
The African Studies Centre Leiden currently publishes eight different series. Books published in the ASCL Collection Series and Occasional Publications Series can be ordered from the Webshop or they can be purchased during a visit to the ASCL library, as long they are in stock. Book series published by Brill can be ordered directly from the publisher, or they can be purchased during a visit to the ASCL library, as long as they are in stock.
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Displaying 4221 - 4240 of 4518, page 212 of 226
W. E. A.van Beek
Type of publication: Journal Article
In: Les cahiers du Centre d'étude et de documentation africaines

Exploring the penetration of the state into the region of the Kapsiki (and Higi) of North Cameroon and northeastern Nigeria, the author shows that the marginalization of the Kapsiki was not caused by geographical factors, but was mainly the product of interaction with state-...

Keywords: Cameroon, Kapsiki, state
Open access: Full text
Added to database: 23 December 2011
W. E. A.van Beek
Editors: W. Hoogbergen
Type of publication: Book Chapter
In: Vruchtbaar Onderzoek, Essays ter ere van Douwe Jongmans
Open access: Full text
Added to database: 23 December 2011
W. E. A.van Beek
Editors: J.D. van der Waals
Type of publication: Book Chapter
In: Op zoek naar mens en materiele cultuur
Keywords: Cameroon
Open access: Full text
Added to database: 23 December 2011
J.W.M. van Dijk; P. van der Poel; R. Schinkel
Type of publication: Book
Added to database: 23 December 2011
J.W.M. van Dijk
Type of publication: Book
Added to database: 23 December 2011
T. Kliest
Type of publication: Book
Keywords: food, Kenya, seasonality
Open access: Full text
Added to database: 27 June 2012
S.D.K. Ellis
Type of publication: Review
In: The journal of African history
Open access: Full text
Added to database: 03 April 2012
W. E. A.van Beek
Editors: F. Whaling
Type of publication: Book Chapter
In: Contemporary approaches to the study of religion in 2 volumes
Open access: Full text
Added to database: 23 December 2011
D.W.J. Foeken
Type of publication: Book

Het boek beschrijft de 10 jaren van groots opgezette expedities, politieke misleiding en het tegen elkaar uitspelen van de Europese grootmachten, die vooraf gingen aan het uitroepen van de nieuwe staat in 1885. Dankzij zijn geld, zijn sluwheid en zijn doorzettingsvermogen...

Keywords: Kongo
Added to database: 23 December 2011
S.D.K. Ellis
Type of publication: Book

Description of the rising of the menalamba, the Red Shawls, against colonial rule after the conquest of Madagascar by the French in 1895. The menalamba were those who resisted France in the name of the kingdom of Madagascar or the kingdom of Imerina, a central kingdom on the...

Keywords: African studies, anticolonialism, civil war, Country, history, Madagascar, Menalamba revolt, Merina polity
Added to database: 23 December 2011
G.J. Abbink
Type of publication: Journal Article
In: Internationale spectator : tijdschrift voor internationale politiekInternationale spectator

Ondanks een hongersnood van zeer dramatische omvang, interne politieke onrust, aanhoudende burgeroorlog en economische problemen lijkt het door militairen geleide bewind in Ethiopië stevig in het zadel te blijven zitten en de 'revolutie van bovenaf' voortgang te...

Keywords: Ethiopia, foreign policy, military regimes, nation building
Open access: Full text
Added to database: 23 December 2011
G.J. Abbink
Type of publication: Book
Keywords: anthropology, Bibliographies (form), Ethiopia, Ethnic groups
Added to database: 23 December 2011
G.J. Abbink
Type of publication: Journal Article
In: Methodology and Science
Open access: Full text
Added to database: 23 December 2011
H.A. Meilink
Type of publication: Book

Reviews the findings of available studies and reports thought to be of relevance to policy makers. A discussion of the institutional framework, of criteria used in price-setting procedures, and of scope and objectives of the agricultural pricing policies is folowed by an...

Keywords: agricultural prices, agriculture, farmers, Kenya, policy, price policy
Open access: Full text
Added to database: 23 December 2011
W.M.J. van Binsbergen; J.M. Schoffeleers
Editors: W.M.J. van Binsbergen; J.M. Schoffeleers
Type of publication: Book Chapter
In: Theoretical explorations in African religion

This collection of papers on theoretical and methodological perspectives in the study of African religion is the outcome of a conference held at the African Studies Centre, Leiden, in 1979. It reviews the major classic and contemporary theoretical approaches to African...

Keywords: 1979, Africa, African studies, conference papers (form), Kenya, Kongo, religion, Senegal, Zimbabwe
Open access: Full text
Added to database: 23 December 2011
W.M.J. van Binsbergen
Type of publication: Journal Article
In: Tijdschrift voor Ontwikkelingssamenwerking
Keywords: Africa
Added to database: 23 December 2011
W.M.J. van Binsbergen
Editors: E. Gellner
Type of publication: Book Chapter
In: Islamic dilemmas: Reformers, nationalists and industrialization: The southern shore of the Mediterranean
Added to database: 23 December 2011

Preface (1985)
W.M.J. van Binsbergen; P.L. Geschiere
Editors: W.M.J. van Binsbergen; P.L. Geschiere
Type of publication: Book Chapter
In: Old modes of production and capitalist encroachment : anthropological explorations in Africa

Revised version of a book first published in 1982 in Dutch entitled "Oude produktiewijzen en binnendringend kapitalisme" by the Free University, Amsterdam, in association with the African Studies Centre, Leiden. The modern history of Africa can be seen in Marxist...

Keywords: Africa, African studies, dual economy, history, modes of production
Open access: Full text
Added to database: 23 December 2011
W.M.J. van Binsbergen
Editors: K. Akkerman-Bergsma; K. Zwaga
Type of publication: Book Chapter
In: Ontwikkelingseducatie
Added to database: 23 December 2011
W.M.J. van Binsbergen
Type of publication: Conference Paper
In: Seminar paper, Leiden, Africa Colloquium, Netherlands Association of African Studies (Werkgemeenschap Afrika), 14 pp, 1985
Keywords: Africa, African studies
Added to database: 23 December 2011
