New titles

As of July 2019 the ASCL acquisition list is published monthly. The list includes (free) electronic documents, journal articles, books, films and radio programmes recently added to the collection of the ASCL Library and a link to the ASCL journal articles alert.

N.B.  The next issue will be published on Monday, 6 January 2025.

New acquisitions - week 13 2021

March 2021

book cover "Covid stories from East Africa and beyond"(week 09-13)


Articles | Electronic documentsBooks | Journals | FilmsAfrican Literature | Sound

See also the ASCL overview of recently published journal articles


Dynamics of everyday life within municipal administrations in Francophone and Anglophone Africa / Matthew Sabbi, Lamine Doumbia and Dieter Neubert.
In: Africa spectrum, no. 1/2020, pages 73-85 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Africa ; French-speaking Africa ; English-speaking Africa ; decentralization ; social life ; local government ; civil servants

La représentation de la vie et de la mort chez le migrant africain / Kouakou Laurent Lalekou.
In: Revue Akofena : revue scientifique des sciences du langage, lettres, langues et communication, no. 2, vol. 2, pages 117-128 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Africa ; migrants ; images ; life ; death

Les 'matériaux extra philosophiques' traitant des sujets plus légers / Nodjitolabaye Kouladoumadji.
In: Revue Akofena : revue scientifique des sciences du langage, lettres, langues et communication, no. 2, vol. 1, pages 549-561 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Africa ; folk tales ; legends ; proverbs ; riddles

Measuring the middle class in Africa : income versus assets approach / Tereza Němečková, Jaromír Harmáček and Martin Schlossarek.
In: Africa spectrum, no. 1/2020, pages 3-32 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Africa ; middle class ; income ; property

Immunités du chef de l'Etat à l'épreuve de la justice pénale internationale : quelle pratique africaine? / Dandi Gnamou.
In: Revue Béninoise de Science Politique, vol. 2 (2018), no. 1, p. 1-50 (2018).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Africa ; heads of State ; criminal procedure ; international criminal law

La Cour Pénale Internationale (CPI) à l'épreuve des poursuites en Afrique / Nathaniel Kitti H.
In: Revue Béninoise de Science Politique, vol. 2 (2018), no. 1, p. 430-485 (2018).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Africa ; International Criminal Court ; criminal procedure

L'expérimentation des régimes politiques en Afrique / Mahoussi Gabriel Allognon.
In: Revue Béninoise de Science Politique, vol. 2 (2018), no. 1, p. 100-156 (2018).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Africa ; political systems ; constitutionalism ; political history

Les délais constitutionnels applicables aux élections nationales dans les états d'Afrique de l'ouest francophone / Césaire Kpenonhoun.
In: Revue Béninoise de Science Politique, vol. 1 (2017), no. 1, p. 135-218 (2017).
ASC·Subject·Headings: French-speaking Africa ; elections ; election law ; constitutional law

Les stratégies Chinoises en Afrique depuis la fin de la guerre froide / Hilaire de Prince Pokam.
In: Revue Béninoise de Science Politique, vol. 1 (2017), no. 1, p. 90-134 (2017).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Africa ; China ; international relations

Africa : why economists get it wrong / Jerven Morton.
In: Strategic Review of Southern Africa, volume 38 (2016), no. 1, p. 141-143 (2016).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Africa ; economic development ; statistics

China in Africa : a threat to African countries ? / Chien-Kai Chen.
In: Strategic Review of Southern Africa, volume 38 (2016), no. 2, p. 100-122 (2016).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Africa ; China ; international relations

Chine-Afrique : nouveau partenariat de développement ou néocolonialisme ? / Frank Edem Kofigah.
In: Revue marocaine des études africaines, no. 2 (2016), pages 9-44 (2016).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Africa ; China ; South-South relations ; international cooperation ; neocolonialism

Chinese and African migrant entrepreneurs' articulation shaped by African agency / Dirk Kohnert.
In: Strategic Review of Southern Africa, volume 38 (2016), no. 2, p. 156-166 (2016).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Africa ; Chinese ; entrepreneurs ; literature reviews (form)

Ethnicité et conflit armé en Afrique / Anna Naa Adochoo Mensah.
In: Revue marocaine des études africaines, no. 2 (2016), pages 221-243 (2016).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Africa ; ethnic relations ; violence

Les politiques d'integration et de diversification en Afrique : le cas de la CAE, SADC et UMA / Mhammed Echkoundi and Hicham Hafid.
In: Revue marocaine des études africaines, no. 2 (2016), pages 45-79 (2016).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Africa ; economic integration ; East African Community ; SADC ; Union du Maghreb Arabe ; regional economic relations

"L'organisation territoriale en Afrique française entre la regionalisation et la ""regalisation"" / Mohammed Chraibi.".
In: Revue marocaine des études africaines, no. 2 (2016), pages 81-115 (2016).
ASC·Subject·Headings: French-speaking Africa ; political systems ; central-local government relations

The pan-African ideal under a new lens : Thabo Mbeki's contribution / Carlos Lopes.
In: Strategic Review of Southern Africa, volume 38 (2016), no. 2, p. 123-133 (2016).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Africa ; pan-Africanism

Politique identitaire et religieuse en Mauritanie : histoire conflictuelle, limites et nouvelles dynamiques / Rachid Benlabbah.
In: Revue marocaine des études africaines, no. 2 (2016), pages 81-115 (2016).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Mauritania ; political conditions ; State-society relationship ; postcolonialism

Revisiting China's developmental state : lessons for Africa / Khwezi Mabasa and Zukiswa Mqolomba.
In: Strategic Review of Southern Africa, volume 38 (2016), no. 1, p. 69-84 (2016).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Africa ; China ; economic development ; economic planning

China's international peacekeeping contributions and the evolution of contemporary Chinese strategic considerations / Theo Neethling.
In: Strategic Review for Southern Africa, volume 37 (2015), no. 2, p. 7-28 (2015).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Africa ; China ; peacekeeping operations ; international relations

Non-state actor : defining private military companies / Mark Fulloon.
In: Strategic Review for Southern Africa, volume 37 (2015), no. 2, p. 29-51 (2015).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Africa ; mercenaries ; private security services

Russia is back in Africa / Gerrit Olivier and Dmitry Suchkov.
In: Strategic Review for Southern Africa, volume 37 (2015), no. 2, p. 146-167 (2015).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Africa ; Russian Federation ; international relations

The combating financing of terrorism : the african experience / C. Nna-Emeka Okereke.
In: African Journal for Prevention and Combating of Terrorism, vol. 2, no. 1 (2011), p. 13-38 (2011).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Africa ; terrorism ; financing

Terrorism financing : the particular case of Al Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQMI) / Dr. Carlos Echeverría Jesús.
In: African Journal for Prevention and Combating of Terrorism, vol. 2, no. 1 (2011), p. 39-59 (2011).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Sahel ; Maghreb ; terrorism ; financing

La sécurité dans le Sahel : des enjeux multiples, un dé commun / Soumeylou Boubèye Maiga.
In: African Journal for Prevention and Combating of Terrorism,(2010), p. 17-23 (2010).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Sahel ; regional security

The recent terrorist activities in Sahel-Sahara areas / Dr. Carlos Echeverría Jesús.
In: African Journal for Prevention and Combating of Terrorism,(2010), p. 25-33 (2010).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Sahel ; periodicals ; terrorism

Algeria's 2019 uprising and the significance of slogans : towards a discourse analysis / Meriem Serhani & Nassima Kerras.
In: Revue Akofena : revue scientifique des sciences du langage, lettres, langues et communication, no. 2, vol. 1, pages 53-76 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Algeria ; Arab Spring ; mottoes

Du Groupe Salafiste pour le Combat (GSPC) à la Qaida au Maghreb Islamique (AQMI) / Dr. Liess Boukra.
In: African Journal for Prevention and Combating of Terrorism,(2010), p. 35-57 (2010).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Algeria ; Islamic movements ; terrorism

Mort, résurrection et agonie des partis politiques au Bénin / Alidjinou Adolphe Dansou.
In: Revue Béninoise de Science Politique, vol. 2 (2018), no. 1, p. 51-99 (2018).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Benin ; political parties ; political history

Election des dirigeants des universités publiques au Benin : un modele hybride de démocratie / Sèdagban Hygin F. Kakaï.
In: Revue Béninoise de Science Politique, vol. 1 (2017), no. 1, p. 48-89 (2017).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Benin ; universities ; managers ; elections

Burkina Faso
Bilan de la stratégie d'alphabétisation du faire-faire dans la province de l'Oubritenga au Burkina Faso / Awa 2ème Jumelle Sawadogo & Sidlawindé Marie Ouedraogo.
In: Revue Akofena : revue scientifique des sciences du langage, lettres, langues et communication, no. 2, vol. 1, pages 185-198 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; literacy ; adult education

Burkina Faso
La terre natale dans la poésie africaine francophone : 'Manéga' de Titinga Pacéré / Guillaume Ballebé Tologo.
In: Revue Akofena : revue scientifique des sciences du langage, lettres, langues et communication, no. 2, vol. 1, pages 499-506 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; poetry ; villages

Burkina Faso
Les plans de développement de 2000 à 2020 et la question des langues nationales au Burkina Faso / Palé Sié Innocent Romain Youl.
In: Revue Akofena : revue scientifique des sciences du langage, lettres, langues et communication, no. 2, vol. 2, pages 211-222 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; development plans ; national languages

Burkina Faso
Pratique de l'alternance des langues au cours préparatoire : stratégie pédagogique et/ ou didactique ? / Bernard Kabore & Youssoufou Ouedraogo.
In: Revue Akofena : revue scientifique des sciences du langage, lettres, langues et communication, no. 2, vol. 1, pages 207-216 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; codeswitching ; primary education

Burkina Faso
Une lecture des représentations d'armes et d'outils dans l'art rupestre du Burkina Faso : une contribution à la connaissance des populations / Yves Pascal Zossin Sanou.
In: Revue Akofena : revue scientifique des sciences du langage, lettres, langues et communication, no. 2, vol. 1, pages 141-160 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; rock art ; weapons

Analyse de la précarité dans les institutions publiques d'éducation non formelle et d'alphabétisation au Cameroun : cas du centre multifonctionnel de promotion des jeunes de Yaoundé 4 / Martial Patrice Amougou & Muriel Ngon Andjongo.
In: Revue Akofena : revue scientifique des sciences du langage, lettres, langues et communication, no. 2, vol. 2, pages 139-150 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; youth ; literacy ; youth unemployment ; adult education

De la néologie comme manœuvre de persuasion dans le discours médical au Cameroun / Joseph Nguemo Kengmo & Didérot Djiala Mellie.
In: Revue Akofena : revue scientifique des sciences du langage, lettres, langues et communication, no. 2, vol. 2, pages 259-270 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; medicinal drugs ; traditional medicine ; marketing ; speeches

'Je rappe mon Cameroun ; tu rappes ta France' : la stylistique d'une communauté de repères 'rappologiques' / J.-J. Rousseau Tandia Mouafou, Jean-Benoît Tsofack & Paulin Arnaud Tilong Longla.
In: Revue Akofena : revue scientifique des sciences du langage, lettres, langues et communication, no. 2, vol. 1, pages 251-264 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; France ; hip hop

La carte scolaire de l'enseignement secondaire public au Cameroun : cas de la région de l'ouest / Dimitri Gaëtan Omgba Mimboe Eteme.
In: Revue Béninoise de Science Politique, vol. 2 (2018), no. 1, p. 373-429 (2018).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; secondary education ; educational history

"Vers la rationalisation du travail étatique au Cameroun : l'entrée de la ""feuille de route"" dans la pratique gouvernementale (2004-2014) / Moïse Tchingankong Yanou.".
In: Revue Béninoise de Science Politique, vol. 1 (2017), no. 1, p. 219-261 (2017).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; public administration ; professional ethics ; work organization

Democratic Republic of Congo
Ba Mama ya Mapa et Bana Mayi à Kinshasa : survie précaire et potentiel à réorganiser / par Nshokano Rachel.
In: Le Carrefour Congolais, volume 3 (2020), p. 203-211 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Democratic Republic of Congo ; market vendors ; women ; children ; informal sector

Democratic Republic of Congo
Circulation routière à Kinshasa / par M'thatu L., Ntasi Dikaswa M., Mutombo Kasongo M., Bimenga Nazaya D., et Mulongo Kayolo E.
In: Le Carrefour Congolais, volume 1 (2020), p. 113-140 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Democratic Republic of Congo ; urban transport ; traffic accidents

Democratic Republic of Congo
Faillite de la gouvernance et crise de la construction nationale au Congo-Kinshasa : Une analyse de luttes pour la démocratie et la souveraineté nationale au Congo-Kinshasa / Hippolyte Mimbu Kilol.
In: Le Carrefour Congolais, volume 3 (2020), p. 215-222 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Democratic Republic of Congo ; State collapse ; political stability

Democratic Republic of Congo
"Identité et émergence du savoir endogène : cas de l'utilisation du sel ""inkuur"" et du bicarbonate ""okiél"" chez les Babunda / par Didace Josué Kashiama Buangi.".
In: Le Carrefour Congolais, volume 3 (2020), p. 39-62 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Democratic Republic of Congo ; Bunda (Democratic Republic of Congo) ; salt ; diet

Democratic Republic of Congo
La Regideso en procès à Lemba : 'Yango tozo kende wapi! Tii na mayi?' / par Delphin Kayembe Katayi.
In: Le Carrefour Congolais, volume 3 (2020), p. 23-37 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Democratic Republic of Congo ; capitals ; water supply ; water shortage

Democratic Republic of Congo
L'automedication à Kinshasa / par Lubanza Mananasi.
In: Le Carrefour Congolais, volume 3 (2020), p. 179-199 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Democratic Republic of Congo ; medicinal drugs ; access to health care ; poverty

Democratic Republic of Congo
"Les femmes et la survie des ménages : cas des maraichères des jardins potagers ""bitwa"" de Mayoko au Kwilu / par Kilau Augustine.".
In: Le Carrefour Congolais, volume 3 (2020), p. 141-157 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Democratic Republic of Congo ; women ; horticulture ; food preservation

Democratic Republic of Congo
"""Les mamans bipupola"" et survie des ménages à Kinshasa / par Pelende Natseya Anicet et Mpongo Etshindo Patrice.".
In: Le Carrefour Congolais, volume 1 (2020), p. 87-97 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Democratic Republic of Congo ; market women ; informal sector

Democratic Republic of Congo
Les mamans Kingabwa et la survie des ménages à Kinshasa / par Musiki Kupenza Joseph et Maningana Mavhinga Joseph.
In: Le Carrefour Congolais, volume 3 (2019), p. 63-73 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Democratic Republic of Congo ; women ; organized crime ; theft

Democratic Republic of Congo
Les pratiques socioculturelles à risque face au V.I.H./ SIDA chez les Mbuun d'Idiofa / par Mubanga Labeng Delphin.
In: Le Carrefour Congolais, volume 1 (2020), p. 99-112 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Democratic Republic of Congo ; Bunda (Democratic Republic of Congo) ; AIDS ; rituals

Democratic Republic of Congo
Pauvreté et transformation des habitudes alimentaires a Kinshasa / par Roger Tweko Mukawa.
In: Le Carrefour Congolais, volume 3 (2020), p. 75-85 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Democratic Republic of Congo ; food shortage ; terminology

Democratic Republic of Congo
Réussite aux examens d'état et accès à l'enseignement supérieur et milieu rurale / par Musuyi Atar Barthélemy, Mangwala Kwaya Nabot et Kikwisiya Ngewa Christian.
In: Le Carrefour Congolais, volume 3 (2020), p. 159-178 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Democratic Republic of Congo ; access to education ; higher education ; rural youth

De la recherche empirique à l'action / par Julie Ndaya Tshiteku.
In: Le Carrefour Congolais, volume 3 (2020), p. 17-22 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: social research

L'issue des présidentielles françaises de 2017 analysée par la presse : de l'effritement du monopole des partis traditionnels a un gouvernement de rassemblement / Waldémar E.G. de Souza.
In: Revue Béninoise de Science Politique, vol. 1 (2017), no. 1, p. 262-270 (2017).
ASC·Subject·Headings: France ; presidential elections ; 2017 ; press

Nordic development studies : lessons, pitfalls and future directions / Wayne Coetzee and Fredrik Söderbaum.
In: Strategic Review of Southern Africa, volume 38 (2016), no. 1, p. 126-137 (2016).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Scandinavia ; development studies

Peacekeeping experiences as triggers of introspection in the Ghanaian military barracks / Humphrey Asamoah Agyekum.
In: Africa spectrum, no. 1/2020, pages 50-72 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Ghana ; peacekeeping forces ; military personnel ; personal narratives

Ivory Coast
Au croisement du nouchi et du coupé-décalé : un défi à l'appartenance nationale / Marie Stoll.
In: Revue Akofena : revue scientifique des sciences du langage, lettres, langues et communication, no. 2, vol. 2, pages 129-138 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Côte d'Ivoire ; national identity ; slang

Ivory Coast
"The concept of ""ivoirité"": an identity based concept and its impact on socio-political life in Ivory Coast / Drissa Kone.".
In: Revue Akofena : revue scientifique des sciences du langage, lettres, langues et communication, no. 2, vol. 1, pages 217-228 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Côte d'Ivoire ; national identity ; civil wars ; nation building

Ivory Coast
Écriture de l'esclavage interne du corps féminin chez Régina Yaou et Fatou Kéïta / Okoh Guy-Alain Owato.
In: Revue Akofena : revue scientifique des sciences du langage, lettres, langues et communication, no. 2, vol. 2, pages 393-402 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Côte d'Ivoire ; novels ; women ; slavery

