Alert service

African Library Alert Service on African Studies

Would you like to stay updated on recent publications in the field of African studies? Subscribe to the African Library Alert Service: a country- or subject-specific alert service on new titles in the field of African Studies.


  • This alert service informs you when new titles become available in your field of interest.
  • Choose one of our ready-made country or subject category alerts, or create your personal custom alert on the subject(s) of your choice.
  • Alerts include updates from ASCL-related resources: the African Library Catalogue and ASCL online publications.
  • Alerts include updates from Africa-journals
  • Alerts include titles from numerous Open Access-sources
  • Alerts include abstracts and direct links to open access versions/ full text, when available.
  • Alerts can be received by email or RSS.
  • The African Library alert service is free of charge.

Want to keep track of new titles on a specific African country or subject? Subscribe now!