New acquisitions - week 09 2025
February 2025
(week 06-09)
Articles | Electronic documents | Books | Periodicals | Films | African Literature | Maps | Music
See also the ASCL overview of recently published journal articles.
EFL teachers' perceptions towards learners' erroneous forms: error analysis of first year students' oral production at Naama University Centre / Anissa Mbata.
In: Revue Akofena : revue scientifique des sciences du langage, lettres, langues et communication, vol. 6, no. 14, p. 57-66 (2024).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Algeria ; English language ; language instruction ; language acquisition
L'impolitesse linguistique et la gestion des faces chez les apprenants de FLE en première année secondaire en Algérie / Mohamed Wafik Samai & Sabah Beddiaf.
In: Revue Akofena : revue scientifique des sciences du langage, lettres, langues et communication, vol. 6, no. 14, p. 67-80 (2024).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Algeria ; French language ; language instruction ; secondary education
La place de l'écologie à l'école algérienne entre textes officiels et réalité du terrain / Marwa Elgrini & Mouna Lahlah.
In: Revue Akofena : revue scientifique des sciences du langage, lettres, langues et communication,vol. 6, no. 14, p. 23-36 (2024).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Algeria ; ecology ; sustainable development ; textbooks
Moodle en contexte d'enseignement/ apprentissage du FLE à l'université algérienne : quelles formes de médiatisation déployées ? / Amal Kadja & Ilhem Benslimane.
In: Revue Akofena : revue scientifique des sciences du langage, lettres, langues et communication, vol. 6, no. 14, p. 87-96 (2024).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Algeria ; French language ; language instruction ; e-learning
Rethinking assessment in higher education : towards the application of LOA in ESP classes / Sarah Benmammar.
In: Revue Akofena : revue scientifique des sciences du langage, lettres, langues et communication, vol. 6, no. 14, p. 49-56 (2024).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Algeria ; language instruction ; English language ; teaching methods
Les communautés frontalières du nord à l'épreuve du terrorisme métapolitique : entre violences politiques et alliances stratégiques / Mathieu Adjagbe .
In: Revue Béninoise de Science Politique, vol. 2, no. 8, p. 3-41 (2024).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Benin ; Islamic movements ; terrorism ; political violence ; government policy
Burkina Faso
Défis d'accès à l'enseignement public dans les périphéries non loties de Ouagadougou / Issiaka Ouedraogo.
In: Revue Akofena : revue scientifique des sciences du langage, lettres, langues et communication, vol. 6, no. 14, p. 27-48 (2024).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; schooling ; access to education ; schools
Action publique du plastique, paradigme et compromis : gouverner la publicisation du problème des emballages et déchets plastiques au Cameroun / Nicolas Serge Ndock.
In: Revue Béninoise de Science Politique, vol. 4, no. 9, p. 3-44 (2024).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; plastic ; wastes ; waste management ; government policy
L'appel au boycottage des élections au Cameroun : éléments pour une déconstruction cognitiviste d'une constante de l'activité oppositionnelle / Louis Martin Ngono.
In: Revue Béninoise de Science Politique, vol. 1, no. 7, p. 3-41 (2024).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; elections ; boycotts ; political opposition
Prison et politique au Tchad : entre punition, socialisation des corps et laboratoire de production de l'élite politique / Adamou Weye.
In: Revue Béninoise de Science Politique, vol. 3, no. 8, p. 3-49 (2024).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Chad ; prisoners ; prisons ; political elite
Le nouveau théâtre togolais : de la subversion des interdits au désir d'une modernité culturelle / Anoumou Amekudji.
In: Revue Akofena : revue scientifique des sciences du langage, lettres, langues et communication, vol. 6, no. 14, p. 11-22 (2024).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Togo ; theatre ; drama
West Africa
La CEDEAO et les changements anticonstitutionnels de gouvernement : entre idéalisme et réalisme politique au sein des États / Sèminakpon Arnaud Houenou.
In: Revue Béninoise de Science Politique, vol. 1, no. 10, p. 3-48 (2025).
ASC·Subject·Headings: West Africa ; ECOWAS ; coups d'état ; political change
West Africa
Les procédures de la Commande Publique à financement extérieur dans l'espace De L'Union Economique et Monétaire Ouest-Africaine (UEMOA) / Mèdéssè Amos Langanfin Avaligbe Glele & Ibrahim David Salami.
In: Revue Béninoise de Science Politique, vol. 2, no. 10, p. 3-40 (2025).
ASC·Subject·Headings: West Africa ; Union Economique et Monétaire Ouest-Africaine ; public expenditure ; tendering
Electronic documents
Oil-Age Africa: Critical Reflections on Oil Politics, Resource Economies and Extractive communitie , / Edited by Jannik Schritt and Annika Witte. - Leiden:: Brill, 2023.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; petroleum industry
Recherches sur la vie intérieure de l'Architecture Africaine de Paix et de Sécurité (APSA)/ édité par Katharina P.W. Döring, Ulf Engel, Linnéa Gelot et Jens Herpolsheimer . - Leiden: Brill, 2023.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; African agreements ; regional security
Cooking with Linguists : Culinary lexicon and Recipes in Selected Bantu Languages / Maud Devos & Birgit Ricquier (eds). - Tervuren: Africa Museum, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Democratic Republic of Congo ; Tanzania ; Mozambique ; Namibia ; food preparation ; vocabulary ; African languages
Access to health insurance: Voices from the fieldon lessons learned / edited by Michael Grimm and Godelieve van Heteren. - 's Gravenhage: Prince Claus Chair, 2013.
