Treasures from the German Colonial Library

Map of Africa (Die Erschliessung Afrikas durch Eisenbahnen)The ASC Library started breathing new life into Connecting-Africa last December. This is a service that provides access to African research information produced worldwide and more than 100 publications are currently being added to it on a daily basis. One of the latest acquisitions is a series of digitalized books from the German Colonial Library.

Numerous societies that cared for German emigrants and spread colonial ideas were established in the second half of the 19th century. The Colonial Library houses the libraries of various colonial societies, in total approximately 15,000 monographs and a vast number of colonial journals. This formed the basis of Frankfurt University’s Africana Collection.


Sketch (Reise in Nordost-Africa)Among the publications added to Connecting-Africa are a number of issues of the Deutsch-Ostafrikanische Zeitung, travel books (Reise in Nordost-Africa: 1859 - 1860 ; Skizzen nach der Natur gemalt), companions for emigrants (Kurzer und gründlicher Beschrieb, über die Kolonie in Afrika: zum Gebrauch der Auswanderer und Auswanderungslustigen), lectures (Die Erschliessung Afrikas durch Eisenbahnen : mit einer Karte von Afrika ; Vortrag) and much more.