Ivory Coast
Fonctionnalités du temps et de l'espace dans les contes ivoiriens / Lonan Camara.
In: Revue Akofena : revue scientifique des sciences du langage, lettres, langues et communication, no. 2, vol. 1, pages 17-24 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Côte d'Ivoire ; folk tales ; literary criticism

Ivory Coast
La structure interne du NP du nouchi : convergences et divergences avec les langues nationales de Côte d'Ivoire / Antoine Kakou Foba & Hia Dolores Virginie Wouyou.
In: Revue Akofena : revue scientifique des sciences du langage, lettres, langues et communication, no. 2, vol. 1, pages 415-424 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Côte d'Ivoire ; slang ; grammar

Ivory Coast
L'image de la femme noire à travers les textes littéraires : étude de quelques ressources linguistiques pour une didactique intégrée de la lecture méthodique d'un groupement de textes poétiques / Anatole Bere.
In: Revue Akofena : revue scientifique des sciences du langage, lettres, langues et communication, no. 2, vol. 1, pages 383-396 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Côte d'Ivoire ; French language ; language instruction ; literary education ; black women ; secondary education

Ivory Coast
Mariages interethniques et accès au foncier en milieu rural ivoirien : une illustration du village de Nandibo 2 dans le Sud de la Côte d'Ivoire / Tano Mehsou Mylène Ella & Félix Richard Brou.
In: Revue Akofena : revue scientifique des sciences du langage, lettres, langues et communicationno. 1, pages 767-778 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Côte d'Ivoire ; mixed marriage ; landownership ; social relations

Ivory Coast
Quelques modalités d'attribution anthroponymiques Baoulé : l'exemple de l'Ahétou / Affoué Cécile N'Guessan.
In: Revue Akofena : revue scientifique des sciences du langage, lettres, langues et communication, no. 2, vol. 1, pages 3-16 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Côte d'Ivoire ; names ; Baoulé language

Ivory Coast
Une lecture psychologique du discours féministe chez Fatou Keïta et Véronique Tadjo / Célestin Loua.
In: Revue Akofena : revue scientifique des sciences du langage, lettres, langues et communication, no. 2, vol. 1, pages 449-466 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Côte d'Ivoire ; novels ; women ; literary criticism

Ivory Coast
Islam, animisme et religion totemique dans l'oeuvre romanesque d'Ahmadou Kourouma / Boumazzou Ibrahim.
In: Revue marocaine des études africaines, no. 2 (2016), pages 199-219 (2016).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Côte d'Ivoire ; writers ; novels ; Islam ; animism

Circulations : colonial geology, the Prussian State Geological Institute and the South West African copper (1850-1919) / Helmut Maier.
In: Journal of Namibian studies : history, politics, culture, no. 28, pages 39-63 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Namibia ; Germany ; geology ; copper mining

Namibia's 1999 Caprivi conflict and the consequences of a peacebuilding deficit : a first consideration / Job Shipululo Amupanda, André du Pisani, Rui Antonio Tyitende.
In: Journal of Namibian studies : history, politics, culture, no. 28, pages 7-37 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Namibia ; separatism ; rebellions ; peacebuilding

Narratives of genocide : Lothar von Trotha's written and photographic legacy. A critical edition in preparation / Andreas Eckl, Matthias Häussler .
In: Journal of Namibian studies : history, politics, culture, no. 28, pages 93-102 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Namibia ; Germany ; military personnel ; colonial forces ; genocide ; memory ; photography ; personal narratives

On the 'proposed' introduction of Kiswahili to the Namibian school curriculum : emerging perspectives / Collen Sabao and Oiva Nauyoma.
In: Journal of Namibian studies : history, politics, culture, no. 28, pages 103-113 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Namibia ; Swahili language ; African languages ; languages of instruction

"""Ons Dala die Ding"" by Odalate Naiteke : the curative, performance and publicness in Katutura / Nashilongweshipwe Mushaandja.".
In: Journal of Namibian studies : history, politics, culture, no. 28, pages 65-89 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Namibia ; performing arts ; street art ; collection development ; community education

"""Scheißdreck ist Trumpf"". : Gerhard von Brünneck's diary entries and letters from South West Africa, Mai - August 1904 / Andreas Eckl.".
In: Journal of Namibian studies : history, politics, culture, no. 28, pages 117-125 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Namibia ; Germany ; Herero revolt ; military personnel ; colonial forces ; diaries (form)

Deng Xiaoping and the Chinese developmental state : lessons for Namibia / Job Shipululo Amupanda.
In: Strategic Review of Southern Africa, volume 38 (2016), no. 2, p. 53-76 (2016).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Namibia ; China ; international relations ; economic development ; economic policy

National liberation in postcolonial Southern Africa : a historical ethnography of SWAPO's exile camps (Christian A. Williams) / Henning Melber.
In: Strategic Review of Southern Africa, volume 38 (2016), no. 1, p. 143-146 (2016).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Namibia ; SWAPO ; national liberation movements ; exile

Gulmancema au Niger : l'élaboration sociolinguistique à l'épreuve du terrain / Maman Lawan Elhadj Yawale Amani & Prospère Wali.
In: Revue Akofena : revue scientifique des sciences du langage, lettres, langues et communication, no. 2, vol. 1, pages 279-288 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Niger ; language policy ; Gurma language

Pratiques socio-économiques des migrants saisonniers : cas des 'Boutali ko saako'dans la ville de Niamey au Niger / Saadou Aboubacar, Bizo Betou & Ali Mahamane Dan Bako.
In: Revue Akofena : revue scientifique des sciences du langage, lettres, langues et communication, no. 2, vol. 2, pages 197-212 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Niger ; migrants ; seasonal migration

Démocratie et limitation du mandat présidentiel au Niger / Mahamane Yahaya.
In: Revue Béninoise de Science Politique, vol. 2 (2018), no. 1, p. 271-319 (2018).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Niger ; heads of State ; executive power ; democracy

Partis politiques et instabilités politiques au Niger / Illa Ahmet.
In: Revue Béninoise de Science Politique, vol. 2 (2018), no. 1, p. 320-372 (2018).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Niger ; political parties ; political stability

Countering the financing of Boko Haram extremism in Nigeria / Freedom C. Onuoha.
In: African Journal for Prevention and Combating of Terrorism, vol. 2 (2011), no. 1, p. 89-121 (2011).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; Boko Haram ; financing

Financial intelligence and counterterrorism : challenges for Nigeria / Blessing Adada Gaiya.
In: African Journal for Prevention and Combating of Terrorism, vol. 2 (2011), no. 1, p. 123-141 (2011).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; terrorism

Financing the Boko Haram : some informed projections / C. Nna-Emeka Okereke.
In: African Journal for Prevention and Combating of Terrorism, vol. 2 (2011), no. 1, p. 143-173 (2011).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; Boko Haram ; terrorism ; financing

De l'outillage des langues nationales sénégalaises pour la transmission des connaissances spécialisées / Sileymane Diallo.
In: Revue Akofena : revue scientifique des sciences du langage, lettres, langues et communication, no. 2, vol. 1, pages 125-140 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Senegal ; indigenous languages ; natural sciences ; languages of instruction

Évolution, révolution et subversion du discours des marabouts au Sénégal : de la monarchie à nos jours / Mame Alé Mbaye.
In: Revue Akofena : revue scientifique des sciences du langage, lettres, langues et communication, no. 2, vol. 2, pages 57-74 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Senegal ; marabouts ; speeches

Héritage et autonomie littéraire chez Senghor et Césaire / Alioune Sow & Papa Bocar Ndaw.
In: Revue Akofena : revue scientifique des sciences du langage, lettres, langues et communication, no. 2, vol. 1, pages 371-382 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Senegal ; Caribbean ; poetry ; Negritude

Le regard controversé de Ken Bugul sur la polygamie / Marguerite Oubadjile Badji.
In: Revue Akofena : revue scientifique des sciences du langage, lettres, langues et communication, no. 2, vol. 1, pages 289-304 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Senegal ; polygamy ; novels ; literary criticism

Médias d'État et alternance politique au Sénégal : une étude de la télévision nationale sénégalaise sous le Président Abdoulaye Wade (2000-2012) / Mor Faye.
In: Revue Akofena : revue scientifique des sciences du langage, lettres, langues et communication, no. 2, vol. 1, pages 77-96 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Senegal ; television ; 2000-2009

Ulemas de Saint-Louis du Sénégal : quelques itineraires individuels illustratifs / Cheikh Fall.
In: Revue marocaine des études africaines, no. 2 (2016), pages 163-198 (2016).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Senegal ; towns ; ulema ; biography

South Africa
The Corona virus and migration governance in South Africa : business as usual? / Franzisca Luise Zanker and Khangelani Moyo.
In: Africa spectrum, no. 1/2020, pages 100-112 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: South Africa ; COVID-19 ; migration policy

South Africa
Mutualism despite ostensible difference : HuShamwari, Kuhanyisana, and conviviality between Shona Zimbabweans and Tsonga South Africans in Giyani, South Africa / Tamuka Chekero and Shannon Morreira.
In: Africa spectrum, no. 1/2020, pages 33-49 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: South Africa ; Zimbabwe ; Shona ; Tsonga ; ethnic relations ; migrants

South Africa
Combattants and anti-combattants (collabos) : Congolese transnational politics in Pretoria / Saint José Inaka.
In: Strategic Review of Southern Africa, volume 38 (2016), no. 1, p. 5-28 (2016).
ASC·Subject·Headings: South Africa ; Congolese (Democratic Republic of Congo) ; immigrants ; political action

South Africa
Human security and the conceptualisation of South African defence : time for a reappraisal / Abel Esterhuyse.
In: Strategic Review of Southern Africa, volume 38 (2016), no. 1, p. 29-49 (2016).
ASC·Subject·Headings: South Africa ; human security ; armed forces

South Africa
The new black middle class in Southern Africa (Roger Southhall) / Henning Melber.
In: Strategic Review of Southern Africa, volume 38 (2016), no. 1, p. 146-148 (2016).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Southern Africa ; middle class

South Africa
The peacemaking-peacebuilding development nexus : marrying South Africa's peace diplomacy and development agenda / Faith Mabera.
In: Strategic Review of Southern Africa, volume 38 (2016), no. 2, p. 77-99 (2016).
ASC·Subject·Headings: South Africa ; international relations ; regional security ; foreign policy ; peacebuilding

South Africa
Reinserting African agency into Sino-Africa relations / Carlos Lopes.
In: Strategic Review of Southern Africa, volume 38 (2016), no. 1, p. 50-68 (2016).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Africa ; China ; international relations ; financial aid

South Africa
The SANDF as a human security instrument post-1994 / Thuso Benton Mongwaketse.
In: Strategic Review of Southern Africa, volume 38 (2016), no. 2, p. 28-52 (2016).
ASC·Subject·Headings: South Africa ; human security ; armed forces

South Africa
South Africa 2016 - a coming of age : theological and ethical reflections on the future of South Africa / Barney Pityana.
In: Strategic Review of Southern Africa, volume 38 (2016), no. 1, p. 85-106 (2016).
ASC·Subject·Headings: South Africa ; democracy ; ethics ; Church

South Africa
Whose economic freedom anyway? : Revelations from the South African discourse / Joleen Steyn Kotze.
In: Strategic Review of Southern Africa, volume 38 (2016), no. 2, p. 5-27 (2016).
ASC·Subject·Headings: South Africa ; economic conditions

South Africa
Xenophobic attacks in South Africa : the case of the Doorns 2009 / Live Hågensen and Nicola de Jager.
In: Strategic Review of Southern Africa, volume 38 (2016), no. 1, p. 107-125 (2016).
ASC·Subject·Headings: South Africa ; Zimbabweans ; foreigners ; violence ; xenophobia

South Africa
The comprehensive strategic partnership between South Africa and Russia / Deon Geldenhuys.
In: Strategic Review of Southern Africa, volume 37 (2015), no. 2, p. 118-145 (2015).
ASC·Subject·Headings: South Africa ; Russian Federation ; international relations

South Africa
History as a system of wrongs : examining South Africa's Marikana tragedy in a temporal legal context / Nico Buitendag and Neil Coetzer.
In: Strategic Review for Southern Africa, volume 37 (2015), no. 2, p. 94-117 (2015).
ASC·Subject·Headings: South Africa ; miners ; strikes ; political violence ; political repression

South Africa
Intergovernmental relations on foreign affairs in South Africa : a twenty year review / Fritz Nganje.
In: Strategic Review of Southern Africa, volume 37 (2015), no. 2, p. 52-73 (2015).
ASC·Subject·Headings: South Africa ; foreign policy ; local government

South Africa
South Africa's emerging parliamentary diplomacy and soft power / Lesley Masters.
In: Strategic Review of Southern Africa, volume 37 (2015), no. 2, p. 74-93 (2015).
ASC·Subject·Headings: South Africa ; parliament ; diplomacy ; foreign policy

Subsaharan Africa
Le prosaïsme linguistique dans le genre romanesque : quels enjeux chez les negro-africains francophones ? / Alfred Essis Akpa.
In: Revue Akofena : revue scientifique des sciences du langage, lettres, langues et communicationno. 1, pages 779-794 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: French-speaking Africa ; romance novels (form) ; literary criticism

Subsaharan Africa
Le salut de la femme africaine dans l'exil : l'interaction bonheur - identité dans une perspective problématique / Mbaye Diop.
In: Revue Akofena : revue scientifique des sciences du langage, lettres, langues et communicationno. 1, pages 755-766 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: French-speaking Africa ; literature ; exile ; women ; literary criticism

Subsaharan Africa
L'image de la prostituée dans les œuvres des romanciers africains du vingt et unième (xxie) siècle / Joseph Ahimann Preira.
In: Revue Akofena : revue scientifique des sciences du langage, lettres, langues et communication, no. 2, vol. 2, pages 89-100 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Subsaharan Africa ; novels ; prostitution ; literary criticism

Subsaharan Africa
Le chef d'état de transition en Afrique / Ibrahim David Salami.
In: Revue Béninoise de Science Politique, vol. 1 (2017), no. 1, p. 1-47 (2017).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Subsaharan Africa ; heads of State ; political change

Subsaharan Africa
"Thoughts on Xenophobia, disruptive nation and ""man on ground"" / Colin Chasi.".
In: Strategic Review of Southern Africa, volume 38 (2016), no. 2, p. 134-155 (2016).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Subsaharan Africa ; refugees ; xenophobia

Subsaharan Africa
The resilience of Harakat al Shabab al Mujahidin / C. Nna-Emeka Okereke.
In: African Journal for Prevention and Combating of Terrorism, vol. 4 (2013), no. 1, p. 121-142 (2013).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Somalia ; Ethiopia ; Kenya ; al-Shabaab

Subsaharan Africa
Disentangling terrorism in Central Africa : challenges and prospects / Dr. Greg Fah Fombo.
In: African Journal for Prevention and Combating of Terrorism, vol. 2(2011), no. 1, p. 61-68 (2011).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Central Africa ; terrorism

Les pratiques culturelles résilientes au changement climatique dans la région des savanes (Togo) / Mindele Moutore & Mafobatchie Nantob.
In: Revue Akofena : revue scientifique des sciences du langage, lettres, langues et communication, no. 2, vol. 2, pages 151-160 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Togo ; rituals ; climate change ; environmental management

The ghetto president and presidential challenger in Uganda / Garhe Osiebe.
In: Africa spectrum, no. 1/2020, pages 86-99 (2020).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Uganda ; presidential elections ; politicians ; musicians

West Africa
L'arbitrage politique des armées burkinabè et sénégalaise à la lumière des conflits sociopolitiques / Léon Sampana.
In: Revue Béninoise de Science Politique, vol. 2 (2018), no. 1, p. 208-270 (2018).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; Senegal ; armed forces ; military intervention

West Africa
La motivation des décisions du juge constitutionnel en Afrique de l'ouest francophone / Diassibo Thomas Yonli.
In: Revue Béninoise de Science Politique, vol. 2 (2018), no. 1, p. 157-207 (2017).
ASC·Subject·Headings: West Africa ; constitutional courts ; judgments

West Africa
How security vacuum provides terrorists and traffickers fertile ground in the Sahel / Abdelkader Abderrahmane.
In: African Journal for Prevention and Combating of Terrorism, volume 4 (2010), no. 1, p. 11-39 (2013).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Sahel ; regional security ; organized crime ; illicit trade

West Africa
One finger dip in palm oil soils the others : the activities and consequences of Book Haram in Central and West Africa (Cameroon, Niger and Chad) / Walter Gam Nkwi.
In: African Journal for Prevention and Combating of Terrorism, vol. 4 (2013), no. 1, p. 41-66 (2013).
ASC·Subject·Headings: West Africa ; Boko Haram

West Africa
Transnational organised crimes and terrorist financing in West Africa : challenges and strategies / Chinedu Udeh.
In: African Journal for Prevention and Combating of Terrorism, vol. 2 (2011), no. 1, p. 69-87 (2011).
ASC·Subject·Headings: West Africa ; organized crime ; terrorism ; financing

West Central Africa
Terrorism and transnational organised crimes in West Africa : a regional exposé / Dr. Freedom C. Onuoha.
In: African Journal for Prevention and Combating of Terrorism, vol. 4 (2013), no. 1, p. 67-119 (2013).
ASC·Subject·Headings: West Africa ; Nigeria ; organized crime ; terrorism ; regional security

