Overview of Master Theses
Charlotte Bruns Knight: Conversational Self-Portraits in Motion. Perceptions of Identity amongst Lamu Islanders: Centering East African Indian Ocean Island Perspectives on Notions of Self.
Country focus: Kenya
Patricia Dowling: Examining what impact the lived experiences of the Chuth Ber community have on the re-contamination of healthy drinking water in the home.
Country focus: Kenya
Muzzar Kresna: From Farmer to Dalali: Rethinking Structural Transformation Pathway in Tanzania.
Country focus: Tanzania
Frieke de Raadt: Xenophobia and the perspective of African migrants living in Cape Town, South Africa.
Country focus: South Africa
Leo Ricca: The Changing Political Landscape of the 2024 Senegalese Presidential Election, and the Pivotal Role of the Casamance. A Study on Regional Impacts & Political Dynamics
Country focus: Senegal
Juliette Verschuur: Low-Intensity Conflict and Third-Party Mediation in Africa: Do traditional forms of Peacebuilding Account for the Nuances of Low-Intensity Conflicts and What is the Role of Civil Society?
Country focus: Africa, a.o. Angola, Guinea-Bissau
Country focus: Ghana