Ton Dietz
Ton Dietz is Professor Emeritus of the Study of African Development at Leiden University. He was director of the African Studies Centre Leiden until September 2017. He was co-chair of the Leiden African Studies Assembly (LeidenASA) until March 2021.
Before coming to Leiden Ton Dietz was a Professor of Human Geography at the University of Amsterdam (1995-2010; he still is a Guest Professor at the UvA), and Scientific Director of the National Research School for Resource Studies for Development, CERES, and a Professor at Utrecht University (2002-2007; half time).
Ton Dietz studied human geography in Nijmegen (1969-1976), and defended his PhD at the University of Amsterdam (in 1987). He became Doctor of Science Honoris Causa at Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya, in 2007, and he received a Laureat d’Honneur from the International Geographical Union in Kyoto in 2013.
Keywords: Human geography, political environmental geography, geography and developing countries, political geography of Africa, poverty analysis, rural development, food security and agrohubs, pastoralism, land and water conflicts, dry-land development, impact of climate change, political ecology of forest areas, development aid, participatory assessment of development and change, participatory evaluation of development assistance, civil society, NGOs, Africa and the multi-polar world, geopolitics, migration.
CV Ton Dietz (pdf)
Prof. Dr. A.J. Dietz's profile on the Leiden University website
Africa in the world - Rethinking Africa’s global connections
De klassieke filatelie van Ethiopië: papieren en digitale kennis (2024)
The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on vocational education and training in Kenya: a study of West Pokot County (2023)
Het toekomstige examenprogramma aardrijkskunde in tien thema’s (2023)
Migratie vanuit Afrika 2015-2019: wen er (nog steeds) maar aan (2022)
Collateral damage of the current Russian aggression in Ukraine (2022)
Subregional Human Development Index: hoofdsteden en regionale ongelijkheid (2022)
From the Netherlands East Indies to Indonesia: a philatelic iconography of political upheaval (2022)
Imaging political turmoil through postage stamps in the heart of Africa: Congo/Zaire 1950-1971 from colonialism to national identity (2022)
Africa's agricultural revolution after 1980 (2022)
Mauritius and its politics on stamps (2022)
Will Africa leapfrog?: accelerated development is set to lift the continent’s economies with big implications for financial markets and sustainable development goals (2021)
Environmental worries or China bashing?: the Sierra Leone fisheries harbour controversy (2021)
De gevolgen van Afrika’s kolossale bevolkingsgroei (2020)
Central African Republique at 60 (2020)
Republic of the Congo at 60 (2020)
Nigeria at 60 (2020)
Subnational Human Development Index (SHDI) of Africa (2020)
Sorghum value chain in Nigeria : explorative study (2020)
Knowledge production in Africa: introduction in the webdossier "Africa know!"! (2020)
Country knowledge profiles for all African countries (2020)
Introduction (2019)
Crime, law and society in Nigeria : essays in honour of Stephen Ellis (2019)
Dutch labour market shortages and potential labour supply from Africa and the Middle East: Is there a match? Excecutive summary and main report (2019)
Migration, education & development: databases, additional information and a selected bibliography. Annex G. to "Dutch labour market shortages and potential labour supply from Africa and the Middle East" (SEO report no. 2019-24) (2019)
T.A.A.F., and other South Atlantic territories (2019)
Africa in transition: what role for the environment? (2019)
De toekomst van de Sahel als overwinteringsgebied voor Europese trekvogels (2019)
Plateforme de connaissances sur les politiques de développement inclusif (INCLUDE) : note conceptuelle pour la phase II (2019–2022) (2019)
Knowledge Platform on Inclusive Development Policies (INCLUDE) : concept note for phase II (2019-2022) (2019)
Mauritius : postmarks and iconography since 1847 (2018)
Wen er maar aan! Migratie en ontwikkeling : een ongemakkelijke boodschap (2018)
Online representation of sustainable city initiatives in Africa: how inclusive? (2018)
Klimaatverandering en migratie (2018)
Opinion - Youth, employment and migration : urban opportunities, with a focus on Africa (2018)
Mauritius and the Netherlands : current linkages and the heritage of connections (2018)
Online representation of sustainable city initiatives in Africa: how inclusive? (2018)
Migration, education & development : databases, additional information and a selected bibliography. Annex G. (2018)
Context en effect van een brede integrale grenscontrole (2018)
Co-creating (Dutch) diamonds, gold (standards), and silver (bullets) in the food security and agricultural business maze : evaluation of the Food & Business Knowledge Platform 2013-2018 (2018)
Juventude, emprego e migração: oportunidades urbanas com um foco na África (2018)
Morocco : Spanish postal administration after 1912 and Morocco during the Spanish Civil War and the Second World War (2017)
Morocco : Spanish postal administration after 1912 and Morocco during the Spanish Civil War and the Second World War (2017)
Morocco : French postal administration after 1912 and Morocco's postal services during the First World War (2017)
Morocco : postes chérifiennes of the Sultan of Morocco, 1892-1911 and Moroccan private and consular postal services, 1892-1901 (2017)
Morocco : French, British, Spanish and German post offices before 1912 (2017)
Participatory assessment of development interventions: lessons learned from a new evaluation methodology in Ghana and Burkina Faso (2017)
South Africa: Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek/Transvaal until 1877 (2017)
South Africa: Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek/Transvaal: 1877-1882 (2017)
South Africa: Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek/Transvaal: 1883-1899 (2017)
South Africa: Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek/Transvaal: 1902-1910 (2017)
South Africa: Orange Free State/Orange River Colony: postmarks (2017)
South Africa: Orange Free State/Orange River Colony: postage stamps (2017)
South Africa: Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek/Transvaal: Boer War 1899-1902 British forces (2017)
South Africa: Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek/Transvaal: Boer War 1899-1902; Boer forces (2017)
South Africa: Cape of Good Hope during the Anglo-Boer War (2017)
Education in Africa : recent dynamics and current situation (2017)
Zanzibar part 5: British Protectorate 1940-1963 and independence 1963-1970 (2017)
Zanzibar part 2: French post office with own postage stamps 1894-1904 (2017)
Zanzibar part 1: British-Indian, German and French post offices before 1895 (2017)
Africa's international trade 2001-2016 : boom and bust (2017)
Africa: international migration, emigration 2015 (2017)
Introduction (2017)
Van economische naar duurzame diplomatie (2017)
The Beeker Method: a preface (2017)
Africa's urbanity as heritage (2017)
A postal history of the First World War in Africa and its aftermath - German colonies/postal areas : V Morocco (2016)
Partner countries for Dutch bilateral development assistance 1962-2015 (2016)
A perspective on problems and prospects for academic publishing in Geography (2016)
Sustainable city initiatives in Africa and comparison with the OURSUS approach : paper for the IGU Congress in Beijing 22 August 2016 (2016)
Améliorer les perspectives pour le commerce et les investissements régionaux en Afrique de l'Ouest : la solution à la sécurité alimentaire, au développement économique et à la stabilité dans la région - document d'orientation (2016)
Improving the perspective for regional trade and investment in West Africa : the key to food security, economic development and stability in the region - policy brief (2016)
African Postal Heritage : Tanzania 1885-1920s : part I : German East Africa, 1885-1914 (2016)
Tanzania 1885-1920s : part I : German East Africa, 1885-1914 (2016)
Tanzania 1885-1920s: part II: post offices in 1893-1914 (2016)
Sport op Afrikaanse postzegels : bijdrage van het Afrika-Studiecentrum Leiden aan de NVAS Studiedag "Sport in Afrika", 15 oktober 2016 (2016)
Scoping report: "Improving the perspective for regional trade and investment in West Africa: the key to food security, economic development and stability in the region" (2016)
Conference report of the Scoping conference: "Improving the perspective for regional trade and investment in West Africa: the key to food security, economic development and stability in the region", 27 January 2016 at the African Studies Centre Leiden (2016)
Annotated bibliography for the Scoping study "Improving the perspective for regional trade and investment in West-Africa: the key to food security, economic development and stability in the region?" (2016)
Developmental Regimes in Africa synthesis report (2015)
A fine mess : bricolaged forest governance in Cameroon (2015)
A postal history of the First World War in Africa and its aftermath - German colonies : IV Deutsch-Ostafrika / German East Africa (GEA) (2015)
A postal history of the First World War in Africa and its aftermath - German colonies : III Deutsch-Südwestafrika (SWA) (2015)
A postal history of the First World War in Africa and its aftermath - German colonies : II Kamerun (2015)
A postal history of the First World War in Africa and its aftermath - German colonies : I German Togo (2015)
Institutional pluralism, access and use of wetland resources in the Nyando Papyrus Wetland, Kenya (2015)
Defining, targeting and reaching the very poor in Bangladesh, Benin and Ethiopia (2015)
Conflict and cooperation on natural resources: justifying the CoCooN programme (2014)
Fighting over forest: toward a shared analysis of livelihood conflicts and conflict management in Ghana (2014)
Africa population dynamics (2014)
Agricultural 'pockets of effectiveness': Kenya, Nigeria, Tanzania and Uganda since 2000 (2014)
Forest offence types, trends and lapses: case study of the Nkawie Forest District of Ghana from 2005-2010 (2014)
Dutch cooperation programmes to strengthen post-secondary education and training in Africa (1996-2013) (2014)
Water dynamics in the seven African countries of Dutch policy focus : Benin, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Rwanda, South Sudan : report on Benin (2014)
Water dynamics in the seven African countries of Dutch policy focus : Benin, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Rwanda, South Sudan : report on Ghana (2014)
Water dynamics in the seven African countries of Dutch policy focus : Benin, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Rwanda, South Sudan : report on Kenya (2014)
Water dynamics in the seven African countries of Dutch policy focus : Benin, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Rwanda, South Sudan : report on Mali (2014)