Power politics in Zimbabwe (Michael Bratton) / Musiwaro Ndakaripa.
In: Strategic Review of Southern Africa, volume 38 (2016), no. 1, p. 138-141 (2016).
ASC·Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; government ; ZANU-PF ; political conditions

Electronic documents

The future of education in Africa : aligning education to Africa's development goals / By Jeff Megayo. - ACT Afrique: [Dakar], 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; education ; development

International criminial justice in Africa, 2019 / edited by Bernard Ntahiraja and Gerhard Kemp. - Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung: Nairobi, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Subsaharan Africa ; criminal law

International criminal justice in Africa, 2018 / edited by H.J. van der Merwe and Gerhard Kemp. - Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung: Nairobi, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Subsaharan Africa ; criminal law

International criminal justice in Africa, 2017 / edtited by H.J. van der Merwe and Gerhard Kemp. - Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung: Nairobi:, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Subsaharan Africa ; criminal law

African transformation report 2017: Agriculture Powering Africa's Economic Transformation / African Center for Economic Transformation (ACET). - African Center for Economic Transformation (ACET): Accra, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; agrarian reform ; economic development

Entrepreneurship in Africa / edited by Akinyinka Akinyoade, Ton Dietz, Chibuike Uche. - Brill: Leiden, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; entrepreneurs ; business ; women entrepreneurs ; economic development ; innovations ; banking ; transport ; telecommunications

International criminal justice in Africa, 2016 / Edited by H.J. van der Merwe and Gerhard Kemp. - Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung: Nairobi, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Subsaharan Africa ; criminal law

Dirty hands, fine minds : the story of an agricultural research and training network in African universities / Mary Anne Fitzgerald and Megan Lindow. - Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM): Kampala, 2013.
ASC Subject·Headings: Subsaharan Africa ; agricultural education ; agricultural research ; universities

Emerging approaches for responding to climate change in African agricultural advisory services : Challenges, opportunities and recommendations for an AFAAS climate change response strategy / Richard Lamboll, Valerie Nelson and Nick Nathaniels. - Kampala, 2011.
ASC Subject·Headings: Subsaharan Africa ; climate change ; agricultural policy

Empowered without power : women and leadership in the Basel Mission and Presbyterian Church in Cameroon / Michael Kpughe Lang. - Langaa Research & Publishing CIG: Mankon, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; Presbyterian church ; women ; clergy ; missionary history

The Comores / Ton Dietz, and Daniel Allançon, with information used from Olivier Bergossi. - African Studies Centre: Leiden, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Comoros ; postage stamps

East Africa
Harmonization of Cybercrimes Legal Frameworks within the East African Community / Majamba, H.I. and Mwibur, A.J. (editors). - University of Dar es Salaam School of Law: Dar es Salaam, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: East Africa ; Internet ; criminal law ; legislation

East Africa
Changing agricultural education from within : lessons and challenges from the go4it programme / Washington Ochola, Willem Heemskerk and Mariana Wongtschowski (editors). - RUFORUM: Kampala, 2013.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; Malawi ; Uganda ; agricultural education

East Africa
Protocol on the establishment of the East African Community Monetary Union / East African Community (EAC). - East African Community (EAC): Arusha, 2013.
ASC Subject·Headings: East Africa ; monetary areas ; African agreements;

Exploring Abba Gerima Monastery for Monastery Tourism Development, Adwa, Ethiopia / Seife Tsehaye. - Center for Environment and Development Studies: Addis Ababa, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Ethiopia ; religious buildings ; tourism ; theses (form)

Leveraging Electoral Governance in Africa : A Normative Discourse / Edited by Worku Negash Motbainor. - Friedrich Ebert Stiftung: Addis Ababa, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; Ethiopia ; elections

Report on the Ethiopian Economy 2018: Foreign Direct Investment in Ethiopia: Structure, Performance, and Determinants / Ethiopian Economics Association (EEA). - Ethiopian Economics Association (EEA): Addis Ababa, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Ethiopia ; economic conditions

African voices from the ground: Motives, Benefits and Managing Risk of Migration towards Europe / Amr Abdalla. - Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES): Addis Ababa, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Ethiopia ; Mali ; Senegal ; Europe ; migration

An investment guide to Ethiopia : Ethiopia -- a preferred investment destination in Africa / Ethiopian Investment Commission (EIC). - Ethiopian Investment Commission (EIC): Addis Ababa, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Ethiopia ; business promotion

Learning to build a sustainable peace : ownership and everyday peacebuilding / Ole Jacob Sending (ed.). - Chr. Michelsen Institute: Bergen, 2010.
ASC Subject·Headings: Sudan ; South Sudan ; Liberia ; Afghanistan ; Haiti ; peacebuilding

Multi-dimensional child poverty in Ghana / National Development Planning Commission (NDPC). - National Development Planning Commission (NDPC): Accra, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Ghana ; children ; poverty

Mayotte / Ton Dietz, and Daniel Allançon, with information used from Olivier Bergossi. - African Studies Centre: Leiden, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mayotte ; postage stamps

Outer Seychelles and B.I.O.T. / Ton Dietz. - African Studies Centre: Leiden, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Seychelles ; Chagos Archipelago ; postage stamps

The third progress report on implementation of SDGs in Kenya / SDGs Kenya Forum. - SDGs Kenya Forum: Nairobi, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; development planning

The Second Progress Report on Implementation of SDGs in Kenya : Civil Society Report 2019 / SDGs Kenya Forum. - SDGs Kenya Formu: Nairobi, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; development planning

State of housing report volume 2: Is Government Faltering on its' Big 4 Housing Promises? / Economic and Social Rights Centre (Hakijamii). - Economic and Social Rights Centre (Hakijamii): Nairobi, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; housing

Strategic plan, 2019-2024 / National Environment management authority (NEMA). - Nairobi National Environment management authority (NEMA), 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; environmental policy

Building resilience to mitigate the impact of droughts and floods : proceedings of the KIPPRA Regional Conference held from 5th-7th June 2018, Nairobi Kenya / edited by: Dr. Naomi Mathenge, Adan Guyo Shibia, Andrew Levi Olando, Felix Murithi. - Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis: Nairobi, Kenya, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; droughts ; climate change ; agricultural production ; conference papers (form) ; disasters

The state of Kenya population 2018 / National Council for Population and Development (NCPD). - National Council for Population and Development (NCPD: Nairobi, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; population policy

GROOTS Kenya / By Awino Okech. - Association for Women's Rights in Development (AWID): Toronto,;Mexico City,;Cape Town,, 2008.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; women's organizations ; feminism

Multi-Stakeholder National Dialogue Plenary II report : 'Manthabiseng Convention Centre from 25th-27th November, 2019 : the Lesotho we want : dialogue and reforms for national transformation / Lesotho. National Dialogue Planning Committee. - [National Dialogue Planning Committee]: [Maseru]:, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Lesotho ; reform ; conference papers (form)

Madagascar before becoming a French colony / Ton Dietz. - African Studies Centre: Leiden, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Madagascar ; postage stamps

Mauritius : postmarks and iconography since 1847 / Ton Dietz and Isabelle Ramdoo. - African Studies Centre: Leiden, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mauritius ; postage stamps ; postal services

Mauritius before 1968 / Ton Dietz and Isabelle Ramdoo. - African Studies Centre: Leiden, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mauritius ; postage stamps

Mauritius since 1968 / Ton Dietz and Isabelle Ramdoo. - African Studies Centre: Leiden, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mauritius ; postage stamps

An assessment of the public expenditure and financial accountability - Nakuru County / Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA). - Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis: Nairobi, Kenya, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; public accounting

Plan de Développement Économique et Social (PDES), 2012-2015 / Ministère du Plan, de l'Aménagement du territoire et du Développement communautaire. - République du Niger Ministère du Plan de l'Aménagement du territoire et du Développement communautaire: [Niamey], 2012.
ASC Subject·Headings: Niger ; economic conditions ; social conditions ; economic policy ; social policy ; development plans

North Africa
Saharan and North African toy and play cultures : commented bibliography on play, games and toys / Jean-Pierre Rossie. - Centre for Philosophical and Humanistic Studies Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences Catholic University of Portugal: Braga, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Northern Africa ; Sahara ; games ; toys ; children

North Africa
Saharan and North African toy and play cultures : make-believe play among Amazigh children of the Moroccan Anti-Atlas,Jean-Pierre Rossie, Khalija Jariaa, Boubaker Daoumani, Argyris Fassoulas; foreword by Luisa Magalhães. - Centre for Philosophical and Humanistic Studies Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences Catholic University of Portugal: Braga, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Northern Africa ; Morocco ; Sahara ; games ; toys ; children

North Africa
Saharan and North African toy and play cultures : make-believe play among Amazigh children of the Moroccan Anti-Atlas,Jean-Pierre Rossie, Khalija Jariaa, Boubaker Daoumani, Argyris Fassoulas; foreword by Luisa Magalhães. - Centre for Philosophical and Humanistic Studies Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences Catholic University of Portugal: Braga, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Northern Africa ; Morocco ; Sahara ; games ; toys ; children

North Africa
"Women's movements in post-""Arab Spring"" North Africa / edited by Fatima Sadiqi.". - Palgrave Macmillan: Rabat, 2016.
ASC Subject·Headings: Northern Africa ; Morocco ; Egypt ; Mauritania ; Tunisia ; Sudan ; Algeria ; Libya ; women's organizations ; Arab Spring ; feminism ; women's rights

The RPF did it : a fresh look at the 1994 plane attack that ignited genocide in Rwanda / Filip Reyntjens. - Institute of Development Policy: Antwerpen, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Rwanda ; assassination ; 1994 ; heads of State

Seychelles after 1976 / Ton Dietz. - African Studies Centre: Leiden, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Seychelles ; postage stamps

Seychelles before 1976 / Ton Dietz. - African Studies Centre: Leiden, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Seychelles ; postage stamps

South Africa
Clinical sociology for Southern Africa / edited by Tina Uys and Jan Marie Fritz. - Juta and Company Ltd.: Claremont, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Southern Africa ; sociology ; social change ; social development ; social problems

South Africa
Challenges were many : the One in Nine Campaign, South Africa / By Jane Bennett. - Association for Women's Rights in Development (AWID): Toronto,;Mexico City,;Cape Town,, 2008.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; women's organizations ; feminism

Subsaharan Africa
Public-private partnerships in sub-Saharan Africa : case studies for policymakers, 2017 / E. R. Yescombe. - Uongozi Institute: Dar es Salaam, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Subsaharan Africa ; private sector ; public sector ; development projects

Safeguarding Sudan's revolution / International Crisis Group. - International Crisis Group (ICG): Brussels, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Sudan ; revolutions ; military regimes ; democratization

Will there be justice for Darfur? : Persisting impunity in the face of political change, fact-finding mission report / Tchérina Jerolon, Talya Swissa, Daisy Schmitt. - FIDH: Paris, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Sudan ; offences against human rights ; war crimes ; political violence ; gender-based violence ; impunity ; refugees

Community views on child marriage in Kassala : Prospects for change / Samia El Nagar, Manal Mahjoub, Adil Idris, Liv Tønnessen. - Chr. Michelsen Institute: Bergen, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Sudan ; girls ; children ; marriage ; attitudes ; gender discrimination ; gender inequality

Family law reform in Sudan : Competing claims for gender justice between sharia and women's human rights / Samia El Nagar, Liv Tønnessen. - Chr. Michelsen Institute: Bergen, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Sudan ; family law ; gender inequality ; legal reform

Girls, child marriage, and education in Red Sea State, Sudan : Perspectives on girls' freedom to choose / Samia El Nagar, Sharifa Bamkar, Liv Tønnessen. - Chr. Michelsen Institute: Bergen, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Sudan ; girls ; children ; marriage ; gender inequality ; gender discrimination ; women's education

Governance and fiscal federalism in Sudan, 1989-2015 : Exploring political and intergovernmental fiscal relations in an unstable polity / Atta El-Hassan El-Battahani, Hassan Ali Gadkarim. - Chr. Michelsen Institute: Bergen, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Sudan ; decentralization ; public expenditure ; central-local government relations

Human smuggling and trafficking in Eastern Sudan / Hassan A. Abdel Ati. - Chr. Michelsen Institute: Bergen, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Sudan ; Northeast Africa ; human trafficking

Radical intolerance : Sudan's religious oppression and embrace of extremist groups / by Suliman Baldo. - Enough Project: [Washington DC]:, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Sudan ; freedom of religion ; Islam ; radicalism ; terrorism ; government policy

Traditional, but changing, cultural norms : rural community views on child marriage in Algadaref State, Sudan / Samia El Nagar, Ibtisam Eljack, Liv Tønnessen. - Chr. Michelsen Institute: Bergen, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Sudan ; girls ; children ; marriage ; gender discrimination ; gender inequality ; attitudes

Revenue mobilization at sub-national levels in Sudan / Odd-Helge Fjeldstad. - Chr. Michelsen Institute: Bergen, 2016.
ASC Subject·Headings: Sudan ; decentralization ; fiscal policy ; revenue allocation ; central-local government relations

Women and girls caught between rape and adultery in Sudan : Criminal Law reform, 2005-2015 / Liv Tønnessen and Samia al-Nagar. - Chr. Michelsen Institute: Bergen, 2015.
ASC Subject·Headings: Sudan ; sexual offences ; extramarital sexuality ; criminal law ; children's rights

Contested constitutions : constitutional development in Sudan 1953-2005 / Kristine Mo. - Chr. Michelsen Institute: Bergen, 2014.
ASC Subject·Headings: Sudan ; constitutions ; constitutional history ; theses (form)

Food security and social conflict / Johan Helland, Gunnar M. Sørbø. - Chr. Michelsen Institute: Bergen, 2014.
ASC Subject·Headings: Sudan ; food security ; food prices ; social conditions ; protest ; conflict

The status of the education sector in Sudan. - The World Bank: Washington, DC, 2012.
ASC Subject·Headings: Sudan ; education ; educational systems ; access to education ; primary education ; schools ; teachers ; educational financing;http://...

Will the Sudanese paradox continue?Insecure investment climate and substantial foreign direct investment inflows / Hassan Ali Gadkarim. - Chr. Michelsen Institute: Bergen, 2012.
ASC Subject·Headings: Sudan ; foreign investments

Nationality and citizenship questions in Sudan after the southern Sudan referendum vote / Munzoul A. M. Assal. - Chr. Michelsen Institute: Bergen, 2011.
ASC Subject·Headings: Sudan ; South Sudan ; referendums ; 2011 ; independence ; nationalization ; citizenship

Challenges facing Sudan after referendum day 2011 : persistent and emerging conflict in the North-South borderline States / Abdalbasit Saeed. - Chr. Michelsen Institute: Bergen, 2010.
ASC Subject·Headings: Sudan ; South Sudan ; referendums ; 2011 ; independence ; conflict

The impact of the international financial crisis on the economy of the Sudan / Medani M. Ahmed. - Chr. Michelsen Institute: Bergen, 2009.
ASC Subject·Headings: Sudan ; economic conditions ; financial conditions ; 2008

Can the Sudan achieve the MDGs given its past and present expenditures allocation patterns? / Medani M. Ahmed. - Chr. Michelsen Institute: [Bergen], 2008.
ASC Subject·Headings: Sudan ; development ; public expenditure ; government policy

External debts, growth and peace in the Sudan : some serious challenges facing the country in the post-conflict era / Medani Mohmed Ahmed. - Chr. Michelsen Institute: [Bergen], 2008.
ASC Subject·Headings: Sudan ; external debt ; debt relief

Post-conflict peace-building and socio-economic integration issues in southwest Kordofan / Abdalbasit Saeed. - Chr. Michelsen Institute: [Bergen], 2008.
ASC Subject·Headings: Sudan ; Nuba ; conflict ; peacebuilding ; regional development ; group identity

Discrimination in the name of religious freedom : the rights of women and non-muslims after the Comprehensive Peace Agreement in Sudan / Liv Tønnessen, Anne Sofie Roald. - Chr. Michelsen Institute: Bergen, 2007.
ASC Subject·Headings: Sudan ; religion ; freedom of religion ; women's rights ; human rights ; peacebuilding

Peacebuilding in post-war situations: Lessons for Sudan / Gunnar M. Sørbø. - Chr. Michelsen Institute: Bergen, 2004.
ASC Subject·Headings: Sudan ; peacebuilding ; peace treaties ; civil society

Annual report for the year ended... : / Energy and Water Utilities regulatory Authority (EWURA) . - Energy and Water Utilities regulatory Authority (EWURA): Dar es Salaam, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Tanzania ; energy consumption ; water supply ; annual reports (form)

An employers' guide on working from home in response to the outbreak of COVID-19/ Association of Tanzanian emloyers. - Association of Tanzania Employers: Dar es Salaam, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: world ; working conditions ; domestic workers

The one billion dollar question : 'Revisited 5 years later': How much is Tanzania now losing in potential tax revenues? / Mark Curtis and Prosper Ngowi . -:, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Tanzania ; tax evasion ; fiscal policy

Report on the situation of human rights defenders and civic space in Tanzania 2019 / editors: Onesmo Olengurumwa and Pili Mtambalike ; writers: Jones Sendodo, Deogratias Bwire, Leopold Mosha, Catherine Ringo, Paul Kisabo. - Tanzania Human Rights Defenders Coalition (THRDC): Dar es Salaam:, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Tanzania ; whistleblowing ; human rights ; civil and political rights ; freedom of speech ; journalists ; offences against human rights

Tanzania Civil Society's Position Paper and Strategic Engagement Areas on COVID-19 / Coordinated and compiled by Onesmo Olengurumwa. - Tanzania Human Rights Defenders Coalition (THRDC): Dar es Salaam:, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Tanzania ; COVID-19 ; civil society ; government policy

