New acquisitions - week 33 2015

The culture of mental illness and psychiatric practice in AfricaWeek 33 2015


Articles | Electronic documents  | Books | Journals | Films | African Literature | Sound | Abstracts and downloads


The African press coverage of Japan and British censorship during World War II : a case study of the Ashanti pioneer, 1939-1945 / Yasu'o Mizobe. -
In: Tinabantu : (2012), vol. 4 no. 2, p. 26-36 : ill
ASC Subject Headings: censorship ; Ghana ; Great Britain ; images ; Japan ; newspapers ; World War II

Friends or foes? : a critique of the development of the media and the evolving relationship between press and politics in Kenya / Lusike Mukhongo. - (Abstract available)
In: Critical Arts : (2015), vol. 29, no. 1, p. 59-76
ASC Subject Headings: freedom of the press ; Kenya ; media history ; press (Restricted access)

The Samburu laibon's sorcery and the death of Theodore Powys in colonial Kenya / Elliot Fratkin. - (Abstract available)
In: Journal of Eastern African Studies : (2015), vol. 9, no. 1, p. 35-54 : foto's, krt
ASC Subject Headings: colonists ; divination ; Kenya ; land conflicts ; Samburu ; warriors ; witchcraft (Restricted access)

Alert : land confiscation in Mauritania / Mamadou Guisse. -
In: Tinabantu : (2012), vol. 4 no. 2, p. 1-4
ASC Subject Headings: government policy ; land acquisition ; land tenure ; Mauritania

'On ne se dévêt pas devant n'importe qui' : le témoignage oral des personnes vivant avec le VIH au Sénégal / Fatou Leity Mbodj. - (Abstract available)
In: Cahiers d'études africaines : (2015), vol. 55, cah. 217, p. 133-162
ASC Subject Headings: AIDS ; evidence ; patients ; Senegal

The machinations of the Majerteen Sultans: Somali pirates of the late nineteenth century? / Nicholas W. S. Smith. - (Abstract available)
In: Journal of Eastern African Studies : (2015), vol. 9, no. 1, p. 20-34 : krt
ASC Subject Headings: 1800-1899 ; piracy ; Somalia (Restricted access)

South Africa
Empire and broadcasting in the interwar years: towards a consideration of public broadcasting in the British dominions / Ruth Teer-Tomaselli. - (Abstract available)
In: Critical Arts : (2015), vol. 29, no. 1, p. 77-93
ASC Subject Headings: broadcasting ; colonial period ; Great Britain ; media history ; South Africa (Restricted access)

South Africa
Reuters and the South African press at the end of Empire / Peter Putnis. - (Abstract available)
In: Critical Arts : (2015), vol. 29, no. 1, p. 41-58
ASC Subject Headings: Great Britain ; media history ; news agencies ; press ; South Africa (Restricted access)

South Africa
The imperial British newspaper, with special reference to South Africa, India and the 'Irish model' / Donal P. McCracken. - (Abstract available)
In: Critical Arts : (2015), vol. 29, no. 1, p. 5-25 : graf., tab
ASC Subject Headings: colonial period ; colonial territories ; freedom of the press ; Great Britain ; media history ; newspapers ; press ; South Africa ; telegraph (Restricted access)

Sudanese music : a loud voice silenced by an inconvenient ideology : a historical review / Muhammad Jalal Hashim. -
In: Tinabantu : (2012), vol. 4 no. 2, p. 37-43
ASC Subject Headings: music ; music history ; Sudan

The role of credit facilities and investment practices in rural Tanzania: a comparative study of Igowole and Ilula emerging urban centres / Marianne Nylandsted Larsen and Torben Birch-Thomsen. - (Abstract available)
In: Journal of Eastern African Studies : (2015), vol. 9, no. 1, p. 55-73 : ill., krt., tab
ASC Subject Headings: business ; microfinance ; rural development ; Tanzania ; urbanization (Restricted access)

Re-membering Mwanga: same-sex intimacy, memory and belonging in postcolonial Uganda / Rahul Rao. - (Abstract available)
In: Journal of Eastern African Studies : (2015), vol. 9, no. 1, p. 1-19
ASC Subject Headings: Buganda polity ; Catholic Church ; homosexuality ; memory ; Uganda (Restricted access)

