Romborah Robert Simiyu, Gender dynamics of urban agriculture in Eldoret, Kenya
This PhD study looks into the gender dynamics of urban agriculture in Eldoret, Kenya, from a livelihood perspective. The study’s objectives are to assess the significance of urban agriculture in urban households’ livelihood and the contribution of women and men to urban agriculture and urban livelihood strategies; to examine the differential motives, needs and constraints that female-headed and male-headed urban households experience when practising urban agriculture; to assess the context of urban policies, institutions and land tenure systems and the gender implications related to urban agriculture and household livelihood pathways; and to identify and evaluate the livelihood strategies pursued by urban households in the context of increasing household multi-locality and fluidity.
Funded by NWO-WOTRO, project started in 2007. On Wednesday 5 December 2012 Robert Simiyu defended his dissertation at Leiden University. You can order his dissertation from the webshop.