2019 our year of success / magazine executive: Onesmo Olengurumwa ; editors: Leopold Mosha, James K. Laurent; writers: Lisa Kagaruki, James K. Laurent. - Tanzania Human Rights Defenders Coalition (THRDC): Dar es Salaam, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Tanzania ; human rights institutions ; 2019

Compendium of analyses of media related laws in Tanzania / Media Council of Tanzania. - Media Council of Tanzania: Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Tanzania ; mass media ; press ; legislation

Exploration of factors that hinder and facilitate best performance in Primary School Leaving Examinations in Tanzania : Lessons from poor and best performing regions / HakiElimu. - HakiElimu: Dar es Salaam, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Tanzania ; primary education ; academic achievement

Governing Petroleum Resources: : Prospects and Challenges for Tanzania / . Edited by Odd-Helge Fjeldstad, Donald Mmari and Kendra Dupuy. - REPOA: Dar es Salaam, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Tanzania ; petroleum industry ; hydrocarbon policy

A study on girls' basic education in Tanzania : a focus on factors that affect girls' retention and transition rates / Hakielimu. - Hakielimu: Dar es Salaam, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Tanzania ; women's education ; primary education

Tanzania national nutrition survey 2018: final report / Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children (MoHCDGEC). - Ministry of Health Community Development Gender Elderly and Children (MoHCDGEC): Dar es Salaam, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Tanzania ; nutrition ; food ; surveys

The tax system in Tanzania : a policy analysis / Sikika. - Sikika: Dar es Salaam:, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Tanzania ; taxation

The Oversight Function of the PAC and LAAC : A Qualitative Analysis of the Oversight Committees and the Implementation of their Directives at Central and Local Level / Sikika . - Sikika: Dar es Salaam, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Tanzania ; public accounting ; public finance

Tanzania HIV impact survey : a population-based HIV impact assessment : THIS 2016-2017 : final report / Tanzania Commission for AIDS (TACAIDS). - Tanzania Commission for AIDS (TACAIDS): Dar es Salaam, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Tanzania ; AIDS ; surveys

Tanzania towards industrialisation : reflecting on education for self-reliance policy : report on proceedings of the symposium jointly organised by the University of Dar es Salaam Convocation and HakiElimu, held in Nkrumah Hall, Mwalimu Nyerere Mlimani Campus, 20th-21st November 2017 / HakiElimu (Tanzania). - HakiElimu: Dar es Salaam, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Tanzania ; educational reform ; economic development ; conference papers (form)

Zanzibar investment report : foreign private investments / Bank of Tanzania and Zanzibar Investment Promotion Authority (ZIPA). - Bank of Tanzania: Dar es Salaam:, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Tanzania ; Zanzibar ; foreign investments

Code of ethics for media professionals 2016 edition / Media Council of Tanzania (MCT). - Media Council of Tanzania: Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 2016.
ASC Subject·Headings: Tanzania ; journalism ; professional ethics

Proceedings of the 50th anniversary of Bank of Tanzania / Bank of Tanzania. - Bank of Tanzania: Dar es Salaam, 2016.
ASC Subject·Headings: Tanzania ; central banks ; memorial volumes (form)

Strengthening women's voices in the context of agricultural investments : lessons from Tanzania / Man-Kwun Chan; Grace Kamugisha; Mary Kesi; Annmarie Mavenjina; International Institute for Environment and Development. - Tanzania Women Lawyers Association (TAWLA): Dar es Salaam, 2016.
ASC Subject·Headings: Tanzania ; land rights ; gender

The 2012 population and housing census / Tanzania National Bureau of Statistics. - Tanzania National Bureau of Statistics: Dar es Salaam, 2015.
ASC Subject·Headings: Tanzania ; population ; censuses

Tanzania National Nutrition Survey 2014 / Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. - Ministry of Health and Social Welfare: Dar es Salaam:, 2015.
ASC Subject·Headings: Tanzania ; nutrition ; food ; surveys

Review of Laws and Policies related to gender based violence of Tanzania mainland / Tanzania Women Lawyers Association (TAWLA). - Tanzania Women Lawyers Association (TAWLA): Dar es Salaam, 2014.
ASC Subject·Headings: Tanzania ; gender-based violence ; legislation

Water utilities performance review report for .../ Energy and Water Utitlities Regulatory Authority (EWURA). - Energy and Water Utitlities Regulatory Authority (EWURA): Dar es Salaam:, 2014.
ASC Subject·Headings: Tanzania ; water supply ; public services

Consolidated human rights violations against key populations in uganda, 2019 / Human Rights Awareness and promotion Forum. - Human Rights Awareness and Promotion Forum (HRAPF): Kampala, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Uganda ; offences against human rights

Import substitution: Uganda's post-COVID-19 industrial policy strategy / Ramathan Ggoobi. - Friedrich Ebert Stiftung: Kampala, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Uganda ; industrial policy

National Resistance Movement (NRM) : manifesto 2021-2026 : Sercuring your future / National Resistance Movement (NRM). - National Resistance Movement (NRM): Kampala, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Uganda ; National Resistance Movement ; party programmes

Uganda malaria indicator survey 2018-19 / Uganda Bureau of Statistics. - Uganda Bureau of Statistics: Kampala:, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Uganda ; malaria ; health ; surveys ; statistics

Annual report on the state of equal opportunities in Uganda FY 2019/ 2020 / Equal Opportunities Commission Uganda. - Equal Opportunities Commission Uganda: Kampala, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Uganda ; equal opportunity

Consolidated Human Rights Violations against key populations in Uganda, 2018 / Human Rights Awareness and Promotion Forum (HRAPF). - Human Rights Awareness and Promotion Forum (HRAPF): Kampala, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Uganda ; offences against human rights

From paper to practice : implementation of Uganda's industrialisation agenda / Ramathan Ggoobi. - Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES): Kampala, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Uganda ; industrial development ; industrial policy

A guide to the normative legal framework on the human rights of LGBTI persons in Uganda / Human Rights Awareness and Promotion Forum (HRAPF). - Human Rights Awareness and Promotion Forum (HRAPF): Kampala, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Uganda ; LGBT ; human rights ; legislation

The impact of the legal and policy framework on the human rights of intersex persons in Uganda / Human Rights Awareness and Promotion Forum (HRAPF). - Human Rights Awareness and Promotion Forum (HRAPF): Kampala, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Uganda ; gender discrimination ; legislation ; government policy

Situation analysis of children in Uganda 2019 / Unicef Uganda Country office. - Unicef Uganda Country office: Kampala, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Uganda ; children ; social conditions

Child Poverty and Deprivation in Refugee-Hosting Areas : Evidence from Uganda / Unicef Uganda. - Unicef Uganda: Kampala, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Uganda ; child care ; children's rights

Citizen Participation in Local Government Service Delivery Processes in Uganda / Initiative for Social and Economic Rights (ISER). - Initiative for Social and Economic Rights (ISER): Kampala, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Uganda ; popular participation ; public services ; social services ; local government

Public debt investments : how can Uganda achieve returns on debt investment /. - Civil Society Budget Advocacy Group (CSBAG): Ntinda-Kampala, Uganda, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings:

The status report on implementation of the recommendations of the access to justice trends analysis report (2017) / Legal Aid Service Providers' Network (LASPNET). - Legal Aid Service Providers Network (LASPNET): Kampala, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Uganda ; access to justice

Uganda Demographic and Health Survey 2016 / Uganda Bureau of Statistics. - Uganda Bureau of Statistics: Kampala, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Uganda ; demography ; health ; surveys ; statistics

Are They Effective? : An Audit of Social Accountability Mechanisms in Local Government Processes in Uganda / Initiative for Social and Economic Rights (ISER). - Initiative for Social and Economic Rights (ISER): Kampala, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Uganda ; local government ; responsibility

Impunity: A Cry for Media Freedom: Press freedom index report 2018 Uganda / Human Rights Network for Journalists Uganda (HRNJU). - Human Rights Network for Journalists Uganda: Kampala, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Uganda ; freedom of the press

Management plan for the wildlife dispersal corridors in the Kidepo critical landscape (Uganda) for the period 2018-2027 / National Environment Management Authority (NEMA). - National Environment Management Authority (NEMA): Kampala, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Uganda ; wildlife protection ; natural resource management

Multidimensional child poverty and deprivation in Uganda: volume 1: The extent and nature of multidimensional child poverty and deprivation / Unicef Uganda. - Unicef Uganda Country office: Kampala, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Uganda ; children ; social conditions

Uganda vision 2040 / National Planning authority. - National Planning Authority: Kampala, 2013.
ASC Subject·Headings: Uganda ; development plans

Report on rule of law, access to justice and security needs of refugees and host communities of Isingiro and Arua districts / UNHCR. - UNHCR: Kampala,
ASC Subject·Headings: Uganda ; access to justice ; refugees ; regional security;

West Africa
Food systems in Africa : rethinking the role of markets / Gaëlle Balineau, Arthur Bauer, Martin Kessler, and Nicole Madariaga. - World Bank ;;Agence française de développement: Washington, DC;[France], 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Morocco ; Côte d'Ivoire ; Niger ; food supply;http://el...


African transnational mobility in China : Africans on the move / Roberto Castillo. - Routledge: London ;;New York, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: China ; Africans

Entrepreneurship in Africa : context and perspectives / Ven Sriram, David Lingelbach, Tigineh Mersha, Franklyn Manu. - Routledge: Abingdon, Oxon ;;New York, NY, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; entrepreneurs

Innovation in Africa : fuelling an entrepreneurial ecosystem for growth and prosperity / Deseye Umurhohwo. - Routledge: London, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; economic development ; innovations

La fabrique des politiques publiques en Afrique : agriculture, ruralités, alimentation / sous la direction de Jérôme Coste, François Doligez, Johny Egg, Gaëlle Perrin. - Karthala: Paris, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; agricultural policy ; food policy ; rural development

People, predicaments and potentials in Africa / edited by Takehiko Ochiai, Misa Hirano-Nomoto, Daniel E. Agbiboa. - Langaa Research & Publishing CIG: Mankon, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; communities ; social conditions

Pour une vraie démocratisation des États africains : pluralisme et tolérance, une lecture de John Rawls / Anaclet Bambala Mazina ; préface de Joseph Mbungu Mutu. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; democracy ; liberalism ; plural society ; political philosophy

Africa's security challenges in the 21st century : power, principles and praxis in global politics / Tunde Adeniran. - Safari Books: Ibadan, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; human security ; regional security ; governance ; conflict ; peace ; development ; future

Covid stories from East Africa and beyond : lived experiences and forward-looking reflections / edited by Mary Njeri Kinyanjui, Roopal Thaker, Kathryn Toure. - Langaa Research & Publishing CIG: Mankon, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; COVID-19 ; social change ; personal narratives (form)

Decolonization and Afro-Feminism / Sylvia Tamale. - Daraja Press: Ottawa, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; decolonization ; feminism ; pan-Africanism ; gender

Écrire et enseigner une histoire des vaincus pour une Afrique qui gagne / Daniel Abwa. - Éditions CLÉ: Yaoundé, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; historiography

Le panafricanisme est un humanisme : essai / Jean Jacques Ayotta. - Éditions de Midi: Yaoundé, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; pan-Africanism ; philosophy

L'efficacité du maintien de la paix en Afrique par l'ONU et l'Union africaine / Gabriel Amvane. - Paris, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; peacekeeping operations ; conflict resolution ; African Union ; UN

Opera & music theatre / volume editors Christine Matzke, Lena van der Hoven, Christopher Odhiambo, Hilde Roos ; reviews editor Sola Adeyemi. - James Currey: Woodbridge, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; musicals ; music ; theatre ; essays (form) ; literature reviews (form)

Stock markets and development in Africa / by: Juliete Suliy Bunyuy, Moye Godwin Bongyu. - Academica Press: Washington,;London, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; financial market ; economic integration ; economic development

Development and modernity in Africa : an intercultural philosophical perspective / Joseph C.A. Agbakoba. - Rüdiger Köppe Verlag: Köln, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; Igbo ; cultural philosophy ; Afrocentricity ; social conditions ; economic development

The good education & Africa's future : concepts, issues and options / John Kabutha Mugo, Proscovia Namubiru-Ssentamu & Mukirae Njihia (eds.). - Paulines Publications Africa: Nairobi, Kenya, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; education ; Catholic Church ; educational quality

Inequality, socio-cultural differentiation and social structures in Africa : beyond class / Dieter Neubert. - Palgrave Macmillan: Cham, Switzerland, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; inequality ; social classes ; social structure

Pentecostalism and politics in Africa / edited by Adeshina Afolayan, Olajumoke Yacob-Haliso, Toyin Falola. - Palgrave Macmillan: Cham, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Subsaharan Africa ; Nigeria

Dieu, les migrants et l'Afrique / sous la direction de Sophie Bava. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; refugees ; emigration ; Islam ; Christianity ; conference papers (form)

Energy for whom? : scenarios for eastern Africa / produced by the Society for International Development ; edited by Salome Mshai Mwangola. - Society for International Development: Nairobi, Kenya, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: East Africa ; Ethiopia ; energy policy ; climate change

La diplomatie économique de la Corée du Sud : quelles leçons pour l'Afrique? / Joachim Tédié ; préface de Jean Emmanuel Pondi. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; Cameroon ; South Korea ; South-South relations ; international economic relations ; international cooperation ; infrastructure

Afriqu'ombre : génération manipulée / Fotsing Nzodjou. - Les Editions Afrique Vision: Douala, Cameroon, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; group identity ; social conditions ; imperialism

Black cosmopolitanism and anticolonialism : pivotal moments / Babacar M'Baye. - Routledge Taylor & Francis Group: London ;;New York, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: French-speaking Africa ; France ; colonial period ; black soldiers ; imperialism ; anticolonialism ; cosmopolitanism ; intellectuals

Dieu ou le chemin de retour au paganisme : foi chrétienne, ambiguïté et sécurités dérisoires en Afrique / Norbert Kalindula. - Academia: Louvain-la-Neuve, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; Christianity ; syncretism ; inculturation

La problématique de la répression des crimes de guerre et des crimes de génocide en Afrique / Taicha Maiga. - L'Harmattan Sénégal: Dakar, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; war crimes ; genocide ; international criminal courts ; International Criminal Court ; International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda ; African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights

La responsabilité des entreprises multinationales pour les violations des droits de l'homme en Afrique : opportunités et défis / Christelle Belporo. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; multinational enterprises ; offences against human rights ; responsibility

L'intégration économique et juridique en Afrique / Alhousseini Mouloul. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; economic integration ; unification of law ; African organizations

Pan-African Parliament : one Africa, one voice / [Pan African Parliament]. - [Highbury Safika Media (Pty) Ltd]: [Cape Town, South Africa], 2016.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; pan-Africanism ; social conditions

La résistance sahraouie à Gdaïm Izig : le journal d'une migration et autres chroniques. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2012.
ASC Subject·Headings: Western Sahara ; Morocco ; Mali ; Saharawis ; Tuareg ; national liberation movements ; migration ; theatre ; music

The saga of African underdevelopment : a viable approach for Africa's sustainable development in the 21st century / Tetteh A. Kofi & Asayehgn Desta. - Africa World Press: Trenton, NJ [etc.], 2008.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; Mauritius ; economic development ; development planning ; sustainable development ; structural adjustment ; entrepreneurs

Sunburnt Africa, in pencil, paint, and prose / Kent Cottrell. - Theda & Emerson Hall: Hollywood, California, 1965.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; drawing ; travel ; pictorial works (form)

More than sunburnt : Africa, mostly above the Equator / written, drawn and painted by Kent Cottrell sequel to sunburnt sketches of Africa-mostly below the Equator. - Central News Agency: Johannesburg, 1958.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; drawing ; travel ; pictorial works (form)

Le statut juridique des non-musulmans en Algérie : l'exemple des évangéliques et des ahmadis / Zohra Aziadé Zemirli ; préface d'Ahmed Mahiou ; avant-propos de Nathalie Bernard-Maugiron. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Algeria ; freedom of religion ; Protestant churches ; Islam ; legal status ; State ; jurisprudence ; dissertations (form)

L'Islam et la modernité dans le droit de la famille au Maghrebétude comparative, Maroc, Algérie, Tunisie / Mariam Monjid ; préface Jacqueline Pousson-Petit. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2013.
ASC Subject·Headings: Algeria ; Morocco ; Tunisia ; Maghreb ; family law ; modernization ; Islam ; values

Representing Algerian youth : the discourses of cultural confrontation and experimentation with democracy and Islamic revival since the riots of 1988 / by William A. Lawrence, III. - UMI Dissertation Services: Ann Arbor, MI, 2005.
ASC Subject·Headings: Algeria ; youth ; protest ; political violence ; Islamic movements ; democracy

L'Algérie aujourd'hui / Jean Hureau. - Éditions Jeune Afrique: Paris, 1979.
ASC Subject·Headings: Algeria ; guidebooks (form)

"E o general respondeu""porque vocês iam aonde mais ninguém la"" : histórias de vida, acção e coragem nos céus de Angola / Fernando Jardim Ferreira ; préfacio Francisco Afonso ""Hanga"".". - Mayamba: Luanda-Sul, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Angola ; air force ; air transport ; personal narratives (form)

A evangelização através da notícia na rádio ecclesia / António Estévão; apresentação Filomeno Vierira Dias ; prefácio Nelson Ribeiro. - Mayamba: Luanda-Sul, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Angola ; community radio ; broadcasting ; mass media ; Christianity ; public opinion

