Library alert service subscription page

  • This alert service informs you when new titles become available in your field of interest.
  • Choose one of our ready-made country or subject category alerts, or create your personal custom alert on the subject(s) of your choice.
  • Alerts include updates from ASCL-related resources: the African Library Catalogue and ASCL online publications.
  • Alerts include updates from Africa-journals
  • Alerts include titles from numerous Open Access-sources
  • Alerts include abstracts and direct links to open access versions/ full text, when available.
  • Alerts can be received by email or RSS.
  • The African Library alert service is free of charge.

Alert subscription

Select the country or subject category of your choice in the form below. Or create your personal custom alert by combining a country and subject category, or entering free search terms of your choice.

RSS Subscription

To subscribe via RSS use the form above and check the box at the bottom, or subscribe directly to one of our ready-made RSS-feeds below.
TIP: Use a RSS-app, e.g. Feedly, Inoreader or Flipboard, to get the newest titles on your (mobile) device.


Algeria flag Algeria  | Angola flag Angola  | Benin flag Benin rss | Botswana flag Botswana  | Burkina Faso flag Burkina Faso 

Burundi flag Burundi  | Cameroon flag Cameroon  | Cabo Verde flag Cabo Verde (FKA Cape Verde)  | Chad flag Chad  | Comoros flag Comoros 

 CAR  | DRC flag Congo (Kinshasa)  | Congo Brazzaville flag Congo (Brazzaville)  | Ivory Coast flag Côte d' Ivoire 

Djibouti flag Djibouti  | Egypt flag Egypt  | Equatorial Guinea flag Equatorial Guinea  |  Eritrea  | Eswatini flag Eswatini (FKA Swaziland)  |

Ethiopia flag Ethiopia | Gabon flag Gabon  | Gambia flag Gambia  |  Ghana  | Guinea flag Guinea  | Guinea-Bissau flag Guinea-Bissau  |  Kenya 

Lesotho flag Lesotho  | Liberia flag Liberia  | Libya flag Libya  | Madagascar flag Madagascar  | Malawi flag Malawi  | Mali flag Mali 

Mauritania flag Mauritania  | Mauritius flag Mauritius  | Morocco flag Morocco  | Mozambique flag Mozambique  | Namibia flag Namibia 

Niger flag Niger  | Nigeria flag Nigeria  | Rwanda flag Rwanda  | Sao Tome & Principe flag Sao Tome & Principe  | Senegal flag Senegal 

Seychelles flag Seychelles  | Sierra Leone flag Sierra Leone  | Somalia flag Somalia  | South Africa flag South Africa  | South Sudan flag South Sudan 

Sudan flag Sudan  | Tanzania flag Tanzania  | Togo flag Togo  | Tunisia flag Tunisia  | Uganda flag Uganda 

Zambia flag Zambia  | Zimbabwe flag Zimbabwe 

Subject categories more info

Agriculture - Arts - Communication - COVID-19 - Economy - Education - Environment

Health - History - Industry - Information management - International relations

Labour - Language - Law - Literature - Politics - Population - Religion

Science - Society - Trade - Transport

INCLUDE subject categories: Productive employment - Social protection

We welcome feedback from our users. For suggestions or comments, please contact 

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