ASC Subject·Headings: world ; health insurance
Rebellious Riots : Entangled Geographies of Contention in Africa / Edited by Sam Kniknie and Karen Büscher . -::
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; protest ; violence
À procura de outros : Presença de espírito entre os Balanta na Guiné-Bissau / Paul Akkerman. - Coimbra: Centro de Estudos Sociais, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Guinea-Bissau ; Balanta
South Africa
Absent presences : decolonizing our views of the Zuid-Afrikahuis and its collections / edited by Barbara Henkes, André Paijmans and Margriet van der Waal . - Amsterdam: Stichting Zuid-Afrikahuis Nederland, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; collection development
South Africa
Paradise Lost: Race and Racism in Post-apartheid South Africa / Edited by Gregory Houston, Modimowabarwa Kanyane and Yul Derek Davids. - Leiden: Brill, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; racism
South Africa
Magic visions: Portraying and inventing South Africa with lantern slides / Edited by Jeltsje Stobbe, Rosa Deen and Margriet van der Waal. - Amsterdam:: Stichting Zuid-Afrikahuis Nederland 2022,
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; Netherlands ; international relations ; archives ; photography
A history of theological education in the free pentecostal church of Tanzania: A Case Study of FPCT Bible Schools and Colleges: From Swedish Free Mission (SFM) toThe Free Pentecostal Church of Tanzania (FPCT) / Reuben Kabarata. - München:: Grin Verlag, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Church history ; Christian education ; Tanzania ; Pentecostalism ; dissertations (form)
Disability and Aid: An Ethnography of Logics and Practices of Distribution in a Ugandan Refugee Camp / Maria-Theres Schuler. - Leiden: Brill, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Uganda ; persons with disabilities ; refugee camps ; food aid
Decolonizing African agriculture : food security, agroecology and the need for radical transformation / William G. Moseley. - Newcastle upon Tyne: Agenda Publishing, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; decolonization ; agriculture ; agricultural policy ; food security ; political economy
L'individu collectif : ubuntu au quotidien et en clinique psychologique / Ari Gounongbé. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; Ubuntu ; philosophy ; psychology
La science dans les traditions africaines / Yaovi Akakpo. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; epistemology ; science
Le juge administratif et le contentieux des élections politiques en Afrique noire francophone : étude comparative entre le Burkina Faso et la Côte d'Ivoire / Wendyam Franck Elvis Yougbare. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: French-speaking Africa ; administrative law ; election law ; elections
Le passage à l'Afrique / sous la direction de Gil Charbonnier. - Aix-en-Provence: Presses universitaires d'Aix-Marseille, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; international relations ; culture ; culture contact ; globalization
Le Sahel : enjeux géopolitiques et stratégiques au XXIe siècle / Ladji Karamoko Ouattara (dir.) ; préface de Jean-Pierre Olivier de Sardan. - Paris: Karthala, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; Sahel ; political conditions ; geopolitics
Les frontières maritimes en Afrique / Georges Labrecque. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; boundaries ; territorial waters ; international law of the sea ; maritime law
Les relations économiques entre l'Afrique, l'Amérique latine et les Caraïbes. Histoire récente et perspectives dans un monde en crise. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; Latin America ; Caribbean ; international economic relations ; international trade ; imports ; exports
Mission, esclavages et travailleurs déplacés : parcours de stratégies et de pratiques missionnaires (début du XIXe siècle - milieu du XXe siècle) / Claire Kaczmarek et Didier Galibert (dir.). - Paris: Karthala, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; missions ; slavery ; forced labour ; displaced persons ; missionary history
On a bicycle across the Sahara and beyond : a report from a journey through Africa in 1980 / Jacek Herman-Iżycki. - Warswa:: Prószyński Media Sp. z o.o., 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; bicycles ; Poles ; 1980 ; travel ; travel books (form)
Special sexual operations? : accounting for resistance to the colonial giftof homosexuality in twenty-first century Africa / Artwell Nhemachena (ed.). - Mankon: Langaa Research & Publishing CIG, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; homosexuality ; sexuality
Les mesures provisoires de la CourADHP : le contentieux du provisoire devant la Cour africaine des droits de l'Homme et des peuples / Bamba Nonféni Michel Zarationon ; préface de Djedjro Francisco Meledje ; postface de Samson Mwin Sôg Mé Dabiré. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2023.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights ; international law ; lawsuits
Filosofemas Africanos : ensaio sobre a efectividade do direito à filosofia / Luís Kandjimbo. - Maputo, Moçambique: Ethale Publishing, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; political philosophy ; philosophy of law ; democracy
Rewilding Africa : restoring the wilderness on a war-ravaged continent / Grant Fowlds, Graham Spence. - London: Robinson, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; wildlife protection ; nature conservation
Successfully implementing turnaround strategies in state-owned companies : SAA, Kenya Airways and Ethiopian Airlines as case studies / Kaizer M. Nyatsumba. - Pretoria: Verity Publishers, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; Kenya ; Ethiopia ; air transport ; management
Philosophy and liberation of Africa / by Gerald J. Wanjohi. - Nairobi: Nyatũrĩma Publications, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; philosophy ; history
The African cause : (speech to Mother Africa) / by Petero Nangoli. - [Place of publication not identified]: [publisher not identified], 1980.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; Uganda ; political action ; pamphlets (form)
Écrire Biskra : avec Eugène Fromentin, André Gide et James Vandrunen / Christian Schoenaers. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2016.