Génese do pensamento estratégico Angolano / Miguel Júnior. - Mayamba: Luanda-Sul, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Angola ; strategic policy ; political history

Mbôngi'a a ñgîndu : escola das ciências políticas no antigo Kôngo / Patrício Batsîkama,. - Mayamba: Luanda-Sul, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Angola ; Democratic Republic of Congo ; Congo (Brazzaville) ; Kongo polity ; power ; political history

Recherches archéologiques à Baia Farta (Benguela-Angola) : {dollar}b Pesquias arqueológicas na Baia farta (Benguela-Angola) / sous la direction de Manuel Gutierrez, Maria Helena Benjamin ; traduction: Michèle Moreira ; préfaces: Sylvain Itté - João Bernardo de Miranda. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Angola ; archaeology ; prehistory

Angola pelos caminhos da paz : guerra e diplomacia (1975-2002) / Justino da Glória Ramos ; prefácio de Armando Marques Guedes. - Mayamba Editora: Luanda, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Angola ; decolonization ; political stability ; civil wars ; international relations ; conflict resolution

Como vi a missão do Dondi / Fonseca Chindondo ; prefácio de Eugénio Antonino Ngolo (Manuvakola). - Mayamba: Luanda-Sul, Angola, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Angola ; Protestant churches ; missionary history

Corpus parémique Yombe : une classification logique / Philémon Kongo Muanda Visce. - Editions Academia: Louvain-La-Neuve, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Angola ; Congo (Brazzaville) ; Democratic Republic of Congo ; Yombe language ; linguistics ; proverbs (form)

Discrimination sexiste au travail : une étude comparée au Bénin et en France / Sylvie de Chacus. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Benin ; France ; gender discrimination ; work environment ; women's rights

PSLE Social studies : Revision Guide for standards 5-7 / K. Moswang, U.B. Rutherford. - Collegium: Gaborone, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Botswana ; social studies ; textbooks (form)

BGCSE Religious Education made easy Revision Book Form 4-5 : summary notes, questions and sample essay points / Kamogelo Letsape-Moilwa. - Botsalano Press Publishers: Gaborone, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Botswana ; religious studies ; textbooks (form)

Botswana review : 2015/ 16 : 34th edition. - B&T Directories (PTY) Ltd: [Gaborone], 2016.
ASC Subject·Headings: Botswana ; business ; infrastructure

National literacy survey 2014 / Statistics Botswana. - Statistics Botswana: Gaborone, Botswana, 2016.
ASC Subject·Headings: Botswana ; literacy ; statistics

Population and housing census 2011. - Statistics Botswana: Gaborone, 2016.
ASC Subject·Headings: Botswana ; demographic research ; censuses

Education statistics report 2012 / Statistics Botswana. - Statistics Botswana: Gaborone, 2015.
ASC Subject·Headings: Botswana ; education ; students ; dropouts ; teachers ; statistics

Pass social studies easily : Revision book : junior certificate / Phekoyakgosi K.S. Maphane. - Botsalano Press Publishers: Gaborone, 2013.
ASC Subject·Headings: Botswana ; social studies ; textbooks (form)

Burkina Faso
Au village de l'ingratitude << Gnima-Zaamé >> / Wend-Lam Souanda Ferdinand Pima. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; parents ; values ; social change

Burkina Faso
Gratitude et recommandations aux parents : stratégies pour un leadership parental / Alain Bérenger Ouédraogo. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; parents ; child rearing

Burkina Faso
Industries culturelles et créatives au Burkina Faso : analyse des filières / Jacob Yarassoula Yarabatioula. - L'Harmattan Burkina Faso: Paris, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; arts ; cinema ; publishing ; decorative arts ; textile industry ; marketing

Burkina Faso
Industries culturelles et créatives au Burkina Faso : trajectoires et enjeux / Jacob Yarassoula Yarabatioula ; préface de Serge Théophile Balima. - L'Harmattan Burkina: Paris, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; arts ; cultural policy

Burkina Faso
Militance. Pour la connaissance des sociétés du Sud-Ouest du Burkina Faso : hommage à Madeleine Père / coordonné par Yamba Bidima, Michèle Cros et Quentin Mégret ; préface de Magloire Somé. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; France ; anthropology ; missions ; museums ; archives ; cultural heritage ; memorial volumes (form)

Burundi 1972 : massacre des Tutsis dans le Sud / Novat Nintunze. - Editions Iwacu: Burundi, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Burundi ; Tutsi ; mass murder

Burundi: le dessous des cartes / Aimé Nkurunziza. - Editions Iwacu: Bujumbura, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Burundi ; political conditions ; politicians ; personal narratives (form)

Cabo Verde
Percursos identitários e estéticos na literatura cabo-verdiana contemporânea : João Varela, Corsino Fortes e José Luís Tavares / Maria de Fátima Fernandes. - Pedro Cardoso Livraria: [Praia], 2016.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cabo Verde ; literature ; poetry ; identity ; literary criticism

Cameroun : les renseignements généraux français dans la lutte contre l'insurrection armée en Sanaga-Maritime / Basile Anyia Enyegue. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; decolonization ; nationalism ; anticolonialism ; Union des Populations du Cameroun ; political violence ; intelligence services

Finances publiques camerounaises : budgets - impôts - douanes - comptabilité publique / Steve Thiery Bilounga. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; public finance ; legal reform ; national budget ; trade policy ; imports ; border control

Portrait d'hôpital (Cameroun) / Josiane Tantchou ; préface de Jean-Pierre Dozon et postface de Laurent Vidal. - Karthala: Paris, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; hospitals ; health care ; medical anthropology ; social life ; personal narratives (form)

Argent et socialité dans le Cameroun moderne : entre retour du potlatch, éthos de la distinction et vacuité idéologique / Valentin Nga Ndongo. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; money ; attitudes ; culture

Ceded at dawn : the aborted decolonization of the UN trust territory of British Southern Cameroons / Augustine Ndangam. - Spears Media Press: Denver, Colorado, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; decolonization ; mandated territories ; conflict ; self-government ; independence

Comprendre : Le signe de la source / Okoumba-Nkoghé et Parfaite Ollamé. - Editions CLE: Yaoundé, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; novels ; literary criticism

Discours dualiste sur le renouveau de Paul Biya : essai politique / Tchuisseu Lowé. - Éditions de Midi: Yaoundé, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; heads of State ; governance ; political conditions ; essays (form)

Djeukam Tchameni : une vie pour la révolution / Enoh Meyomesse. - EdkBOOKS: [Cameroon], 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; political action ; political parties ; biographies (form)

La classe gouvernementale au Cameroun depuis l'an 2000 / Cyriaque Brice Benogo Andela; préface de Jean Roger Abessolo Nguema. - Les Presses Universitaires de Yaoundé: Yaoundé, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; government ; political elite ; power

La recette du porc : essais sur l'amour-haine du Bamiléké / Patrice Nganang. - Teham éditions: Le Plessis-Trévise, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; ethnic relations ; political repression ; social isolation ; Bamileke ; articles (form)

Lutte contre Boko Haram : les victimes collatérales nous parlent! : Récit de reporter / Benjamin Yakana. - Editions Lupeppo: Yaoundé, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; Boko Haram

"Ma ""CAN"" est sucrée : contribution au management des projets sportifs : ""CAN total Cameroun 2019"" : pour la décolisation du sport camerounais / Oumarou Tado.". - Editions D&L: Yaoundé, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; football

Plaidoyer pour le patrimoine : le legs colonial dans les villes du Cameroun : entre histoire et mémoire / Isidore Pascal Ndjock Nyobe. - Éditions de Midi: Yaoundé, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; conservation of cultural heritage ; monuments ; colonialism

Temporalité politique et action publique : cas du recrutement spécial de 25 000 jeunes / Anselme Yogo. - Afrédit: Yaoundé, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; employment creation ; labour policy ; youth unemployment ; civil service reform

Vêtir et se vêtir au Cameroun : de la gestuelle politique aux expressions socio-patrimoniales du vêtement / sous la direction de Bouba Hamman; préface d'Anne Grosfilley. - Éditions Dinimber et Larimber: Yaoundé, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; clothing ; symbols of power ; customs

Abrogation of federalism in Cameroon 1972 : a historical analysis / Victor Julius Ngoh. - Design House: Limbe, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; federalism ; state government ; referendums ; 1972

Accordée avec fraude : de Ahidjo à Biya, comment sortir du cycle des élections contestées / Jean-Bruno Tagne. - Les Éditions du Schabel: Yaoundé, Cameroun, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; elections ; corruption ; political history

Comprendre Les tribus de Capitoline de P.-C. Ombété-Bella / Marie Michelle Ayang Doue. - Éditions CLÉ: Yaoundé, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; literature ; writers ; literary criticism

De la démocratie récréative / Jean de Dieu Momo ; préface du Professeur Mathias Eric Owona Nguini. - D&L Dinimber & Larimber: Yaoundé, Cameroun, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; democracy ; political systems ; political ideologies ; essays (form)

El Hadj Ibrahim Mbombo Njoya : le Cameroun, les bamoun, et moi! / Moussa Njoya. - Les Éditions du Schabel: Yaoundé, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; traditional rulers ; monarchy ; Bamun ; civil servants ; biographies (form) ; interviews (form)

Jean Rameau Sokoudjou : de Bikok à Bamendjou : secrets et testament / Jean-BrunoTagne ; préface, Cardinal Christian Tumi ; postface, Pr Charly Gabriel Mbock. - Les Éditions du Schabel: Yaoundé, Cameroun, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; traditional rulers ; monarchy ; Bamileke ; biographies (form) ; interviews (form)

Jean-Marc Ela et la re-création de l'Afrique : nouvelles pistes de lecture / Loïc MBEN, sj (dir.). - Presses de l'UCAC: Yaoundé, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; intellectuals ; African theology ; social justice ; philosophy

La pêche au bambou tableaux et leçons de vie / Antoneya Marie Ngono. - [publisher not identified]: [Yaoundé], 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; Beti ; children

L'assemblée nationale fédérale du Cameroun (1962-1973) : épicentre de la construction d'une identité narrative camerounaise / Joël Narcisse Meyolo. - LesPuy: Yaoundé, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; parliamentary systems ; parliament ; political history

Les prisonniers du président / sous la direction de Haman Mana et Jules Romuald Nkonlak. - Les Éditions du Schabel: Yaoundé, Cameroun, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; political prisoners ; biographies (form) ; biographical dictionaries (form)

Les voyants africains : le cas bamiléké : les mkam si / Joseph Foaleng ; avec la collaboration d'Isaac Babite. - Éditions de Midi: Yaoundé, République du Cameroun, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; Bamileke ; prophets ; divination

"Neh Manouere 1904-2017 : crise Anglophone : un regret! ""Les révélations anthumes de ma vieille mémoire de patriote"" / Abdoulay Mfewou, Frédéric Fenkam ; préfacé par Adamou Ndam Njoya.". - Éditions Cheikh Anta Diop (ÉDI-CAD): Douala - Cameroun, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; traditional rulers ; politicians ; Bamun ; agricultural development ; local history ; biographies (form)

Scandales : éléments de casuistique pour une viabilité organisationnelle au Cameroun / Viviane Ondoua Biwolé. - Éditions CLÉ: Yaoundé, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; public sector ; governance ; corruption ; responsibility

Crise anglophone et forme de l'État en débat au Cameroun : le procès du centralisme étatique / Ludovic Lado, Edmond VII Mballa Elanga (dir.). - Les Éditions du Schabel: Yaoundé, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; English language ; central-local government relations ; governance

Paul Biya : les routes de l'émergence / Didier Mbouda ; préface de l'honorable Jean Bernard Ndongo Essomba. - Éditions Ifrikiya: Yaoundé, République du Cameroun, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; heads of State ; politics ; government policy

Sur les rues de Douala : baptisées au nom du père, du fils et du saint-colon! / Félix Mbetbo. - Les Éditions du Muntu: Cameroun, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; names ; roads ; biographical dictionaries (form)

Changer le Cameroun par la philosophie : du tribalisme à l'émergence / Maurice Djiongo. - Éditions NGOCE Productions: Douala, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; ethnic relations ; ethnic conflicts ; Bamileke ; philosophy

Droit international, droits nationaux et lutte contre le terrorisme en Afrique : actes du Colloque international organisé par le Département de droit international de l'Institut des relations internationales du Cameroun (IRIC), Yaoundé, les 8, 9 et 10 juin 2016 / sous la direction de Alain Didier Olinga. - UCAC Presses de l'UCAC: Yaoundé, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; international law ; terrorism ; conference papers (form)

Ingénierie de la supervision pédagogique en éducation / Marcelline Djeumeni Tchamabe ; préface de Clermont Gauthier. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; educational quality ; regulatory agencies ; statistics ; information technology

Rudolf Duala Manga Bell : quel legs pour la postérité? / Alain Roger Pegha et Hanse Gilbert Mbeng Dang. - Éditions Cheikh Anta Diop: Douala, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; Kamerun ; traditional rulers ; Duala ; anticolonialism ; colonial history

Representing rulership : palace architecture, spatial orientation, ritual movement, and secrecy in northern Cameroon / by Mark Dike DeLancey. - UMI Dissertation Services: Ann Arbor, MI, 2005.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; palaces ; architecture ; monarchy ; Islam ; physical planning ; rituals

Three kilos of coffee : an autobiography / by Manu Dibango ; in collaboration with Danielle Rouard ; translated by Beth G. Raps ; with a foreword by Danielle Rouard. - University of Chicago Press: Chicago, 1994.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; France ; musicians ; jazz ; autobiographies (form);http://www.l...

Central African Republic
Justice et paix en République centrafricaine : quel espoir après l'Accord de Khartoum ? / Fleury Fulgence Banale ; préface de Danièle Darlan. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Central African Republic ; African agreements ; peace ; administration of justice ; conflict resolution

Central African Republic
Le contentieux des contrats miniers et pétroliers en République centrafricaine / Fabrice Modompte Deg-Tiguey. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Central African Republic ; mining ; petroleum industry ; contracts ; conflict ; lawsuits

Central African Republic
Centrafrique : gouvernance, conflits et défis sécuritaires (2003-2013) / Thierry Irénée Yarafa ; préface de Madame Marie-Noëlle Koyara. - Éditions Ifrikiya: Yaoundé, République du Cameroun, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Central African Republic ; political conditions ; national security

La justice sénégalaise et les crimes internationaux au Tchad 1982-1990 : contribution africaine à l'avancée du Droit Pénal International / Aminata Touré. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Chad ; Senegal ; heads of State ; offences against human rights ; war crimes ; international criminal courts ; international criminal law

Congo (Brazzaville)
Contes des peuples du Kouilou / Delphine Baya. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Congo (Brazzaville) ; folk tales ; folk tales (form) ; oral literature (form)

Congo (Brazzaville)
Femmes et petits commerces du fleuve Congo entre Brazzaville et Kinshasa / Gaston M'Bemba-Ndoumba. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Congo (Brazzaville) ; Democratic Republic of Congo ; capitals ; women traders ; women entrepreneurs ; working conditions ; social conditions

Congo (Brazzaville)
La pensée politique de Pascal Lissouba et l'Union panafricaine pour la démocratie sociale (U.PA.D.S.) / Sidoine Giscard Madoulou ; préface de Jérémy Sylvaine Mehdi Lissouba. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Congo (Brazzaville) ; political philosophy ; Union Panafricaine pour la Démocratie Sociale

Congo (Brazzaville)
Éducation et gouvernance universitaire au Congo-Brazzaville (1960-2019) / Lagui Moyen. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Congo (Brazzaville) ; universities ; higher education ; educational management ; educational reform ; educational history

Congo (Brazzaville)
La qualité de l'éducation scolaire des adolescents au Congo : le cas de l'école secondaire catholique de l'archidiocèse de Brazzaville / Séaphin Koualou-Kibangou. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Congo (Brazzaville) ; secondary education ; Catholic Church ; pupils ; attitudes

Congo (Brazzaville)
Le droit des personnes et de la famille au Congo / Hygin Didace Amboulou ; préface de Marcel Roger Gnali-Gomez. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Congo (Brazzaville) ; family law ; jurisprudence ; handbooks (form)

Congo (Brazzaville)
Tshombe à Alger : une certaine histoire de la décolonisation africaine / Florent Sené. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Democratic Republic of Congo ; Algeria ; France ; Cabinet ; kidnapping ; international relations ; foreign intervention ; decolonization ; political history

Democratic Republic of Congo
Chronique d'une vie des deux côtes de l'Atlantique : du Katanga au Québec / Dimitri Sanga. - Les impliqués éditeur: Paris, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Democratic Republic of Congo ; Canada ; traditional rulers ; travel ; higher education ; personal narratives (form)

Democratic Republic of Congo
De memoires van Alfons Vermeulen / Alfons Vermeulen ; geannoteerd door J. Vansina. - F. Th. van den Hoek: Netherlands, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Congo (Brazzaville) ; Democratic Republic of Congo ; traders ; diaries (form) ; biographies (form) ; 1900-1949

Democratic Republic of Congo
La philosophie a-t-elle une histoire en Afrique ? : autour du vernissage du livre du professeur Jean Kinyongo / sous la direction de Kabuika Mukulu ; préface du Dominique Mweze Chirhulwire Nkingi. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Democratic Republic of Congo ; Africa ; philosophy

Democratic Republic of Congo
Congo : l'autre histoire, de Léopold II, fer de lance de l'antiesclavagisme à l'esclavagisme des multinationales / Charles et Ariane Léonard. - Editions Dynamedia: Kraainem, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Democratic Republic of Congo ; Belgium ; colonization ; economic conditions ; economic policy ; slavery ; history