An evaluation of guidance and counselling services offered to students in Gwanda urban and peri-urban secondary schools / Itayi Samanyanga & Dingindawo Ncube. -
In: Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research : (2015), vol. 27, no. 1, p. 73-97 : graf., tab
ASC Subject Headings: career guidance ; counselling ; secondary education ; Zimbabwe

Effectiviness of gender policies in the promotion of women leaders in universities : a case of Midlands State University, Zimbabwe / Ellen Farisayi Zvobgo. -
In: Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research : (2015), vol. 27, no. 1, p. 15-32 : tab
ASC Subject Headings: academics ; gender inequality ; leadership ; women ; Zimbabwe

Experiential approach to teaching statistics and research methods / Fred Zindi & Cribert Munetsi. -
In: Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research : (2015), vol. 27, no. 1, p. 1-14 : tab
ASC Subject Headings: higher education ; mathematics education ; research methods ; statistics ; Zimbabwe

Mainstreaming English language, mathematics and science in Zimbabwe : some ethical challenges / Fainos Mangena. -
In: Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research : (2015), vol. 27, no. 1, p. 165-182
ASC Subject Headings: Curriculum ; primary education ; secondary education ; Zimbabwe

Nutrition, health and safety in early childhood development programmes in selected Harare primary schools in Zimbabwe / Tendai Chikutuma. -
In: Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research : (2015), vol. 27, no. 1, p. 50-72 : tab
ASC Subject Headings: child development ; child health ; child nutrition ; primary education ; Zimbabwe

The multi-faith approach gap in light of the Zimbabwe junior secondary and 'O' level religious studies syllabi / Francis Machingura & Future Mugebe. -
In: Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research : (2015), vol. 27, no. 1, p. 136-164 : tab
ASC Subject Headings: religious education ; secondary education ; textbooks ; Zimbabwe


Ecrivains africains : entretiens avec André Brink ... / Benaouda Lebdai. - Paris : Ecrire aujourd'hui, 2015
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; interviews (form) ; writers

Africa : transitioning to a green economy : from economic growth to sustainable development / ed. by Dr. Chidi Magnus Onuoha, Miriam Kennet and Michelle S. Gale de Oliveira. - Reading : Green Economics Institute, 2013
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; biodiversity ; Cameroon ; Democratic Republic of Congo ; Mali ; natural resource management ; sustainable development

De la postcolonie à la mondialisation néolibérale : radioscopie éthique de la crise négro-africaine contemporaine / Benoît Awazi Mbamki Kungua. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2011
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; ethics ; globalization ; postcolonialism ; witchcraft

Comment surmonter la marginalisation en Afrique? : actes des Journées philosophiques de Canisius. - [Kinshasa] : Éditions Loyola, Publications Canisius, 2009
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; conference papers (form) ; economic development ; education ; poverty ; social development ; youth

Die Afrikapolitik der Europäischen Union : neue Ansätze und Perspektiven / Gisela Müller-Brandeck-Bocquet ... [et al.]. - Opladen [etc.] : Verlag Barbara Budrich, 2007
ASC Subject Headings: 1950-1999 ; Africa ; development cooperation ; European Union ; France ; Germany ; Great Britain ; international relations ; political history ; United States

AfricAura : the African way : fifty-two themes on African perspectives in the context of globalization = AfricAura : la voie africaine : cinquante-deux thèmes sur les perspectives africaines face à la mondialisation / Joseph Danjie ; [comp. and ed. by Nicholas Thaw and Kate Jansyn Thaw ; photos by Stella Johnson. - Vaduz : International Music and Art Foundation of Vaduz, Liechtenstein in coop. with Haley's of Athol, Massachusetts, 2006
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; Cameroon ; exhibition catalogues (form) ; painting ; visual arts

Afrika : Mythos und Zukunft / Katja Böhler, Jürgen Hoeren (Hg.). - Freiburg im Breisgau [etc.] : Verlag Herder, 2003
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; conflict ; country studies (form) ; culture ; images ; social life