ASC Subject·Headings: Algeria ; France ; writers ; travel ; literature ; colonial period ; essays (form) ; travel books (form)
Mercenariat et conflits armés en Afrique : le cas de la guerre civile angolaise (1975-2002) / Yannick Effossou. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Angola ; mercenaries ; conflict ; civil wars
Le Dahomey cérémoniel : le cinéma de Francis Aupiais / Gaetano Ciarcia. - [Paris];Paris: Maisonneuve & Larose nouvelles éditions ;;Hémisphères éditions, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Benin ; France ; missions ; customs ; religious rituals ; voodoo ; visual anthropology ; colonial period
Burkina Faso
Le handicap mental : perceptions et prise en charge au nord du Burkina Faso / Augustin Palé, Alexis Clotaire Némoiby Bassolé, Abdoulaye Sawadogo, Oumar Sangaré. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; persons with mental disabilities ; mental health ; health care ; homelessness ; social problems
Être et faire Église en Afrique subsaharienne aujourd'hui : des religieux camerounais se prononcent / sous la direction de : Abeme Armand, Ahanda Ndzana Edgar Fabien, Ntsengue lebongo Théodore ; préface de Paulin Sébastien Poucouta. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; Africa ; Catholic Church ; Christianity
Fabien Eboussi Boulaga, ou, La philosophie comme quête de la liberté / sous la direction de Charles Ossah Eboto et Louis Dominique Biakolo Komo. - Paris: L'Harmattan Cameroun, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; philosophy
Finances publiques et décentralisation au Cameroun : =public finances and decentralisation in Cameroun / François Marie Djoa Boyam ; préface de Jacques Fame Ndongo ; avant-propos de Père Paul Nde. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; public finance ; public expenditure ; fiscal policy
Gestion des ressources naturelles dans la vallée du Logone, Cameroun-Tchad : enjeux et défis socio-environnementaux / Abel Téwéché, Tom Abdouraman, Félix Watang Ziéba. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; Chad ; river basins ; natural resource management
Les gens bien de là-bas : ou les charmes discrets de la bourgeoisie camerounaise / Dave K. Moktoï ; dessins de Entébé et Saint-Père Abiassi ; dossier introductif de Christophe Cassiau-Haurie. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; comic strips (form)
Fons of traditional Bamenda and partisan politics in contemporary Cameroon : reconstructing identity and cultural meaning / Tatah Mbuy. - Denver, Colorado: Spears Media Press, 2023.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; Bamenda ; chieftaincy ; conflict ; politics ; identity
Et si le Tchad enfin s'ouvrait au fédéralisme ? : actes de la conférence internationale sur la forme de l'État / sous la direction de Koulsy Lamko. - Dakar: L'Harmattan Sénégal, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Chad ; federalism ; political history ; conference papers (form)
La médecine africaine en pays ngàmbaye au Tchad / Dingamtoudji Maïkoubou. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Chad ; Ngambaye ; traditional medicine
Congo (Brazzaville)
120 ans d'histoire des hôpitaux au Congo-Brazzaville (1880-2000) / Édouard Mbaloula ; préface du Pr A. Elira Dokekias. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Congo (Brazzaville) ; hospitals
Congo (Brazzaville)
Enseignement et apprentissage du français : normes et pratiques didactiques au secondaire en République du Congo / Solange Nkoula-Moulongo. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Congo (Brazzaville) ; French language ; teaching methods ; pedagogy ; secondary education
Congo (Brazzaville)
Finances publiques : la Loi Organique relative aux Lois de Finances (LOLF) en République du Congo / Jean d'Arc Doniama Moukoko. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Congo (Brazzaville) ; public finance ; national budget ; legislation
Congo (Brazzaville)
Les larmes du crocodile: contes nsoundi / Bernard N'Kaloulou. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Congo (Brazzaville) ; Sundi ; folk tales (form) ; fables (form)
Democratic Republic of Congo
Combats pour la culture, combats pour la vie : mélanges offerts à André Lye M. Yoka / sous la direction de Emmanuel Locha Mateso et Jean-Marie Ngaki Kosi ; préface de Nestor Mpeye Nyango. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Democratic Republic of Congo ; academics ; festschrifts (form)
Democratic Republic of Congo
Défenseurs des droits fonciers et environnementaux et insécurité dans le paysage Virunga au Nord Kivu en RD Congo : nécessité d'écoute et de protection / Olivier Bahemuke Ndoole ; préface de Lori Maddox ; note de l'organisation IUCN Pays-Bas ; postface de Balingene Kahombo. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Democratic Republic of Congo ; environmental management ; land rights ; nature conservation ; communities ; human security
Democratic Republic of Congo
Histoire du système éducatif en RDC : des origines précoloniales à nos jours (1878-2022) / Sébastien Ekoko Babanda ; préface de Raffaele Mastromarino. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Democratic Republic of Congo ; educational systems ; educational history
Democratic Republic of Congo
L'Institution Nkumi des Atetela Wata de la RDC : ethno-histoire et anthropologie politique / Berthold Oyangandji Dimandja ; préface de Darius Makindu Kizibisha. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Democratic Republic of Congo ; Tetela ; political anthropology ; authority ; power ; cosmology ; traditions
Democratic Republic of Congo
La mondialisation en débat : les dessous du fond / Junior Kabuika Tshipata ; préface de Daniel Mukoko Samba. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Democratic Republic of Congo ; Africa ; globalization ; sovereignty ; State
Democratic Republic of Congo
Les mécanismes de protection des ressources naturelles du sol et du sous-sol en R.D. Congo : contribution à une bonne gouvernance pour un développement durable / Leroi Kangulumba Zola ; préface de Gréfoire Bakandeja wa Mpungu. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Democratic Republic of Congo ; natural resources ; soils ; land degradation ; sustainable development ; economic development
Democratic Republic of Congo
Origine et évolution des forces armées de la R.D. Congo de 1885 à 1965. Une contribution à l'histoire militaire de la R.D. Congo / Michel Mandiangu Mbala ; préface d'Émile Bongeli Yeikelo ya Ato. - Paris: Editions L'HarmattanL'Harmattan, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Democratic Republic of Congo ; armed forces ; defence policy ; military history
Democratic Republic of Congo
Renouveau du droit social, droit du travail et de la sécurité sociale en République Démocratique du Congo / Glombert Loko Mantuono. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Democratic Republic of Congo ; social security ; labour law ; social law ; social justice ; legislation
East Africa
Official touring guide to East Africa / Henry J. Reuter, editor ; L. Gostling, editorial co-ordinator. - Nairobi, Kenya: Published by News Publishers for the Automobile Association of East Africa, 1970.
ASC Subject·Headings: East Africa ; travel ; automobiles ; tourism ; guidebooks (form)
Sing and sing on : sentinel musicians and the making of the Ethiopian American diaspora / Kay Kaufman Shelemay. - Chicago ;;London: The University of Chicago Press, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Ethiopia ; United States ; diasporas ; musicians ; refugees
The epic of El Hadj Umar : vibrant African Oral Narratives from Gambia / Samba Diop. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Gambia ; oral traditions ; epics (form)
President Barrow : the making of a New Gambia / Amadou Taal, Ebraima Manneh ; edited and critiqued by Joseph Akagha ; with foreword by Abdoulie Touray. - Gambia: ! TEAM International Banjul The Gambia, 2016.