Water dynamics in the seven African countries of Dutch policy focus : Benin, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Rwanda, South Sudan : report on Mozambique (2014)
Water dynamics in the seven African countries of Dutch policy focus : Benin, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Rwanda, South Sudan : report on South Sudan (2014)
Water dynamics in the seven African countries of Dutch policy focus : Benin, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Rwanda, South Sudan : report on Rwanda (2014)
Water dynamics in the seven African countries of Dutch policy focus : Benin, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Rwanda, South Sudan : general report and pressing needs (2014)
Agricultural dynamics and food security trends in Kenya (2014)
African agriculture : the potential and the prospects: case studies for Kenya and Tanzania, exploring a method of analysis (2013)
The PADev Story: PADev 2007-2013 End-of-Project Report (2013)
Local perceptions of development and change in Northern Ghana (2013)
Asian tigers, African lions : comparing the development performance of Southeast Asia and Africa (2013)
Destructive attraction: factors that influence hunting pressure on the Blue Bird-of-paradise Paradisaea rudolphi (2013)
Wastewater re-use for peri-urban agriculture: a viable option for adaptive water management? (2013)
Agricultural dynamics and food security trends in Nigeria (2013)
Agricultural dynamics and food security trends in Tanzania (2013)
Agricultural dynamics and food security trends in Uganda (2013)
Agricultural consumption and production, 1961 - 2009 (2012)
Landbouw loont : Zuidoost-Azië als spiegel voor Afrika? (2012)
Het nieuwe Afrika : Nederland en Afrika in de 21e eeuw (2012)
Africa: from a continent of states to a continent of cities (2012)
Participatory assessment of development in Africa (2012)
Alles wat u altijd al hebt willen weten over het Afrika-Studiecentrum (2012)
Natural resources and conflicts: theoretical flaws and empirical evidence from Northern Kenya (2012)
Mauritius: ruimtegebrek en suikerriet (2012)
Interactive forest governance to conflict management in Ghana (2012)
Participatory assessment of development initiatives and of European aid to Africa (2012)
Climate change, violent conflict and local institutions in Kenya's drylands (2012)
Silverlining Africa : From images of doom and gloom to glimmers of hope (2011)
African engagements : Africa negotiating an emerging multipolar world (2011)
Afrika's Bevolkingsdynamiek (2011)
African engagements: on whose terms? Africa negotiating an emerging multi-polar world (2011)
Ghanaians in Amsterdam, their 'good work back home' and and the importance of reciprocity (2011)
Honger in de Hoorn : een drama in kaarten en grafieken (2011)
Afrika's internationale relaties (2010)
Conference file (2010)
Introduction (2010)
Background to the themes of focus 4 : socio-economic dimensions of changing coastal systems: approaches to integrated research (2010)
Tracking Development: Summary of some major points during the panel sessions of the first (public) day of the third conference (in Putrajaya, Malaysia, May 2010) (2010)
Migration and environment in Ghana: a cross-district analysis of human mobility and vegetation dynamics (2010)
Climate-based risks in cities (2010)
Ghanaians in Amsterdam and their 'good work back home' (2010)
Effective PhD supervision : mentorship and coaching (2010)
Governance and development in Southern Africa: proceedings from the third DPRN regional expert meeting on Southern Africa. (2010)
Forests, people and livelihoods: keynote lecture for 10-year anniversary meeting Tropenbos Ghana, in Kumasi, on July 7, 2010 (2010)
African Studies at the AAG Conference in Washington 2010: an impression (2010)
De vloek van de overvloed of de uitdaging van het tekort (2009)
Wat wil de minister? Juist minister Koenders zou pal moeten staan voor de Nederlandse civilaterale traditie, maar dat doet hij niet (2009)
Impact evaluations for NGOs: recent developments, possible collaboration SNV and AIID (2009)
Sahara als geobetisch monstrum en de weeping camel als geoforisch hoogtepunt (2009)
Optimistic determinism or explaining a miracle (2009)
Scarcity of natural resources and pastoral conflicts in northern Kenya: an inquiry (2009)
Subjective truths : participatory development assessment (2009)
Essay: Wat vinden de Afrikanen zelf? (Mannen waarderen een weg; vrouwen onderwijs) (2009)
Assessing interventions and change among presumed beneficiaries of 'development': a toppled perspective on impact evaluation (2009)
Participatory, holistic evaluation of development initiatives in Sandema (Builsa District) Upper East Region Ghana (2009)
Ingenieursland Nederland kan nog heel wat leren van andere delta's : interview met Ton Dietz n.a.v. de conferentie "People and the sea" (2009)
Ecospace, humanspace and climate change (2009)
The iconography of Tunisian postage stamps (2009)
Will agroforests vanish? The case of Damar agroforests in Indonesia (2008)
Geografisch onderzoek in Nederland : van goed tot excellent (2008)
Een beeld van stabiliteit : onlusten in Kenia (2008)
Van natuurlandschap tot risicomaatschappij : de geografie van de relatie tussen mens en milieu (2008)
Revisiting peripheral capitalism in Zambia (2008)
Statement on policy coherence for development: aid, trade, investment, and other issues (2008)
Til ontwikkelingsdebat naar hoger niveau (2008)
Tien jaar eerstejaars enquêtes: een steeds wereldwijzere groep studenten (2008)
Geography in the Netherlands 2004-2008 (2008)
Participatory evaluation of development interventions for poverty alleviation among (former) pastoralists in West Pokot, Kenya. (2008)
Participatory monitoring and evaluation: lessons from anti-poverty interventions in Northern Ghana (2008)
Migrant involvement in community development : the case of the rural Ashanti Region, Ghana (2008)
Local involvement in CDM biogas projects: Argentine experiences (2008)
Restaurant guide for Simon's Town and around (2008)
Inzichten van milieugeografen en -planologen (2007)
Hydro-logic : poverty, heterogeneity and cooperation on the commons (2007)
Ontwikkelingshulp kan beter (2007)
Migration, the Dutch knowledge society and shame (2007)
Schokland, a dream come true, but what about Africa? (2007)
De Juiste Maat? Terugblik op het tot stand komen van het Medefinancieringsstelsel (MFS) (2007)
Masterclass Politiek 2015: ontwikkelingssamenwerking (2007)
Dimensions of vulnerability of livelihoods in less-favoured areas: interplay between the individual and the collective (2007)
Participatory evaluation of development interventions in a vulnerable environment (West Pokot, Kenya) (2007)
Ruimte voor milieu : inzichten van milieugeografen en -planologen (2007)
Ruimte voor milieu! (2007)
Veldwerk is essentieel: interview with Ton Dietz by Floor Milikowski n.a.v. eredoctoraat Moi University (2007)
Building bridges, creating synergies : interview with Ton Dietz, by Mirjam Ros-Tonen (2007)
Briefmarken als Ausdruck nationaler Identität. Deutschland und die Niederlande von 1849 bis 2005 (2007)
Postage stamps as manifestations of national identity : Germany and the Netherlands from 1849 to 2005 (2007)
Postzegels als manifestatie van (veranderende) nationale identiteit; Duitsland en Nederland van 1849 tot 2005 (2006)
Effective PhD supervision and mentorship : a workbook based on experiences from South Africa and the Netherlands : South Africa-Netherlands Research Programme on Alternatives in Development (SANPAD) (2006)
Evaluation of the Theme-based Co-financing Programme (TMF) of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2006)
Participatory evaluation of development interventions in a vulnerable environment (2006)
Adaptation to climate change in the drylands of West Africa (2006)
World poverty (2006)
African forests between nature and livelihood resources : balancing between conservation and development needs (2006)
Life television interview with Ton Dietz & Ahmed A.Wade about book launch 'Effective PhDSupervision and Mentorship'. (2006)
Postzegels als miniaturen van de Nederlandse(sport)ziel: een vergelijking van de lokale postdiensten en van de PTT/TPG (2006)
Postzegels als miniaturen van de Duitse en Nederlandse (sport)ziel (2006)
Postzegels als identiteitsboodschappers : een vergelijking van Duitsland en Nederland 1849-2005 (2006)
Nederland-Duitsland: topper met tanden : interview met Ton Dietz (2006)
How pro-poor are participatory watershed management projects? : an Indian case study (2005)
African forests between nature and livelihood resource : interdisciplinary studies in conservation and forest management (2005)
DPRN Policy Brief: Millennium Development Goals as a challenge for the Dutch knowledge community (2005)
Evaluatie van het Noordoost Afrika programma van Pax Christi (2005)
Household fluidity and family networks, methodological challenges (2005)
Dimensions of vulnerability of livelihoods in less-favoured areas: interplay between the individual and the collective (2005)
Natural resources and conflicts in pastoral areas (2005)
Carrying capacity dynamics, livestock commercialisation and land degradation in Mongolia's free market era (2005)
Whither development geography? Comments on Rob Potter (2005)
Conjunctions of governance : the state and the conservation-development nexus in Southern Africa (2005)
Impact of climate change on drylands in West Africa (2005)
Consequences of climate change for Agricultural R&D in ACP countries (2005)
Rule compliance in participatory watershed management: is it a sufficient guarantee of sustainable livelihoods? (2005)
Reconciling conservation goals and livelihood needs: new forest management perspectives in the 21st century (2005)
Sustainable forests and livelihoods: romantic illusion or environmental and social necessity? (2005)
PIE Workshop May 2005: experiences with capacity development (2005)
Meten van onderzoeksprestaties kan heel goed en biedt reflectie (2005)
A literature survey about risk and vulnerability in drylands, with a focus on the Sahel (2004)
Irrigation and collective action : a study in method with reference to the Shiwalik Hills, Haryana (2004)
The Netherlands and the North Sea : Dutch geography 2000-2004 (2004)
Sahelian livelihoods and the rebound: a critical analysis of rainfall, drought index and yields in Sahelian agriculture (2004)
Development: an obsolete illusion or obvious challenges for the new century? (2004)
Dilemma's in de medische ontwikkelingssamenwerking (2004)
The ICCD research (2004)
The world's drylands: a classification (2004)
Sahelian livelihoods on the rebound (2004)
Population dynamics (2004)
Climate and livelihood change in North East Ghana (2004)
Climate deterioration and regional specificity : regionally differentiated portfolios of options for drylands (2004)
Climate change preparedness in West Africa (2004)
