African leaders of independence
2020 is the year in which 17 countries on the African continent will celebrate 60 years of independence. Africanists from Leiden University with partners from TU Delft and Erasmus University have organized ‘Africa 2020’, a year full of workshops, seminars, film screenings, and two large conferences. On the occasion of this special year, the ASCL Library has compiled a web dossier about African leaders of independence. It is a ‘growing’ web dossier that will be expanded monthly.
(Photo: Visit of Iain Macleod, UK Secretary of State for the Colonies, to Northern Rhodesia in March 1960; demonstrations by the United National Independence Party (UNIP), Wikimedia Commons)
The basis of the web dossier was laid to coincide with the 2019 Stephen Ellis Annual Lecture by Professor Emmanuel Akyeampong on 3 December, in which he focused on the lives of three first-generation African nationalist leaders: Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana, Ahmed Sékou Touré of Guinea, and Léopold Sédar Senghor of Senegal. The rich collection of literature by and about these three West African leaders kicked-off the dossier.
The dossier has now been updated with its final section on Mauritania. Also have a look at our corresponding timeline overview. Earlier updates: General; Cameroon; Togo; Mali; Madagascar; Somalia; Democratic Republic of Congo; Benin; Niger, Burkina Faso; Côte d’Ivoire; Chad; Central African Republic (CAR); Congo (Brazzaville); Gabon; Senegal ; and Nigeria.
The dossier includes titles from the ASCL Library collection and is complemented by sources available through the broader Leiden University Library collection. The dossier is introduced by ASCL Library Information Specialist Germa Seuren and concludes with a selection of links to relevant websites.
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Introduction : General | Cameroon | Togo | Mali | Madagascar | Somalia | DRC | Benin | Niger | Burkina Faso | Côte d'Ivoire | Chad | Central African Republic (CAR) | Congo (Brazzaville) | Gabon | Senegal | Nigeria | Mauritania | Kwame Nkrumah | Ahmed Sékou Touré | Léopold Sédar Senghor
Independence - General
Cameroon - Ahmadou Ahidjo
Togo - Sylvanus Olympio
Mali - Modibo Keïta
Madagascar - Philibert Tsiranana
Somalia - Aden Abdulle Osman Daar
Democratic Republic of the Congo - Joseph Kasa-Vubu / Patrice Lumumba
Benin - Hubert Maga / Sourou-Migan Apithy / Justin Ahomadégbé-Tomêtin
Niger - Hamani Diori / Djibo Bakary
Burkina Faso - Maurice Yameogo
Côte d'Ivoire - Félix Houphouët-Boigny
Chad - François Tombalbaye
Central African Republic (CAR) - Barthélémy Boganda / David Dacko
Congo (Brazzaville) - Fulbert Youlou
Gabon - Leon M'ba
Senegal - Léopold Sédar Senghor / Ahmadou Dia
Nigeria - Nnamdi Azikiwe / Ahmadu Bello
Mauritania - Moktar Ould Daddah
Kwame Nkrumah - speeches and writings
Kwame Nkrumah - life and politics
Ahmed Sékou Touré - speeches and writings
Ahmed Sékou Touré - life and politics
Léopold Sédar Senghor - speeches and political writings
Léopold Sédar Senghor - life and politics
Web resources : General | Cameroon | Togo | Mali | Madagascar | Somalia | DRC | Benin | Niger | Burkina Faso | Côte d'Ivoire | Chad | Central African Republic (CAR) | Congo (Brazzaville) | Gabon | Senegal | Nigeria | Mauritania
African independence: A bird’s eye view![No machine-readable author provided. Roke~commonswiki assumed (based on copyright claims). [CC BY-SA 3.0 (] African_nations_order_of_independence_1950-1993.gif](/sites/default/files/pictures/Library/african_nations_order_of_independence_1950-1993.gif)
In Africa, the momentum that eventually led to independence started to take shape after the Second World War. At that time, only a handful of countries in Africa were independent: Ethiopia had never been colonized, despite multiple attempts of the Italians; Liberia, founded by formerly enslaved persons, declared itself independent in 1847; and Egypt achieved independence in 1922. South Africa officially gained its independence from Britain in 1910, but European settlers retained white minority rule.
After the war, African people wanted change, and inspired by Indian self-rule, the mood was hopeful for establishing a new society free of European control. On a global scale, America supported an end to colonialism for reasons of free trade and political influence, and the Soviet Union wanted the same for reasons of ideology and to increase its sphere of influence.
The 5th Pan African Congress, held in Manchester in 1945, is seen as a major landmark in the achievement of African independence. A number of future African independence leaders attended, including Hastings Banda, later President of Malawi, Kwame Nkrumah, later President of Ghana, Obafemi Awolowo, later Premier of the South West Region Nigeria, and Jomo Kenyatta, later President of Kenya. In the following fifteen years, the majority of African countries gained their independence, with a peak of 17 countries in the year 1960.
1960: Year of Africa ![Christophe Marcheux [CC BY-SA (] Baricades set up during the Algerian War of Independence. January 1960. Street of Algier.](/sites/default/files/pictures/Library/256px-semaine_des_barricades_alger_1960_haute_qualite.jpg)
1960 is often referred to as the “Year of Africa”. During this year, 17 countries on the continent became independent. After years of continuous struggle following World War II, during which Ghana and Guinea had already been successful, in 1960 the “wind of change” really started to take effect in sub-Saharan Africa. A key driver in French colonial Africa was the 1958 crisis in Algeria, in response to which France held a constitutional referendum. In this referendum, most French territories, except Guinea, accepted a new French constitution. This constitution paved the way for independence, which was granted to most French territories in 1960. Britain wanted to avoid a colonial war like that occurring in Algeria, and began to speed up the process of decolonization. Somalia and Nigeria became independent in 1960. The Belgian Congo achieved independence on 30 June 1960.
(Photo: Baricades set up during the Algerian War of Independence. January 1960. Street of Algier, Wikimedia Commons)
Titles on Independence - General
1-1-1960: Cameroon
French Cameroon was the second of the French territories in West Africa, after Guinea, to become independent. The strongest nationalist party had been the ‘Union des Populations du Cameroun’ (UPC), a movement started in 1947 by trade unionists, mostly with a Bassa or Bamileke ethnic background. The UPC was banned in 1955, after violent clashes with the French. Its leaders, among which Ruben Um Nyobè, went into hiding. After French Cameroon became independent in 1960, and Ahmadou Ahidjo, who supported strong collaboration with the French, became its president, the UPC continued its struggle. The British Cameroons were divided into two parts after a referendum held in 1961, after which the Northern Cameroons became part of Nigeria, and the Southern Cameroons joined Cameroon.
Titles on Cameroon - Ahmadou Ahidjo
27-4-1960: Togo
The nation state Togo finds its origins in the colony of German Togoland. This colony had been divided into British and French administrative zones under a League of Nations mandate after the First World War; it subsequently became a UN trust territory. This partition also divided the territory of the largest ethnic group in Togoland, the Ewe. As a consequence, political struggle in Togo was long dominated by the struggle for Ewe unification, with Sylvanus Olympio as its most high-profile protagonist. Ultimately, his unification struggle was fruitless as, in 1956, the people of the British zone voted for unification with the Gold Coast, later independent Ghana. In French Togo, Olympio’s anti-colonialist party Comité de l'unité togolaise (CUT) gained popularity and on 27 April 1960 Togo was granted independence.
Titles on Togo - Sylvanus Olympio
20-6-1960 / 22-9-1960: Mali
In the process of the decolonization of the French territories and defining a new relationship with France, attempts were made to protect the region from ‘Balkanization’, i.e. fragmentation into small territories. A number of West African leaders advocated maintaining some form of political union. However, due to different views on the relationship with France and the new political model, and external political pressure, only Mali – at that time ‘French Sudan’ – joined Senegal in the formation of a political union: the Mali Federation, in 1959. Under the flag of this Federation, independence was gained on 20 June 1960. It did not take long for political differences regarding leadership and political direction to arise within the Federation. Senegal withdrew from the union in August 1960. Mali’s biggest political party, the US-RDA, proclaimed independence as the Republic of Mali. Its leader, Modibo Keïta, became the first president, and declared the US-RDA to be the only legal party, starting his policy of nationalization and transforming Mali into a socialist state.
