Michiel van den Bergh, Livelihood changes and their impact on land use, habitat and the survival of migratory bird species in Burkina Faso
This PhD research forms part of the ‘Living on the Edge’ project launched by Vogelbescherming Nederland. It is an initiative to improve living conditions in the Sahel for both people and (migratory) birds by working with the local people to conserve and restore the natural environment, thus enhancing livelihoods through a more sustainable use of natural resources. The main objective of the study is to determine how bird and biodiversity conservation-oriented natural resource management interventions can contribute to livelihood improvements in West Africa’s Sahel region. Fieldwork is taking place in two different areas in Burkina Faso.
Funded by Birdlife International Netherlands. Started in 2011.
On 23 November 2016, Michiel van den Bergh succesfully defended his dissertation at Leiden University.