ASC Subject·Headings: Gambia ; heads of State ; biographies (form)
La politique africaine des États-Unis de Clinton à Obama : ruptures et continuités / Abel Dembele ; préface de Boubacar Salif Traoré. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: United States ; Africa ; foreign policy ; international relations
Les damnées de la mer : femmes et frontières en Méditerranée / Camille Schmoll. - Paris: La Découverte, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Italy ; Malta ; Africa ; Mediterranean ; Africans ; women migrants ; women refugees ; migration ; social conditions ; social life ; history
Le défi guinéen : essai / Mamadou Gando Bah ; préface de Thiany Yansané. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Guinea ; economic policy ; economic development
Pionnières du pouvoir : trajectoires de femmes en politique / Hassanatou Barry. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Guinea ; women politicians ; leadership ; empowerment ; political action ; political history ; biographies (form)
Proverbes, devinettes et contes Ñwamey : bilingue Ñwamey - français / Apollinaire Sarah. - Paris;©2024: L'Harmattan Guinée, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Guinea ; Koniagui ; proverbs (form) ; riddles (form) ; folk tales (form) ; Tenda languages
Ivory Coast
Le bilan foncier du projet de l'aménagement de la vallée du Bandama (AVB) / Kouadio Raphaël Oura ; préface de Mathias Koffi ; postface d'Innocent Antoine Houedji. - Paris: L'Harmattan Côte d'Ivoire, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Côte d'Ivoire ; land tenure ; land conflicts ; rural population ; development projects
Crossing waiyaki way : a true story of poverty, prayer, and politics in Kenya / Robin & Gordon Okumu. - [Bonney Lake]: Angels of Africa Press, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; United States ; Catholic Church ; politicians ; biographies (form)
Luo clans and legends / by Felix Owaga Okatch. - Nairobi: Pesisu Industries, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; Luo ; clans ; legends (form)
Luo proverbs and wise sayings / Obonyo Ochieng Digolo. - Nairobi: Centre for Nilotic Studies, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; proverbs (form)
Mary Ward : her time is now : re-telling, in 21st century the story of the foundress by the African younger members of the institute / Marren Rose Awiti IBVM (editor). - Nairobi, Kenya: Paulines Publications Africa, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; Christian orders ; Catholic Church ; religious movements ; religious history ; personal narratives (form)
Political parties after political parties : the changing nature and reality of political power in Kenya / Tony A. Mochama. - Nairobi, Kenya: Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; political parties ; multiparty systems ; democracy
Sakagwa Ng'iti : a Kisii prophetPeter Nyambasora.Okari. - Oakville, Ontario;©2021: Nsema, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; Gusii ; prophets ; biographies (form)
Surviving COVID-19 : experiencing God's overcoming grace : the reflections of Ombeva Malande and other health workers who suffered and recovered from COVID-19 / Dr. Ombeva Malande. - Nairobi, Kenya: Zion Pearl Publishers, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; COVID-19 ; health personnel ; personal narratives (form)
Tears of disinheritance =Ilkiyio le'njungo : revisiting the Maasai historical and contemporary land injustices in Kenya / Ben R. Ole Koissaba. - Oakville, Ontario, Canada: Nsemia Inc. Publishers, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; Maasai ; land tenure ; land rights ; social conditions
Wanjiku in global development : everyday ordinary women livelihood economy in Kenya / Mary Njeri Kinyanjui. - [Nairobi]: Nsemia, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; market women ; livelihoods ; social life ; economic conditions ; economic models ; economic development
Maasai women in transition : gender in the transformation of a pastoral society / Naomi N. Kipuri. - Nairobi: Society for Indigenous Culture and Knowledge Systems, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; Maasai ; women ; pastoralists ; social relations ; gender relations
The nexus of culture and christianity : Complexity of masculinity in Africa / Rubai Mandela, Jafred Muyaka. - Eldoret, Kenya: Utafiti Foundation, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; masculinity ; Christianity ; gender roles
Strengthening civil society organizations' engagement with the auditor general's reports : training manual: facilitator's guide / Institute of Economic Affairs. - Nairobi: Institute of Economic Affairs, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; civil society ; organizations ; audit offices ; handbooks (form)
How to make your marriage work : the path to a joyful and fulfilling life / K.I. Laibuta. - Nairobi Lawcroft Publishers,: 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; marriage ; handbooks (form)
Rethinking democracy : elections : past, present and future / Kang'ee Ednah, Njau James, Marvel Mghenyi. - Nairobi, Kenya: Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; democracy ; elections ; history
Rethinking democracy / authored by: Ednah Kangee. - Nairobi, Kenya: Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; democracy ; elections ; electoral systems ; political systems
Sisyphus' task : the battle for the soul of the Kenya Broadcasting Corporation / Waithaka Waihenya. - Nairobi, Kenya: Focus Publishers Limited, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; broadcasting ; history
Stakeholders' evaluation report on the performance of the Political Parties Disputes Tribunal in the 2017 party nominations / Political Parties Disputes Tribunal, International Commission of Jurists, Kenyan Section. - Nairobi, Kenya: The Kenyan Section of the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) Kenya, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; political parties ; elections ; 2017 ; courts
A training manual for citizens oversight forums : on strenghening key institutional capacities for sustainability / Konrad Adenauer Stiftung. - Nairobi: Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; community participation ; popular participation ; handbooks (form)
Reuben Kigame : the raw reflections / compiled and edited by Jayne Njeri Yobera. - Nairobi, Kenya: Arba Publications Limited, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; musicians ; religious songs ; persons with physical disabilities ; autobiographies (form)
Truth telling and cultural dynamics among male victims of violence in Mount Elgon Region in Kenya / Elias Opongo, C.A. Mumma-Martinon. - Nairobi: Hekima Institute of Peace Studies and International Relations (HIPSIR), 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; truth and reconciliation commissions ; conflict ; victims ; violence ; social conditions ; images
Where the tarmac ends : revisited : to East Africa with love / by Margaret Ann Hayes. - Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada: Webb Publishing, 2016.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; Tanzania ; Uganda ; United Kingdom ; journalists ; travel ; colonial period ; independence ; autobiographies (form) ; pictorial works (form)
The politics of betrayal : diary of a Kenyan legislator / Joe Khamisi. - [Bloomington, Ind.] USA: Trafford Publishing, 2011.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; parliamentarians ; political history ; personal narratives (form)
The best of Whispers : selected episodes from the Sunday Nation / by Wahome Mutahi ; cartoons by Mapolomoko Madd ; [edited by Richard Mutahi]. - Nairobi: Daga Services, 1990.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; satire ; collected works (form)
Njamba Nene's pistol / Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o ; translated from the Gĩlũyũ by Wangũi wa Goro ; illustrations by Emmanuel Kariũki. - Nairobi: Heinemann Kenya, 1986.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; youth literature
Church and state in nation building and human development / Henry Okullu. - Nairobi, Kenya: Uzima Press, 1984.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; Church and State ; nation building ; ethics ; Christianity ; essays (form)
Moshweshwe of Lesotho / Peter Sanders. - London: Heinemann, 1971.