Titles on Mali - Modibo Keïta
26-6-1960: Madagascar
Madagascar came under growing French influence from the late nineteenth century, first as a French protectorate, and later under French rule. A number of Malagasy rebellions marked the expansion of French influence on the island. After World War II, the Mouvement démocratique de la rénovation malgache (MDRM), Madagascar’s first political party, tried to achieve independence by submitting legislation, but this was rejected by the French. This rejection, and the harsh response of the French authorities, sparked the Malagasy Uprising, which lasted from 1947 till 1949, and was violently repressed by the French. After a relatively peaceful period, Madagascar voted for autonomy in 1958. Independence was gained on 26 June 1960. Philibert Tsiranana, a moderate nationalist, became president.
Titles on Madagascar - Philibert Tsiranana
26-6-1960 / 1-7-1960: Somalia
Somalia has a history of various European countries competing for its territories, in the so-called Scramble for Africa, at the end of the nineteenth century. From that time until the end of World War I, the Somali Dervish movement, under the leadership of Mohammed Abdullah Hassan, conducted a successful military struggle against the colonial forces, and was able to keep shifting territories in what later became the republic of Somalia. In the period before and during World War II, the main competitors for the Somali territory were the Italians and the British. After the war, Somalia consisted of Italian Somaliland, a UN trust territory and British Somaliland. On 26 June 1960, British Somaliland became the independent State of Somaliland. It united with the Italian Trust Territory of Somalia to create the Somali Republic on 1 July 1960. Aden Abdulle Osman Daar became president. He was the leader of the Somalia Youth League, Somalia’s first political party, the leaders of which were strongly inspired by the religious leaders of the earlier Dervish movement.
Titles on Somalia - Aden Abdulle Osman Daar
30-6-1960: Democratic Republic of the Congo (Kinshasa)
The colonization of what is now the Democratic Republic of Congo began after the Berlin Conference, when the territory came under the direct personal rule of King Leopold II of Belgium, as the Congo Free State (CFS). After a period of internal uprisings and international pressure as a consequence of the cruelty of Leopold’s regime, the CFS became a Belgian colony at the beginning of the twentieth century. After World War II, a growing class of ‘evolués’, educated urban Africans working in white-collar jobs, emerged and began to demand greater equality. The associations formed by these evolués later laid the foundations for the Congolese nationalist movement. This movement, however, was deeply divided internally on issues of federalism and the road to independence. Rivalling nationalist leaders Patrice Lumumba and Joseph Kasa-Vubu wanted national unity, while Moïse Tshombe aspired to secession in the Katanga region, and in the Kasai region Albert Kasanji strived for the same. In 1959, riots broke out in the capital Leopoldville and in Stanleyville. In response, the Belgians organized the 1960 Round Table Conference, during which the independence of Congo was agreed upon. The Democratic Republic of Congo gained independence on 30 June 1960. Joseph Kasa-Vubu became president, with Patrice Lumumba as prime minister. The secession of Katanga and South Kasai led to the Congo Crisis soon afterwards. In 1961, Patrice Lumumba was murdered. A long unstable and violent period followed.
Titles on Democratic Republic of the Congo - Joseph Kasa-Vubu / Patrice Lumumba
1-8-1960: Benin (Dahomey)
The history of Benin originates in the ancient Kingdom of Dahomey, which was colonized by the French, and in 1904 became known as French Dahomey. The nationalist movement in Dahomey was deeply divided along territorial lines. These tensions came to the surface after the Republic of Dahomey became a self-governing colony in December 1958. Three political rivals competed against each other in the first territorial elections: Sourou-Migan Apithy, from the South-East Porto Novo-region; Justin Ahomadégbé-Tomêtin from the South-West Abomey region; and Hubert Maga, from the North. After the elections, riots broke out between supporters of the two southern leaders. Failing to agree on a division of power amongst themselves, Hubert Maga was chosen to be premier, as a compromise. He was inaugurated as the first president when Dahomey became independent on 1 August 1960. After independence, political rivalry between the three remained. All three men served as president of Dahomey during the turbulent years between 1960 and 1972.
Titles on Benin - Hubert Maga / Sourou-Migan Apithy / Justin Ahomagdebe-Tometin
3-8-1960: Niger
As a territory in French West Africa, Niger took part in the 1958 French constitutional referendum. The two major political blocs at the time were the Parti Progressiste Nigérien (PPN), whose leader was Hamani Diori, and the Mouvement Socialist Africain-Sawaba (MSA-Sawaba), led by Djibo Bakary. The PPN Diori advocated for a “yes”-vote, while Sawaba called for a “no”-vote. Diori’s pro-French party prevailed in the referendum. In the aftermath of the elections, Sawaba was banned and its leaders fled into exile. Hamani Diori became the first president of Niger when it gained full independence on 3 August 1960. Niger became a one-party state and maintained close ties with France. Sawaba continued its resistance underground.
Titles on Niger - Hamani Diori / Djibo Bakary
5-8-1960: Burkina Faso (Upper Volta / Haute-Volta)
Located on the upper reaches of the Volta River, present-day Burkina Faso was previously Haute-Volta (Upper Volta), a territory in French West Africa. It had been made a separate territory after the Volta-Bani war, an armed rebellion against the French during World War I. French rule was highly dependent on the structure of the Mossi Kingdoms, which, historically, were located in this area. The post-World War II independence movement was divided on the issue of Haute-Volta becoming part of a federation with other French territories in West Africa, or a separate territory. Maurice Yaméogo, leader of the Union Démocratique du Voltaïque (UDV-Volta Democratic Union), withdrew from the Mali Federation at the last moment, under pressure from both his friend and ally Houphouët-Boigny of Ivory Coast and France. Yaméogo faced little opposition by that time, and became the first president of Haute-Volta after its independence on 5 August 1960.
Titles on Burkina Faso - Maurice Yaméogo
7-8-1960 : Côte d’Ivoire
The history of Côte d’Ivoire’s independence is intertwined with the political career of Félix Houphouët-Boigny. Houphouët-Boigny, born into a family of chiefs, became politically active as a trade unionist, initially in his medical profession and later in the foundation of the Syndicat agricole africaine (SAA), the African Agricultural Union. After World War II, he entered electoral politics, where he gained popularity by successfully proposing a bill in the French National Assembly to abolish forced labour. On the road to independence, Houphouët-Boigny was a protagonist of African colonies becoming independent as separate nations, maintaining close ties with France, in what he called the France-Afrique. Other West African leaders accused him of advocating the ‘Balkanization’ of Africa. He actively sabotaged the formation of the Mali Federation, by convincing Upper Volta (Burkina Faso), Dahomey (Benin), and Niger to opt out of the union. Houphouët-Boigny remained popular as a political leader in his home country, and in France. Apart from a number of alleged plots against his person, in 1959 and 1963, his power was largely undisputed. He led Côte d’Ivoire to independence on 7 August 1960. His alignment with France proved profitable and the rapid economic development of his country became known as the “Ivoirian miracle”. Houphouët-Boigny, known in the West as the “Sage of Africa”, remained the leader of his country until his death in 1993.
Titles on Côte d'Ivoire - Houphouët-Boigny
11-8-1960 : Chad
Chad was a French colony from the beginning of the 20th century, but the French invested little in its government and primarily used it as a reservoir of forced labour. The most attention was paid to the South, where the French invested in cotton production. The divide between the North and the South also ran along religious lines, the North being primarily Muslim, the South adhering to African religions and Christianity. These differences were reflected in the formation of political parties after World War II. The ‘Union démocratique tchadienne’ (UDT) was a party represented by local nobility and was most popular in the Muslim North. The Parti progressiste tchadien (PPT-RDA), was largely represented by educated Chadians in administrative positions and developed a large following in the South. By the end of the colonial period, PPT leader François Tombalbaye had gained the most support and became the first president of independent Chad on 11 August 1960. Soon thereafter he turned Chad into a one-party state and began a programme of nationalization.
