
The African Studies Centre Leiden currently publishes eight different series. Books published in the ASCL Collection Series and Occasional Publications Series can be ordered from the Webshop or they can be purchased during a visit to the ASCL library, as long they are in stock. Book series published by Brill can be ordered directly from the publisher, or they can be purchased during a visit to the ASCL library, as long as they are in stock.
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Displaying 3661 - 3680 of 4518, page 184 of 226
S.D.K. Ellis
Type of publication: Book
Keywords: Africa, policy
Added to database: 23 December 2011
S.D.K. Ellis
Type of publication: Journal Article
In: Internationale spectator : tijdschrift voor internationale politiekInternationale spectator

De auteur behandelt een aantal van de problemen waarmee Nigeria momenteel te kampen heeft. Hij gaat eerst in op het probleem van de regionale machtsverdeling. De noordelijke politieke elites, die voortdurend met elkaar concurreren, kunnen alleen regeren door coalities te...

Keywords: Nigeria, political change, political conditions
Open access: Full text
Added to database: 23 December 2011
S.D.K. Ellis
Type of publication: Journal Article
In: African affairs : the journal of the Royal African Society

This article deals with the civil war which broke out in Liberia on 24 December 1989, when 100 or more fighters claiming allegiance to the National Patriotic Front of Liberia (NPFL), led by Charles Taylor, advanced over the border from Côte d'Ivoire to attack the town of...

Keywords: 1991, civil war, Liberia, peace, violence
Open access: Full text
Added to database: 23 December 2011
S.D.K. Ellis
Type of publication: Book

On the whole, the recent introduction or reintroduction of multiparty systems in Africa has not produced economic recovery and it may not have produced the purely political results which reformers had hoped for. Of paramount importance in Africa is the way in which foreign...

Keywords: Africa, Country, democracy, democratization, South Africa, Subsaharan Africa
Added to database: 23 December 2011
G.J. Abbink
Type of publication: Journal Article
In: Politique africaine
Added to database: 23 December 2011
G.J. Abbink
Type of publication: Journal Article
In: Indigenous Knowledge and Development Monitor
Added to database: 23 December 2011
G.J. Abbink
Type of publication: Journal Article
In: Facta
Open access: Full text
Added to database: 23 December 2011
G.J. Abbink
Type of publication: Journal Article
In: Facta
Open access: Full text
Added to database: 23 December 2011
G.J. Abbink
Type of publication: Journal Article
In: Politique africaine

L'expérience de renouveau politique en Éthiopie est en cours depuis 1991, lorsque le régime du colonel Mengistu Haile Mariam fut remplacé par une coalition de mouvements de guérilla à base ethnique dirigée par l'EPRDF (Ethiopian Peoples' Revolutionary...

Keywords: 1991, democracy, Ethiopia, ethnicity
Open access: Full text
Added to database: 23 December 2011
G.J. Abbink
Type of publication: Journal Article
In: Journal of religion in Africa

This essay deals with the relation between ritual behaviour and environmental conditions in an African rural society, that of the South-East Surmic (Nilo-Saharan)-speaking Me'en people, a group of 'tribal' cultivators in Käfa region, Ethiopia. The study...

Keywords: environment, Ethiopia, Me'en, Mekan, rituals, Rural
Open access: Full text
Added to database: 23 December 2011
G.J. Abbink
Type of publication: Journal Article
In: Journal of contemporary African studies

Since taking over power in May 1991 the Transitional Government of Ethiopia, dominated by the Ethiopian Peoples' Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF), with at its core the Tigray Peoples' Liberation Front (TPLF), has embarked on a "revolutionary-democratic...

Keywords: 1991, 1994, democracy, elections, Ethiopia, ethnicity, policy
Added to database: 23 December 2011
G.J. Abbink
Type of publication: Journal Article
In: Internationale spectator : tijdschrift voor internationale politiekInternationale spectator

Ethiopië lijkt een fase van 'deconstructie en reconstructie' door te maken sinds de val van het regime Mengistu in mei 1991. Het land is in een proces van politieke herstructurering verwikkeld en poogt een basis te leggen voor een meer open, democratische...

Keywords: 1991, democracy, Ethiopia, ethnicity
Open access: Full text
Added to database: 23 December 2011
G.J. Abbink
Type of publication: Journal Article
In: Focaal : tijdschrift voor antropologieFocaal

This paper examines the transformation of violence in Ethiopian society, chiefly in the context of processes of 'modernization' and political change since the turn of the century, but focusing on the most recent period (1970s-1980s). Forms and practices of violence...

Keywords: Ethiopia, history, modernization, political change, violence
Open access: Full text
Added to database: 23 December 2011
G.J. Abbink
Editors: J. Sorenson
Type of publication: Book Chapter
In: Disaster and development in the Horn of Africa

This chapter describes responses to the ecological crisis and political changes in Ethiopia in the early 1990s among the Suri, an agropastoral group in Käfa Region, southern Ethiopia. Data are derived from fieldwork carried out in the area after the change of regime in 1991....

Keywords: 1991, Africa, Ethiopia, Ethnic groups, famine, fieldwork, identity, political change, southern ethiopia, Suri
Open access: Full text
Added to database: 23 December 2011
G.J. Abbink
Editors: P.J. Bräunlein; A. Lauser
Type of publication: Book Chapter
In: Krieg und Frieden : ethnologische Perspektiven

This article examines how violent interaction between ethnic and social groups in Ethiopia has shaped the contours of contemporary society. It focuses on the so-called Red Terror period of the late 1970s, which marks a decisive stage in the transformation of violence and...

Keywords: Ethiopia, policy, political change, politics, social psychology, violence
Open access: Full text
Added to database: 23 December 2011
J.C. Hoorweg; D.W.J. Foeken; W. Klaver
Type of publication: Book

This monograph reports on the seasonal fluctuations in food and nutrition that occur in Coast Province, Kenya, on the basis of data gathered during five survey rounds held in selected locations in Kwale and Kilifi districts between mid 1985 and late 1986. The study population...

Keywords: Africa, children, food, households, Kenya, policy, Rural, seasonality
Open access: Full text
Added to database: 23 December 2011
M.M.E.M. Rutten
Type of publication: Conference Paper
Added to database: 23 December 2011
M.M.E.M. Rutten
Type of publication: Journal Article
In: Kajiado Focus
Added to database: 23 December 2011
H.A. Meilink
Editors: J. van Lin; R. Eijk
Type of publication: Book Chapter
In: Samenleving in Afrika. Beeldvorming ter Discussie
Open access: Full text
Added to database: 23 December 2011
W.M.J. van Binsbergen
Type of publication: Book Chapter
In: Ontwikkeling en debat/debatten in ontwikkeling: problemen nu en perspectieven voor de toekomst
Added to database: 23 December 2011