ASC Subject·Headings: Lesotho ; South Africa ; kings and rulers ; Sotho ; history
This child will be great : memoir of a remarkable life by Africa's first woman president / Ellen Johnson Sirleaf. - New York: Harper, 2009.
ASC Subject·Headings: Liberia ; heads of State ; women politicians ; autobiographies (form)
Malawi's first Presbyterian ministers : vocation and identity in a racialized context / Kenneth R. Ross. - Mzuzu: Luviri Press, 2023.
ASC Subject·Headings: Malawi ; Presbyterian church ; clergy ; biographies (form)
Au-delà de la crise : évaluer l'accès aux soins de santé dans les zones de conflit au centre du Mali / Étienne Fakaba Sissoko. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mali ; access to health care ; health care ; conflict ; political stability
Des Peulhs satigi à l'Al maniât des marabouts : couloir d'une identité pervertie / Sy Alassane Adama. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mali ; Fulani ; marabouts ; identity ; history
Colectânea de legislação do trabalho de Moçambique / Carlos Serra, Sheila Menezes. - Maputo: Escolar Editora, 2023.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mozambique ; labour law ; labour conflicts ; labour courts ; social security ; legislation ; laws (form)
Língua e educação em Moçambique : subsídios para uma política linguística orientada para a cidadania global / Sarita Monjane Henriksen. - Maputo, Moçambique: Gala-Gala Edições, 2023.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mozambique ; language policy ; education
Rebanho desorientado : dos enlatados televisivos à Moçaxiologia / Sérgio Jeremias Langa. - Maputo: Kuphaya Editora, 2023.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mozambique ; television ; broadcast courses ; education ; values
Marrabenta! : um património cultural moçambicano / autores, João Vilanculo, Marílio Wane, Hortêncio Langa, Vítor Chibanga, Agnelo Navaia. - Maputo, Mocambique: Khuzula Editores, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mozambique ; dance ; music ; popular music ; songs ; identity
Daviz Simango : a difícil transição à democracia / Adelino Timóteo. - [Maputo]: Adelino Timóteo, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mozambique ; politicians ; biographies (form)
Jossefa Nhatitima : o dom da lucidez : biografia / Luís Loforte. - [Moçambique?]: Pemba & Sêwi Editores, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mozambique ; Methodist Church ; clergy ; Church history ; biographies (form)
Cordel de Pérolas / Jorge Ferrão. - Maputo, Moçambique: Alcance Editores, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mozambique ; travel ; travel books (form)
O alívio à pobreza em Moçambique : uma perspectiva ético-Cristã / João Domingos Aleixo. - Maputo: [publisher not identified], 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mozambique ; Christianity ; poverty ; poverty reduction
A liberdade do neoliberalismo : leituras críticas / autor: José P. Castiano. - Maputo: Editora Educar, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mozambique ; political ideologies ; liberalism ; philosophy
Dialogando com a política e a religião / Brazão Mazula. - Maputo: Alcance Editores, 2016.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mozambique ; politics ; ethics ; religion
Dicionário gramatical Changana (Tsonga) / Pe. Armando Ribeiro, C.M. - Maputo, Moçambique: Paulinas Editora, 2016.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mozambique ; Tsonga language ; linguistics ; grammar ; terminology
A dimensão pedagógica do suplemento infantil : njingiritane / Simão Caetano (Didinho Caetano), Prefacio de Almiro Lobo. - Maputo, Moçambique: Alcance Editores, 2016.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mozambique ; children ; child care ; developmental psychology ; social conditions
Delinquência e menoridade em Moçambique / Moisés Chiziane. - Maputo, Moçambique: Escolar Editora, 2012.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mozambique ; youth ; juvenile delinquency ; child care ; children's rights ; social services
Literatura Moçambicana : as dobras da escrita / Fátima Mendonça. - Maputo: Ndjira, 2011.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mozambique ; literature ; literary criticism
Proposta de revisão constitucional para boa governação : Moçambique / Instituto de Apoio à Governação e Desenvolvimento. - Maputo: Instituto de Apoio à Governação e Desenvolvimento, 2011.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mozambique ; constitutional law ; legal reform ; constitutional reform
Guebuza : a paixão pela terra / Renato Matusse. - Maputo: Macmillan Moçambique, 2004.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mozambique ; heads of State ; biographies (form)
Valores da linguagem e antroponímia : estudo sobre a língua Changana / Armando Ribeiro. - Maputo: Paulinas, 1998.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mozambique ; Tsonga language ; grammar ; dictionaries (form) ; personal names
La démocratie des évolués du Niger / Mouhtar Laouali. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Niger ; decolonization ; democratization ; political history ; military history
Un pouvoir traditionnel à l'épreuve de l'histoire au Niger (1849-2017) : la Sarauta Samna Karhe de Tibiri dans le Dallol Mawri / Mamane Halidou ; préface d'Alassane Hassimi. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Niger ; traditional polities ; power ; history
Corporate law in Nigeria : practice and procedure / Julius Onivehu Beida, King James Nkum. - Lagos ;;Benin ;;Ibadan ;;Jos ;;Port Harcourt ;;Zaria: Malthouse Press, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; company law
Digital youth and social movements : (perspectives from Nigeria) / Nwachukwu Egbunike. - Ibeju-Lekki, Lagos State, Nigeria: Pan-Atlantic University Press, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; social media ; social movements ; protest ; youth
Nigerian environmental law : an integrated approach / Gideon Nyuimbe Gasu. - Lagos: Malthouse Press, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; environmental law ; handbooks (form)