Titles on Chad - François Tombalbaye
13-8-1960: Central African Republic
In the colonial period, the territory of present-day Central African Republic (CAR), was a part of French Equatorial Africa, known as Oubangui-Chari (English: Ubangi-Shari). Inspired by the ‘success’ of Belgian King Leopold’s Congo Free State, Ubangi-Shari was divided into commercial concessionaries. As was the case in Congo Free State, the colonial period in Ubangi-Shari was marked by brutal exploitation, by means of forced labour in the extraction of rubber, and on the Congo-Ocean railway. In response to these atrocities, Ubangi-Shari became the epicentre of the Kongo-Wara rebellion against the French in 1928, led by followers of the religious prophet and healer Karnou. Barthélémy Boganda, the most prominent leader in Ubangi-Shari’s nationalist movement, grew up in these times of violence and upheaval. He lost his parents at a young age. As an orphan, he was taken in by missionaries and received missionary education. He became a Roman Catholic priest and later became involved in politics, as a representative in the French National Assembly. In 1949, he founded the Mouvement pour l'évolution sociale de l'Afrique noire (MESAN, Movement for the Social Evolution of Black Africa), a party that agitated against racism and the French colonial regime. He negotiated for, and became Prime Minister of, the autonomous territory Central African Republic in 1958. He did not live to see its independence as he died in a plane crash in 1959. On 13 August 1960, his cousin, David Dacko, became the first president of the Central African Republic.
Titles on the Central African Republic (CAR) - Barthélémy Boganda / David Dacko
15-8-1960: Congo Brazzaville
Congo Brazzaville was, together with Gabon, part of colonial French Congo, later named Middle Congo, and subsequently a territory in French Equatorial Africa. Due to its strategic location on the mouth of the Congo River, it has had a long history of shifting powers between African kingdoms, and European conquerors, most importantly the Portuguese, French, and Belgians. As was the case in other parts of French Equatorial Africa, the French initially allowed concessionary companies to exploit the area economically, which led to gross maltreatment of the local population. Brazzaville was designated as the administrative capital of French Equatorial Africa, and therefore Congo Brazzaville, in contrast to other territories, received relatively great attention in the development of public services and infrastructure, especially the construction of the Congo-Ocean railway between Brazzaville and Pointe-Noire. The first traces of nationalism in Congo Brazzaville became visible in 1926, when Congolese André Matsoua founded the anticolonial Société Amicale des Originaires de l'Afrique Equatoriale Française. When his movement gained too much influence, Matsoua was imprisoned and he lost his life in captivity in 1942. After World War II, several nationalist leaders competed for influence. Priest and politician Fulbert Youlou, who initially managed to position himself as a successor of Matsoua, and later gained the goodwill of the French, became the first president of independent Congo Brazzaville, on 15 August 1960.
Titles on Congo (Brazzaville) - Fulbert Youlou
17-8-1960: Gabon
Gabon was a territory in French Equatorial Africa that remained relatively untouched by outsiders during the precolonial and colonial period. In the precolonial period, European traders visited the coastal areas, while the jungles in the interior were penetrated only by explorers and missionaries. The territory received limited attention from the French, with the exception of its port at Libreville, the capital that had been founded by freedmen in 1849. One of Gabon’s earliest political activists was Leon M’ba, the son of a Fang chief. At the time of independence, several politicians were striving for the country’s leadership. M’ba succeeded in becoming Gabon’s first president. His rivals remained active, however, and during his brief presidency M’ba was confronted not only with a severe political crisis, but also an attempted coup d’état.
Titles on Gabon - Leon M'ba
20-8-1960: Senegal
Senegal became an independent country on its withdrawal from the Mali Federation on 20 August 1960. In colonial times, Senegal had a special status in French West Africa. The citizens of its Four Communes, Dakar, Gorée, Saint-Louis, and Rufisque, had been given special privileges in 1848: residents who could prove that they were born in one of these areas were granted French citizenship. Exercising full rights, however, was limited for those of African descent. In 1916, Blaise Diagne was the first African to be elected as a representative for the Four Communes in the French Chamber of Deputies. The deputies in this chamber were among the earliest advocates for the decolonization of Senegal. After World War II, Senegal’s most influential independence leader arrived on the political stage, in the person of Léopold Sédar Senghor. His most important ally, and later rival, was Mamadou Dia, who, in contrast to Senghor’s Catholicism, was of Muslim descent. The political rivals became the first president and prime minister respectively on Senegal’s independence. Their rivalry culminated in a final clash in 1962, when Dia was accused of an attempted coup and imprisoned.
Titles on Senegal - Léopold Sédar Senghor / Mamadou Dia
More on Léopold Sédar Senghor
More titles on Léopold Sédar Senghor
Titles by Léopold Sédar Senghor
1-10-1960: Nigeria
In precolonial history, Nigeria was home to a number of powerful African kingdoms and states. After the British claim on the area received international recognition at the Berlin Conference of 1878, it took them many years to gain control over the whole region. The British took advantage of the ancient state structures and adopted a system of indirect rule, leaving traditional leaders in power who owed allegiance to the colonial authority. The area was initially divided into Northern Nigeria, Southern Nigeria, and Lagos Colony, with each region having its own system of governance. The nationalist movement that arose in the interbellum originated among educated Nigerians from the south who opposed the continued power of traditional rulers and championed for representation in the regional power structures. Taxation and water rates were also grounds for a number of rebellions against colonial rule. The strongest southern nationalist party after World War II was the National Council of Nigeria and the Cameroons (NCNC), formed from the Nigerian National Democratic Party (NNDP) and led by Herbert Macaulay, and the Nigerian Youth Movement (NYM), of which Nnamdi Azikiwe was a prominent member. In the north, the biggest political party was the Northern People's Congress (NPC) with Ahmadu Bello as its leader. Regional and interregional differences were great. On 1 October 1960, Nigeria gained its independence as a federation, becoming a member of the British Commonwealth of Nations, with Elizabeth II as its nominal head of state.
Titles on Nigeria - Nnamdi Azikiwe / Ahmadu Bello, and others
28-11-1960: Mauritania
In colonial France, Mauritania formed a strategic connection between North and West Africa. It was mostly dependent on French Senegal, and colonial presence was limited to the coast line, the banks of the Senegal river, and Saharan trade routes. Colonial sovereignty strongly relied on traditional power structures, and resembled the system of British indirect rule. Opposition to colonial rule was limited to specific areas and groups. After World War II, political awareness started to grow, however no strong nationalist movement developed. In the late fifties, Moktar Ould Daddah managed to unite different parts of the population, and was helped to the presidency on Mauritania’s independence on 28 November 1960. The population at that time was still predominantly nomadic, the capital was founded at Nouakchott.
Titles on Mauritania - Moktar Ould Daddah
Leaders of independence: Kwame Nkrumah
Kwame Nkrumah (1909-1972), Ghana’s first head of State, was an important advocate for Pan-Africanism.
Born into a rural family, his performance in Roman Catholic primary education gained him a place at the Prince of Wales College and School, today’s Achimota School, in Accra. After briefly working as a teacher at a Roman Catholic school and seminary, he pursued higher education in the United States and the United Kingdom. He was co-organizer of the 5th Pan African Congress in Manchester in 1945.
After his return to Gold Coast, he became involved in the United Gold Coast Convention (UGCC) and, in 1949, he formed the new Convention Peoples’ Party (CPP), a political party striving for immediate self-government. During this period, he was detained by the British. After the CCP won the 1951 elections for the Legislative Assembly, Nkrumah was released from prison and became prime minister of the Gold Coast. When Ghana became an independent state in March 1957, Nkrumah became its prime minister, and later president of the Republic of Ghana.