Ethics in international politics? : the contradictions and ethical implications of foreign aid in Africa / by Adeyinka Christopher Thompson. - Ann Arbor, MI : UMI Dissertation Services, 2002
ASC Subject Headings: Africa ; Botswana ; Democratic Republic of Congo ; development cooperation ; dissertations (form) ; ethics ; food aid ; humanitarian assistance ; Liberia ; Somalia

African theology in images / Martin Ott. - Zomba : Kachere Series, 2000
ASC Subject Headings: (689.7) ; 24(=1.6) ; 7.046 ; Africa ; Christian theology ; Christianity ; inculturation ; Malawi ; religious art

Algerien - Frontstaat im globalen Krieg? : Neoliberalismus, soziale Bewegungen und islamistische Ideologie in einem nordafrikanischen Land / Bernhard Schmid. - Münster : UNRAST-Verlag, 2005
ASC Subject Headings: 1900-1999 ; Algeria ; civil wars ; history ; Islam ; Northern Africa ; political conditions ; political opposition

A prophetic trajectory : ideologies of place, time and belonging in an Angolan religious movement / Ruy Llena Blanes. - New York [etc.] : Berghahn Books, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: Angola ; Christianity ; Church ; prophets ; religious movements

Purga em Angola o 27 de maio de 1977 / Dalila Cabrita Mateus, Álvaro Mateus ; [revisão Rita Almeida Simões]. - Alfragide : Texto Editores, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: 1977 ; Angola ; coups d'état ; MPLA ; political violence

Recueil des lois sur la décentralisation et leurs décrets d'application / Bénin, Ministère de la Décentralisation, de la Gouvernance locale, de l'Administration et de l'Aménagement du territoire. - [Cotonou] : Ministère de la Décentralisation, de la Gouvernance locale, de l'Administration et de l'Aménagement du territoire, 2013
ASC Subject Headings: Benin ; decentralization ; laws (form) ; legislation

Recueil de traités, conventions et autres textes en matière de justice applicables en République du Bénin. - [Cotonou] : Imp. Nounagnon & Fils, 2012
ASC Subject Headings: African agreements ; Benin ; ECOWAS ; international agreements ; laws (form) ; trade agreements

Analyse der Rentabilität der bäuerlichen Haltung von Schafen und Ziegen im Norden Benins / von Ralph Kadel. - Gießen [etc.] : Wissenschaftlicher Fachverlag, 2001
ASC Subject Headings: animal husbandry ; Benin ; farm management ; goats ; sheep

British Cameroons
In chains for my country : crusading for the British Southern Cameroons / Nfor N. Nfor. - Bamenda : Langaa Research & Publishing CIG, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: British Cameroons ; Cameroon ; political unification ; political violence ; resistance

The Cameroon GCE crisis : a test of Anglophone solidarity / eds.: Francis B. Nyamnjoh & Richard Fonteh Akum. - Bamenda : Langaa Research & Publishing CIG, 2008
ASC Subject Headings: Cameroon ; educational history ; educational policy ; educational systems ; Great Britain ; secondary education

Plan directeur de recherche pour la plaine d'inondation du Logone (Cameroun) / Jean-Pierre Mvondo Awondo avec la collab. de Hans de Iongh et Jean-Yves Pirot. - Gland [etc.] : UICN, 2003
ASC Subject Headings: agricultural ecology ; Cameroon ; national parks and reserves ; natural resources ; surveys ; water resources

The economics of shifting cultivation and deforestation in Cameroon / by Amy Susan Ickowitz. - Ann Arbor, MI : UMI Dissertation Services, 2003
ASC Subject Headings: agricultural economy ; Cameroon ; deforestation ; dissertations (form) ; economic conditions ; economic models ; shifting cultivation

Structure et fonctionnement des terrasses de cultures des monts Mandara (Nord-Cameroun) : bilans d'eau et de matière de systèmes agraires traditionnels et améliorés à différents échelles spatiales / François Hiol Hiol. - [S.l. : s.n.], 1999
ASC Subject Headings: agricultural ecology ; agriculture ; Cameroon ; dissertations (form) ; farming systems ; soil management ; water management