Marilyn Nance : last day in Lagos / Marilyn Nance; edited by Oluremi C. Onabanjo ; [writer of foreword Julie Mehretu]. - Johannesburg;New York, NY;New York, NY: Fourthwall Books ;;Center for Art Research and Alliances (CARA);Distributed Art Publishers, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; United States ; festivals ; arts ; photography ; women artists ; pictorial works (form)
Hexerei in Nigeria zwischen Christentum, Islam und traditionellen Praktiken : globale Verflechtungen und lokale Positionierungen bei den Yoruba / Judith Bachmann. - Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; witchcraft ; Yoruba ; history ; Christianity ; Islam ; African religions
Dr Ibra Mamadou Wane : secrets d'un serviteur / Ibrahima Wane. - Dakar: L'Harmattan Sénégal, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; politicians ; biographies (form)
Droit civil sénégalais : introduction à l'étude du droit : état des personnes et famille / Amsatou Sow Sidibé ; préface du Pr Abdoullah Cissé. - Dakar: Harmattan Sénégal, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; private law ; family law
Ethnotextes de la Grande-Bretagne et de la Sénégambie : essai de rapprochement des récits de tradition orale / Modou Mbodji ; préface du Pr El Hadji Cheikh Kandji. - Dakar: Harmattan Sénégal, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; Gambia ; United Kingdom ; Wolof ; oral traditions ; oral literature ; songs ; culture ; linguistics
Jeunesse du tiers monde : regard critique et perspectives / Gamis Soromou. - Dakar: Harmattan Sénégal, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; youth ; developing countries ; living conditions ; social conditions
L'administration d'État au Sénégal face au défi de la transformation : ces réformes incontournables / Macodou Sène. - Dakar: Harmattan Sénégal, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; state government ; public administration ; administrative reform
Les partenariats public privé au Sénégal : entre logique de puissance et logique marchande / Moustapha Djitté ; avant-propos de Lamine Lo ; préface de Mamadou Dia. - Dakar: Harmattan Sénégal, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; public sector ; private sector ; contracts
Stratégies d'adaptation au changement global et transformations des territoires ruraux du Sine (Fatick-Sénégal) / Dr Cheikh Tine ; préface du Professeur Ousseynou Faye. - Dakar: Harmattan Sénégal, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; agriculture ; sustainable agriculture ; food security ; climate change
Journey in the teachings of Baye Niass / Ida Gaye. - Kanifing: Fulladu Publishers, 2015.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; Gambia ; Islam ; ulema ; Sufism ; biographies (form)
South Africa
Die Anglo-Boereoorlog in kleur.Tinus le Roux. - Johannesburg ;;Kaapstad ;;London: Jonathan Ball Uitgewers, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; Anglo-Boer wars ; pictorial works (form)
South Africa
Louis Botha : krygsman, generaal, staatsman / Richard Steyn. - Johannesburg ;;Kaapstad ;;Londen: Jonathan Ball, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; politicians ; history ; biographies (form)
South Africa
Ingcali kwezenzululwazi elityelweyo : ibali likaSaul Sithole / Lorato Trok ; iguqulelwe esiXhoseni nguBabalwayashe Molate. - Auckland Park, South Africa: Jacana Media, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: scientists ; birds ; natural history ; biographies (form)
South Africa
Partnering with God : achieving true success in your life and for the glory of God / Selina Kuchocha. - Wellington: CLF Publishers, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; Christianity ; Bible ; self-help guides (form)
South Africa
Documents of the social movements 2012 : special edition: Marikana / convening editor: Maria van Driel. - Johannesburg: Khanya Publishing, 2012.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; social movements ; trade unions ; civil society ; strikes ; 2012
South Africa
No time to mourn / Jeanette Ndhlovu. - Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall Hunt Publishing Company, 2009.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; United States ; women politicians ; African National Congress (South Africa) ; UN ; autobiographies (form)
South Africa
The Jews of KwaZulu-Natal : a history / Julia Prosser. - [Durban];©2008.: [Fishwicks Printers], 2008.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; Jews ; history
South Africa
Left movements and participation in bourgeois institutions : Rosa Luxemburg political education seminar 2005 / compiled and edited by Khanya College and the Regional Office of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation. - Johannesburg: Khanya College Publishing, 2006.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; social change ; socialism ; communism ; political action ; conference papers (form)
Subsaharan Africa
L'Afrique subsaharienne et le développement : des mutations à la stagnation endémique / Léon Mondole Esso-Libanza Ebeyogo ; préface de Frédéric Esiso Asia-Amani. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Subsaharan Africa ; economic development ; economic policy ; economic conditions ; poverty ; corruption
Opvattingen over aids in Theatre for Development : aidsvoorlichting in Noord Tanzania / Ria Huijgen-Koolen. - Amsterdam: LOT, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Tanzania ; AIDS ; community theatre ; health education ; poetry ; Swahili language ; dissertations (form)
Matukio, my story : [my life: my destiny: my responsibility to tanzania .. Afrika/ Africa ... to the world] / Matukio Aranyande Chuma. - Arusha: Matukio Consultancy & Communications, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Tanzania ; motivational literature
Musa na Sara : [a Swahili primer] / by Ida M. Jacobson, Beryl Long, and Phebe Yoder. - Dar es Salaam: East African Literature Bureau, 1969.
ASC Subject·Headings: Tanzania ; literacy ; textbooks (form)
Elimu ya Kiswahili : Kitabu cha Kwanza / E.G. Morris na R.A. Snoxall. - Dar es Salaam: Longman Tanzania [1965.