During his presidency, Nkrumah gained popularity for his public investments and a policy of Africanization. He was a strong proponent of what he called “African socialism”. His popularity started to decline as his government became increasingly authoritarian, and the cult around his person, in which he was called Osagyefo, Akan for “redeemer”, grew stronger. Following a coup in 1966, he sought refuge in Guinea, as a guest of its President Ahmed Sékou Touré. Nkrumah died of cancer in 1972, in Bucharest.
Titles by Kwame Nkrumah - speeches and writings
Titles on Kwame Nkrumah - life and politics
Leaders of independence: Ahmed Sékou Touré![See page for author [CC BY-SA 3.0 nl (] Ahmed Sékou Touré](/sites/default/files/pictures/Library/ahmed_sekou_toure_1962.jpg)
Ahmed Sékou Touré (1922-1984) was president of Guinea from its independence in October 1958 until his death in 1984.
Touré was born into a rural Muslim family in former French Guinea. After receiving limited primary and secondary education, and beginning a career as a postal clerk, he became active as a trade unionist. He also became involved in the Rassemblement Démocratique Africain (RDA), a political organization in French West and Equatorial Africa, advocating for Pan-Africanism and decolonization. In 1952, Touré became the leader of the Guinean section of the RDA, the Parti Démocratique de Guinée (PDG). As the leader of this party, Touré pushed for a “no” in the 1958 referendum in which Guinea rejected the new French constitution and, consequently, gained immediate independence. Touré became president.
During his rule, Touré, strongly influenced by Marxism, pursued the “African revolution”, and turned Guinea into a militantly socialist one-party state. Touré died during heart surgery in the United States in 1984.
Titles by Ahmed Sékou Touré - speeches and writings
Titles on Ahmed Sékou Touré - life and politics
Leaders of independence: Léopold Sédar Senghor
Léopold Sédar Senghor (1906-2001), Senegal’s first president, was an influential African statesman, philosopher, and poet.
Senghor was born in a coastal town south of Dakar. He attended the Catholic mission school and continued his studies at the Libermann Seminary and Lycée Van Vollenhoven in Dakar. After winning a state scholarship, he moved to Paris and graduated from the Lycée Louis-Le-Grand in 1931. He was granted French citizenship and worked as a teacher, before he was drafted into the French army during the Second World War.
On his return to Africa after the war, Senghor began his political career as a deputy from Senegal in the French National Assembly, a post that he held for more than a decade. In 1948 he co-founded the Bloc Démocratique Sénégalais (BDS), a social democratic party that later became part of the Union Progressiste Sénégalaise (UPS). When Senegal joined with the Sudanese Republic to form the Federation of Mali, Senghor became president of the federal assembly. In August 1960, Senegal separated from the federation and Senghor was elected as the first president of Senegal.
After an attempted coup by his prime minister, Mamadou Dia, in 1962, Senghor kept a strong hold on Senegalese government. He was co-founder of the Negritude movement, which revolted against colonial values and glorified the African past and traditional African society. In spite of his African nationalism, he refused to reject European culture. His many writings include poetry, philosophy, linguistics, politics, and sociology. He also examined African socialism, positing that socialism was not new to Africans for whom the concept of sharing had been important throughout history.
Senghor died at his home in France on 20 December 2001 at the age of 95. He reportedly suffered from heart problems.
Titles by Léopold Sédar Senghor - speeches and political writings
Titles on Léopold Sédar Senghor - life and politics
Germa Seuren, ASCL Library
Independence - General
Living (in)dependence : critical perspectives on global interdependence / Benjamin Hart Fishkin edited by Bill F. Ndi, Adaku T. Ankumah.
Bamenda, Mankon : Langaa Reseach & Publishing CIG, 2018.
Africa's long road since independence : the many histories of a continent / Keith Somerville.
Milton Keynes : Penguin Books, 2017.
The political thought of African independence : an anthology of sources / edited by Gregory Smulewicz-Zucker with the assistance of Chelsea Schields.
Indianapolis [etc.] : Hackett Publishing Company, Inc, 2017.
Lessons from Africa's past Adar, Korwa G. (editor) (et al.)
Nairobi, Kenya : Mvule Africa Publishers : in association with African Institute for Leaders and Leadership, 2015. - African Institute for Leaders and Leadership Yearbook, volume one: 2015
Special Issue : African political thought of the twentieth century: a reengagement / Shiera S. el-Malik and Branwen Gruffydd Jones [eds.]
London [etc.] : Informaworld [Host], 2015. (Restricted access)
Figures de la révolution africaine : de Kenyatta à Sankara / Saïd Bouamama.
Paris : Zones, 2014.
African lives : an anthology of memoirs and autobiographies / edited by Geoff Wisner.
Boulder, Colorado : Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2013.
Archives d'Afrique / par Alain Foka.
Héros nationaux et pères de la nation en Afrique / prés. Hélène Charton et Marie-Aude Fouéré.
Paris : Presses de Sciences Po, 2013.
Les indépendances en Afrique : l'événement et ses mémoires : 1957/1960-2010 / Jean-Luc Martineau et Didier Nativel sous la dir. de Odile Goerg and préf. de Catherine Coquery-Vidrovitch.
Rennes : Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2013.
History of modern African nationalism and new states 1935 to date / Muhanguzi K. Hussein.
Kampala : Muhanguzi Publishers (U) Ltd, 2012.
Repenser les indépendances = Re-thinking independence / [avec contrib. par Souleymane Bachir Diagne ... et al.]
Paris : Présence africaine, 2012.
50 ans d'indépendance dans les anciennes possessions françaises d'Afrique noire / Christian Roche.
Paris : L'Harmattan, 2011.
The Cold War and Africa : a critical evaluation of the failure of African independence / Gorgui Dieng.
In: Annales de la Faculté des lettres et sciences humaines (2011), no. 41A, p. 167-183
Afrique[s] : une autre histoire du XXe siècle / réal. Alain Ferrari, scénario, montage, et al.
Cinquante ans d'indépendances africaines / dossier thématique sous la dir. de Catherine Coquery-Vidrovitch et Hélène d' Ameida-Topor.
In: Outre-mers : revue d'histoire (2010), t. 98, no. 368/369, p. 7-292 : foto, tab
Spécial indépendances / by Ibrahima Thioub ... [et al.]
Dakar : Départment d'Histoire, Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines, Université Cheikh Anta Diop (UCAD), 2009/10.
Africa after independence : realities of nationhood / Godfrey Mwakikagile.
Johannesburg : Continental Press, 2009.
A history of independence = Il était une fois l'indépendance (Nzirin nin kera yeremahoronya waati ye) / Daouda Coulibaly. scriptwriter and director
Bourguiba - Senghor : deux géants de l'Afrique / Chaker Lajili.
Paris : L'Harmattan, 2008.
La francophonie des Pères fondateurs / sous la dir. de Papa Alioune Ndao and avant-propos de Bernard Cerquiglini.
Paris : Karthala, 2008.
Modern African nationalism : 1935 to present / Gonzaga Baker. Nsamba
[Kampala] : [s.n.], 2008.
The fate of Africa : from the hopes of freedom to the heart of despair : a history of fifty years of independence / Martin Meredith.
New York, NY : Public Affairs, 2005.
Africa since independence : a comparative history / Paul Nugent.
Basingstoke [etc.] : Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.
Designing West Africa : prelude to 21st-century calamity Peter Schwab
New York, NY [etc.] : Palgrave Macmillan 2004.
Afrique : une histoire sonore, 1960-2000 / pré comm. par Elikia M'Bokolo et Philippe Sainteny.
Paris : RFI/INA, 2002.
Afrique : le prix de la liberté / Mamadou Dia.
Paris : L'Harmattan, 2001.
Naissance des États africains / Hélène d'Almeida-Topor.
Firenze : Casterman, 1996.
African nationalism and revolution / ed. with introd. by Gregory Maddox.
New York [etc.] : Garland, 1993. - Colonialism and nationalism in Africa. a four-volume anthology of scholary articles//Colonialism and nationalism in Africa : a four-volume anthology of scholary articles
L'Afrique noire française : l'heure des indépendances / sous la dir. de Charles-Robert Ageron et Marc Michel and préf. de François Bédarida.