Public-private partnerships in watershed management-evidence from the Himalayan foothills (2004)
Strenghtening the school of environmental studies, MOI-University, Kenya; (final) report of phase I, II,III, 01.01.1991-29.02.2004 (2004)
Cultural differences : Dutch culture in context (2004)
Climate change and food security in the drylands of West Africa (2003)
Irrigation and collective action: a study in method with reference to the Shiwalik Hills, Haryana (2003)
Scaling-up participatory watershed management: evidence from Himalayan foothills (2003)
Etatisme tegen beter weten in. In discussie met Roel vander Veen: Wat is er mis met Afrika? (2003)
Hoe de wereld van Novib een stukje kleiner werd (2003)
Rapport de synthese final d'une evaluation des activites des CFA pour la lutte contre la pauvrete au Sahel (2003)
The global social problem : challenges for a research school like CERES (2003)
Challenging Dutch aid: from practice to policy (2003)
Conceptualising economic change inpastoral societies under pressure, with four Kenyan case studies: the Pokot, the Maasai, the Somali and the situation in Marsabit (2003)
Participatory evaluation of development interventions for poverty alleviation among (former) pastoralists in West Pokot,Kenya (2003)
Final synthesis report of an assessment of CFA activities to combat poverty in the Sahel : report to Steering Committee for the Evaluation ofthe Co-financing Programme (2003)
Land use and tenure: entitlement rights for community-based wildlife and forest conservation in Taita Taveta, Kenya. (2003)
Rule compliance in participatory watershed management. Is it a sufficient guarantee of sustainable rural livelihoods? (2003)
Rule compliance in participatory watershed management. Is it a sufficient guarantee of sustainable rural livelihoods? (2003)
Review of "Voorheen de Derde Wereld: ontwikkeling anders gedacht" edited by Bas Arts, Paul Hebinck, Ton van Naerssen (2003)
Rapportcijfers geografisch onderzoek: een repliek (2002)
The provisioning of African cities, with Ouagadougou as a case study (2002)
Strenghtening the school of environmental studies, MOI-University, Kenya; Report 2002 II (2002)
Strenghtening the school of environmental studies, MOI-University, Kenya; Report 2002 I (2002)
By the Grace of God, the day will come when poverty will receive the final blow (2002)
Bibliography of Dutch geographical publications about Africa (2002)
Dutch geography and Africa (2002)
Dutch academic geography and Africa (2002)
Samenvatting van de voorlopige resultaten van de evaluatie van armoedebestrijdings activiteiten van geselecteerde Nederlandse medefinancieringsorganisaties in de Sahel : rapport aan de Stuurgroep Evaluatie Medefinancieringsprogramma (2002)
Workshop Proceedings of the participatory impact evaluation of development interventions on people's capabilities in a) Chepareria Division, b) Kacheliba and Kongelai Divisions, c) Alale and Kasei Divisions, West Pokot District, Kenya (2002)
Agricultural, health care and education services in Bongo and Garu (pre-study for 'Grace of God'; unpublished) (2002)
Impact study co-funding agencies in the Sahel: section about observed and perceived trends of change in the Sahel (2002)
The impact of the Cordaid-supported BASF project in Anafobisi Upper East Ghana (unpublished) (2002)
The impact of the Cordaid-supported BASF project in Balungu (unpublished) (2002)
The impact of the ICCO-supported PAS project in Kugsabile Upper East Ghana (unpublished) (2002)
The impact of the ICCO-supported PAS project in Tambalug (unpublished) (2002)
The impact of ICCO and Cordaid projects in Northern Ghana : summary of the Ghana study (unpublished) (2002)
Samenvattende opmerkingen n.a.v. het Ghana onderzoek (ongepubliceerd) (2002)
By the Grace of God... : impact evaluation of development interventions by BASF and PAS, funded by Cordaid and ICCO (unpublished) (2002)
De ontwikkelingsgeografische traditie. Van nuttige exotica, via ontwikkelingsvraagstukken naar globalisering (2002)
Public private partnerships in watershed management : evidence from the Himalayan foothills (2002)
Access to energy services for the rural poor (2002)
Strenghtening the school of environmental studies, MOI-University, Kenya; MHO Application for Phase III 1999-2002 (2002)
Strenghtening the school of environmental studies, MOI-University, Kenya; Report 2001 II (2002)
Introduction (2001)
Milieu in de Nederlandse ontwikkelingssamenwerking met nadruk op duurzaam landgebruik (2001)
The impact of climate change on drylands : with a focus on West Africa (2001)
Impact of climate change on drylands with a focus on West Africa (2001)
African pastoralism : conflict, institutions and government (2001)
Strenghtening the school of environmental studies, MOI-University, Kenya; Report 2000 I & II (2001)
Strenghtening the school of environmental studies, MOI-University, Kenya; Report 2001 I (2001)
Re-aligning government, civil society and the market : new challenges in urban and regional development : essays in honour of G.A. de Bruijne (2001)
The agenda (2001)
Milieu in de Nederlandse ontwikkelingssamenwerking (2001)
Milieu in de Nederlandse ontwikkelingssamenwerking (2001)
The crumbling of the African state system (2001)
Pastoral commercialisation : on caloric terms of trade and related issues (2001)
CFP evaluation on poverty alleviation and rural development in the Sahel: methodology, instruments of research and proposals for ToRs and research team (unpublished) (2001)
Dertien gedachten bij de doorstart van SGPO in de 21e eeuw (2001)
Politieke milieugeografieen -planologie: Amsterdamse vorderingen (2001)
The impact of climate change in drylands,with a focus on West Africa : final Report for Nationaal Onderzoeksprogramma Klimaatverandering-NOP (2001)
Food security and human security in semi-arid regions: the impact of climate change on drylands, with a focus on West Africa (2001)
Impact of climate change on drylands : climate variability, livelihood strategies and policy options (2001)
The potential contribution of non-timber forest product extraction to tropical forest conservation and development: lessons from acase study of bamboo utilisation in a Sierra Madre community, the Philippines (2001)
Toespraak tot Ad de Bruijne bij zijn pensionering als hoogleraar sociale geografie van ontwikkelingslanden, Amsterdam 30 november 2001 (2001)
Of ethnicity, manipulation and observation: the 1992 and 1997 elections in Kenya (2000)
Afrika: de moeizame weg naar nationale politieke eenwording (2000)
An introduction to Andhra Pradesh (2000)
Profile of Ranga Reddy and Mahabubnagar: a drought risk assessment, agricultural and social change, and the role of NGOs, (2000)
Project interventions in dryland agriculture: the examples of the Government of India/World Bank-supported Maheswaram Project and of AWARE's activities in Amangal Mandal (2000)
Summary, conclusions and recommendations (2000)
NGOs and dryland development in Anantapur District, AP, India (2000)
Gevolgen van klimaatverandering voor ontwikkelingslanden (2000)
The impact of climate change on drylands in West Africa (2000)
Review of "Environmental politics and liberation in contemporary Africa", edited by Mohamed Salih (2000)
Of markets, meat, maize & milk: pastoral commoditization in Kenya (1999)
Is SGO 'millenniumproof'? (deel II) (1999)
Is SGO 'millenniumproof'? (deel I) (1999)
The arid and semi-arid lands programme in Kenya (1999)
Of ethnicity, manupilation and observation: the 1992 and 1997 elections in Kenya (1999)
NGO's and environmental dilemmas in Zimbabwe (1999)
Impact of climate change on drylands: the case of West Africa (1999)
Coping with climate change in dryland Ghana: the case of Bolgatanga (1999)
Pastoral commercialization: a risky business? Three Kenyan case studies: the Pokot, the Maasai and the Somali (1999)
Political environmental geography of the tropics (1999)
Climate change in dryland West Africa and the resultant responses of the local population, their institutions, and organizations (1999)
The impact of climate change on drylands; the case of West Africa (1999)
The impact of climate change on drylands and the portfolio of options: the case of West Africa (1999)
Strenghtening the school of environmental studies, MOI-University, Kenya; Report 1999 I & II (1999)
Entitlements to natural resources (1998)
Seasonality and the rhythm of external interference (1998)
Pengakuan hak atas sumberdaya alam : kontur geografi lingkungan politik (1998)
Introduction (1998)
Foreign aid to Africa: the rise and fall of structural development aid (1998)
A synthesis of book reviews and resulting questions (1998)
Drought risk assessment for dryland agriculture in semi-arid Telengana, Andhra Pradesh, India (1998)
Duurzame landbouw inontwikkelingslanden: tussen theorie en praktijk (1998)
Duurzame landbouw inontwikkelingslanden: tussen theorie en toepassing (1998)
Impact of climate change on water availability, agriculture and food security in semi-arid regions,with special focus on West Africa (1998)
Impact of climate change on drylands with a focus on West Africa : report of phase 1 (1998)
Strenghtening the school of environmental studies, MOI-University, Kenya; Report 1998 I & II (1998)
SGO in reunie : voordrachten gehouden tijdens de reunie van de vakgroep Sociale Geografie van de Ontwikkelingsgebieden (SGO) op 14 december 1996 (1997)
Strenghtening the school of environmental studies, MOI-University, Kenya; Report 1997 I & II (1997)
Strenghtening the school of environmental studies, MOI-University, Kenya; Report 1996 I & II (1997)
Introduction: environmental management, research and training in coast province, Kenya (1997)
Particuliere ontwikkelingssamenwerking: de medefinancieringsorganisaties en steun aan NGO's (1997)
Er zijn grenzen: een farewell voor Henk Reitsma (1997)
Mocambique gefeliciteerd! (1997)
Livelihood stress in dryland zones (1997)
Pastoral development in Eastern Africa: policy review, options and alternatives : second version (1997)
Nabeschouwing (1997)
NGO's and environmental dilemmas in Zimbabwe (1997)
Machtsverhoudingen bij milieuvraagstukken in de tropen (1997)
The genesis of environmental impact assessment: EIA practices in the Netherlands and applicability in developing countries. (1997)
L' impact de la modification climatique sur la disponibilité en eau, sur l'agriculture et sur la sécurité alimentaire dans les zones arides : etude ciblée sur l'Afrique occidentale (1997)
Kenya : mensen, politiek, economie, cultuur (1996)
Entitlements to natural resources : contours of political environmental geography (1996)
Kenya : mensen, politiek, economie, cultuur (1996)
Pastoral development in Eastern Africa: policy review, options and alternatives : first version (1996)
Mazabuka, Nakambala (1996)
External evaluation of the Tropenbos Foundation 1993-1996 : report for the Interdepartmental Consultative Group/DGIS section Environment (1996)
Foreign aid to Africa : a geographical analysis (1995)