ASC Subject·Headings: Tanzania ; Swahili language ; textbooks (form)
Politique étrangère du Togo : une décennie d'offensive diplomatique : essai / Steve Bodjona ; préface du Professeur Robert Dussey. - Lomé, Togo: Editions Continents, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Togo ; international relations ; foreign policy ; diplomacy
Échos de Tunisie : populisme, transition et espoirs de démocratie / Ghazi Ben Ahmed. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Tunisia ; European Union ; geopolitics ; populism ; international relations ; political conditions
Économie politique de la Tunisie et du Maghreb : les défis de la mondialisation : années 1980-années 2020 / sous la direction de Pierre Vermeren. - [Paris];Paris: Maisonneuve & Larose nouvelles éditions ;;Hémisphères éditions, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Tunisia ; Maghreb ; globalization ; economic conditions ; economic development ; economic policy
Muteesa's murder : the inexpert cover-up unearthed 50 years later: 1969-2019 / written by: Christopher Amos Kikomenko Ntambi. - [Kampala]: Lameka Foundation, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Uganda ; kings and rulers ; heads of State ; assassination ; history
West Africa
Identités sahéliennes en temps de crise : histoires, enjeux et perspectives / Baz Lecocq, Amy Niang (éd.). - Berlin ;;Münster: LIT, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Sahel ; Niger ; Mali ; Senegal ; identity ; social inequality ; conflict ; governance
The process of women's empowerment / Sara Longwe & Roy Clarke. - Lusaka, Zambia: Gadsden Publishers, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zambia ; women ; empowerment ; feminism ; social conditions
Ambiguous childhoods : peer socialisation, schooling and agency in a Zambian Village / Nana Clemensen. - New York, NY: Berghahn, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zambia ; villages ; rural areas ; children ; social life ; socialization ; schooling
The rich beggar : the Zambian paradox / By Mwaaka Lwiindi. - [Lusaka]: Printgraphix Designing & Printing, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zambia ; poverty ; economic development ; economic conditions
Contemporary innovation trends in the Zimbabwean education system / edited by Stella Muchemwa & Munyaradzi Mawere. - Mankon: Langaa Research & Publishing CIG, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; education ; higher education ; teaching methods ; learning ; innovations
The history of women politicians of Zimbabwe / Joyce Jenje Makwenda. - Harare: Joyce Jenje Makwenda, 2023.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; women politicians ; political history ; biographical dictionaries (form)
Atras journal : an academic multilingual journal. - Saida : Faculty of Letters Languages and Arts University of Saida.
ASC Subject·Headings: Algeria ; humanities ; anguages;arts
Burkina Faso
Wiire : revue de langues, lettres, arts, sciences humaines et sociales. - Koudougou : Université de Koudougou.
ASC Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; humanities ; social sciences ; educational research
Millions / directed by John Izedonmi, screenplay Mabel Germain, starring John Dumelo and Juliet Ibrahim. - Accra: Bandex, 2010.
ASC Subject·Headings: Ghana ; gold ; wealth ; feature films (form) ; videos (form)
Honey coochi coochi love / Directed by John Izedonmi, staring Tonto Dickey, Ruffy Samuel and Jackie Appiah. - Accra: Young Father Productions, 2009.
ASC Subject·Headings: Ghana ; romantic relationships ; feature films (form) ; videos (form)
Tale of a mchaouchi wrestler =Mūsam al-mushāwasah / directed by Mohammed Ahed Bensouda. - Casablanca;Paris: Les Films 7;2M;Lumina Films, 2009.
ASC Subject·Headings: Morocco ; romantic relationships ; marriage ; feature films (form) ; videos (form)
Yvone Kane / Maria João Mayer & François D'Artemare apresentam ; numa coprodução Luso-brasileira com MPC & Associados, Luciana Boal Marinho, Alberto Graça ; um filme de Margarida Cardoso ; argumento e realização, Margarida Cardoso ; produtores, Maria João Mayer, François D'Artemare, Luciana Boal Marinho, Alberto Graça. - Lisboa, Portugal: Midas Filmes, 2016.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mozambique ; national liberation movements ; memory ; feature films (form) ; videos (form)
African literature
The Heritage of African poetry : an anthology of oral and written poetry / edited with an introduction and notes by Isidore Okpewho. - Burnt Mill, Essex, England: Longman, 1985.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; poetry (form) ; anthologies (form) ; textbooks (form)
Burkina Faso
Lumière de Guinal : roman / Baba Hama ; préface du Professeur Yves Dakouo. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; novels (form)
D'ombres et de flammes : recueil de slams et de poèmes / Aubin Renaud Alongnifal. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; poetry (form) ; slam poetry (form)
Comoras : las islas de las mil y una noches / José Maria Arias. - Santander: Ediciones Tantín, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Comoros ; landscape ; Comorians ; prose (form) ; photography
Congo (Brazzaville)
Les dégâts d'un mariage interdit : roman / Ruphin Sognélé. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Congo (Brazzaville) ; novels (form)
Nouvel an chinois : roman / Koffi Kwahulé. - Paris: Zulma, 2015.
ASC Subject·Headings: France ; novels (form)
Manifestations de la sagesse : récit / Mamoudou Kabala Kabiné Kaba. - Dakar: Harmattan Sénégal, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Guinea ; prose (form) ; personal narratives (form)
Soni Tenin Bakari, ou, l'ombre de l'empire / Mamadi Kourouma. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Guinea ; historical novels (form)
Un arc-en-ciel dans les ténèbres : roman / Libar M. Fofana. - [Paris]: Gallimard, 2023.
ASC Subject·Headings: Guinea ; France ; undocumented migrants ; homosexuality ; novels (form)
Ivory Coast
Je remercie la nuit / Véronique Tadjo. - Montréal, Québec: Mémoire d'encrier, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Côte d'Ivoire ; novels (form)
Ivory Coast
Sublimes colères / Souleymane Ouattara. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Côte d'Ivoire ; poetry (form)
Ivory Coast
La terre qui pleure / Maurice Bandaman. - St Ouen: Les Éditions du Net, 2023.
ASC Subject·Headings: Côte d'Ivoire ; drama (form)
Ivory Coast
La mutation ou Ciéciémin, ses camarades, son frère Lémantilè et sa soeur Méniammi : théâtre / Charles Zégoua Gbéssi Nokan. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2015.
ASC Subject·Headings: drama (form)
Ivory Coast
La rupture : théâtre / Charles Zégoua Gbéssi Nokan. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2015.
ASC Subject·Headings: Côte d'Ivoire ; drama (form)
The people of Ostrich Mountain / Ndirangu Githaiga. - [Norfolk, Virginia]: Ndirangu Githaiga, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; United States ; historical novels (form)
Spirit of the rainbow dragon / Goro wa Kamau. - Eldama Ravine, Kenya: Worlds Unknown Publishers, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; youth literature (form)
Twisted times.Vincent de Paul. - Nakuru, Kenya: Mystery Publishers Limited, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; novels (form)
The runaway / Erick Livumbazi Ngoda. - Eldama Ravine, Kenya: Worlds Unknown Publishers, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; youth literature (form)
This red land / Arthur Dobrin. - Oakville, Ontario, Canada: Nsemia Inc., 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; novels (form)
Uhuru / Robet Ruark. - London: Corgi, 1962.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; novels (form)
Posho on the roof / by Sam Mbugua. - Kijebe Kebho Publications,:
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; short stories (form)
Prose, poetry and drama : a Malawian anthology / Smith Likongwe. - Blantyre, Malawi: Horace Publications, 2023.