Paris : CNRS Éditions, 1992.
Decolonization and African independence : the transfers of power, 1960-1980 / ed. by Prosser Gifford and Wm. Roger Louis.
New Haven, Conn., [etc.] : Yale University Press, 1988.
Nationalism and the new states in Africa : from about 1935 to the present / Michael Tidy. Ali A. Mazrui
London [etc.] : Heinemann, 1984.
Decolonisation and the problems of independence / B.J. Dudley.
In: The Cambridge history of Africa, vol. 8: from c. 1940 to c. 1975 / ed. by M. Crowder (1984), p. 52-94
Expectations of independence / J.F. Ade Ajayi.
In: Daedalus : journal of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (1982), spring, p. 1-9
Independence documents of the world / Jay Sigler [ed.] by Albert P. Blaustein, Benjamin R. Beede and with Wayne E. Olson ... [et al.].
Dobbs Ferry, N.Y. : Oceana Publications, [etc.], 1977.
Les Conditions de l'indépendance nationale dans le monde moderne : actes / [Paris] du Colloque international tenu à l'Institut Charles-de-Gaulle, les 21-22 et 23 novembre 1975 and [préface de François Goguel]
Paris : Éditions Cujas, 1977.
The African concept of balkanisation / Benyamin Neuberger.
In: The journal of modern African studies : a quarterly survey of politics, economics and related topics in contemporary Africa (1976), vol. 14, no. 3, p. 523-529
L' Afrique de l'independance politique a l'independence économique / dir. de publ. J.D. Esseks, et al.
Paris [etc.] : François Maspéro [etc.], 1975.
West African wager : Houphoue͏̈t versus Nkrumah / Jon Woronoff.
Metuchen, N.J. : The Scarecrow Press, 1972.
African political thought : Lumumba, Nkrumah, Touré / editor. W. A. E. Skurnik
Denver : University of Denver, 1968. - Monograph series in world affairs (Part of the Charles H. Kraft collection at Fuller Theological Seminary)
The emergence of African nations : a historiographical analysis / J. Lonsdale.
In: African affairs : the journal of the Royal African Society (1968), vol. 67, no. 266, p. 11-28
The trauma of independence in French-speaking Africa / V.T. Le Vine.
In: The journal of developing areas (1967/68), vol. 2, no. 2, p. 211-224
Afrique libre / Marc Beaudot en Louis Portugais. gemaakt door Clément Perron
Senghor, Nkrumah and Azikiwe : unity and diversity in the West African state / J. O'Connel.
In: Conference proceedings Nigerian Institute of Social and Economic Research, March 1962 (1963), p. 197-212
Independence and after : revolution in underdeveloped countries / Richard Harris.
London [etc.] : Oxford University Press 1962.
Process of independence / by Fatma Mansur and foreword by A.H. Hanson.
London : Routledge and Kegan Paul [etc.], 1962.
L' evolution politique de l'Afrique : les regroupements inter-etatiques et l'évolution politique des républiques Africaines Paulette Pierson-Mathy
In: Chronique de politique étrangère , vol. 14 (1961), no. 1/3, p. 109-238.
Nationalism in Africa / Lord Hemingford.
London : Ramsay Muir trustees, The honorary secretary, 1954.
Cameroon - Ahmadou Ahidjo
Ahmadou Ahidjo et les retombées de la rebellion armée : la construction d'un régime autoritaire au Cameroun (1958-1962) / Noumbissie M Tchouaké.
In: Outre-mers : revue d'histoire (2019.), t. 107, 402-403, pages 203-229
Du Cameroun britannique à la crise anglophone / Sosthène Nga Efouba.
Paris : L'Harmattan, 2018.
Le patriotisme et le Cameroun / Enoh Meyomesse.
Yaoundé : Les Éditions du Kamerun, 2015.
L'indépendance du Cameroun : gloire et naufrage politiques de l'UPC / Bouopda Pierre Kamé.
Paris : L'Harmattan, 2015.
Unveiling inescapable traps / Anthony Ndi.
Mankon : Langaa Research & Publishing CIG, 2014. - Southern West Cameroon revisited
Le mouvement nationaliste au Cameroun sous tutelle française relaté par la presse écrite de France (1945-1960) / Japhet A. Anafak.
In: Présence africaine : revue culturelle du monde noir (2013), no. 187/188, p. 291-313
La lutte nationaliste au Cameroun : 1940-1971 / sous la dir. de Fotso and Pinta avec la participation de Tchoumboué, Langueu.
Paris : L'Harmattan, 2010.
Chiefs, traitors, and representatives : the construction of a political repertoire in independence-era Cameroun / by Meredith Terretta.
In: The international journal of African historical studies (2010), vol. 43, no. 2, p. 227-253 : ill
Dossier spécial Réflexions sur et autour de l'indépendance camerounaise / Jean Bédel Norodom Kiari... [et al.]
In: Rio dos Camaroes : revue camerounaise d'histoire et des traditions (2010), no. 1, p. 79-182
Djoumessi Mathias : un chef traditionnel nationaliste, acteur de la décolonisation et de l'indépendance du Cameroun / [Gaetan Martial Djoumessi] Pascal François Djoumessi
Paris : l'Harmattan, 2009.
Africa's political wastelands: the bastardization of Cameroon / Emmanual Fru Doh.
Bamenda : Langaa RPCIG, 2008. (Inhaltsverzeichnis)
Imperialistic politics in Cameroun : resistance & the inception of the restoration of the statehood of Southern Cameroons / Carlson Anyangwe.
Bamenda : Langaa RPCIG, 2008.
La quête de libération politique au Cameroun 1884-1984 / Bouopda Pierre Kamé.
Paris [etc.] : L'Harmattan, 2006.
Les associations régionales et le nationalisme camerounais : 1945-1961 / David Mokam and sous la dir. de Kange Ewane.
[S.l.] : Département d'histoire, Université de Yaoundé I, 2006.
Quand les jeunes Africains créaient l'histoire / Jean-Martin Tchaptchet.
Paris [etc.] : l'Harmattan, 2006. - Récit autobiographique
Nationalism, democratisation, and political opportunism in Cameroon / Joseph Takougang.
In: Journal of contemporary African studies (2003), vol. 21, no. 3, p. 427-445
Au tournant de l'indépendance camerounaise / André Bovar.
Paris [etc.] : L'Harmattan, 2000.
À propos de la crise de 1962 au Cameroun, faire de l'histoire sociopolitologique: socio-analyse et histoire analysée d'un conflit de pouvoir / Mathias-Éric Owona Nguini.
In: Polis : revue camerounaise de science politique (1999/2000), vol. 7, no. spéc., p. 31-88
Reunification and political opportunism in the making of Cameroon's independence / Martin Z. Njeuma.
In: Paideuma : Mitteilungen zur Kulturkunde (1995), Bd. 41, p. 27-37
Ahmadou Ahidjo (1922-1989) / Philippe Gaillard.
Paris : Groupe jeune Afrique, 1994.
Radical nationalism in French Africa : the case of Cameroon / Richard Joseph.
In: Decolonization and African independence : the transfers of power, 1960-1980 / ed. by Prosser Gifford and Wm. Roger Louis. - New Haven, [Conn.] [etc.] : Yale University Press (1988), p. 321-345
The construction of the Cameroon political system : the Ahidjo years, 1958-1982 / Mark W. DeLancey.
In: Journal of contemporary African studies (1987), vol. 6, no. 1/2, p. 3-24
Ahmadou Ahidjo, pionnier de l'Afrique moderne / Baeschlin-Raspail.
Monte-Carlo : Paul Bory, 1968.
Contribution to national construction / Ahmadou Ahidjo.
Paris : Présence africaine, 1964.
Cameroon : United Nations challenge to French policy / David E. Gardinier.
London [etc.] : Oxford University Press, 1963.
Terrorism at Cameroons celebrations.
