ASCL series

African Dynamics | Afrika-Studiecentrum Series | Africa Yearbook | African Studies Collection | ASCL Working Papers | African Studies Abstracts Online | ASCL Infosheets | Langaa/ASCL Series | African Public Administration and Management series | ASCL thematic maps | Previous series | West African Politics and Society (WAPOSO) series | African Postal Heritage (APH) papers | ASCL occasional publications

African Dynamics

The African Dynamics series publishes an annual volume that presents the results of current research at the ASCL, with contributions from ASCL researchers and invited external scholars. These are not externally reviewed but an authors’ workshop is organized at which all the contributions are discussed prior to publication. The African Dynamics Series is published by Brill Academic Publishers and can be ordered at
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Afrika-Studiecentrum Series

cover Afrika-Studiecentrum SeriesThe Afrika-Studiecentrum Series aims to present the best of African Studies in the field of social sciences in the Netherlands. Publication is open to all Dutch africanists and also to African scholars who are affiliated to a Dutch academic institution. The series is published by Brill Academic Publishers and can be ordered at All the books are double-blind reviewed.
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African Studies Collection

This series is open to all Dutch africanist authors as well as African scholars affiliated to Dutch academic institutions. The African Studies Collection includes PhD dissertations, monographs and edited volumes and also publishes high-quality Masters theses. Books in this series are not externally reviewed and volumes other than PhD theses are usually assessed internally for quality. For more information about publishing in this series, contact Dr. Klaas van Walraven ( The books can be bought at our online bookshop.
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ASCL Occasional Publications

Occasional publications are publications that do not fit in any other ASCL series. It consists of small booklets for specific events (anniversaries, farewell booklets), research summaries for a wider audience in booklet form, ASCL research brochures and books in Dutch. Many issues in this series can be bought at our online bookshop.
As of 2023 we can no longer accept manuscripts for publication in this series.
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ASCL Working Papers

ASCL Working Papers, previously called ASC Working Papers, can be seen as ‘work in progress’. This series is open to all Dutch africanists as well as African scholars affiliated to a Dutch academic institution. Copies for personal use can be downloaded free of charge and printed copies may be ordered from Bookshops are charged € 5 per copy (excluding postage).
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ASCL Infosheets

ASCL Infosheets are brief summaries of ASCL research results and are aimed at a wider audience, such as policy makers, journalists, aid workers and the general public. Copies can be downloaded from this website or ordered in printed form free of charge from the ASCL secretariat:
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ASCL Thematic Maps

Thematic maps can be ordered by sending an email to
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African Postal Heritage (APH) papers

Postage stamps, postcards, and other forms of postal heritage are miniature communication tools and tell stories about places, routes, and times. Also for Africa they are part of material heritage, that can be made visible online, thanks to the improving open access possibilities of auction houses, collectors’ pages, stamp dealers, and others. As of 2023 we can no longer accept manuscripts for publication in this series.
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Previous series published by the ASCL:

Africa Yearbook

The Africa Yearbook covers the major domestic political developments and the foreign policy and socio-economic trends in Sub-Saharan Africa in one calendar year. It contains articles on all Sub-Saharan states and each of the four sub-regions (West, Central, Eastern and Southern Africa), focusing on major cross-border developments and sub-regional organizations. All the contributions are reviewed by the editors. The Africa Yearbook is published by Brill and can be ordered at
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ASC Research Series (1994-2001)

This series was published by Ashgate. Volumes in this series were internally reviewed only.

ASC Research Reports (1975-2006)

This series was discontinued at the end of 2006. The Research Reports series has been replaced by the African Studies Collection.

African Public Administration and Management series

This series was the result of an agreement between the African Studies Centre Leiden, Groningen University and Mzumbe University in Tanzania. The aim of the series was to record the research of Tanzanian scholars in African public administration and management and to distribute its results amongst all that are interested in what public administration and public management looks like in this African country.
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West African Politics and Society (WAPOSO) series

This series was the result of an agreement between the African Studies Centre, Leiden, and the French Institute for Research in Africa / Institut Français de Recherche en Afrique (IFRA-Nigeria), based at the University of Ibadan and at the Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. The series aimed at publishing original, cutting-edge research work produced by West African, especially Nigerian, scholars in different fields within the Social Sciences and the Humanities, including Political Science, History, Anthropology and Sociology. Nigeria occupied a central position in the series, but publications on transnational and regional issues were also included.
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African Studies Abstracts Online (ASA Online)

ASA Online succeeded the printed abstracts journal of the African Studies Centre, published since 1968, first as Documentatieblad, then as African Studies Abstracts (1994-2002). It provided a quarterly overview of journal articles and edited works on Africa in the field of the social sciences and the humanities available in the ASCL library. ASAO no. 60 (2017) was the last issue.
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Langaa/ASCL Series

This series, previously called Langaa/ASC Series, was the result of an agreement between the ASCL and the Langaa Research and Publishing Common Initiative Group in Cameroon. The series aimed to publish book manuscripts of both African and non-African scholars and to reduce the gap between African and non-African publishing. All the volumes in this series were subject to a double-blind peer review.
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