ASC Subject·Headings: Malawi ; poetry (form) ; short stories (form) ; drama (form) ; anthologies (form)
Dans le chant des soleils tombés sur l'autre rive / Elethia de Lémurie ; traduit du lémurien par Catherine Boudet. - [Place of publication not identified]: Caraïbéditions, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mauritius ; poetry (form)
A hora maconde / Marcelo Panguana. - Maputo, Moç̧̧ambique: Alcance Editores, 2023.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mozambique ; short stories (form)
Os Lobos : uma família Goesa / Álvaro Carmo Vaz. - Maputo: Alcance Editores, 2023.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mozambique ; novels (form)
Os peregrinos da palavra / Marcelo Panguana. - Maputo, Moçambique: Alcance Editores, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mozambique ; literature ; literature (form) ; writers ; literary criticism
Não chora, Carmen / Adelino Timóteo. - Maputo: Alcance Editores, 2013.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mozambique ; Spain ; pilgrimages ; prose (form)
Nghamula : o homem do tchova : ou o eclipse de um cidadão / Aldino Muianga. - Maputo: Alcance Editores, 2012.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mozambique ; prose (form)
Concrete / Olivia Ngozi Osuoha. - Chitungwiza, Zimbabwe: Mwanaka Media and Publishing Pvt Ltd, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; poetry (form)
History and its true colors : poems / Tanure Ojaide. - Denver, Colorado: Spears Media Press, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; poetry (form)
Sausage Family / Palmwine Sounds. - Bukuru: Palmwine Publishing, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; poetry (form)
Julienne : roman / Scholastique Mukasonga. - [Paris]: Gallimard, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Rwanda ; novels (form)
Femme noire : roman / Mame Famew Camara. - Dakar: Harmattan Sénégal, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; novels (form)
La sentence du destin : roman / Apolinaire Amadou Diatta. - Dakar: Harmattan Sénégal, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; novels (form)
Le message du ciel : roman / Ibrahima Camara. - Dakar: L'Harmattan Sénégal, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; novels (form)
Les rouages du destin : roman / Aly Kane ; préface du Professeur Khadidiatou Maimouna Bâ Fall ; avant-propos de Maître Diana Sally Dabo. - Dakar: Harmattan Sénégal, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; novels (form)
Une vie, trois destins : roman / Ndèye Khar Ndao ; préface de Marouba Fall. - Dakar: Harmattan Sénégal, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; novels (form)
L'envie de s'envoler : une histoire à quarante-cinq voix / sous la direction de Ken Bugul avec un collectif de quarante-cinq auteurs. - Dakar: Amalion, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; pupils ; secondary education ; novels (form) ; anthologies (form)
South Africa
Buried in the chest / Lindani Mbunyuza-Memani. - Auckland Park: Jacana Media, 2025.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; novels (form)
South Africa
The lost love of Akbar Manzil / Shubnum Khan. - Johannesburg: Macmillan, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; novels (form)
South Africa
Love stories for ghosts / Alex Latimer. - Cape Town: Karavan Press, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; short stories (form)
South Africa
The road does not end / Olubunmi Familoni. - Ibadan, Nigeria: Noirledge Publishing, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; novels (form)
South Africa
Aurora / Tertius Janse van Rensburg. - Midrand: LAPA Uitgewers, 2023.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; novels (form)
South Africa
Massamoord op Kaapsche Hoop / Maria Prinsloo. - [South Africa]: Nskrywershuis, 2023.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; crime novels (form)
South Africa
Slaughterhouse / Melissa Sussens. - Cape Town: Karavan Press, 2022.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; poetry (form)
South Africa
As die Cape Flats kon praat : Green Eyes en ander stories / Brian Fredericks. - Kaapstad: Human & Rousseau, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; short stories (form)
South Africa
Focus : a collection of short stories / Compiled by R. Meyer. - Sandton: Heinemann Publishers, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; short stories (form)
South Africa
Chronicles of a slay queen.Mutshidzi Mutshunya. - [South Africa]: Maloma Content, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; novels (form)
South Africa
Kinnes : 'n novelle / Chase Rhys. - Kaapstad: Kwela Boeke, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; novels (form)
South Africa
Love & revolution / POWA. - Auckland Park, South Africa: Fanele, 2011.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; poetry (form) ; short stories (form) ; prose (form) ; anthologies (form)
Adikou : roman / Raphaëlle Red. - Paris: Bernard Grasset, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Togo ; identity ; diasporas ; novels (form)
La migration des papillons / Brenda J. Simon. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Togo ; France ; drama (form)
Mina parmi les ombres : roman / Edem Awumey. - Montréal, Québec: Boréal, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Togo ; novels (form)
Song of Lawino and Song of Ocol / Okto p'Bitek. - Nairobi: East African Pub. House, 1972.
ASC Subject·Headings: Uganda ; Acholi ; poetry (form) ; translations (form) ; literary criticism
Hadithi za wanyama =Animal stories.zimeandikwa na Akiki K. Nyabongo. - London: Sheldon Press, 1966.
ASC Subject·Headings: Uganda ; animals ; short stories (form)
West Africa
West African prose / selected and edited by Amu Djoleto and Thomas Kwami. - London: Heinemann Educational, 1972.
ASC Subject·Headings: West Africa ; prose (form) ; anthologies (form)
Of poets, Gods, ghosts, irritants and storytellers : diagramatologically unleashed / Tendai Rinos Mwanaka. - Chitungwiza, Zimbabwe: Mmap Mwanaka Media and Publishing Pvt Ltd., 2024.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; visual arts ; photos (form) ; poetry (form) ; prose (form)
Magic and masala / Violette Kee-Tui. - Bulawayo, Zimbabwe: Pigeon Press, 2023.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; race relations ; townships ; novels (form)