Library Weekly
The ASCL's Library Weekly is our library’s weekly spotlight on African people and events. Inspired by the SciHiBlog, this service is based on information retrieved from Wikipedia and Wikidata and is completed with selected titles from the ASCL Library Catalogue.
N.B. The weeklies are not updated and reflect the state of information at a given point in time.
Library Weekly archive
Nawal El Saadawi

Nawal El Saadawi is founder and president of the Arab Women's Solidarity Association and co-founder of the Arab Association for Human Rights. ... She has held the positions of Author for the Supreme Council for Arts and Social Sciences, Cairo; Director General of the Health Education Department, Ministry of Health, Cairo, Secretary General of the Medical Association, Cairo, Egypt, and medical doctor at the University Hospital and Ministry of Health. She is the founder of the Health Education Association and the Egyptian Women Writers' Association; she was Chief Editor of Health Magazine in Cairo, and Editor of Medical Association Magazine. ... "
(From the English Wikipedia, edited.)
The essential Nawal El Saadawi : a reader / Adele S. Newson Horst. - London, England ; New York, New York : Zed Books, 2013
Emerging perspectives on Nawal El Saadawi / Ernest N. Emenyonu, Maureen N. Eke. - Trenton, NJ : Africa World Press, cop. 2010
Zīna : riwāya / Nawāl al-Saʿdāwī. - Bayrūt : Dār al-Sāqī, 2009
God dies by the Nile / Nawāl al-Saʿdāwī. - London : Zed, 2007
Two women in one / Nawāl al-Saʿdāwī. - London : Saqi, 2005
Walking through fire : a life of Nawal El Saadawi / Nawāl al-Saʿdāwī, Šarīf Ḥatāta. - London [etc.] : Zed Books ; Claremont : Philip, 2002
A critical study of the works of Nawal El Saadawi, Egyptian writer and activist / Diana Royer. - Lewiston, NY. [etc.] : Edwin Mellen Press, cop. 2001
A daughter of Isis : the autobiography of Nawal El Saadawi / Nawāl al-Saʿdāwī, Šarīf Ḥatāta. - London [etc.] : Zed Books, 1999
The Nawal El Saadawi reader / Nawāl al-Saʿdāwī. - London [etc.] : Zed Books, cop. 1997
Memoirs of a woman doctor / Nawāl al-Saʿdāwī, Catherine Cobham. - London : Saqi Books, 1988
For more publications see the ASCL Library Catalogue
The free voice of Egypt - Nawal El Saadawi (Trailer)
Timeline Nawal El Saadawi via Wikidata
Posted on 8 March 2021, last modified on 22 March 2021
Posted on 11 January 2021, last modified on 17 October 2023