Central Africa
Discrimination des Pygmées : réfutation des maîtres de la forêt / Victor Bissengue ; préf. Mêzôdé Agba Otikpo. - Paris [etc.] : Paari éditeur, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: Central Africa ; discrimination ; East Africa ; group rights ; indigenous peoples ; international agreements ; Pygmies

Central African Republic
Centrafrique : ... la dérive singulière / Honki De Sassara. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: Central African Republic ; political history

Congo (Brazzaville)
Débat sur la constitution du 20 janvier 2002 au Congo : enjeux sociaux et stratégies politiques / Claude-Richard M'Bissa. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: Congo (Brazzaville) ; constitutional reform ; constitutions

Congo (Brazzaville)
Les mythes dans le théâtre de Wajdi Mouawad et Caya Makhélé / Virginie Rubira. - [S.l.] : Acoria éditions, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: Congo (Brazzaville) ; drama ; literary criticism ; myths

Congo (Brazzaville)
La rumeur au Congo : du texte au <> / Delphine Japhet. - Saint-Étienne : Publications de l'Université de Saint-Etienne, 2012
ASC Subject Headings: Congo (Brazzaville) ; literary criticism ; literature ; rumours ; writers

Côte d'Ivoire
Ahmadou Kourouma : Allah n'est pas obligé / Sélom Gbanou. - Paris : H. Champion, 2013
ASC Subject Headings: Côte d'Ivoire ; French language ; literary criticism ; literature ; novels ; writers

Democratic Republic of Congo
Le droit électoral congolais / Jean-Louis Esambo Kangashe. - Louvain-la-Neuve : Academia, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: Democratic Republic of Congo ; election law ; legislation

Alternative oder Irrweg? : Religion als politischer Faktor in einem arabischen Land / von Ted Wende. - Marburg : Tectum-Verlag, 2001
ASC Subject Headings: Egypt ; Islam ; Muslim Brotherhood ; political conditions ; political opposition ; state of emergency

Ursachen für den eritreisch-äthiopischen Grenzkonflikt : eine historisch-politische Analyse / Sascha Kienzle. - Tönning : Der Andere Verlag, 2010
ASC Subject Headings: boundary conflicts ; Eritrea ; Ethiopia

Hidden treasures of Ethiopia : a guide to the remote churches of an ancient land / María-José Friedlander and Bob Friedlander. - London : IB Tauris, 2015
ASC Subject Headings: Christianity ; churches ; Ethiopia ; mural art ; religious art

Socio-economic base-line survey of rural and urban households in Tana sub-basin, Amhara National Regional State / Kassahun Berhanu and Tegegne Gebre-Egziabher. - Addis Ababa : Forum For Social Studies, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: Ethiopia ; health ; household expenditure ; household income ; housing ; rural households ; urban households

The last post-Cold War socialist federation : ethnicity, ideology and democracy in Ethiopia / Semahagn Gashu Abebe. - Farnham [etc.] : Ashgate Publishing Ltd, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: Ethiopia ; Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front ; federalism ; socialism

L'éducation à la prévention du Sida dans les classes de sciences : ce qu'en disent les enseignantes du secondaire au Gabon / Liliane Mbazogue-Owono. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: AIDS ; Gabon ; health education ; teaching methods

L'enfant réfugié en Afrique : son droit à l'éducation au Gabon / Paul Mpayimana. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2013
ASC Subject Headings: access to education ; children's rights ; Gabon ; refugees

Cleaning house : anticorruption struggles in Ghana and Burkina Faso / by Ernest Harsch. - Ann Arbor, MI : UMI Dissertation Services, 2003
ASC Subject Headings: administrative reform ; Burkina Faso ; corruption ; dissertations (form) ; Ghana ; patronage ; political conditions ; social change

Ecosystem health and sustainable livelihoods : exploring the prospects in community-based resource management in the East Mamprusi district, Ghana / by Wuni P. Dasori. - Ann Arbor, MI : UMI Dissertation Services, 2003
ASC Subject Headings: agricultural ecology ; agriculture ; community participation ; dissertations (form) ; Ghana ; indigenous knowledge ; land tenure ; sustainable agriculture