Strenghtening the school of environmental studies, MOI-University, Kenya; Report 1994 II (1995)
Strenghtening the school of environmental studies, MOI-University, Kenya; Report 1995 I (1995)
Strenghtening the school of environmental studies, MOI-University, Kenya; Report 1995 II (1995)
Personele samenwerking met Ontwikkelingslanden (1995)
Of markets, meat, maize and milk (1995)
Leidt Afrikaanse democratisering tot etnische polarisatie? : etniciteit in de politiek in Kenia en Kameroen (1994)
You don't learn by dodging! Recommendations for measuring the impact of the Kenya woodfuel and agroforestry programme in Kenya. Report for ETC Kenya. (1994)
Strenghtening the school of environmental studies, MOI-University, Kenya; Phase II 01.01.1994- 31.12.1997 (1994)
Strenghtening the school of environmental studies, MOI-University, Kenya; Report 1994 I (1994)
One generation after Jan Hinderink's African maiden speech (1994)
Agricultural trends and prospects in the South and their relevance for the peasantry debate (1994)
Strenghtening the school of environmental studies, MOI-University, Kenya; Report 1993 I & II (1993)
The State, the market and the decline of pastoralism: challenging some myths, with evidence from Western Pokot in Kenya/Uganda (1993)
Objectives and scope (1992)
Coping with semiaridity : how the rural poor survive in dry-season environments (1992)
Verslag van een discussie: eenpersoonlijke impressie (1992)
Coping mechanisms and livelihood strategies: a summary of concepts (1992)
Levels of development; the countries and the study areas (1992)
Government interventions in dry regions (1992)
Endo-Mokoro, Kenya (1992)
Conclusion: a comparison of livelihood options and living conditions (1992)
Mid term review of the Netherlands support to NARP/KARI : report to the government of Kenya (1992)
Stedelijke milieuproblemen in ontwikkelingslanden: een verkenning van kennisen Nederlandse expertise (1992)
Strenghtening the school of environmental studies, MOI-University, Kenya; Report 1992 I & II (1992)
Strenghtening the school of environmental studies, MOI-University, Kenya; Report 1991 (1992)
Crisis survival strategies: a summary of concepts and an example from the semi-pastoral Pokot in Kenya/Uganda (1991)
Crisis survival strategies : a summary of concepts and an example from the semi-pastoral pokot in Kenya/Uganda (1991)
Zimbabwe : Organisation of Rural Associations for Progress (1991)
Afrika : Burkina Faso, Zimbabwe (1991)
Het evalueren van rurale ontwikkelingsprojecten in Afrika; met speciale aandacht voor projecten van SNV (1991)
Resultaten van dossieronderzoek van bestaande evaluatierapporten: Bijlage IV van Inspectie Ontwikkelingssamenwerking te velde (1991)
Eurafrika: een analyse van internationale vervlechting tussen Afrika en Europa (1991)
Indigenous irrigation as a starting point in Western Kenya (1991)
Non-governmental organisations in Zimbabwe (1991)
Strenghtening the school of environmental studies, MOI-University, Kenya; Phase I 1991-1995 (1991)
Forests of beer (1990)
Analyse van de evaluatierapporten van het sectorprogramma plattelandsontwikkeling (1990)
Kale sublocation (Mwino Location) (1990)
Seasonality and the rhythm of external interference (1990)
The future of Maasai pastoralists in Kajiado District, Kenya : integrated Proceedings of a Conference organized by the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands Programme, Kajiado District, Kenya (1990)
Development-oriented geography : examining the interface between nature's capacity and human livelihood strategies (1990)
The arid and semi-arid lands programme in West Pokot and employment creation (1989)
Survey of health-related facilities of primary schools in West Pokot, Kenya (1989)
Regionale geografie en ontwikkeling (1988)
Nieuwe centra voor niet-westerse studies (1988)
Naar een nieuwe regionale geografie (1988)
Economic diversification and rural change in a former expulsion area: the Southern Kerio Valley in Kenya. (1988)
Integrated rural development geography (1988)
Een brandende kwestie : brandhoutschaarste in de Derde Wereld : verslag leeronderzoek doktoraalstudenten sociale geografie van ontwikkelingslanden (1988)
Local development profile : Batei location, West Pokot district, Kenya (1987)
Endo Mokoro and Embobut locations, Elgeyo Marakwet district, Kenya (1987)
Pastoralists in dire straits : survival strategies and external interventions in a semi-arid region at the Kenya/Uganda border: Western Pokot, 1900-1986 (1987)
Locational development profile for Batei Location, West Pokot District (1987)
Report of the ASAL backstopping mission West Pokot and Elgeyo Marakwet, 25 October - 17 November 1986 (1987)
Geografisch determinisme in vermomming? Over agrarische landevaluatie, bevolkingsdraagvlak en geintegreerde rurale ontwikkelingsgeografie (1987)
Weiwei location, West Pokot district, Kenya (1986)
Locational development profile for Weiwei Location, West Pokot District (1986)
Locational development profile for Endo, Mokoro & Embobut Locations, Elgeyo Marakwet (1986)
Locational development profile for Kipkomo Location, West Pokot District (1986)
District atlas West Pokot (1986)
District atlas Elgeyo Marakwet (1986)
Report of the identification mission for an Arid and Semi-Arid Lands Programme in Kajiado District: report for Stichting Nederlandse Vrijwilligers, Nairobi and for the Ministry of Planning and National Development, Government of Kenya (1986)
Masol location, West Pokot district, Kenya (1985)
Locational development profile for Masol Location, West Pokot District (1985)
Locational development profile for Lomut & Cheptulel Locations, West PokotDistrict (1985)
Review mission ASAL Programme West Pokot and Elgeyo Marakwet, Nov. 7th-26th : report for the Ministry of Planning and National Development and for the Netherlands Embassy, Nairobi (1985)
An analysis of the 1984-5 annex to the Elgeyo Marakwet District Development Plan for 1984-88: report for the Ministry of Finance and Planning, Rural Planning Division, Government of Kenya (1985)
Locational development profile for Soy and Kocholwo locations, Elgeyo-Marakwet district (1984)
Riwa and lower Mnagei locations, West Pokot district, Kenya (1984)
Mwino location, West Pokot district, Kenya : [a profile] (1984)
Regionale ongelijkheid in Kenia en de locatie van de Nederlandse ontwikkelingsprojecten (1984)
Locational development profile for Riwa & Lower Mnagei, West Pokot District (1984)
Semi-aride gebieden : een globale inventarisatievan relatieve positie enoverheidsbeleid : verslag vaneen doktoraal leeronderzoek 1983-1984 (1984)
Van droogte doordrongen : een studie van het beleid van overheid en hulporganisaties ter verhoging van het welvaartsnivo in de droge gebieden van Kenia na de onafhankelijkheid : verslag van een kandidaatsleeronderzoek 1983-1984 (1984)
Collection and use of district data for project formulation (1984)
Review of "Rural poverty and impoverishment in Western Kenya" by J.S. Lavrijsen (1984)
Kapchok location, West Pokot district, Kenya (1983)
Kasei and Chemorongit locations, West Pokot district, Kenya (1983)
Sekerr location, West Pokot District, Kenya (1983)
Mon location, Elgeyo Marakwet district, Kenya (1983)
Suam location, West Pokot district, Kenya (1983)
Sook location, West Pokot district, Kenya (1983)
Lelan location, West Pokot district, Kenya (1983)
Alale location, West Pokot district, Kenya (1983)
The Netherlands in Kenya : development projects in Kenya financed by Dutch development assistance, 1964-1981, arranged according to location (1983)
Locational development profiles: for Kapchok, Sook, Mwino, Suam, Lelan, Sekerr, Kasei & Chemorongit Locations, West Pokot District (1983)
Locational development profile for Mon Location, Elgeyo Marakwet (1983)
Rapid rural appraisal in Kenya's wild west : economic change and market integration in Alale location, West Pokot district (1982)
Market integration in Elgeyo Marakwet and West Pokot : comparing households and locations (1982)
Locational development profile for Alale, West Pokot District (1982)
Health facilities in West Pokot District (1982)
Regionale ongelijke ontwikkeling in Kenia en Tanzania: regionale verschillen in transformatie en marktintegratie processen, 1960-1980 (1982)
Review of "'An introduction to marxist theories of underdevelopment" edited by Richard Peet (1982)
Industrie: groei zonder ontwikkeling (1942-1979) (1980)
Ontwikkelingshulp als katalysatorvan het hedendaagse imperialisme? Het Indonesische geval (1980)
Review of "Klassevorming in ruraal West Kenia" by Jos Algra (1980)
The redevelopment of Dutch imperialism with regard to Indonesia since 1965 (1979)
Afrika 1930-1975: de regionale en ruimtelijke gevolgen van veranderingen van kolonialisme naar perifeer kapitalisme : verslag doktoraal leeronderzoek 1979/80 (1979)
De effekten van de penetratie van de kapitalistische produktiewijze op de regionale ongelijkheid in Kenya (1979)
Het andere Indonesië: ontwikkelingen hulp van onderaf bekeken (1978)
Nederlandse ontwikkelingshulpaan Indonesië: vijf manieren om die ter discussie te stellen (1978)
Nederlandse ontwikkelingshulp Kenia. Een onderzoek naar de effecten van de Nederlandse ontwikkelingshulp aan Kenia op de regionale ongelijkheiden op de maatschappelijke ongelijkheid in diverse typen landbouwregio's : verslag 3e jaars leeronderzoek 1977/78 (1978)
De wederopbouw van Nederlandse imperialistische belangen in Indonesië (1977)
Inventarisatie van Nederlandse projekten in Indonesië, vanaf 1965, gerangschikt naar lokatie (1977)
Local effects of two large-scale industrial projects in the Kafue-Mazabuka area in Zambia : Kafue estate and Nakambala sugar estate : final report (1977)
The local effects of two large scale industrial projects in the Kafue-Mazabuka area in Zambia : Kafua estate and Nakambala sugar estate (1977)
Crime, law and society in Nigeria : essays in honour of Stephen Ellis
Leiden [etc.]: Brill, Afrika-Studiecentrum series 37, 2019
R. Akinyele; A.J. Dietz
Full text
Entrepreneurship in Africa
Leiden [etc.]: Brill, African dynamics 15, 2017
A. Akinyoade; A.J. Dietz; C.U. Uche
Full text
Améliorer les perspectives pour le commerce et les investissements régionaux en Afrique de l'Ouest : la solution à la sécurité alimentaire, au développement économique et à la stabilité dans la région - document d'orientation
Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL), ASC occasional publications 25B, 2016
P. Lange; A.J. Dietz
Full text
Improving the perspective for regional trade and investment in West Africa : the key to food security, economic development and stability in the region - policy brief
Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL), ASC occasional publications 25A, 2016
P. Lange; A.J. Dietz
Full text
Annotated bibliography for the Scoping study "Improving the perspective for regional trade and investment in West-Africa: the key to food security, economic development and stability in the region?"
Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL), 2016
E.M. de Roos; U. Oberst; A.J. Dietz
Full text
Silverlining Africa : From images of doom and gloom to glimmers of hope
Leiden: Leiden University & African Studies Centre, 2011
A.J. Dietz
Full text
Background to the themes of focus 4 : socio-economic dimensions of changing coastal systems: approaches to integrated research
The Hague: NWO, 2010
J.C.J.M. Berg; H. Wessel; A.J. Dietz; I. de Vries; H. de Boois
Effective PhD supervision : mentorship and coaching
Amsterdam: Rozenberg Publishers, 2010
A.J. Dietz; A.A. Wadee; M. Keane; D. Hay
Full text
Participatory, holistic evaluation of development initiatives in Sandema (Builsa District) Upper East Region Ghana
Amsterdam: s.n., 2009
A.J. Dietz
Full text
Van natuurlandschap tot risicomaatschappij : de geografie van de relatie tussen mens en milieu
Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2008
A.J. Dietz; F. den Hertog; H. van der Wusten
Full text
Hydro-logic : poverty, heterogeneity and cooperation on the commons
Delhi: Macmillan, 2007
M. Kurian; A.J. Dietz
De Juiste Maat? Terugblik op het tot stand komen van het Medefinancieringsstelsel (MFS)
Utrecht: CERES, 2007
A.J. Dietz; A. de Ruijter
Full text
Effective PhD supervision and mentorship : a workbook based on experiences from South Africa and the Netherlands : South Africa-Netherlands Research Programme on Alternatives in Development (SANPAD)
Amsterdam: Rozenberg Publishers, 2006
A.J. Dietz; J.D. Jansen; A.A. Wadee
Full text
Evaluation of the Theme-based Co-financing Programme (TMF) of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Utrecht: Berenschot, 2006
A.J. Dietz; A. de Ruijter; E. van Dongen; B. Helmsing; P. Knorringa
How pro-poor are participatory watershed management projects? : an Indian case study
Colombo (Sri Lanka): International Water Management Institute, Research report, ISSN 1026-0862 ; 92 2005
M. Kurian; A.J. Dietz
Full text
DPRN Policy Brief: Millennium Development Goals as a challenge for the Dutch knowledge community
Amsterdam/Utrecht/Maastricht: DPRN, 2005
A.J. Dietz; J. Donner; P. Engel
Evaluatie van het Noordoost Afrika programma van Pax Christi
Utrecht: Pax Christi, 2005
A.J. Dietz; H. van de Graaf; A.H.M. Leliveld; S. Zanen; F. Faltas; M.A.M. Salih; D. Winslow; B. Stolte van Empelen
Carrying capacity dynamics, livestock commercialisation and land degradation in Mongolia's free market era
Amsterdam: IVM, IVM Working Paper 05/10 2005
A.J. Dietz; A. Amgalan; T. Erdenechuluun; S. Hess
PIE Workshop May 2005: experiences with capacity development
Eldoret: Moi University School of Environmental Studies, 2005
A.J. Dietz
Full text
Dilemma's in de medische ontwikkelingssamenwerking
Amsterdam: SMHK, 2004
A.J. Dietz; P. Mertens; K. Witsenburg
Strenghtening the school of environmental studies, MOI-University, Kenya; (final) report of phase I, II,III, 01.01.1991-29.02.2004
Amsterdam & Eldoret: Universiteit van Amsterdam & Moi University, 2004
A.J. Dietz; W. Yabann
Full text
Irrigation and collective action: a study in method with reference to the Shiwalik Hills, Haryana
The Hague: Institute of Social Studies, Working papers / Institute of Social Studies. General series, ISSN 0921-0210 ; no. 374 2003
M. Kurian; A.J. Dietz
Full text
Rapport de synthese final d'une evaluation des activites des CFA pour la lutte contre la pauvrete au Sahel
Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam, 2003
A.F.M. Zaal; A.J. Dietz; A. Broekhuis; A. Belemvire; D. Millar; F. Obeng; Y. Toure; C. Zango
Full text
The global social problem : challenges for a research school like CERES
CERES: Utrecht, 2003
A.J. Dietz
Full text
Final synthesis report of an assessment of CFA activities to combat poverty in the Sahel : report to Steering Committee for the Evaluation ofthe Co-financing Programme
Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam, 2003
A.F.M. Zaal; A.J. Dietz; A. Broekhuis; A. Belemvire; D. Millar; F. Obeng; Y. Toure; C. Zango
Full text
Land use and tenure: entitlement rights for community-based wildlife and forest conservation in Taita Taveta, Kenya.
Nairobi: Institute for Development Studies, Working Paper 542 2003
J.G. Njogu; A.J. Dietz
Strenghtening the school of environmental studies, MOI-University, Kenya; Report 2002 II
Amsterdam & Eldoret: Universiteit van Amsterdam & Moi University, 2002
A.J. Dietz; W. Yabann
Full text
Strenghtening the school of environmental studies, MOI-University, Kenya; Report 2002 I
Amsterdam & Eldoret: Universiteit van Amsterdam & Moi University, 2002
A.J. Dietz; W. Yabann
Full text
By the Grace of God, the day will come when poverty will receive the final blow
Amsterdam / Bolgatanga: University of Amsterdam / University for Development Studies Tamale, Working document to Steering Committee for the Evaluation of the Co-financing Programme 2002
A.J. Dietz; D. Millar; F. Obeng
Full text
Samenvatting van de voorlopige resultaten van de evaluatie van armoedebestrijdings activiteiten van geselecteerde Nederlandse medefinancieringsorganisaties in de Sahel : rapport aan de Stuurgroep Evaluatie Medefinancieringsprogramma
Amsterdam: AGIDS/Universiteit van Amsterdam, 2002
A.F.M. Zaal; A.J. Dietz; A. de Jong; A. Broekhuis
Workshop Proceedings of the participatory impact evaluation of development interventions on people's capabilities in a) Chepareria Division, b) Kacheliba and Kongelai Divisions, c) Alale and Kasei Divisions, West Pokot District, Kenya
Kapenguria/Amsterdam: West Pokot Research Team/AGIDS, 2002
R. Andiema; A.J. Dietz; A. Kotomei
Agricultural, health care and education services in Bongo and Garu (pre-study for 'Grace of God'; unpublished)
K.van der Geest; A.J. Dietz
Full text
Impact study co-funding agencies in the Sahel: section about observed and perceived trends of change in the Sahel
Amsterdam/Utrecht: 2002
A.J. Dietz
Full text
The impact of the Cordaid-supported BASF project in Anafobisi Upper East Ghana (unpublished)
A.J. Dietz; F. Obeng; K.van der Geest
The impact of the Cordaid-supported BASF project in Balungu (unpublished)
A.J. Dietz; F. Obeng; K.van der Geest
Full text
The impact of the ICCO-supported PAS project in Kugsabile Upper East Ghana (unpublished)
A.J. Dietz; F. Obeng; K.van der Geest
Full text
The impact of the ICCO-supported PAS project in Tambalug (unpublished)
A.J. Dietz; F. Obeng; K.van der Geest
Full text
The impact of ICCO and Cordaid projects in Northern Ghana : summary of the Ghana study (unpublished)
Amsterdam: 2002
A.J. Dietz
Full text
By the Grace of God... : impact evaluation of development interventions by BASF and PAS, funded by Cordaid and ICCO (unpublished)
A.J. Dietz
Full text
Public private partnerships in watershed management : evidence from the Himalayan foothills
Rome: WCA infoNET, 2002
M. Kurian; A.J. Dietz; K.S. Murali
Full text
Access to energy services for the rural poor
Utrecht: KMAG, Geographical Studies of Development and Resource Use, 3 2002
M. Snel; M. Baumeister; A.J. Dietz; K. Kusters; H. Pronk; W. Rijssenbeek; J. de Winter
Full text
Strenghtening the school of environmental studies, MOI-University, Kenya; MHO Application for Phase III 1999-2002
Amsterdam & Eldoret: Universiteit van Amsterdam & Moi University, 2002
A.J. Dietz; W. Yabann
Strenghtening the school of environmental studies, MOI-University, Kenya; Report 2001 II
Amsterdam & Eldoret: Universiteit van Amsterdam & Moi University, 2002
A.J. Dietz; W. Yabann
Full text
The impact of climate change on drylands : with a focus on West Africa
Dordrecht [etc.]: Kluwer Academic Publishers, Environment & policy, ISSN 1383-5130 ; vol. 39 2001
A.J. Dietz; R. Ruben; A. Verhagen
Full text
Impact of climate change on drylands with a focus on West Africa
Wageningen: ICCD, Dutch National Research Programme on Global Air Pollution and Climate Change. Second phase ; report no. 410 200 076 2001
A.J. Dietz; A. Verhagen; R. Ruben
Strenghtening the school of environmental studies, MOI-University, Kenya; Report 2000 I & II
Amsterdam & Eldoret: Universiteit van Amsterdam & Moi University, 2001
A.J. Dietz; W. Yabann
Full text
Strenghtening the school of environmental studies, MOI-University, Kenya; Report 2001 I
Amsterdam & Eldoret: Universiteit van Amsterdam & Moi University, 2001
A.J. Dietz; W. Yabann
Full text
CFP evaluation on poverty alleviation and rural development in the Sahel: methodology, instruments of research and proposals for ToRs and research team (unpublished)
Amsterdam/Utrecht: 2001
A.F.M. Zaal; A.J. Dietz; A. de Jong; A. Broekhuis
Full text
Toespraak tot Ad de Bruijne bij zijn pensionering als hoogleraar sociale geografie van ontwikkelingslanden, Amsterdam 30 november 2001
A.J. Dietz
Full text
Dutch geography 1996-2000
Utrecht: International Geographical Union-The Netherlands, 2000
A.J. Dietz; F. Kwaad
Full text
Climbing the cliff : a history of the Keiyo
Eldoret: Moi University Press, 2000
S. Chebet; A.J. Dietz
Full text
Coping with climate change in dryland Ghana: the case of Bolgatanga
Ghana/Amsterdam/Tamale: NRP/ICCD, 1999
A.J. Dietz; D. Millar
Full text
Duurzaam landgebruik: balansstudie programma evaluaties
's Gravenhage: DGIS-DSI & GOM, 1999
A.J. Dietz
Full text
Strenghtening the school of environmental studies, MOI-University, Kenya; Report 1999 I & II
Amsterdam & Eldoret: Universiteit van Amsterdam & Moi University, 1999
A.J. Dietz; W. Yabann
Pengakuan hak atas sumberdaya alam : kontur geografi lingkungan politik
Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar : Institute for Social Transformation (Insist) Press : Resource Management and Development Consultant (Remdec), 1998
A.J. Dietz; R. Topatimasang
Full text
Impact of climate change on drylands with a focus on West Africa : report of phase 1
Wageningen: CERES/DLO/WAU/RIVM, 1998
A.J. Dietz; E. Veldhuizen
Strenghtening the school of environmental studies, MOI-University, Kenya; Report 1998 I & II
Amsterdam & Eldoret: Universiteit van Amsterdam & Moi University, 1998
A.J. Dietz; W. Yabann
SGO in reunie : voordrachten gehouden tijdens de reunie van de vakgroep Sociale Geografie van de Ontwikkelingsgebieden (SGO) op 14 december 1996
Nijmegen: (Vakgroep) Sociale Geografie van de Ontwikkelingsgebieden, Faculteit der Beleidswetenschappen, Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen, 1997
A.J. Dietz
Strenghtening the school of environmental studies, MOI-University, Kenya; Report 1997 I & II
Amsterdam & Eldoret: Universiteit van Amsterdam & Moi University, 1997
A.J. Dietz; W. Yabann
Full text
Strenghtening the school of environmental studies, MOI-University, Kenya; Report 1996 I & II
Amsterdam & Eldoret: Universiteit van Amsterdam & Moi University, 1997
A.J. Dietz; W. Yabann
Full text
Pastoral development in Eastern Africa: policy review, options and alternatives : second version
Report to I/C Consult Zeist, for Vastenactie/Cebemo-Bilance 1997
A.J. Dietz; M.A.M. Salih
L' impact de la modification climatique sur la disponibilité en eau, sur l'agriculture et sur la sécurité alimentaire dans les zones arides : etude ciblée sur l'Afrique occidentale
Amsterdam/Wageningen/Utrecht: Université d'Amsterdam/DLV/CERES,, Rapport préliminaire de la première phase: l' identification 1997
A.J. Dietz; E. Veldhuizen
Full text
Kenya : mensen, politiek, economie, cultuur
Amsterdam: Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen, Landenreeks 1996
A.J. Dietz; D.W.J. Foeken; A. van Haastrecht
Entitlements to natural resources : contours of political environmental geography
Utrecht: International Books, 1996
A.J. Dietz
Full text
Kenya : mensen, politiek, economie, cultuur
Amsterdam: Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen, Landenreeks, ISSN 0922-4939 1996
A.J. Dietz; D.W.J. Foeken; A. van Haastrecht
Full text
Pastoral development in Eastern Africa: policy review, options and alternatives : first version
Report to I/C Consult Zeist, for Vastenactie/Cebemo-Bilance 1996
A.J. Dietz; M.A.M. Salih
External evaluation of the Tropenbos Foundation 1993-1996 : report for the Interdepartmental Consultative Group/DGIS section Environment
's Gravenhage: DGIS,Section Environment, 1996
M. Cockerell; A.J. Dietz; W. Schaap
Full text
Strenghtening the school of environmental studies, MOI-University, Kenya; Report 1994 II
Amsterdam & Eldoret: UvA FRW & Muses, 1995
A.J. Dietz; D.A. Otieno
Full text
Strenghtening the school of environmental studies, MOI-University, Kenya; Report 1995 I
Amsterdam & Eldoret: UvA FRW & Muses, 1995
A.J. Dietz; D.A. Otieno
Full text
Strenghtening the school of environmental studies, MOI-University, Kenya; Report 1995 II
Amsterdam & Eldoret: UvA FRW & Muses, 1995
A.J. Dietz; M. Tole
Full text
You don't learn by dodging! Recommendations for measuring the impact of the Kenya woodfuel and agroforestry programme in Kenya. Report for ETC Kenya.