Democratic Republic of Congo
Kleptocratie et mensonges en politique au Congo-Kinshasa : résilience des citoyens pour sauver la république / Héritier Mambi Tunga-Bau. - Academia-L'Harmattan: Louvain-la-Neuve, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Democratic Republic of Congo ; corruption ; power ; heads of State ; political stability ; political action

Democratic Republic of Congo
La décolonisation du Congo Belge. La gestion politique des vingt-quatre derniers mois avant l'indépendance. Juillet 1958 - juin 1960.Jean Omasombo Tshonda. - Africa Museum: Tervuren, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Democratic Republic of Congo ; independence ; political history

Democratic Republic of Congo
Le rendez-vous du destin : mon devoir de policier au service de la nation / Charles Bisengimana-Rukira ; préface de Mpasu Kampingidi. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Democratic Republic of Congo ; police ; personal narratives

Democratic Republic of Congo
Les canaux de transmission de la politique monétaire en République démocratique du Congo / Jean Bosco Kaomba Mutumba. - Académia-L'Harmattan: Louvain-la-neuve, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Democratic Republic of Congo ; monetary policy ; economic development ; inflation ; central banks ; economic conditions

Democratic Republic of Congo
L'indépendance du Congo et ses lendemains / Elikia M'Bokolo ; préface de Guido Gryseels. - Musée royal de l'Afrique centrale: Tervuren, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Democratic Republic of Congo ; independence ; memory ; decolonization ; museums ; archives ; images

Democratic Republic of Congo
Profession d'anthropologue en milieu congolais : réflexions prospectives / Joël Ipara Motema. - Académia-L'Harmattan: Louvain-la-neuve, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Democratic Republic of Congo ; social sciences ; anthropology ; diplomas ; employment ; labour market

Democratic Republic of Congo
Kinshasa chroniques =Kinshasa chronicles / sous la direction de / edited by Dominique Malaquais. - Éditions de l'Œil: Montreuil, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Democratic Republic of Congo ; capitals ; urban life ; popular culture ; visual arts ; exhibition catalogues (form) ; pictorial works (form)

Democratic Republic of Congo
La gouvernance foncière en RD Congo : du pluralisme institutionnel à la vampirisation de l'État / Michel Bisa Kibul. - Academia-L'Harmattan: Louvain-la-Neuve, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Democratic Republic of Congo ; land tenure ; land law

Democratic Republic of Congo
Apercu socioculturel de l'ethnie logo / Julien Irumu Agozia-Kario ; préface de Jean Tandele Makiazele. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Democratic Republic of Congo ; South Sudan ; Logo ; migration ; social structure ; colonization ; social life ; gender division of labour

Democratic Republic of Congo
Développement durable et politique de zones économiques spéciales en République démocratique du Congo / Christian Mapendo. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Democratic Republic of Congo ; sustainable development ; free economic zones ; industrial development ; employment creation ; climate change ; economic policy

Democratic Republic of Congo
Didactique et évaluation à l'école des compétences : stratégies pour améliorer la qualité de l'enseignement en République démocratique du Congo / Paulin Kalala Kabeya. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Democratic Republic of Congo ; educational quality ; schools ; teaching methods

Democratic Republic of Congo
La décentralisation en RD Congo : enjeux juridiques, politiques, socio-économiques et culturels / sous la direction de Patrick Devlieger et Hilaire Mbiye Lumbala. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2016.
ASC Subject·Headings: Democratic Republic of Congo ; Mali ; decentralization ; governance ; central-local government relations ; land conflicts ; conference papers (form)

Democratic Republic of Congo
La joie de la mission / Mgr Sébastien-Joseph Muyengo Mulombe. - Médiaspaul: Kinshasa, 2015.
ASC Subject·Headings: Democratic Republic of Congo ; missions ; Catholic Church ; speeches (form)

Democratic Republic of Congo
Laurent Désiré Kabila : la longue marche pour un bref destin / Sissa Le Bernard N'zapa A Nai Colo. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2013.
ASC Subject·Headings: Democratic Republic of Congo ; Great Lakes region ; heads of State ; geopolitics

East Africa
Ecological changes in the Zambezi river basin / edited by Mzime Ndebele-Murisa, Ismael Aaron Kimirei, Chipo Plaxedes Mubaya, Taurai Bere. - CODESRIA: Dakar, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: East Africa ; Southern Africa ; rivers ; river basins ; ecology ; environmental management ; hydrology

East Africa
The elephant in the house : leadership and future sustainability of church media projects in Eastern Africa / by Andrew Ulemu Kaufa. - Franciscan Kolbe Press: Limuru, Kenya, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: East Africa ; Church ; Christianity ; mass media ; entrepreneurs

East Africa
Issues in Bible translation : navigating troubling and tempestous waters / Aloo Osotsi Mojola, PhD. - Bible Society of Kenya: Nairobi, Kenya, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; East Africa ; Africa ; Bible ; translation

East Africa
Maasai jewelry : European beads with African stories = Massai-Schmuck : Europaische Perlen mit Afrikanische geschichten / Vanessa Wijngaarden. - Iwalewahaus Universität Bayreuth: Bayreuth, 2016.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; Tanzania ; Germany ; beadwork ; Maasai

Récits de la province égyptienne : une ethnographie sud-sud / Fanny Colonna. - Sindbad [etc.]: [Paris etc.], 2003.
ASC Subject·Headings: Egypt ; rural areas ; rural population ; communities ; social conditions ; social change ; anthropology ; ethnographies (form)

Soybeans in Egypt : research, production, economics, nutrition and health : proceedings of the International Conference on Soybean Production under Newly Reclaimed Lands in Egypt, November 28-29, 1998 / edited by Robert B. Dadson and Nemat A. Noureldin. - University Press of Maryland: Bethesda, MD, 2001.
ASC Subject·Headings: Egypt ; soybeans ; arable farming ; soil fertility ; pest control ; agricultural economy ; conference papers (form)

Ägypten : ein Geschenk des Nils / Peter P. Riesterer. - E. Rentsch: Erlenbach-Zürich, 1958.
ASC Subject·Headings: Egypt ; ancient Egypt ; pictorial works (form)

Rhetoric and social relations : dialectics of bonding and contestation / edited by Jon Abbink and Shauna LaTosky. - Berghahn Books: New York ;;Oxford, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Ethiopia ; Egypt ; Cameroon ; oratory ; language usage ; symbols ; social relations

Multi-dimensional child poverty in Ghana. - National Development Planning Commission (NDPC): Accra, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Ghana ; poverty ; children

Managing human resources in Ghana : a guide for foreign executives / John Kuada. - Adonis & Abbey Publishers Ltd: London, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Ghana ; personnel management ; guidebooks (form)

Fire from the north : the origins, growth, development & influence of Assemblies of God, Ghana / Paul Frimpong-Manso. - Digibooks Ghana Ltd.: Tema, Ghana, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Ghana ; Pentecostalism ; Church history

Twenty-first annual report 2014. - The commission on human rights and administrative justice Ghana: Ghana, 2014.
ASC Subject·Headings: Ghana ; human rights institutions ; annual reports (form) ; 2014

Shaping quotidian worlds : ceramic production and consumption in Banda, Ghana, c. 1780-1994 / by Maria das Dores Girão da Cruz. - UMI Dissertation Services: Ann Arbor, MI, 2003.
ASC Subject·Headings: Ghana ; pottery ; social life ; long-distance trade ; archaeology ; colonial policy ; ethnic conflicts ; colonial period

Le Ghana aujourd'hui / Mylène Rémy ; photos en couleurs de Guy Philippart de Foy. - Éditions Jeune Afrique: Paris, 1977.
ASC Subject·Headings: Ghana ; guidebooks (form)

La promotion Mao : une histoire, un destin / sous la direction de Souleymane Cissé ; préface de Baïlo Télivel Diallo. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Guinea ; graduates ; generations ; universities ; memory ; autobiographies (form)

Eglise protestante évangélique de Guinée : aperçu historique / Samuel Kondano ; préface de Daniel Ibsen. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Guinea ; Protestant churches ; Africanization ; Church history

Idrissa Kaba : une histoire de vie, témoignage / Mamoudou Kabala Kabiné Kaba. - Les impliqués éditeur: Paris, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Guinea ; biographies (form)

Planification des activités agricoles dans les pouvoirs révolutionnaires locaux : Commissariat général de la Révolution de N'Zérékoré / Fadaman Itala Kourouma. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Guinea ; regional development ; agricultural planning

Ivory Coast
Hommes illustres et symboles du Moronou (Côte d'Ivoire) / Simon-Pierre Ekanza. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Côte d'Ivoire ; Anyi ; Anyi polity ; leadership ; symbols

Ivory Coast
Bréviaire de l'idéologie politique de Félix Houphouët-Boigny / Jean-Pasquerel Wenceslas Yocolly. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Côte d'Ivoire ; heads of State ; political history ; political ideologies

Ivory Coast
Côte d'Ivoire, élection(s) présidentielle(s) à l'horizon 2020 : enjeux, bilans et perspectives / Kouassi Ange Aristide Molou ; préface de Honorable Konan Koffi Marius. - Les impliqués éditeur: Paris, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Côte d'Ivoire ; presidential elections ; political conditions

Ivory Coast
Essai sur l'articulation logique de la pensée akan-nzima / Niamkey-Koffi. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Côte d'Ivoire ; Ghana ; Nzima ; Akan ; ethnophilosophy ; essays (form)

Ivory Coast
La Côte d'Ivoire aujourd'hui / Mylène Rémy ; photos. de Guy Philippart de Foy. - Éditions J.A.: Paris, 1976.
ASC Subject·Headings: Côte d'Ivoire ; guidebooks (form)

The contested lands of Laikipia : histories of claims and conflict in a Kenyan landscape / by Marie Ladekjær Gravesen. - Brill: Leiden ;;Boston, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; land tenure ; land use ; property rights ; land conflicts

8th Kenya national monitoring and evaluation week : conference report. - Government of Kenya: Nairobi, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; national planning ; governance ; public accounting ; conference papers (form)

Bongo surveillance project 2020 review / Mike Prettejohn, Juliette Shears, Peter Comport. - Bongo Surveillance Project: Kenya, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; NGO ; nature conservation ; wildlife protection ; community participation ; forest management ; fieldwork

Rural women's entrepreneurship and micro-finance : lessons on household development strategies from Vihiga County Kenya / Lotan Migaliza. - Writers Guild Kenya: Nairobi, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; rural women ; women entrepreneurs ; microfinance ; households ; livelihoods ; empowerment

Ulaf people of Alego : history of migration, settlement and development / Obonyo Ochieng Digolo, B.Ed (Hons), M.Ed, PhD. - Ndiwo Vision Press: Nairobi, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; Luo ; clans ; ethnic identity ; social history

An assessment of the public expenditure and financial accountability : Makueni County. - Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis: Nairobi, Kenya, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; public expenditure ; public accounting ; regional government

An assessment of the public expenditure and financial accountability : Nakuru County. - Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis: Nairobi, Kenya, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; public expenditure ; public accounting ; regional government

Assessment of uptake and impact of tax amnesty in Kenya / Institute of certified public accountants of Kenya. - Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Kenya (ICPAK): Nairobi, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; fiscal law ; tax incentives ; capital movements

Factors that determine choice of products market for businesses in the informal sector in Kenya / Evelyne Njuguna and Purity Mugambi. - Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis: Nairobi, Kenya, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; enterprises ; informal sector ; market

Kenya National Bibliography 2017. - Kenya National Library Service: Nairobi, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; national bibliographies (form) ; bibliographies (form) ; 2017

Participation of ethnic minorities and marginalized communities in political and other governance processes : realities and approaches / Katiba Institute. - Katiba Institute: Nairobi;©2019, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; ethnic groups ; minority groups ; communities ; social isolation ; discrimination ; political participation ; inclusive development

The people versus Uhuru Kenyatta : lessons from challenging the 2017 fresh election result : a civil society story of change. - International Commission of Jurists (Kenya Section): [Kenya], 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; presidential elections ; lawsuits ; civil society ; supreme courts

Women's access to agricultural finance in Kenya : baseline report 2019 / Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis. - Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis: Nairobi, Kenya, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; agricultural policy ; finance ; financial aid ; women farmers

Building resilience to mitigate the impact of droughts and floods : proceedings of the KIPPRA Regional Conference held from 5th-7th June 2018, Nairobi Kenya / edited by: Dr. Naomi Mathenge, Adan Guyo Shibia, Andrew Levi Olando, Felix Murithi. - Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis: Nairobi, Kenya, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; droughts ; climate change ; agricultural production ; conference papers (form) ; disasters

Confronting violent extremism in Kenya : debates, ideas and challenges / edited by Mutuma Ruteere and Patrick Mutahi. - Centre for Human Rights and Policy Studies: Nairobi, Kenya, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; Islam ; terrorism ; radicalism ; al-Shabaab ; national security

Sector Plan for population, urbanization and housing 2018-2022 : quality population with adequate and decent housing in a sustainable environment / Republic of Kenya. - Government of the Republic of Kenya: Nairobi, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; population ; urbanization ; housing policy ; development planning

Value creating education in Kenya : building a humane society / editors Henry Indangasi, Anna P Mwangi, Masumi Odari. - University of Nairobi School of Education and Department of LIterature: Nairobi, Kenya, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; education ; values ; curriculum development ; conference papers (form)

Who do the ngimurok say that they are? : a phenomenological study of Turkana traditional religious specialists in Turkana, Kenya / by Kevin Lines. - Pickwick Publications: Eugene, Oregon, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; Turkana ; African religions ; Christianity ; interreligious relations

The Gusii of Kenya : social, economic, cultural, political & judicial perspectives / John S. Akama. - Nsemia Inc. Publishers: [Nairobi], 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; Gusii ; anthropology

The contested empowerment of Kenya's judiciary, 2010-2015 : a historical institutional analysis / James Thuo Gathii. - Sheria Publishing House: Nairobi, Kenya, 2016.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; judicial power ; legal reform ; constitutional law

Election crimes and offences in Kenya. - National Crime Research Centre: Nairobi, Kenya, 2016.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; elections ; bribery ; corruption ; fraud ; hate speech ; political violence

Kenya's revenue analysis 2010-2015 : a historical perspective to revenue performance in Kenya. - The Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Kenya (ICPAK): Nairobi, 2016.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; public revenue ; taxation ; economic development ; 2010-2019

The Kenya-Australia development cooperation : report of the Australian leadership awards fellowship programme on capacity building in conflict management & peace building in Kenya. - National Steering Committee on Peacebuilding and Conflict Management (NSCPBCM): Nairobi, 2014.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; Australia ; development cooperation ; peacebuilding ; conflict resolution

Multi-Stakeholder National Dialogue report : 'Manthabiseng Convention Centre from 26th-28th November, 2018 : the Lesotho we want : dialogue and reforms for national transformation / [National Dialogue Planning Committee]. - [National Dialogue Planning Committee]: [Maseru], 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Lesotho ; national conferences ; 2018 ; reform

National integration, elections and development / George Klay Kieh, Jr. (guest ed.). - North Carolina Central University: Durham, NC, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Liberia ; United States ; nation building ; State formation ; elections ; democracy ; development ; food security ; higher education ; land law ; roads

L'échec des premières colonies françaises à Madagascar (1633-1831) / Gérard Buttoud. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Madagascar ; France ; colonization ; colonial policy ; conflict ; slave trade

Reconciling conservation and development in the Mikea forest of southwestern Madagascar : background for the next phase in Madagascar's conservation experiment / by James Wolfe Yount. - UMI Dissertation Services: Ann Arbor, MI, 2005.
ASC Subject·Headings: Madagascar ; forests ; forest management ; nature conservation ; deforestation ; economic development ; maize ; Mikea ; dissertations (form)

Buried in the debris of independence : the life and death of Rev. Alexander Kutchona / T.S.E. Katsulukuta. - Luviri Press: Mzuzu, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Malawi ; independence ; clergy ; biographies (form) ; political violence

Living in religious diversity : a possibility for Malawi Muslim and Christian co-existence. - Kachere Series: Zomba, Malawi, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Malawi ; Islam ; Christianity ; interreligious relations ; peacebuilding

A Malawi church history, 1860-2020 / Kenneth R. Ross and Klaus Fiedler. - Mzuni Press: Mzuzu, Malawi, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Malawi ; Christianity ; missions ; Church history

Mission in progress : the developing role of women in the church : an SDA perspective from Malawi / Frank Barden Chirwa. - Mzuni Press: Mzuzu, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Malawi ; Baptist Church ; women ; gender roles ; missions

Towards a Malawian theology of laity / edited by Volker Glissmann. - Luviri Press: Mzuzu, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Malawi ; Church ; African theology

Report of the Law Commission on the review of the electoral laws / Malawi Law Commission. - Government Printer: Lilongwe, Malawi, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Malawi ; election law

Élites, élections et transformation du politique au Mali / Marie Deridder. - Karthala et APAD: Paris, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mali ; local government ; decentralization ; elite ; rural society ; natural resource management

Femmes du Mali-Sud : changements de vie entre la tradition et le développement : un tisssage de mémoires et d'images 1980-2012 / Lida Zuidberg, Simone Kortbeek, Koos Kingma, Ans Koning. - African Studies Centre: Leiden, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mali ; women ; social conditions ; social status ; social change

La constitution malienne de 1992 : de la rigidité à l'impossible révision / Brahima Fomba. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mali ; constitutional reform ; constitutions ; 1992

La direction du budget au Mali : instrument stratégique de prévision et d'exécution de la Loi des finances / Abdoulaye Fofana. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mali ; government departments ; national budget ; financial management ; public expenditure

