, 2020, pp. 55-72.
K. Magliveras, “The African NWFZ, the African Commission on Nuclear Energy, and the Protection of the Environment” in J. Black-Branch & D. Fleck (eds), Nuclear Non-Proliferation in International Law, Volume IV, T.M.C. Asser / Springer, Berlin, 2019, pp. 189-208.
K. Magliveras, “The African Union’s Outer Space Agenda and the African Space Agency: An Assessment” [2021] 70 Zeitschrift für Luft- und Weltraumrecht 52-68.
K. Magliveras & G. Naldi, “The Free Movement of People in Africa as a Human Right and as an Economic Right: From the African Charter to the African Economic Community Protocol of 2018” [2022] 22 African Human Rights Law Journal 1-23.