Eldoret: Muses, 1994
A.J. Dietz; A. van Haastrecht; S. Dima
Full text
Strenghtening the school of environmental studies, MOI-University, Kenya; Phase II 01.01.1994- 31.12.1997
Amsterdam & Eldoret: UvA & Muses, 1994
A.J. Dietz; Ch. Okidi
Strenghtening the school of environmental studies, MOI-University, Kenya; Report 1994 I
Amsterdam & Eldoret: UvA & Muses, 1994
A.J. Dietz; Ch. Okidi
Full text
Strenghtening the school of environmental studies, MOI-University, Kenya; Report 1993 I & II
Amsterdam & Eldoret: UvA & Muses, 1993
A.J. Dietz; Ch. Okidi
Full text
Mid term review of the Netherlands support to NARP/KARI : report to the government of Kenya
Nairobi/Amsterdam: KARI/Government of the Netherlands DGIS, 1992
A.J. Dietz; A.A. Berkhout; C. Mango; M.R. Turner; J. Wafula
Stedelijke milieuproblemen in ontwikkelingslanden: een verkenning van kennisen Nederlandse expertise
Amsterdam: ISG, 1992
A.J. Dietz
Strenghtening the school of environmental studies, MOI-University, Kenya; Report 1992 I & II
Amsterdam & Eldoret: UvA & Muses, 1992
A.J. Dietz; Ch. Okidi
Strenghtening the school of environmental studies, MOI-University, Kenya; Report 1991
Amsterdam & Eldoret: UvA & Muses, 1992
A.J. Dietz; Ch. Okidi
Crisis survival strategies : a summary of concepts and an example from the semi-pastoral pokot in Kenya/Uganda
The Hague: Institute of Social Studies, Rural development studies ; term III - 1990/91 1991
A.J. Dietz
Zimbabwe : Organisation of Rural Associations for Progress
[S.l.: s.n.], Veldonderzoek : impactstudie medefinancieringsprogramma 1991
A.J. Dietz; S. Moyo
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Zimbabwe : Christian Care
S.l.: s.n., Veldonderzoek : impactstudie medefinancieringsprogramma 1991
A. van Andel; F. Chinemana; A.J. Dietz
Full text
Zimbabwe : Glen Forest Training Centre
S.l.: s.n., Veldonderzoek : impactstudie medefinancieringsprogramma 1991
A.J. Dietz; S. Matsvai
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Afrika : Burkina Faso, Zimbabwe
Utrecht: Libertas, 1991
A.J. Dietz; M. de Graaf; A.F.M. Zaal; S. Moyo
Full text
Strenghtening the school of environmental studies, MOI-University, Kenya; Phase I 1991-1995
Amsterdam & Eldoret: UvA & Muses, 1991
A.J. Dietz; Ch. Okidi
Analyse van de evaluatierapporten van het sectorprogramma plattelandsontwikkeling
's Gravenhage: DGIS, 1990
A.J. Dietz; K. Jungheim; J.-P. Kleijburg; A. van Toorn
Kale sublocation (Mwino Location)
Amsterdam: SGI, UvA Regional Development Research West Pokot & Elgeyo Marakwet, Reports for the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands Programme West Pokot District, Kenya 1990
E. Moonen; H. Verlome; A.J. Dietz; W. de Leeuw
The future of Maasai pastoralists in Kajiado District, Kenya : integrated Proceedings of a Conference organized by the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands Programme, Kajiado District, Kenya
Amsterdam/Leiden: Report for the ASAL Programme Kajiado District 1990
A.J. Dietz; M.M.E.M. Rutten
The arid and semi-arid lands programme in West Pokot and employment creation
Amsterdam [etc.]: University of Amsterdam [etc.], 1989
A.J. Dietz; M.O. Ongong'a
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Survey of health-related facilities of primary schools in West Pokot, Kenya
Amsterdam: SMHK, 1989
A.J. Dietz; I. Spijkerman; P. Mertens; H. Wouters; C. Frederiks
Amsterdam: Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen, Landendocumentatiemap, ISSN 0922-4939 1988
A.J. Dietz; D.W.J. Foeken; A. van Haastrecht; G. van der Wal
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Een brandende kwestie : brandhoutschaarste in de Derde Wereld : verslag leeronderzoek doktoraalstudenten sociale geografie van ontwikkelingslanden
Amsterdam: ISG, 1988
A.J. Dietz; L.J. de Haan; P. Druijven
Local development profile : Batei location, West Pokot district, Kenya
Amsterdam: University of Amsterdam. Department of Human Geography. ASAl Programme West Pokot, 1987
M. Gallì; A.J. Dietz
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Endo Mokoro and Embobut locations, Elgeyo Marakwet district, Kenya
Iten: Regional development research for the arid and semi-arid lands, Programme Elgeyo marakwet, Locational development profile 1987
A.J. Dietz; A. van Haastrecht; H. Moore; S.S. Kipkore; R. Suter; M. Schomaker
Full text
Pastoralists in dire straits : survival strategies and external interventions in a semi-arid region at the Kenya/Uganda border: Western Pokot, 1900-1986
Amsterdam: Koninklijk Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap : Instituut voor Sociale Geografie, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Nederlandse geografische studies, ISSN 0169-4839 ; 49 1987
A.J. Dietz
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Locational development profile for Batei Location, West Pokot District
Amsterdam: SGI, UvA Regional Development Research West Pokot & Elgeyo Marakwet, Reports for the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands Programme West Pokot District, Kenya 1987
M. Gallì; A.J. Dietz; A. van Haastrecht; M. Schomaker; R. Andiema; S. Lopeyok
Full text
Report of the ASAL backstopping mission West Pokot and Elgeyo Marakwet, 25 October - 17 November 1986
Amsterdam: UvA/SGI, 1987
A.J. Dietz; A. Owiti; A. van Haastrecht
Weiwei location, West Pokot district, Kenya
Kapenguria: Regional development research West Pokot, Locational development project 1986
A. van Haastrecht; A.J. Dietz; M. Schomaker; S. Lopeyok; R. Andiema
Full text
Locational development profile for Weiwei Location, West Pokot District
Amsterdam: SGI, UvA Regional Development Research West Pokot & Elgeyo Marakwet, Reports for the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands Programme West Pokot District, Kenya 1986
A.J. Dietz; A. van Haastrecht; M. Schomaker; R. Andiema; S. Lopeyok
Full text
Locational development profile for Endo, Mokoro & Embobut Locations, Elgeyo Marakwet
Amsterdam: SGI, UvA Regional Development Research West Pokot & Elgeyo Marakwet, Reports for the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands Programme West Pokot District, Kenya 1986
A.J. Dietz; A. van Haastrecht; M. Schomaker; H. Moore; R. Suter
Full text
Locational development profile for Kipkomo Location, West Pokot District
Amsterdam: SGI, UvA Regional Development Research West Pokot & Elgeyo Marakwet, Reports for the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands Programme West Pokot District, Kenya 1986
A.J. Dietz; A. van Haastrecht; M. Schomaker; B. Vermaat; M. Schomaker; R.P. Chizupo; R. Andiema; S. Lopeyok
Full text
Report of the identification mission for an Arid and Semi-Arid Lands Programme in Kajiado District: report for Stichting Nederlandse Vrijwilligers, Nairobi and for the Ministry of Planning and National Development, Government of Kenya
Nairobi: Stichting Nederlandse Vrijwilligers and Ministry of Planning and National Development, 1986
A.J. Dietz; A. Owiti; J. Brandt; J. Ating'a
Masol location, West Pokot district, Kenya
Kapenguria: Regional Development Research West Pokot/Elgeyo Marakwet, Locational development profile 1985
A.F.M. Zaal; I. van Tienhoven; M. Schomaker; R. Andiema; A.J. Dietz
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Locational development profile for Masol Location, West Pokot District
Amsterdam: SGI, UvA Regional Development Research West Pokot & Elgeyo Marakwet, Reports for the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands Programme West Pokot District, Kenya 1985
A.J. Dietz; A. van Haastrecht; M. Schomaker; B. Vermaat; M. Schomaker; R.P. Chizupo; R. Andiema; S. Lopeyok; A.F.M. Zaal; I. van Tienhoven
Full text
Locational development profile for Lomut & Cheptulel Locations, West PokotDistrict
Amsterdam: SGI, UvA Regional Development Research West Pokot & Elgeyo Marakwet, Reports for the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands Programme West Pokot District, Kenya 1985
A.J. Dietz; A. van Haastrecht; M. Schomaker; B. Vermaat; M. Schomaker; R.P. Chizupo; R. Andiema; S. Lopeyok; A.F.M. Zaal; I. van Tienhoven
Full text
Review mission ASAL Programme West Pokot and Elgeyo Marakwet, Nov. 7th-26th : report for the Ministry of Planning and National Development and for the Netherlands Embassy, Nairobi
Nairobi: Ministry of Planning and National Development and the Netherlands Embassy, 1985
A.J. Dietz; A. Owiti; J. Kipkan
An analysis of the 1984-5 annex to the Elgeyo Marakwet District Development Plan for 1984-88: report for the Ministry of Finance and Planning, Rural Planning Division, Government of Kenya
Amsterdam: UvA, SGI, 1985
A.J. Dietz
Locational development profile for Soy and Kocholwo locations, Elgeyo-Marakwet district