In: West Africa (1960), no. 2223, p. 35
Cameroun : from trusteeship to independence, 1946-1960 : next independent country in Africa.
Paris : Haut Commissariat de la République française au Cameroun, 1959.
Togo - Sylvanus Olympio
Ablodé, il était une fois ... / un film de Jean-Luc Miheaye.
Paris : L'Harmattan, 2013.
Sylvanus Olympio : panafricaniste et pionnier de la CEDEAO / Zeus Komi Aziadouvo and préf. de Patrick Lawson-Banku.
Paris : L'Harmattan, 2013.
Histoire des Togolais / sous la dir. de N.L. Gayibor
Lomé : Presses de l'UL, 2011. - Histoire des Togolais
Sylvanus Olympio : père de la nation togolaise / Godwin Tété and préf. de Jospeh Boêvi Placca.
Paris : L'Harmattan, 2008.
Sylvanus Olympio : le père de l'indépendance togolaise / Atsutsè Kokouvi Agbobli.
Lomé : Graines de Pensées, 2007.
Sylvanus Olympio : un destin tragique / Atsutsé Kokouvi Agbobli.
[S.l.] : Livre Sud 1992.
Sylvanus E. Olympio : libérateur du Togo : essai biographique / par F.A. Dyke.
[S.l. : s.n.], 1990.
The independence of Togo / Marc Michel.
In: Decolonization and African independence : the transfers of power, 1960-1980 / ed. by Prosser Gifford and Wm. Roger Louis. - New Haven, [Conn.] [etc.] : Yale University Press, (1988), p. 295-319
Quelques discours importants du président Sylvanus Olympio en 1961 / [prés. par Théophile Mally]
[S.l. : s.n.], 1962.
Togo, Ghana's new neighbour / D. Austin.
In: West-African review (1960), vol. 31, no. 389, p. 6-11
Vers une fédération franco-africaine : naissance de la République Togolaise / Praetor Africanus.
In: L'Afrique et l'Asie (1956), no. 36, p. 5-28
Statement made by Mr. Sylvanus Olympio, representative of the All-Ewe Conference, to the Fourth Committee at its 366th meeting on 13 November 1953.
[S.l.] : Trusteeship Council, United Nations, 1953.
Report of the Trusteeship Council / United Nations. General Assembly
[S.l.] : General Assembly, United Nations, 1952.
Mali - Modibo Keïta
Genre, génération et contrôle de la circulation des personnes entre le Mali et le Sénégal à l’heure de Modibo Keita (1959-1968) / Marie Rodet et Brandon County
In: Femmes d'Afrique et émancipation: entre normes sociales contraignantes et nouveaux possibles / Muriel Gomez-Perez (ed.) (2018), p. 345-372
La politique culturelle: porte-étendard de l’État et de la nation malienne / Pauline Fougère
In: Décolonisation et construction nationale Afrique, Asie et Québec / sous la direction de Patrick Dramé, Pascal Scallon-Chouinard et Françoise Nozati. (2016), p. 65-83 (Free access)
Modibo Keïta : la renaissance malienne / Issa Balla Moussa Sangaré, préf. de André Bourgeot.
Paris : L'Harmattan Mali, 2016.
Modibo / Cheick Oumar Diarrah, Modibo Diallo, Seydou Badian Kouyaté, Bintou Sanankoua.
Bamako, Mali : Cauris-livres, 2015.
Le Mali 50 ans après : de Modibo Keïta à Amadou Toumani Touré / Doumbi-Fakoly.
Paris : MENAIBUC, 2010.
Modibo Keita : un destin / Modibo Diagouraga, préf. de Emile-Derlin Zinsou.
Paris [etc.] : L'Harmattan, 2005.
Un combat pour l'unité de l'Afrique de l'Ouest : la Fédération du Mali (1959-1960) / Sékéné Mody Cissoko.
Dakar : Nouvelles Éditions Africaines du Sénégal, 2005.
Kita (Mali) in the time of Modibo Keita : globalization and local continuity / Nicholas S. Hopkins.
In: Mande studies (2003), no. 5, p. 101-111
Narratives of the nation and democracy in Mali : a view from Modibo Keita's Memorial / Rosa De Jorio.
In: Cahiers d'études africaines (2003), vol. 43, cah. 172, p. 827-855
Quand les migrants demandent la route, Modibo Keita rétorque: Retournez à la terre! : les 'Baragnini' et la désertion du chantier national (1958-1968) / Daouda Gary-Tounkara.
In: Mande studies, (2003), no. 5, p. 49-64
Une grande figure de l'histoire du Mali : Modibo Keita, 1915-1977 / Seydou Camara.
In: Mande studies, (2003), no. 5, p. 9-27
La Fédération du Mali à l'épreuve de l'indépendance : chronique d'un échec / par Modou Ndoye.
In: Africa: rivista trimestrale di studi e documentazione (1995), a. 50, n. 2, p. 151-176
La chute de Modibo Kei͏̈ta / Bintou Sanankoua.
Paris : Éditions Chaka, 1990.
Le Mali de Modibo Kei͏̈ta / Cheick Oumar Diarrah and préf. de Christian Coulon.
Paris : L'Harmattan, 1986.
La naissance de la fédération du Mali / Odimi Sosolo.
In: Peuples noirs, peuples africains , vol. 4 (1981), no. 21, p. 41-49
L' échec de la Fédération du Mali / G. Ndiaye.
Dakar : les nouvelles éditions africaines, 1980.
60 Ans d'experiences fédérales en Afrique de l'ouest francophone / M. Poncelet.
In: Canadian journal of African studies, vol. 1 (1967), no. 2, p. 85-109
The political thought of Modibo Keita / F.G. Snyder.
In: The journal of modern African studies : a quarterly survey of politics, economics and related topics in contemporary Africa, (1967), vol. 5, no. 1, p. 79-106
An early failure of pan-Africanism : the Mali Federation, 1959-60 / W.J. Foltz.
In: Politics in Africa: 7 cases / G.M. Carter (ed.) (1966), p. 33-66
Les causes de l'éclatement de la fédération du Mali / P. Gam.
In: Revue juridique et politique : indépendance et coopération : organe de l'Institut International de Droit d'Expression Française (I.D.E.F.), (1966) vol. 20, no. 3, p. 411-470
From French West Africa to the Mali Federation / William J. Foltz.
New Haven, Conn., [etc.] : Yale University Press, 1965.
L' evolution politique de l'Afrique : les regroupements inter-etatiques et l'évolution politique des républiques Africaines / P. Pierson-Mathy.
In: Chronique de politique étrangère, (1961), vol. 14, no. 1/3, p. 109-238
La crise du Mali.
In: Revue de la Communauté france-eurafrique, (1960), vol. 12, no. 113, p. 2-12
Le Mali.
In: Europe France outremer : revue internationale, (1960), vol. 37, no. 368 (juillet), p. 13-55
Les recentes evolutions du Mali / G. Gayet.
In: Bulletin des séances, (1960) no. 8, p. 273-282
Séminaire organisée à l'occasion du congrès de l'union nationale de la jeunesse du Mali.
[Dakar] : Impr. Fédérale, 1960.
Mali : 1960, année décisive / G. Chaffard.
In: Europe France outremer : revue internationale, (1959), no. 360 (novembre), p. 24-27.
Mali und Conseil de l'Entente : zwei afrikanische Stellungnahmen zum Problem des Föderalismus.
In: Afrika : Monatsschrift für Politik, Wirtschaft und Kultur im neuen Afrika : Organ des Afrika-Vereins Hamburg, (1959), vol. 1, p. 104-107
Madagascar - Philibert Tsiranana
Philibert Tsiranana (1910-1978) : premier président de la République de Madagascar / André Saura and préf. de Pierre Vérin.
Paris [etc.] : L'Harmattan, 2006.
Société et luttes anticoloniales à Madagascar de 1896 à 1946 / Solofo Randrianja and postface de Françoise Raison-Jourde.
Paris : Karthala, 2001.