Décentralisation et changement social au Mali : enjeux et logiques d'appropriation locales : cas des communes rurales de N'Golobougou, Kilidougou et N'Garadougou dans le cercle de Dioïla / Kawélé Togola. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mali ; decentralization ; local government ; social change ; conflict

Office du Niger et pratiques paysannes : appropriation technologique et dynamique sociale / Birama Diakon. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2012.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mali ; agricultural development ; agricultural innovations ; agricultural productivity

Sécurité alimentaire et organisations agricoles et rurales au Mali / Abdoulaye Keïta ; préface de Yaya Tamboura. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2012.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mali ; food security ; food supply ; agricultural productivity ; rural development

Sundiata : an epic of old Mali / D.T. Niane ; translated by G.D. Pickett ; with extra material by David Chappell, James A. Jones. - Pearson: Harlow, England, 2006.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mali ; Manding ; epics (form) ; legends (form) ; oral traditions ; soun

The rise of African rice farming and the economic use of plants in the upper Middle Niger Delta (Mali) / by Shawn Sabrina Murray. - UMI Dissertation Services: Ann Arbor, MI, 2005.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mali ; rice ; farming systems ; plants ; economic development ; archaeology ; Stone Age ; Iron Age

Le siècle guerrier franco-sahraoui 1910-2010 / Ali Omar Yara. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2010.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mauritania ; Western Sahara ; France ; Saharawis ; Adrar polity ; colonization ; anticolonialism ; conflict

Proverbes et dictons mahorais : expliqués et commentés / Amir Ali ; préface de Nabe Ahamada Ibrahima. - Les impliqués éditeur: Paris, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mauritius ; literary criticism ; proverbs (form)

Les Lazaristes aux Mascareignes aux XVIIIe et XIXe siècles : île Bourbon (La Réunion) et île de France (Maurice) / Marc Thieffry. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mauritius ; Réunion ; missions ; Church history

Saving small island states : environmental and natural resource challenges / edited by Shyam Nath, John L. Roberts and Yeti Nisha Madhoo. - Commonwealth Secretariat: London, 2010.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mauritius ; Trinidad and Tobago ; Caribbean ; islands ; government policy ; environmental policy ; natural resource management ; environmental management ; economic development ; sustainable development ; development planning

Psychanalyse de la vie ordinaire / Saad Belgnaoui. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Morocco ; psychoanalysis

Maroc, où vas-tu ? / Nihed El Baroudi. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Morocco ; travel ; taxis ; prose (form)

Fouad Laroui / sous la direction de Najib Redouane, Yvette Bénayoun-Szmidt, Bernadette Rey Mimoso-Ruiz. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Morocco ; writers ; novels ; literary criticism

Sustainable development in water-stressed developing countries : a quantitative policy analysis / Satoshi Kojima. - Edward Elgar Publishing: Cheltenham [etc.], 2007.
ASC Subject·Headings: Morocco ; developing countries ; sustainable development ; poverty reduction ; water resources ; water supply ; deserts ; econometrics ; policy research

Marokko : vom Rif zu den Hammadas / Fredy Minder, Werner Nigg. - Kimmerly & Frey: Bern, 1971.
ASC Subject·Headings: Morocco ; travel ; pictorial works (form)

Le Maroc aujourd'hui. - Arthaud: [Paris], 1969.
ASC Subject·Headings: Morocco ; guidebooks (form)

IV recenseamento geral da população e habitação 2017 : resultados definitivos, Moçambique / Instituto Nacional de Estatística. - Instituto Nacional de Estatística: Maputo, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mozambique ; population ; housing ; statistics ; 2017 ; Mozambique

Conceiving Mozambique / John A. Marcum, author ; Edmund Burke III, Michael W. Clough, editors. - Palgrave Macmillan: Cham, Switzerland, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mozambique ; Frelimo ; nationalism ; national liberation movements ; independence

Faith in flux : Pentecostalism and mobility in rural Mozambique / Devaka Premawardhana. - University of Pennsylvania Press: Philadelphia;©2018, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Mozambique ; Makua ; Pentecostalism ; social mobility ; residential mobility ; social change

Ohungipeke : Onakuziwa yetu moshiitalelo / Moses Amkongo. - University of Namibia Press: Windhoek, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Namibia ; Ovambo ; Ndonga ; oral traditions ; oral literature ; oral history ; linguistics

Ozongombe mOmbazu ya Kaoko =Cattle culture of the Kaoko Ovaherero / Jekura Uaurika Kavari, Ephraim P.K. Tutjavi, Ngungaa Hangara. - University of Namibia Press: Windhoek, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Namibia ; Herero ; cattle ; colours ; names

Securing land rights : communal land reform in Namibia / Romie Vonkie Nghitevelekwa. - University of Namibia Press: Windhoek, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Namibia ; land rights ; communal lands ; land reform ; land tenure

Postverkehr im besetzten Deutsch-Südwestafrika 1914-1919Zensurverschlusszettel, Zensurstempel, Zensurpostverkehr, InternierungslagerUwe Albert/ Hans Koppe. - Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Sammler Deutscher Kolonialpostwertzeichen e.V.: Eibelstadt, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Namibia ; Southern Africa ; Germany ; colonial territories ; postal services ; postage stamps ; letters ; censorship ; prisoners of war ; colonial period

Constitutional rights in Namibia : a comparative analysis with international human rights / by Gino J. Naldi. - Juta & Co: Kenwyn, 1995.
ASC Subject·Headings: Namibia ; constitutions ; human rights ; jurisprudence ; international law

Beeld van die SWA Gebiedsmag / P.H.R. Snyman. - Openbare Betrekkinge SA Weermag: Pretoria, 1989.
ASC Subject·Headings: Namibia ; South Africa ; war ; national liberation struggles ; armed forces ; military history

CEDEAO : du libre-échange au marché commun : quelles opportunités pour le Niger? : essai / Dan Bouga Boukari. - Editions Gashingo: Du libre-échange au marché commun quelles opportunités pour le Niger? essai;Lomé-Togo, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Niger ; ECOWAS ; economic development

Le Niger aujourd'hui / Jean-Claude Klotchkoff ; 85 pages de photos en couleur de Guy Philippart de Foy. - Editions jeune afrique: Paris, 1982.
ASC Subject·Headings: Niger ; guidebooks (form)

The Ogoni of the Eastern Niger Delta : an economic, political and cultural analysis from settlement to the present / Sonpie Kpone-Tonwe. - Safari Books: Abuja, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; Ogoni ; traditions ; anthropology ; history

Britain, the Royal Air Force and relief flights to Biafra, 1968-1969 / Onianwa Oluchukwu Ignatus. - Academica Press: Washington, DC, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; Nigerian-Biafran War ; United Kingdom ; food aid ; air transport

Delivered from the mouth of the dragon : a face-to-face encounter with radical Islamist terrorism / Nwankwo Nwaezeigwe. - Academica Press: Washington [DC] ;;London, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; Islam ; terrorism ; radicalism ; personal narratives (form)

Road to the house / by Francis Ejiroghene Waive ; [forew. by Yemi Osinbajo]. - Malthouse Press: Lagos ;;Benin ;;Ibadan ;;Jos ;;Port-Harcourt ;;Zaria, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; clergy ; politicians ; parliamentarians ; biographies (form)

Federal character and affirmative action : history and peculiarities of diversity policies in the United States and Nigeria / by Michael O Maduagwu. - Safari Books Ltd.: Ibadan, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; United States ; affirmative action ; cultural pluralism ; ethnic relations ; constitutional history

Repositioning higher education in Nigeria : proceedings of the Summit on Higher education in Nigeria / editors: Babalola Borishade, Peter Okebukola. - Heinemann Educational Books: Ibadan [etc.], 2006.
ASC Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; higher education ; universities ; educational policy ; educational management ; conference papers (form)

North Africa
Art et résistance au Maghreb et au Moyen-Orient de 1945 à 2011 / Groupe de recheches sur le Maghreb et le Moyen-Orient (GRAMAMO) ; coordonné par Anissa Bouayed et Chantal Chanson-Jabeur. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Maghreb ; Middle East ; arts ; protest ; resistance ; art history ; social history

Northeast Africa
Desert locust plagues : controlling the ancient scourge / Colin Everard. - I.B. Tauris: London, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Northeast Africa ; Somalia ; insects ; pest control

Finding purpose in challenging times : my journey from refugee to humanitarian leader-and how anyone can rise to make a difference / Patrick Karangwa. - Legacy: Monrovia, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Rwanda ; Uganda ; refugees ; refugee assistance ; humanitarian assistance ; youth organizations ; empowerment

Marème Faye Sall, la couronne du sacrifice. / Alain Sambou ; préface de Masamba Guèye ; postface de Macoumba Diouf. - L'Harmattan-Sénégal: Dakar, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; heads of State ; spouses

Pour l'émergence d'une université performante au service du développement durable : de quelques éléments de réponse aus défis de l'UCAD (et des autres universités sénégalaises) / Lamine Ndiaye. - L'Harmattan-Sénégal: Dakar, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; universities ; sustainable development ; educational management

L'assainissement au Sénégal : progrès, stratégies et perspectives / Sidy Tounkara, Seydina Ousmane Sène ; préface du Ababakar Mbaye. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; sanitation

Le son d'humanité : contributions géo-stratégiques vers une Afrique post-covid / Thierno Souleymane Diop Niang. - L'Harmattan-Sénégal: Dakar, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; Africa ; society ; future

Les Sénégalais de Boko Haram / Mamadou Mouth Bane ; préface de Abdoul Latif Aidara. - L'Harmattan-Sénégal: Dakar, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; Sahel ; terrorism ; Boko Haram ; trials ; evidence

Dalifort, tous pour tout / Cheikh Tidjane Agne ; préface de Landing Sané. - L'Harmattan: Dakar, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; towns ; townships ; informal settlements ; urban planning ; government policy

Actualités du droit public et de la science politique en Afrique : mélanges en l'honneur de Babacar Kanté / Alioune Sall, Ismaïla Madior Fall. - L'Harmattan Sénégal: Dakar, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; Africa ; public law ; political science

La guerre sainte n'aura pas lieu / Mor Sarr Niang. - L'Harmattan Sénégal: Dakar, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; Islamic education ; educational systems ; secondary education ; social integration

The Sahara to Senegal / Pierre Loti. - Kegan Paul: London [etc.], 2002.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; Sahara ; travel ; colonial period ; travel books (form) ; personal narratives (form)

La végétation de la vallée alluviale du Senegal dans la région de Salde : contribution à la connaissance du milieu biogéographique / Amadou-Mamadou Camara. - Département de Géographie Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines Université de Dakar: Dakar, 1976.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; flora ; climate ; landscape ; deforestation ; theses (form)

South Africa
Anatomy of the ANC in power : insights from Port Elizabeth, 1990-2019 / Mcebisi Ndletyana. - HSRC Press: Cape Town, South Africa, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; African National Congress (South Africa) ; political history

South Africa
And wrote my story anyway : black South African women's novels as feminism / Barbara Boswell. - Wits University Press: Johannesburg, South Africa, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; feminism ; novels ; women writers ; black women ; discrimination ; nationalism ; literary criticism

South Africa
Clown of the city / Stephan de Beer. - African Sun Press: [Stellenbosch], 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; urban society ; Church ; Christian theology ; urban life ; urban areas ; universities

South Africa
Dennis Brutus : the South African years / Tyrone August. - BestRed an imprint of HSRC Press: Cape Town, South Africa, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; anti-apartheid resistance ; political action ; writers ; biographies (form)

South Africa
Development for liberationM.G. Buthelezi's and Inkatha's initiatives towards a different South Africa, 1975-1994Aljoscha Tillmanns. - Röhrig Universitätsverlag: St. Ingbert, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; Inkatha Freedom Party ; KwaZulu ; Natal ; apartheid ; democratization

South Africa
Dreaming of freedom in South Africa : literature between critique and Utopia / David Johnson. - UCT Press an imprint of Juta and Company: Claremont, South Africa, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; anticolonialism ; anti-apartheid resistance ; Pan Africanist Congress ; African National Congress (South Africa) ; South African Communist Party ; Unity Movement of South Africa ; black trade unions

South Africa
Migrant labour after Apartheid : the inside story / Leslie J Bank, Dorrit Posel, Francis Wilson. - HSRC Press: Cape Town, South Africa, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; labour migration ; internal migration ; migrant workers ; urbanization ; rural-urban migration ; living conditions

South Africa
Pathways across cultures : intercultural communication in South Africa / editors, Milagros Rivera-Sánchez and Rentia du Plessis. - Juta: Cape Town, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; culture contact ; communication

South Africa
Power and loss in South African journalism : news in the age of social media / Glenda Daniels. - Wits University Press: Johannesburg, South Africa, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; journalism ; social media ; mass media ; power

South Africa
Select essays on governance and accountability issues in public law / Hennie Strydom. - African Sun Press: [Stellenbosch], 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; South Africa ; Burundi ; Syria ; legislation ; responsibility ; human rights ; hate speech ; minority groups ; international criminal courts

South Africa
Serving higher purposes : university mergers in Post-Apartheid South Africa / Ihron Rensburg. - African Sun Press: Stellenbosch, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; universities ; educational reform

South Africa
Violence against women : law, policy and practice / edited by Nolundi Luwaya, Rashida Manjoo, Jameelah Omar. - Juta: Claremont, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; gender-based violence ; domestic violence ; sexual offences ; women refugees ; mental health ; law

South Africa
Who gets in and why : race, class and aspiration in South Africa's elite schools / by Jonathan Jansen and Samantha Kriger. - UCT Press: Claremont, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; schools ; access to education ; elite ; social inequality ; race relations

South Africa
Working class homosexuality in South African history : voices from the archives / Iain Edwards & Marc Epprecht. - HSRC Press: Cape Town, South Africa, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; working class ; homosexuality ; discrimination ; social conditions

South Africa
Zwischen Antisemitismus und Apartheid : Jüdinnen und Juden in Südafrika (1948-1990) / Hanno Plass. - Verbrecher Verlag: Berlin, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; Jews ; anti-Semitism ; apartheid ; anti-apartheid resistance ; race relations

South Africa
Collective labour law / by John Grogan. - Juta and Company: Cape Town, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; labour law ; trade unions ; collective bargaining ; labour conflicts ; strikes

South Africa
Cyril's choices : lessons from 25 years of freedom in South Africa / John Matisonn. - Ideas for Africa in association with Missing Ink: Vlaeberg, South Africa, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; heads of State ; international relations ; diplomacy ; economic conditions

South Africa
Rebels and rage : reflecting on #FeesMustFall / Adam Habib. - Jonathan Ball: Johannesburg, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; universities ; student strikes ; protest ; political action ; social change

South Africa
Re-imagining curriculum : spaces for disruption / editor, Lynn Quinn. - SUN Press: Stellenbosch, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; higher education ; curriculum ; curriculum development

South Africa
A sin of omission / Marguerite Poland. - Penguin Books: Cape Town, South Africa, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa

South Africa
Changing our worlds : art as transformative practice / editors, Michelle LeBaron, Janis Sarra. - African Sun Media under the Sun Press imprint: [Stellenbosch, South Africa], 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; arts ; social change

South Africa
Antjie Krog : an ethics of body and otherness / edited by Judith Lütge Coullie and Andries Visagie. - University of Kwazulu-Natal Press: Scottsville, 2014.
ASC Subject·Headings:

South Africa
Reaction to conquest : effects of contact with Europeans on the Pondo of South Africa / Monica Hunter. - LIT Verlag Dr. W. Hopf: Berlin [etc.], 2009.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; Pondo ; Europeans ; colonial conquest ; culture contact ; ethnic relations ; anthropology

South Africa
Unknown : installations by Jan van der Merwe / [edited by Stefan Hundt]. - Sanlam Life Insurance Ltd.: [South Africa], 2004.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; visual arts

Subsaharan Africa
Brothers at war : dissidence and rebellion in Southern Africa / Abiodun Alao. - Bloomsbury Academic: London ;;New York ;;Oxford ;;New Delhi ;;Sydney, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Angola ; Mozambique ; South Africa ; Zimbabwe ; political opposition ; civil wars ; political stability

Subsaharan Africa
L'anthropologie et le missionnaire : l'Un et l'Autre, regard en terre africaine / Francis Gatterie ; préface d'Octave Nicoué Kuété Broohm. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Africa ; missions ; Christianity ; anthropology

Subsaharan Africa
Bloomsbury encyclopedia of popular music of the world.edited by David Horn, John Shepherd, Gabrielle Kielich, Heidi Feldman. - Bloomsbury Academic: London, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Subsaharan Africa ; popular music ; encyclopedias (form)

Subsaharan Africa
Jalons pour l'histoire ancienne de la nation Dazagara (Toubou) / Ahmed Mahamadi Souleymane. - Éditions D&L: Yaoundé, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Chad ; Libya ; Niger ; Nigeria ; Sudan ; Daza ; Tubu ; traditional polities ; ethnogenesis ; history

Subsaharan Africa
Religion and violence : a contributions from social sciences and theology on an urgent issue / Patrick Mwania Musau, Marco Moerschbacher and Felix Phiri, editors. - Paulines Publications Africa: Nairobi, Kenya, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Subsaharan Africa ; Tanzania ; Zanzibar ; Côte d'Ivoire ; Chad ; Nigeria ; religion ; violence ; Bible ; interreligious relations ; conference papers (form)

Subsaharan Africa
Public-private partnerships in sub-Saharan Africa : case studies for policymakers, 2017 / E. R. Yescombe. - Uongozi Institute: Dar es Salaam, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Subsaharan Africa ; private sector ; public sector ; development projects

