Pierre Marie Takamte

I have a PhD in Peace and Development Studies in the topic Regional cooperation for Peace and Human Security in Africa: the role of the OAU, African Union and sub regional organizations I am a lecturer at the University of Yaounde 2-Soa.

Research interests: African Peace and Development, Conflict Resolution, Decentralised Cooperation, Regional Economy Communities in Africa, Human Security, African sub-regional organisations.


“The African Union’s role for peace and human security in Darfur before the separation of Sudan”, in Revue Africaine de Droit et de Science Politique, Vol.2, n˚4 – Juil. – Dec. 2014, pp. 245-276.

“Asian approaches to regional cooperative peace and security: What lessons for the African Union and its sub regional organisations?” in Revue Africaine d’Etudes Politiques & Stratégiques, n°1/2014, RADEPS/L’Harmattan, pp.103-130.

Art et développement en pays bamum sous le prisme de l’islam dans un contexte de mondialisation, (Publication en cours), Revue Solon, 2014.