Madagascar 1947 : l'histoire et le mythe / par Roger Pascal.
In: Revue juridique et politique : indépendance et coopération : organe de l'Institut International de Droit d'Expression Française (I.D.E.F.) (1995), année 49, no. 3, p. 332-338
L'Afrique noire française : l'heure des indépendances / sous la dir. de Charles-Robert Ageron et Marc Michel and préf. de François Bédarida.
Paris : CNRS Éditions, 1992.
La montée du nationalisme à Madagascar dans l'entre-deux-guerres / par Solofo Randrianja.
In: Revue Madagascar, Océan Indien (1990), no. 3, p. 139-159
Politique coloniale et nationalisme à Madagascar au lendemain de l'insurrection de 1947 / Lucila Rabearimanana.
In: Revue française d'histoire d'Outre-Mer (1986), vol. 73, no. 271, p. 167-186 : tab
Le parti du congrès pour l'independance de Madagascar (A.K.F.M.) / Philippe Leymarie.
In: Revue française d'études politiques africaines (1979), vol. 14, no. 160, p. 44-59
Madagascar : cinquante ans de vie politique (de Ralaimongo à Tsiranana) [1919-1969] / Alain Spacensky and préf. de Hubert Deschamps.
Paris : Nouvelles Editions Latines, 1970.
Madagascar et l'âme Malgache / Michel Thiout and préf. de Philibert Tsiranana.
Paris : Horizons de France, 1961. - Collection 'Visages du monde'.
Contribution à l'histoire de la nation Malgache / par Pierre Boiteau and préf. par Émile Tersen.
Paris : Éditions Sociales, 1958.
Kort overzicht van recente politieke ontwikkelingen in Madagascar / [door P.A. Emanuel]
Leiden : Afrika-Studiecentrum, 1958.
Naissance de la Republique Malgache / H. Deschamps.
In: Comptes rendus mensuels des séances de l'Académie des Sciences d'Outre-mer (1958), vol. 18, séances des 7 et 21 Novembre 1958, p. 357-365
Nationalisme et indépendance à Madagascar.
In: Bulletin (1958), vol. 11, no. 123, p. 9-31
Nationalisme et problèmes malgaches / par Jacques Rabemananjara.
Paris : Présence Africaine, 1958.
Proclamation de la République Malgache.
In: Bulletin de Madagascar : publication mensuelle du Service Général de l'Information du Haut Commissariat (1958), vol. 8, no. 149, p. 819-826
Madagascar a la recherche du temps perdu / C. Ancian.
In: Revue militaire d'information (1957), avril, no. 282, p. 7-33
Témoignage Malgache et colonialisme / Jacques Rabemananjara.
Paris : Présence Africaine, 1956.
La situation politique à Madagascar / O. Hatzfeld.
In: Christianisme social : revue social et internationale pour un monde Chrétien (1956), vol. 64, no. 3-4 (mars-avril), p. 158-172
Le Malgache du XXe siècle / E. Andriantsilaniarivo.
In: Présence africaine : revue culturelle du monde noir (1956), no. 8.9-10 (Juni-November), p. 98-107
Justice pour les Malgaches / Pierre Stibbe and préf. de Claude Bourdet.
Paris : Éditions du Seuil, 1954.
Madagascar sous la rénovation Malgache / Raymond W. Rabemananjara.
Paris [etc.] : [s.n.], 1953.
Madagascar : histoire de la nation Malgache / Raymond W. Rabemananjara.
Paris : Lachaud, 1952.
L'Afrique française en danger / Henry Bénazet.
Paris, 1947.
Somalia - Aden Abdulle Osman Daar
Closing the Book on Africa's First Generation Coups / Jonathan Powell and Mwita Chacha
In: African Studies Quarterly (2019) vol. 18, no. 2, p. 87-94
Who Assassinated the Somali President in October 1969? The Cold War, the Clan Connection, or the Coup d'État / Mohamed Haji Ingiriis
In: African Security (2017) vol. 10, no. 2, p. 131-154
Africa's first democrats : Somalia's Aden A. Osman and Abdirazak H. Hussen / Abdi Ismail Samatar.
Bloomington : Indiana University Press, 2016.
Online version
Many Somalia(s), multiple memories: remembrances as present politics, past politics as remembrances in war-torn Somali discourses / Mohamed Haji Ingiriis
In: African Identities (2016) vol. 14, no. 4, p. 348-369
'That is why we have trouble' : the 'pro-Italia' movement's challenge to nationalism in British-occupied Somalia (1946-9) / Annalisa Urbano.
In: The journal of African history (2016), vol. 57, no. 3, p. 323-344 : krt (Restricted access)
British Somaliland : an administrative history, 1920-1960 / Brock Millman.
New York, NY : Routledge, 2014.
We did not ask to be colonized: legacies of colonial trauma in 21st century African fiction / Emily V. Cox.
[S.l. : s.n.], 2012.
The reasons for underdevelopment : the case of decolonisation in Somaliland / by Donatella Strangio.
Heidelberg : Physica, 2011.
State failure, sovereignty and effectiveness : legal lessons from the decolonization of Sub-Saharan Africa / Gerard Peter Hubert Kreijen.
[S.l. : s.n.], 2003.
Somalis as Africa's first democrats: Premier Abdirazak H. Hussein and President Aden A. Osman / Abdi Samatar
In: Bildhaan : an international journal of Somali studies , vol. 2, p. 1-64 (2002)
Society, security, sovereignty and the state in Somalia : from statelessness to statelessness? / Maria H. Brons.
Utrecht : International Books, 2001.
Conceding reality: moving forward in Somaliland / Sunni M. Khalid.
In: Horn of Africa : an independent journal (2001), vol. 19, p. 117-130
At the origin of the State/nation dilemma : Ethiopia, Eritrea, Ogaden in 1941 / Irma Taddia.
In: Northeast African studies : incorporating Ethiopianist notes (1990), vol. 12, no. 2/3, p. 157-170
Un nouveau drapeau sur la corne de l'Afrique / J. Deverny.
In: Communautés & continents : nouvelle revue française d'Outremer (1960), vol. 52, n.s. no. 7, p. 5-8
The Horn of Africa / G. Waterfield.
In: African affairs : the journal of the Royal African Society (1958), vol. 57, no. 226, p. 11-19
The Somali question / B. Braine.
In: African affairs : the journal of the Royal African Society (1958), vol. 57, no. 228, p. 189-197
Somali disturbances are certain in 1961.
In: East Africa and Rhodesia (1955), vol. 31, no. 1588, 17 maart, p. 936-937
Democratic Republic of the Congo - Joseph Kasa-Vubu / Patrice Lumumba
Lumumba in the arts / edited by Matthias De Groof.
Leuven : Leuven University Press, 2020.
Cinquante-six ans après, que reste-t-il de Patrice Emery Lumumba? / Venant Fali Ngalikpima.
Paris : L'Harmattan, 2017.
Moïse Tshombe : sécessionniste ou nationaliste ? / Joseph Emmanuel Ikos Rukal Diyal and préf. de Liliane Schraûwen.
Paris : L'Harmattan, 2014.
Kasa-Vubu, Lumumba et l'indépendance du Congo : 1956-1960 / Kimpianga Mahaniah.
Paris : L'Harmattan, 2013.
Patrice Lumumba : recueil de textes / introduit par Georges Nzongola-Ntalaja.
Genève : Éditions du CETIM, 2013.
Ma vie et mes luttes / Antoine Gizenga.
Paris : L'Harmattan, 2011.
Spectres / réal. Sven Augustijnen and particip. Jacques Brassine de la Buissière
Bruxelles : Auguste Orts, 2011.
Congo 1960 : échec d'une décolonisation / Colette Braeckman ... [et al.]
Bruxelles : GRIP, 2010.
L'indépendance du Congo belge et l'avènement de Lumumba : témoignage d'un acteur politique / Joseph Mbungu Nkandamana and préf. par Benoît Verhaegen.
Paris : L'Harmattan, 2008.