Le pigeon et la fourmi = Kwôrróŋá ámròŋwê = The pigeon and the ant : conte des monts Nouba, Soudan = tèŋéeròŋw tɐ̀tì Yɐ̀nnúbɐ̀ = a story from the Nuba Mountains, Sudan / collecte du texte koalib et traduction française, Nicolas Quint ; traduction anglaise, Pamela Cope ; illustrations, Sefedin Kwumi. - Harmattan: Paris, 2007.
ASC Subject·Headings: Sudan ; folk tales (form) ; Koalib language

Pictorial history of Zanzibar 1800-1964 / by Riadh A. Al Busaidi. - [Author]: [Oman?], 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zanzibar ; history ; buildings ; palaces ; traditional rulers ; postage stamps ; pictorial works (form)

Sea level : a portrait of Zanzibar / Sarah Markes. - Mkuki na Nyota Publishers: Dar es Salaam, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Tanzania ; Zanzibar ; cultural heritage ; buildings ; drawing ; pictorial works (form)

Kenya National Report - ICPD @25 : Kenya's progress in implementing the Addis Ababa declaration on population and development / Republic of Kenya. - National Council for Population and Development (NCPD): Nairobi, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; population ; development ; social conditions ; social policy ; government policy

The 2018 report on the situation of human rights defenders and civic space in Tanzania / researchers: Jones Sendodo, Deogratias Bwire, Leopold Mosha ; writers: Jones Sendodo, Deogratias Bwire, Leopold Mosha. - Tanzania Human Rights Defenders Coalition (THRDC): Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Tanzania ; human rights ; civil and political rights ; freedom of speech ; journalists ; whistleblowing ; offences against human rights

The dawn of consumer rights protection in Tanzania / Oscar Ishengoma Kikoyo. - E&D Vision Publishing: Dar es Salaam, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Tanzania ; consumer protection

Zanzibar in figures 2017 / Office of the Chief Government Statis. - Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar: [Zanzibar], 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zanzibar ; demography ; social conditions ; economic conditions ; statistics ; 2017

Rent-seeking, institutions and reforms in Africa : theory and empirical evidence for Tanzania / by Pius Fischer. - Springer: New York ;;London, 2010.
ASC Subject·Headings: Tanzania ; rent ; investment returns ; corruption ; structural adjustment ; public finance ; economic policy ; fiscal policy ; monetary policy

Peter Sebald et le Togo : mélanges en mémoire d'un chercheur et de sa passion / sous la direction de Théodore Nicoué Lodjou Gayibor, Paulin Adjaï Oloukpona-Yinnon, Yves Marguerat. - L'Harmattan Presses de l'Université de Lomé: Paris, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Togo ; German Togoland ; academics ; colonial history ; missionary history ; memorial volumes (form)

La Tunisie aujourd'hui / par Jean Hureau. - [B.] Arthaud: [Genoble], 1968.
ASC Subject·Headings: Tunisia ; guidebooks (form)

Poverty status report 2014 : structural change and poverty reduction in Uganda / Economic Development Policy and Research Department, Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Developmemnt. - Ministry of Finance Planning and Economic Developmemnt: Kampala, [Uganda], 2014.
ASC Subject·Headings: Uganda ; poverty ; poverty reduction ; development planning

West Africa
État de l'intégration régionale en Afrique de l'Ouest : une analyse critique / Dimitri Sanga. - Éditions universitaires européennes: [Place of production not identified], 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: West Africa ; economic integration

West Africa
Médecine et pharmacopées traditionnelles en droit public ouest africain : les cas du Ghana et du Burkina Faso / Wendkouni Adelphe Sabine Ouédraogo ; préface Guylène Nicolas. - Presses Universitaires d'Aix-Marseille: Aix-en-Provence, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: West Africa ; Burkina Faso ; Ghana ; traditional medicine ; pharmacopoeias ; intellectual property ; legislation ; public law ; dissertations (form)

West Africa
Barth à Tombouctou : Lettre d'Ahmad al-Bakkāy al-Kuntī à Ahmad b. Ahmad, émir du Māsina (1854) : Texte arabe traduit et commenté / Mohamed Diagayété = Risālah ilá al-Amīr Aḥmad ibn Aḥmad ibn Aḥmad Lubbū al-Māsinī bi-shaʼn Hanrīsh Bārth al-Naṣrānī alladhī zāra Tumbuktū sanat 1853 M / al-muʼallif, Aḥmad al-Bakkāʼ ibn Muḥammad ibn al-Mukhtār al-Kuntī ; taḥqīq, Muḥammad Jākāyatī. - Geuthner: Paris, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: West Africa ; Mali ; Europe ; Masina polity ; expeditions ; interreligious relations ; Muslim brotherhoods ; ulema ; manuscripts ; letters (form)

West Africa
Criminalité organisée, terrorisme et cybercriminalité : réponses de politiques criminelles / Papa Guèye ; préface de Aly Gouille Ndiaye. - L'Harmattan Sénégal: Dakar, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: West Africa ; organized crime ; terrorism ; information technology ; cybercrime ; regional security ; cybersecurity ; crime prevention

West Central Africa
De ingang der hel : episode uit het Afrikaansche pioniersleven / Alfons Vermeulen ; geannoteerd door Fred van den Hoek. - F. Th. van den Hoek: Netherlands, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Congo (Brazzaville) ; Gabon ; Dutch ; traders ; personal narratives (form) ; 1900-1949

West Central Africa
De pioniersdagen van Chicongo : een verhaal uit het pioniersleven in den Congo / Alfons Vermeulen ; geannoteerd door Fred van den Hoek. - F. Th. van den Hoek: Netherlands, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Congo (Brazzaville) ; Dutch ; traders ; personal narratives (form)

Western Sahara
De Smara à Smara : sur les traces de Michel Vieuchange / Patrick Adam. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2006.
ASC Subject·Headings: Western Sahara ; expeditions ; travel

A concise manual of immigration, refugee and citizenship law in Zambia / Joseph Chirwa. - Juta: Claremont, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zambia ; migration policy ; refugees ; citizenship ; law ; textbooks (form)

History of the Zambia Baptist Association 1905-2005 / Reinhard L. Frey. - Luviri Press: Mzuzu, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zambia ; Baptist Church ; missions ; Church history

Labour law in Zambia : an introduction / C. Chungu, Ernest Beele. - Juta and Company: Claremont, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zambia ; labour law ; labour contracts ; employment ; workers ; social security

Criminal procedure and practice in Zambia : an introduction / Joseph Chirwa. - Juta: Claremont, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zambia ; criminal procedure ; courts ; arrest ; trials ; punishment

Housing in Zimbabwe : stewardship and peri-urbanity in contemporary Africa / Innocent Chirisa. - Academica Press: Washington, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; housing ; suburban areas ; urbanization ; urban planning ; environmental management

Zimbabwe's trajectory : stepping forward or sliding back? / edited by Eldred V. Masunungure. - Weaver Press: Harare, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; political stability ; leadership ; economic development ; elections ; media policy

The fundamentals of teaching practice : a guide for student teachers / Martison Nhamo. - Africa Talent Publishers: Masvingo;©2019, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zimbabwe ; teachers ; learning ; curriculum development ; teaching methods ; handbooks (form) ; textbooks (form)


Burkina Faso
Les orphelins de Sankara / un film documentaire de Géraldine Berger. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2020. Burkina Faso ; Cuba ; orphans ; rural youth ; foreign students ; communism ; return migration ; memory ; documentary films (form) ; videos (form)

La promesse du biram / un film réalisé par Allamine Kader Kora. - L'Harmattan & VraiVrai Films: Paris, 2019. Chad ; musical instruments ; ritual objects ; popular beliefs ; Buduma ; documentary films (form) ; videos (form)

Des voix nouvelles dans une fleur ancienne, new voices in an old flower / un film de Quino Piñero. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2020. Ethiopia ; popular music ; documentary films (form) ; videos (form)

Ivory Coast
Jem's Robert Koko Bi : Odyssée terre d'origine / un film de Koffi Célestin Yao. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2019. Côte d'Ivoire ; artists ; sculpture ; documentary films (form) ; videos (form)

African Literature


Alger qui chante, Alger qui pleure ... : nouvelle / Djillali Hadjebi. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Algeria ; women ; short stories (form)

Le sel de tous les oublis : roman / Yasmina Khadra. - Julliard: Paris, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Algeria ; novels (form)

Les funambules : roman / Mohammed Aïssaoui. - Gallimard: [Paris], 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Algeria ; France ; novels (form)

Burkina Faso
Vivre pour vivre : poèmes / Georges Ouédraogo. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Burkina Faso ; poetry (form)

Le mal en miniature : roman / Abel Kam. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; novels (form)

Covid 19 contre humains : troisième guerre mondiale : nouvelle = Covid 19 against humans : third world war : novelPatricia Noumi. - Edition Mili du Miroir de Littérature GIC: Yaoundé, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; COVID-19 ; short stories (form)

For greatness & freedom I came : faust or fast? / Bill F. Ndi. - Langaa Research & Publishing CIG: Mankon, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; poetry (form)

Impossible! : roman / Faustin Mvogo. - Éditions Éclosion: Yaoundé, Cameroun, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; novels (form)

La nuit est un autre jour : roman / Marie Julie Nguetse. - Éditions l'Ébène: Douala, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; novels (form)

Cicatrices / Céline C. Magneche Nde Sika. - Les Éditions du Schabel: Yaoundé, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; novels (form)

Le regard du sagittaire : théâtre / Sinclair Parfait Dasse Boho. - Éditions de Midi: Yaoundé, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; drama (form)

Les contes massa du Cameroun / Paul Samsia. - D&L Dinimber & Larimber: Yaoundé, Cameroun, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; short stories (form)

Migration de la faim / Kolyang Dina Taïwé. - Éditions D & L: Yaoundé, Cameroun, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; novels (form)

Netta / Eurielle Ewondo. - Teham éditions: Le Plessis-Trévise, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; adolescents ; novels (form)

Pachatoumka : (recueil de contes) / Moussa Mboué ; préface de Jacques Fame Ndongo, professeur titulaire des Universités camerounaises (sémiologie). - afrédit: Yaoundé, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Cameroon ; short stories (form)

Dégage ! : 2011, place Tahrir / Mohamed Abdel Azim. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Egypt ; Arab Spring ; novels (form)

Petit éloge de la lumière nature / Nimrod. - Le Manteau & la lyre ;;Obsidiane: [Amiens];[Sens], 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Chad ; France ; poetry (form)

Les audaces de l'amour : roman / Ibrahima Sory Sakho. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Guinea ; novels (form)

Flashes of vice : collection of flash fiction stories.Vincent de Paul. - Mystery Publishers: Nakuru, Kenya, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; short stories (form)

Flashes of vice : collection of flash fiction stories.Vincent de Paul. - Mystery Publishers: Nakuru, Kenya, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; short stories (form)

Flashes of vicecollection of flash fiction stories.Vincent de Paul. - Mystery Publishers: Nakuru, Kenya, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; short stories (form)

Twisted Times : son of man / Vincent de Paul. - Mystery Publishers: Kenya, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; crime novels (form)

When a stranger called : an anthology of short stories by young writers with old souls. - C.J. Gicheru C. Chanchori E. Mbabazi M. Chepchumba I. Aseka V. de Paul B. Mbanacho K. Okumu M. Hussein N. Abisai T. Reginaldah K. Kimuyu and H. Mwololo: Nairobi, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; short stories (form) ; anthologies (form)

The African roots on trial / Simeon Uwuoga Adol. - Neno Publishers LTD: Nairobi, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; novels (form)

Inevitable desires / Vincent de Paul. - Mystery Publishers Limited: Nakuru, Kenya, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; crime novels (form)

The sun on a coloured portrait / Chottohanga Aketch. - Excellwise Ventures: Nairobi, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; poetry (form)

The whistleblower / Samuel Wachira. - Longhorn Publishers (K) Ltd.: Nairobi, Kenya, 2016.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; novels (form)

Wangari Maathai and the Green Belt Movement / comic strip, illustrations, Eric Muthoga ; script and text, Obioma Ofoego. - UNESCO Publishing: Paris, France, 2014.
ASC Subject·Headings: Kenya ; women politicians ; environment ; youth literature (form) ; comic strips (form)

Monrovia rain and other stories : lost and found / edited by Elma Shaw. - Cottontree Press: Wahington, DC ;;Monrovica, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Liberia ; short stories (form) ; anthologies (form)

The seven veils of Seth : a modern Arabic novel from Libya / Ibrahim al-Koni ; translated [from the Arabic] by William M. Hutchins. - Garnet Publishing: Reading, 2008.
ASC Subject·Headings: Libya ; nomads ; novels (form)

Maazou Dan Alalo : poète oral haoussa du Damagaram (Niger) / Ibrahim Abdou Salam Niang ; préface de Jean-Dominique Pénel. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Niger ; Hausa ; oral poetry (form)

La légende du roi-sorcier / Boubé Hama. - Éditions Ifrikiya: Yaoundé, République du Cameroun, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Niger ; short stories (form)

Le puits sans fond : roman / Abdoulaye Mamani ; présentation et notes par Elara Bertho et Jean-Dominique Pénel. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2014.
ASC Subject·Headings: Niger ; West Africa ; colonial conquest ; expeditions ; homicide ; 1898 ; novels (form)

À l'ombre du manguier en pleurs : suivi de, Une faim sans fin / Abdoulaye Mamani ; préface d'Elara Bertho et Jean-Dominique Penel. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2014.
ASC Subject·Headings: Niger ; novels (form)

Oeuvres poétiques : Poémérides, Eboniques, préface à l'Anthologie de poésie de combat, premieres poèmes / Mamani Abdoulaye ; introduction et notes par Jean-Dominique Pénel. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 1993.
ASC Subject·Headings: Niger ; poetry (form)

Funmilayo Ransome-Kuti and the Women's Union of Abeokuta / comic strip, illustrations, Alaba Onajin ; script and text, Obioma Ofoego. - UNESCO Publishing: Paris, France, 2014.
ASC Subject·Headings: Nigeria ; women ; political action ; women's rights ; youth literature (form) ; comic strips (form)

North Africa
Le goût d'un ailleurs : roman / Betty Hania. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Northern Africa ; France ; novels (form)

Némésiset autres humeurs noires : nouvelles / Monique Séverin. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Réunion ; short stories (form)

Coût d'état à Tamatave / scénario et dessins, DWA & POV. - Des bulles dans l'océan: Saint-Denis, La Réunion, 2014.
ASC Subject·Headings: Réunion ; comic strips (form)

Un cri surgi de la nuit : roman / Mouhamadou Falilou Dioum. - L'Harmattan-Sénégal: Dakar, 2021.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; novels (form)

Autopsie d'une âme / Ousmane Geye. - Edilivre: Saint-Denis, 2018.
ASC Subject·Headings: Senegal ; poetry (form)

South Africa
Cosmonauts do it in heaven / Keith Gottschalk. - Modajaji Books: Cape Town, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Africa ; poetry (form)

South Sudan
No time to mourn : an anthology by South Sudanese women / edited by Hilda Twongyeirwe, Elizabeth Deng Ashamu. - FEMRITE Publications: Kampala, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: South Sudan ; women ; short stories (form) ; poetry (form) ; visual arts ; photography ; anthologies (form)

The jungo : stakes of the earth / Abdel Aziz Baraka Sakin ; translated from the Arabic by Adil Babikir. - Africa World Press: Trenton, New Jersey, 2015.
ASC Subject·Headings: Sudan ; novels (form)

Kermesse de notre temps : Poésie / Fousséni Ouro Bagna. - Editions Awoudy: Lomé, 2017.
ASC Subject·Headings: Togo ; poetry (form)

West Africa
Idriss Alaoma : le caïman noir du Tchad ; La passion de Babemba : poème épique ; Néo-africanthropus / Abdoulaye Mamani ; présentation de J.D. Pénel ; préfaces de Maïkorema Zakari et d'Ousmane Tandina. - L'Harmattan: Paris, 2014.
ASC Subject·Headings: Niger ; West Africa ; history ; Bornu polity ; anticolonialism ; resistance ; prose (form) ; poetry (form) ; literary criticism

West Central Africa
"Filho bem-amado do Kongo : Nsaku nu Vunda/ Aliás, Dom ; António Manuel/ Aliás ; Marquês de funesta/ Aliás, ""O Negrita"" : peça teatral extraída do romance do congolês Wilfried N'Sondé um oceano, dois mares e três continentes / por José Mena Abrantes.". - Mayamba: Lunanda-Sul, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Angola ; Democratic Republic of Congo ; Congo (Brazzaville) ; Kongo polity ; drama (form)

West Central Africa
Kimpa Vita : a profetisa ardente : teatro / José Mena Abrantes. - Mayamba: Luanda-Sul, 2019.
ASC Subject·Headings: Angola ; Democratic Republic of Congo ; Congo (Brazzaville) ; Kongo polity ; women ; prophets ; drama (form)

The reunion / Kekelwa Nyaywa. - East African Educational Publishers: Nairobi, 2020.
ASC Subject·Headings: Zambia ; novels (form)


Congo (Brazzaville)
[Portrait de] Pascal Lissouba / par Alain Foka. - Radio France Internationale: [Paris], 2021. Congo (Brazzaville) ; heads of State ; biographies (form) ; radio broadcasts (form)

Portrait de Juvénal Habyarimana / par Alain Foka. - Radio France Internationale: [Paris], 2014. Rwanda ; heads of State ; biographies (form) ; radio broadcasts (form)