Amsterdam: SGI, UvA Regional Development Research West Pokot & Elgeyo Marakwet, Reports for the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands Programme West Pokot District, Kenya 1984
A.J. Dietz; A. van Haastrecht; M. Schomaker
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Riwa and lower Mnagei locations, West Pokot district, Kenya
Kapenguria: Regional development research for the arid and semi-arid lands programme, Locational development profile 1984
A.J. Dietz; A. van Haastrecht; M. Schomaker; S. Lopeyok; R.P. Chizupo; H. Hendrix
Full text
Mwino location, West Pokot district, Kenya : [a profile]
Kapenguria: Regional development research West Pokot, Elgeyo Marakwet, Locational development profile 1984
A.J. Dietz; A. van Haastrecht; M. Schomaker; R. Andiema; H. Hendrix
Full text
Regionale ongelijkheid in Kenia en de locatie van de Nederlandse ontwikkelingsprojecten
Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam, Publikatie / Instituut voor Sociale Geografie, Universiteit van Amsterdam ; no. 5 1984
A.J. Dietz; J. Koninx
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Locational development profile for Riwa & Lower Mnagei, West Pokot District
Amsterdam: SGI, UvA Regional Development Research West Pokot & Elgeyo Marakwet, Reports for the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands Programme West Pokot District, Kenya 1984
A.J. Dietz; A. van Haastrecht; M. Schomaker; M. Schomaker; R.P. Chizupo; R. Andiema; S. Lopeyok
Full text
Semi-aride gebieden : een globale inventarisatievan relatieve positie enoverheidsbeleid : verslag vaneen doktoraal leeronderzoek 1983-1984
Amsterdam: UvA,SGI, 1984
A.J. Dietz; A. van Heure
Van droogte doordrongen : een studie van het beleid van overheid en hulporganisaties ter verhoging van het welvaartsnivo in de droge gebieden van Kenia na de onafhankelijkheid : verslag van een kandidaatsleeronderzoek 1983-1984
Amsterdam: UvA, SGI, 1984
A.J. Dietz; B. Suriee
Kapchok location, West Pokot district, Kenya
Kapenguria: Regional development research West Pokot, Elgeyo Marakwet, Locational development profile 1983
A.J. Dietz; A. van Haastrecht; M. Schomaker; S. Lopeyok; H. Hendrix
Full text
Kasei and Chemorongit locations, West Pokot district, Kenya
Kapenguria: Regional development research West Pokot, Locational development profile 1983
A.J. Dietz; A. van Haastrecht; M. Schomaker; S. Lopeyok; H. Hendrix
Full text
Sekerr location, West Pokot District, Kenya
[Amsterdam: University of Amsterdam], Locational development profile 1983
A.J. Dietz; A. van Haastrecht; M. Schomaker; S. Lopeyok; P. Mertens; H. Hendrix
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Mon location, Elgeyo Marakwet district, Kenya
Kapenguria: Regional Development Research West Pokot, Elgeyo Marakwet, Locational development profile 1983
I. Dubbel; M. de Kwaasteniet; A. van Haastrecht; A.J. Dietz
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Suam location, West Pokot district, Kenya
Kapenguria: Regional development research West/Elgeyo Marakwet, Locational development profile 1983
A.J. Dietz; A. van Haastrecht; M. Schomaker; S. Lopeyok; R.P. Chizupo; H. Hendrix
Full text
Sook location, West Pokot district, Kenya
Kapenguria: Regional development research West/Elgeyo Marakwet, Locational development profile 1983
A.J. Dietz; A. van Haastrecht; M. Schomaker; R. Andiema; S. Lopeyok; H. Hendrix
Full text
Lelan location, West Pokot district, Kenya
Kapenguria: Regional development research West Pokot, Elgeyo Marakwet, Locational development profile 1983
A.J. Dietz; A. van Haastrecht; M. Schomaker; R. Andiema; J. Tumkou; H. Hendrix
Full text
Alale location, West Pokot district, Kenya
Kapenguria: Regional dervelopment research West Pokot/Elgeyo Marakwet, Locational development profile 1983
A.J. Dietz; A. van Haastrecht; M. Schomaker; A. Kotomei; H. Hendrix
Full text
The Netherlands in Kenya : development projects in Kenya financed by Dutch development assistance, 1964-1981, arranged according to location
Amsterdam: University of Amsterdam, Department of Human Geography, Publikatie / University of Amsterdam, Department of Human Geography ; no. 4 1983
A.J. Dietz; J. Koninx
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Locational development profiles: for Kapchok, Sook, Mwino, Suam, Lelan, Sekerr, Kasei & Chemorongit Locations, West Pokot District
Amsterdam: SGI, UvA Regional Development Research West Pokot & Elgeyo Marakwet, Reports for the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands Programme West Pokot District, Kenya 1983
A.J. Dietz; A. van Haastrecht; M. Schomaker; R.P. Chizupo; R. Andiema; S. Lopeyok
Locational development profile for Mon Location, Elgeyo Marakwet
Amsterdam: SGI, UvA Regional Development Research West Pokot & Elgeyo Marakwet, Reports for the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands Programme West Pokot District, Kenya 1983
A.J. Dietz; A. van Haastrecht; M. Schomaker; I. Dubel; M. de Kwaasteniet
Full text
Health facilities in Elgeyo Marakwet
Amsterdam: UvA, SGI, Report for the ASAL Programme Elgeyo Marakwet 1983
A.J. Dietz; A. van Haastrecht
Rapid rural appraisal in Kenya's wild west : economic change and market integration in Alale location, West Pokot district
Nairobi: University of Nairobi, Institute for development studies, Working paper / Institute for development studies ; no. 396 1982
A.J. Dietz; A. van Haastrecht; A. Kotomei
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Market integration in Elgeyo Marakwet and West Pokot : comparing households and locations
Nairobi: University of Nairobi, Institute for development studies, Working paper / Institute for development studies ; no. 392 1982
A.J. Dietz; A. van Haastrecht
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Locational development profile for Alale, West Pokot District
Amsterdam: SGI, UvA Regional Development Research West Pokot & Elgeyo Marakwet, Reports for the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands Programme West Pokot District, Kenya 1982
A.J. Dietz; A. van Haastrecht; M. Schomaker; R.P. Chizupo; R. Andiema; S. Lopeyok
Health facilities in West Pokot District
Amsterdam: UvA, SGI, Report for the ASAL Programme West Pokot 1982
A.J. Dietz; P. Mertens; P. Gaturuku
Afrika 1930-1975: de regionale en ruimtelijke gevolgen van veranderingen van kolonialisme naar perifeer kapitalisme : verslag doktoraal leeronderzoek 1979/80
Amsterdam: SGI UvA: SGI UvA, 1979
A.J. Dietz; L.J. de Haan; A. van Haastrecht
Nederlandse ontwikkelingshulp Kenia. Een onderzoek naar de effecten van de Nederlandse ontwikkelingshulp aan Kenia op de regionale ongelijkheiden op de maatschappelijke ongelijkheid in diverse typen landbouwregio's : verslag 3e jaars leeronderzoek 1977/78
Amsterdam: SGI, UvA, 1978
A.J. Dietz; E. Vos
Inventarisatie van Nederlandse projekten in Indonesië, vanaf 1965, gerangschikt naar lokatie
Amsterdam: s.n., 1977
A.J. Dietz
Local effects of two large-scale industrial projects in the Kafue-Mazabuka area in Zambia : Kafue estate and Nakambala sugar estate : final report
Nijmegen: Katholieke Universiteit, Nijmeegse geografische cahiers ; no. 8 1977
A.J. Dietz; A. van Haastrecht; R. Scheffer
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The local effects of two large scale industrial projects in the Kafue-Mazabuka area in Zambia : Kafua estate and Nakambala sugar estate
Nijmegen: Katholieke Universiteit, Nijmeegse geografische cahiers ; 8 1977
A.J. Dietz; A. van Haastrecht; R. Scheffer
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Dependencia nummer
Nijmegen: Redaktiesekretariaat Geografiek, Geografiek. Katern 1974
A.J. Dietz; H. van den Bosch
Full text
'Het toekomstige examenprogramma aardrijkskunde in tien thema’s'
In: T. Béneker; G. G. van Campenhout; R. van der Vaart: 'Aardrijkskunde in transitie?: vakinhoudelijke perspectieven op de examenprogramma’s aardrijkskunde', Utrecht: KNAG, 2023.
'From the Netherlands East Indies to Indonesia: a philatelic iconography of political upheaval'
In: S.D. Brunn: 'Stamps, nationalism and political transition', London, New York: Routledge, 2022.
'Imaging political turmoil through postage stamps in the heart of Africa: Congo/Zaire 1950-1971 from colonialism to national identity'
In: S.D. Brunn: 'Stamps, nationalism and political transition', London, New York: Routledge, 2022.
'Mauritius and its politics on stamps'
In: S.D. Brunn: 'Stamps, nationalism and political transition', London, New York: Routledge, 2022.
In: R. Akinyele; A.J. Dietz: 'Crime, law and society in Nigeria : essays in honour of Stephen Ellis', Leiden [etc.]: Brill, 2019.
'Africa in transition: what role for the environment?'
In: I. Haltermann; J. Tischler: 'Environmental change and African societies', Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2019.
