Mirjam Boswijk
- Tropical Agriculture, differentiation Soil Science at RHLS Deventer (1978 - 1982)
- MSc. MAKS (Management of Agricultural Knowledge Systems) at Wageningen University (1991 – 1993)
Working experience:
- 2019 to present: Program officer for Indonesia (Papua) continued; program officer for Cameroon (Church programs for food security and resilience in Extrème Nord; inter-religious cooperation; emergency aid for IDPs in North Cameroon and West Cameroon; creating chances for youth); and Burkina Faso (rural development with sustainable agriculture and income generating activities for women and youth; emergency aid for IDPs).
- 2005 to 2018: ICCO & Kerk in Actie: Program Officer for Indonesia (theme: democratisation & peace building); and for the Mission department in Papua (community development and good governance), Mozambique (theology & community development; and child rights) and Zambia (contextual theological education; HIV/AIDS program through Council of Churches).
- Different positions with/ within government Institutes for Agriculture in Mozambique: working with cooperatives, small farmers, irrigation, erosion control, crop protection, investigation, extension services, and participatory rural development.
- Between 1985 and 1991 employed by EMS/PSO (Eduardo Mondlane Foundation)
- Between 1993 and 2001 employed by IBIS (Danish NGO)
- Experiences on district and provincial level, especially in Inhambane and Zambézia Province