Mit Gutferngruß : The Fudge Postcard Collection

book coverA South African soldier collected hundreds of postcards in German South West Africa (modern-day Namibia) during World War I but they lay in a shoe box in the bottom of a cupboard for two generations until they were presented to Andreas Vogt. The 670 postcards all hail from the period just before the outbreak of World War I and offer a unique and fascinating view of this era.

The publication Mit Gutferngruß reproduces the historic Fudge collection in full in two volumes. There is an accompanying annotated text in German and the first volume also includes the transcribed texts on the postcards. The individual postcards and photos are presented in detail in the second volume and scientific background information and related research place the photos and postcards in the Namibian context.

Mit Gutferngruß ... : die historische Fudge-Postkartensammlung aus dem ehemaligen Schutzgebiet Deutsch-Südwestafrika
Vogt, Andreas / Macmillan Education Namibia / 2010postcard

Interested in postcards from other African countries? Take a look at publications on postcards in the ASC Library.

Click here to read more articles by Andreas Vogt.


Ursula Oberst