'Klimaatverandering en migratie'
In: D. van Soest; S. Smulders; R. Gerlagh; R. Kleinknecht: 'Klimaatbeleid : kosten, kansen en keuzes', Amsterdam: Economisch Statistische Berichten, 2018.
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'Online representation of sustainable city initiatives in Africa: how inclusive?'
In: C. Ammann; T. Förster: 'African cities and the development conundrum', Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2018.
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In: A. Akinyoade; A.J. Dietz; C.U. Uche: 'Entrepreneurship in Africa', Leiden: Brill, 2017.
'The Beeker Method: a preface'
In: A. Folkers; I. Perzyna: 'The Beeker Method : planning and Working on the redevelopment of the African City', African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL), 2017.
'Africa's urbanity as heritage'
In: A. Folkers; I. Perzyna: 'The Beeker Method : planning and Working on the redevelopment of the African City', African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL), 2017.
'Conflict and cooperation on natural resources: justifying the CoCooN programme'
In: M. Bavinck; L. Pellegrini; E. Mostert: 'Conflicts over natural resources in the Global South: conceptual approaches', Boca Raton [etc.]: CRC Press, 2014.
'Local perceptions of development and change in Northern Ghana'
In: J.A. Yaro: 'Rural development in Northern Ghana', New York: Nova, 2013.
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'Participatory assessment of development in Africa'
In: I.S.A. Baud; N. Pouw: 'Local governancne and poverty in developing nations', New York: Routledge, 2012.
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'Afrika!: voorwoord'
'Het nieuwe Afrika: Nederland en Afrika in de 21e eeuw', [Leiden, Den Haag]: Afrika-Studiecentrum (ASC), Netherlands African Business Council (NABC), 2012.
'Publicaties over Afrika in Nederland'
'Het nieuwe Afrika: Nederland en Afrika in de 21e eeuw', [Leiden, Den Haag]: Afrika-Studiecentrum (ASC), Netherlands African Business Council (NABC), 2012.
'Alles wat u altijd al hebt willen weten over het Afrika-Studiecentrum'
'Het nieuwe Afrika: Nederland en Afrika in de 21e eeuw', [Leiden, Den Haag]: Afrika-Studiecentrum (ASC), Netherlands African Business Council (NABC), 2012.
'De Afrikaanse landbouw als een belofte?'
'Het nieuwe Afrika: Nederland en Afrika in de 21e eeuw', [Leiden, Den Haag]: Afrika-Studiecentrum (ASC), Netherlands African Business Council (NABC), 2012.
'Natural resources and conflicts: theoretical flaws and empirical evidence from Northern Kenya'
In: K. Witsenburg; F. Zaal: 'Spaces of insecurity: human agency in violent conflicts in Kenya', Leiden: African Studies Centre, 2012.
'African engagements: on whose terms? Africa negotiating an emerging multi-polar world'
In: A.J. Dietz; K. Havnevik; M.M.A. Kaag; T. Oestigaard: 'African engagements : Africa negotiating an emerging multipolar world', Leiden [etc.]: Brill, 2011.
Full text
'Afrika's internationale relaties'
In: O. Verkoren; A. Harts-Broekhuis: 'Tropisch Afrika', Assen: Van Gorcum, 2010.
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'Conference file'
In: M.K. van Klinken; J. Seitah: 'The future of Maasai pastoralists in Kajiado District, Kenya; proceedings of a conference held in Limuru, Kenya, 28-31 May 1989,', Kajiado: ASAL Programme Kajiado, 2010.
In: I.S.A. Baud; J. Post; L.J. de Haan; A.J. Dietz: 'Re-aligning government, civil society and the market : new challenges in urban and regional development : essays in honour of Bruijne', Amsterdam: AGIDS, 2010.
Full text
'Climate-based risks in cities'
In: M. Kurian; P. McCarney: 'Peri-urban water and sanitation services: policy, planning and method', Dordrecht: Springer, 2010.
'Optimistic determinism or explaining a miracle'
In: K. Burger; A.F.M. Zaal: 'Sustainable land management in the tropics : explaining the miracle', Farnham: Ashgate, 2009.
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'Assessing interventions and change among presumed beneficiaries of 'development': a toppled perspective on impact evaluation'
In: P. Hoebink: 'Netherlands Yearbook on International Collaboration', Assen: Van Gorcum, 2009.
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'Ecospace, humanspace and climate change'
In: M.A.M. Salih: 'Climate change and sustainable development : new challenges for poverty reduction', Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2009.
Full text
'The iconography of Tunisian postage stamps'
In: V. Mamadouh; S.M. de Jong; F. Thissen; J. van der Schee; M. van Meeteren: 'Dutch windows on the Mediterranean', Utrecht: KNAG/IGU-Netherlands, 2009.
Full text
'Revisiting peripheral capitalism in Zambia'
In: P. Hebinck; S. Slootweg; L. Smith: 'Tales of development. People, power and space', Assen: Van Gorcum, 2008.
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'Statement on policy coherence for development: aid, trade, investment, and other issues'
'Inspiring a global mindset - an overview of 2007', Amsterdam: Worldconnectors, 2008.
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'Geography in the Netherlands 2004-2008'
'Dutch windows on the Mediterranean', Utrecht: KNAG/IGU-Netherlands, 2008.
Full text
'Participatory evaluation of development interventions for poverty alleviation among (former) pastoralists in West Pokot, Kenya.'
In: C.R. Bryant; E. Makhanya; T.M. Herrmann: 'The sustainability of rural systems in developing countries', Montreal: Laboratoire de Développement durable et dynamique territoriale / Département de Geographie / Université de Montreal, 2008.
Full text
'Migrant involvement in community development : the case of the rural Ashanti Region, Ghana'
In: A.L. van Naerssen; E. Spaan; A. Zoomers: 'Global migration and development', New York/London: Routledge/Taylor and Francis, 2008.
Full text
'Dimensions of vulnerability of livelihoods in less-favoured areas: interplay between the individual and the collective'
In: R. Ruben; J. Pender; A. Kuyvenhoven: 'Sustainable poverty reduction in less-favoured areas', Wallingford UK/Cambridge MA USA: CAB International, 2007.
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'Participatory evaluation of development interventions in a vulnerable environment (West Pokot, Kenya)'
'Monitoring and evaluation on the cutting edge: monitoring and evaluation in the chain: creating new dialogues, MDF, training and consultancy', Ede: 2007.
'Ruimte voor milieu!'
In: N. Bakker; A.J. Dietz; M. Wolsink: 'Ruimte voor Milieu : inzichten van milieugeografen en-planologen', Utrecht: Jan van Arkel, 2007.
Full text
'Building bridges, creating synergies : interview with Ton Dietz, by Mirjam Ros-Tonen'
'Bridging gaps - creating synergies : visions and opinions on crossing boundaries', Utrecht: CERES, 2007.
'Adaptation to climate change in the drylands of West Africa'
In: S.J. Wonink; M.T.J. Kok; H.B.M. Hilderink: 'Vulnerability and human well-being: Report of a workshop in preparation of GEO-4', Bilthoven: Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, 2006.
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'World poverty'
In: S.J. Wonink; M.T.J. Kok; H.B.M. Hilderink: 'Vulnerability and human well-being: Report of a workshop in preparation of GEO-4', Bilthoven: Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, 2006.
'Reconciling conservation goals and livelihood needs: new forest management perspectives in the 21st century'
In: A.J. Dietz; M.A.F. Ros-Tonen: 'African forests between nature and livelihood resource : interdisciplinary studies in conservation and forest management', Lewiston, NY [etc.]: Mellen, 2005.
'Sustainable forests and livelihoods: romantic illusion or environmental and social necessity?'
In: A.J. Dietz; M.A.F. Ros-Tonen: 'African forests between nature and livelihood resource : interdisciplinary studies in conservation and forest management', Lewiston, NY [etc.]: 2005.
'A literature survey about risk and vulnerability in drylands, with a focus on the Sahel'
In: A.J. Dietz; R. Ruben; A. Verhagen: 'The impact of climate change on drylands, with a focus on West Africa', Dordrecht/Boston/London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004.
Full text
'Sahelian livelihoods and the rebound: a critical analysis of rainfall, drought index and yields in Sahelian agriculture'
In: A.J. Dietz; R. Ruben; A. Verhagen: 'The impact of climate change on drylands', Dordrecht: Kluwer, 2004.
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'The ICCD research'
In: A.J. Dietz; R. Ruben; A. Verhagen: 'The impact of climate change on drylands, with a focus on West Africa', Dordrecht/Boston/London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004.
'The world's drylands: a classification'
In: A.J. Dietz; R. Ruben; A. Verhagen: 'The impact of climate change on drylands, with a focus on West Africa', Dordrecht/Boston/London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004.
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'Sahelian livelihoods on the rebound'
In: A.J. Dietz; R. Ruben; A. Verhagen: 'The impact of climate change on drylands, with a focus on West Africa', Dordrecht/Boston/London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004.
'Population dynamics'
In: A.J. Dietz; R. Ruben; A. Verhagen: 'The impact of climate change on drylands, with a focus on West Africa', Dordrecht/Boston/London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004.
Full text
'Climate and livelihood change in North East Ghana'
In: A.J. Dietz; R. Ruben; A. Verhagen: 'The impact of climate change on drylands, with a focus on West Africa', Dordrecht/Boston/London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004.
Full text
'Climate deterioration and regional specificity : regionally differentiated portfolios of options for drylands'
In: A.J. Dietz; R. Ruben; A. Verhagen: 'The impact of climate change on drylands, with a focus on West Africa', Dordrecht/Boston/London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004.
'Climate change preparedness in West Africa'
In: A.J. Dietz; R. Ruben; A. Verhagen: 'The impact of climate change on drylands, with a focus on West Africa', Dordrecht/Boston/London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004.
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'Climate change and food security in the drylands of West Africa'
In: A.J. Dolman; A. Verhagen; C.A. Rover: 'Global environmental change and land use', Dordrecht: Kluwer, 2003.
Full text
'Participatory evaluation of development interventions for poverty alleviation among (former) pastoralists in West Pokot,Kenya'
In: I.S.A. Baud: 'Faces of poverty : capabilities, mobilization and institutional transformation', Amsterdam: CERES/UvA/VU/KIT, 2003.
'The provisioning of African cities, with Ouagadougou as a case study'
In: I.S.A. Baud; J. Post; L.J. de Haan; A.J. Dietz: 'Re-aligning government, civil society and the market : new challenges in urban and regional development : essays in honour of Bruijne', Amsterdam: AGIDS, 2002.
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'Bibliography of Dutch geographical publications about Africa'
'Dutch geography and Africa', Utrecht: Knag, 2002.
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