Women, culture and decentralized land administration in Kenya / Karuti Kanyinga & Winnie Mitullah. - Kampala : Centre for Basic Research, 2011
ASC Subject Headings: Kenya ; land registration ; land rights ; local government ; women

Power play and policy in Kenya : an interdisciplinary discourse / ed. by Jan Kamenju, Pontian Godfrey Okoth. - Nairobi : Oakland Media Services, 2006
ASC Subject Headings: government policy ; independence ; Kenya ; political history ; social change

Afrika - Liberia : ein Land zwischen Bangen und Hoffen / Ruedi Kuster. - Erlenbach : Verlag C.F. Portmann, 2006
ASC Subject Headings: construction industry ; Germans ; Liberia ; personal narratives (form)

Le Mali contemporain / sous la dir. de Joseph Brunet-Jailly, Jacques Charmes, Doulaye Konaté. - (Abstract available) - Bamako : Éditions Tombouctou, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: decentralization ; governance ; Mali ; migration ; religion ; social conditions ; youth

Tombouctou meurtrie : regard sur les stigmates de l'occupation du nord du Mali / Chirfi Moulaye Haidara. - Bamako : Éditions Jamana, 2013
ASC Subject Headings: fundamentalism ; Islam ; Mali ; monuments ; offences against property ; rebellions ; violence

Dissonances, mélodies sociales et politiques mauritaniennes : discussions aléatoires et libres fragments / Sidi N'Diaye, Abderrahmane Ngaidé ; préf. de Mohamadou Abdoul Diop. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: economic conditions ; essays (form) ; Mauritania ; political conditions ; social conditions

Géo/graphies postcoloniales : la poétique de l'espace dans le roman mauricien et sénégalais / Antje Ziethen. - Trier : WVT, Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2013
ASC Subject Headings: literature ; Mauritius ; novels ; Senegal ; space ; writers

Das Assoziationsverhältnis zwischen der Europäischen Gemeinschaft und Marokko : Entwicklung, Bilanz, Probleme und Perspektiven / Sidi Ahmed Oufattoul. - Berlin : Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Berlin (WVB), 2009
ASC Subject Headings: economic development ; European Union ; international economic relations ; Morocco

Mozambique : littératures et sociétés contemporaines / sous la dir. de Geneviève Vilnet ; avec la participation de Benoît Dagobert ... [et al.]. - (Abstract available) - Paris : Indigo & Côté-femmes, 2013
ASC Subject Headings: literary criticism ; literature ; Mozambique ; Portuguese language

Le droit des affaires dans l'espace OHADA / Hygin Didace Amboulou. - Paris : l'Harmattan, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: commercial law ; legislation ; OHADA

Culture, crime et violence : socio-anthropologie de la déviance au Sénégal / Lamine Ndiaye. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: crime ; Senegal ; society ; violence ; Wolof

Une citoyenne dans l'arène / Aminata Sy. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: academics ; community development ; local politics ; personal narratives (form) ; politicians ; Senegal

La fonction publique : "comprendre l'administration et la gestion des agents de l'État" / Mouhamadou Lamine Ba. - Dakar-Ponty : Les éditions feu de brousse, 2013
ASC Subject Headings: civil servants ; civil service ; legislation ; Senegal

Les garnisons de Gorée : (1627-1960) / Maurice Maillat. - Gorée : Éditions du Musée Historique du Sénégal (Gorée), 2013
ASC Subject Headings: armed forces ; black soldiers ; colonial history ; France ; Gorée ; military history ; Senegal

Les révisions constitutionnelles au Sénégal : révisions consolidantes et révisions déconsolidantes de la démocratie sénégalaise / Ismaila Madior Fall. - Dakar : CREDILA, 2011
ASC Subject Headings: constitutional amendments ; constitutional history ; constitutional reform ; Senegal

Education, civil society, and democracy : the role of nonformal education in promoting civic orientations in Senegal / by Michelle Therese Kuenzi. - Ann Arbor, MI : UMI Dissertation Services, 2003
ASC Subject Headings: civil society ; democracy ; nonformal education ; Senegal ; theses (form)

Southern Africa
Special issue: Africa's urban food deserts / guest eds.: Jane Battersby and Jonathan Crush. - (Abstract available) - New Brunswick, NJ : Transaction Periodicals Consortium, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: food security ; retail trade ; social policy ; Southern Africa ; Uganda ; urban poverty

Subsaharan Africa
The culture of mental illness and psychiatric practice in Africa / ed. by Emmanuel Akyeampong, Allan G. Hill, and Arthur Kleinman. - Bloomington, IN [etc.] : Indiana University Press, 2015
ASC Subject Headings: access to health care ; child soldiers ; Ghana ; medicinal drugs ; mental disorders ; mental health ; psychiatry ; Sierra Leone ; South Africa ; Subsaharan Africa ; West Africa

Subsaharan Africa
Perspectives in religious studies / ed. by E. Dada Adelowo. - (Abstract available) - Ibadan : HEBN Publishing Plc, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: Bible ; Church history ; Nigeria ; religion ; religious history ; religious studies ; sociology of religion ; South Sudan ; Subsaharan Africa ; Sudan

Subsaharan Africa
Unmasking the African Dictator : essays on Postcolonial African literature / ed. by Gchingiri Ndgrig ; with a forew. by Ngg wa Thiong'o. - (Abstract available) - Knoxville : The University of Tennessee Press, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: dictatorship ; literary criticism ; literature ; novels ; Subsaharan Africa

The leopard's spots : essays on language, cognition and culture / by Gerrit J. Dimmendaal. - Leiden : Brill, 2015
ASC Subject Headings: African languages ; language classification ; language history ; lexicology ; linguistics ; Nuba ; Sudan

Cotton in Tanzania : breaking the jinx / Joe Kabissa. - Tanzania : Tanzania Educational Publishers Ltd, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: cotton ; cotton industry ; Tanzania

The development state : aid, culture & civil society in Tanzania / Maia Green. - Woodbridge, Suffolk [etc.] : James Currey, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: civil society ; development ; economic development ; social conditions ; Tanzania ; witchcraft

Childhood, space and children "out of place" : versions of Maasai childhood in Monduli Juu, Tanzania / by Beth Anne Pratt. - Ann Arbor, MI : UMI Dissertation Services, 2003
ASC Subject Headings: child development ; children ; dissertations (form) ; Maasai ; Tanzania

The Eastern Arc mountain forests of Tanzania : their role in biodiversity, water resource conservation, and net contribution to atmospheric carbon / by Munishi K.T. Pantaleo. - Ann Arbor, MI : UMI, 2002
ASC Subject Headings: air pollution ; climate change ; dissertations (form) ; forestry research ; forests ; mountains ; Tanzania

Trinidad and Tobago
Afíríkà yèyé mi! - Meine Mutter Afrika : Reafrikanisierung, kulturelle Expansion und Transformation der Òrìshà-Religion Trinidads : Geschichte und Grundlagen der Veränderungsprozesse einer afroamerikanischen Religion im Spannungsfeld von Eklektizismus, Synkretismus und Reafrikanisierung / Patric Kment. - Wien [etc.] : LIT Verlag, 2005
ASC Subject Headings: African religions ; religious rituals ; syncretism ; Trinidad and Tobago ; West Africa ; Yoruba

Islamic religious education syllabus : primary four / National Curriculum Development Centre. - Kampala : National Curriculum Development Centre, 2010
ASC Subject Headings: Islam ; textbooks (form) ; Uganda

Republic of Uganda. - Kampala : African Peer Review Mechanism, 2009
ASC Subject Headings: African Peer Review Mechanism ; democracy ; economic conditions ; governance ; political conditions ; social conditions ; Uganda

Fiscal decentralisation audit in Uganda : a study of service delivery in Soroti and Hoima Districts / Lawyer Kafureeka. - Kampala : Centre for Basic Research, 2007
ASC Subject Headings: decentralization ; public finance ; social services ; Uganda

The female and the prostitute : historical perspectives on prostitution in Kampala City, Uganda / Winnie Bikaako ; ed. by Josephine Ahikire. - Kampala : Centre for Basic Research, 2007
ASC Subject Headings: capitals ; prostitution ; Uganda

Gender and labour : understanding the status of the paid domestic worker in urban areas of Bushenyi and Kampala / Byaruhanga Rukooko. - Kampala : Centre for Basic Research, 2005
ASC Subject Headings: domestic workers ; social status ; Uganda

West Africa
Ethnic ambiguity and the African past : materiality, history, and the shaping of cultural identities / [ed. by] François G. Richard, Kevin C. MacDonald. - (Abstract available) - Walnut Creek, CA : Left Coast Press, Inc, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: archaeology ; Central Africa ; cultural history ; East Africa ; ethnic identity ; ethnicity ; social change ; West Africa

Under an African sun : memoirs of a colonial officer in Northern Rhodesia / Frank Bennett . - London [etc.] : Radcliffe, 2006
ASC Subject Headings: British ; civil servants ; colonialism ; personal narratives (form) ; Zambia


Cape Verde
The journey of Cape Verde (in search of identity) : a documentary film / prod. & dir. by Guenny K. Pires. - (Abstract available) - Los Angeles, CA : Txan Film Productions & Visual Arts, 2004
ASC Subject Headings: Cape Verde ; diasporas ; documentary films (form) ; history ; national identity ; videos (form)
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Taxi sister / a film by Theresa Traore Dahlberg. - (Abstract available) - [S.l.] : Reaktor, 2011
ASC Subject Headings: documentary films (form) ; gender roles ; Senegal ; taxis ; videos (form) ; women entrepreneurs
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Le sifflet / réal. et scénario de As Thiam ; mus. de Wasis Diop ; avec James Campbell, Mame Ndoubé Diop. - - Paris : Laterit productions, 2007
ASC Subject Headings: feature films (form) ; interpersonal relations ; magic ; physically disabled ; Senegal ; short films (form) ; spouses
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Our beloved Sudan : documentary feature / written, prod. and dir. by Taghred Elsanhouri. - (Abstract available) - [S.l.] : Taghred Elsanhouri, 2011
ASC Subject Headings: family ; national identity ; political history ; race relations ; separatism ; South Sudan ; Sudan ; territorial partition
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African Literature

L'Enfant Bamiléké et autres nouvelles : anthologie des écrivains Bamougoum / sous la coord. de Gabriel Deeh Segallo. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: anthologies (form) ; Bamileke ; Cameroon ; prose (form)

East Africa
The book of secrets / M.G. Vassanji. - London [etc.] : Macmillan, 1995
ASC Subject Headings: East Africa ; novels (form)

Noirs de Mauritanie : une vie de pierre / Abdoulaye Wane. - Paris [etc.] : Paari éditeur, 2014
ASC Subject Headings: ethnic relations ; Mauritania ; novels (form) ; social inequality

Comme un roman sans fin & autres textes / Issa Asgarally ; préf. d'Ananda Devi. - [Beau Bassin, Mauritius] : Osman Publishing, 2011
ASC Subject Headings: Mauritius ; prose (form)


Burkina Faso
Portrait de Thomas Sankara / par Alain Foka. - [Paris] : Radio France Internationale, 2013
ASC Subject Headings: biographies (form) ; Burkina Faso ; heads of State ; politicians ; radio broadcasts (form)
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Portrait de Roger Milla / par Alain Foka. - [Paris] : Radio France Internationale, 2010
ASC Subject Headings: biographies (form) ; Cameroon ; football ; radio broadcasts (form)
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Côte d'Ivoire
Félix Houphouet-Boigny / par Alain Foka. - [Paris] : Radio France Internationale, 2010
ASC Subject Headings: biographies (form) ; Côte d'Ivoire ; heads of State ; politicians ; radio broadcasts (form)
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Portrait de Ali Saibou / par Alain Foka. - [Paris] : Radio France Internationale, 2015
ASC Subject Headings: biographies (form) ; heads of State ; Niger ; politicians ; radio broadcasts (form)
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Abstracts and downloads