La reddition de Joseph Kasa-Vubu : un récit inédit de son compagnon Joseph Nzeza Ndombasi / Stanislas Lufungula Lewono et Joseph Nzeza Ndombasi.
In: Annales aequatoria (2007), no. 28, p. 75-82
Congo 1960 : la sécession du Sud-Kasaï : la vérité du Mulopwe / Albert Kalonji Ditunga Mulopwe.
Paris [etc.] : L'Harmattan, 2005.
Blancs et noirs face à la décolonisation du Congo belge / Kambayi Bwatshia.
[S.l.] : Presses universitaires du Zaïre, 1992.
Lumumba: la mort du prophète / Raoul Peck.
San Francisco : California Newsreel, 1992.
L' association des evolues de Stanleyville et les debuts politiques de Patrice Lumumba (1944-1958) / Benoit Verhaegen.
In: Les cahiers du CEDAF (1983), no. 2, p. 1-121
Les rapports secrets de la sûreté congolaise 1959-1960 / Jacques Brassinne. F. Vandewalle
[Bruxelles] : Éditions Arts et Voyages, 1973.
The bourgeoisie and revolution in the Congo / Georges N. Nzongola.
In: The journal of modern African studies : a quarterly survey of politics, economics and related topics in contemporary Africa (1970), vol. 8, no. 4, p. 511-530// also in: Cahiers économiques et sociaux, vol. 8 (1970), no. 3, p. 371-388
The independence movement in the former Belgian Congo / S.A. Akintoye.
In: Tarikh (1969), vol. 3, no. 4, p. 51-63
La force revolutionnaire des masses rurales / H. de Decker.
In: Congo-Afrique : economie, culture, vie sociale (1968), vol. 8, no. 29, p. 466-474
Political protest in the Congo : the Parti solidaire africain during the independence struggle / [by] Herbert F. Weiss.
Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1967.
1. Background to independence. 2. Post-independence in the Congo / M.Crawford Young.
In: Transition : a journal of the arts, culture and society (1966), no. 25, p. 34-40/ no. 26, p. 34-41
L'accession du Congo belge à l'indépendance : essai d'analyse sociologique / Paule Bouvier.
Bruxelles : Université Libre de Bruxelles, Éditions de l'Institut de Sociologie, 1965.
Fin de la souveraineté belge au Congo : documents et réflexions / W.J. Ganshof van der Meersch.
Bruxelles / La Haye : Institut Royal des relations internationales / Nijhoff, 1963.
L'indépendance du Congo / A.A.J. van Bilsen.
Brussel [etc.] : Casterman, 1962.
The Belgian Congo / Ruth Slade and with an additional chapter by Marjory Taylor.
London [etc.] : Oxford University Press, 1961.
J'étais le général Janssens / E. Janssens.
Bruxelles : Charles Dessart, 1961.
Le Congo, du régime colonial à l'indépendance 1955-1960 / Georges-H. Dumont.
Paris : Editions Universitaires, 1961-.
Quatre années qui menèrent à l'indépendance du Congo, 1956-1960 / P. Houart.
Bruxelles : Livre Africain, 1960.
Tempete sur le Congo / M. Niedergang.
Paris : Plon, 1960.
La conférence de la Table ronde belgo-congolaise (20 janvier - 20 février 1960)
In: Courrier africain (1960), no. 6 (25 mars), p. 1-20
La crise congolaise : 1er janvier 1959 - 15 août 1960.
In: Chronique de politique étrangère (1960), vol. 13, no. 4/6, p. 411-981
La crise congolaise : de l'indépendance à l'intervention militaire belge (30 juin - 9 juillet) / Jules Chomé.
[Bruxelles] : Editions de Remarques congolaises, 1960. - Études congolaises.
Le pari congolais :
Bruxelles : Charles Dessart, 1960.
L'équinoxe de janvier : les émeutes de Léopoldville / J. Marres et P. de Vos.
Bruxelles : Editions Euraforient, 1959.
S.O.S. Congo : (Chronique d'un soulévement) / F. Demany.
Bruxelles : Editions Labor, 1959.
Tot ou tard... (Ata Ndele-..) / Th.R. Kanza.
Bruxelles : Le livre Africain, 1959.
The Belgian Congo today : background to the Leopoldville riots / M. Taylor.
In: The world today : Chatham House review (1959), vol. 15, no. 9, p. 351-364
De politieke toekomst van Belgisch Congo : de koninklijke boodschap en de regeringsverklaring van de 13de januari 1959.
[S.l. : s.n.], 1959.
Democratic Republic of the Congo web resources
Benin - Hubert Maga / Sourou-Migan Apithy / Justin Ahomadégbé-Tomêtin
Décolonisation et construction nationale Afrique, Asie et Québec / Pascal Scallon-Chouinard et Françoise Nozati. sous la direction de Patrick Dramé
Sherbrooke, Québec : Les Éditions de l’université de Sherbrooke, 2016. (Free access)
[Portrait de] Sourou Migan Apithy / par Alain Foka.
[Paris] : Radio France Internationale, 2016.
Apithy : l'homme, son temps et son œuvre : actes du colloque du 25 au 27 mai 2000 / réunis et présentés par Albert K. Ekué.
Cotonou : CAAREC, 2010.
Telle est la vérité : Dahomey 68 / Sourou Migan Apithy.
Paris, 1968.
Le Dahomey : naissance d'une nation / [préf. de Hubert Maga]
Porto-Novo, 1963.
Über die Einheit Afrikas / H. Maga.
In: Afrika Heute (1962), p. 101-104
La promotion social africaine / H. Maga.
In: Civilisations (1958), vol. 8, no. 2, p. 182-190
L' avenir des assemblées territoriales / Sourou-Migan Apithy.
In: Marchés coloniaux du monde (1956), vol. 12, no. 542 (31 mars), p. 840-841
Niger - Hamani Diori / Djibo Bakary
[Portrait de] Hamani Diori / par Alain Foka.
[Paris] : Radio France Internationale, 2019.
Le désir de calme : l'histoire du mouvement Sawaba au Niger / by Klaas van Walraven and trad. de Rahmane Idrissa.
Rennes : Presses univeritaires de Rennes (PUR), 2017.
L'exposition postcoloniale : musées et zoos en Afrique de l'Ouest (Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso) / Julien Bondaz.
Paris : L'Harmattan, 2014.
The yearning for relief : a history of the Sawaba movement in Niger / by Klaas van Walraven.
Leiden [etc.] : Brill, 2013.
Le Niger de Hamani Diori dans la vie internationale : (1958-1974) / Aly Talba.
Niamey : Éditions Gashingo, 2013.
From Gao: Sawaba and the politics of decolonization and insurrection in the Songhay zone of Mali and Niger (1957-1964) / Klaas van Walraven.
In: Transforming innovations in Africa : explorative studies on appropriation in African societies (2012), p. 103-125 : krt
Biographie politique de Diori Hamani, premier président de la République du Niger / André Salifou and préf. de Omar Bongo Ondimba.
Paris : Karthala, 2010.
Decolonization by referendum : the anomaly of Niger and the fall of Sawaba, 1958-1959 / by Klaas van Walraven.
In: The journal of African history (2009), vol. 50, no. 2, p. 269-292 : tab
Niger en transition : 1960-1964 : souvenirs et rencontres / Philippe David.
Paris [etc.] : L'Harmattan, 2007.
The Kawousan War reconsidered / Kimba Idrissa.
In: Rethinking resistance : revolt and violence in African history (2003), p. 191-217 : foto, krt
Les enjeux politiques dans la colonie du Niger (1944-1960) / Mamoudou Djibo.
In: Autrepart : revue de sciences sociales au Sud (2003), no. 27, p. 41-60 : tab
Les transformations politiques au Niger à la veille de l'indépendance / Mamoudou Djibo.
Paris [etc.] : L'Harmattan, 2001.
Une révolte paysanne et anticoloniale : la prêtresse Chibo et le mouvement des Baboulé/Hawka au Niger (1925-1927) / par Kimba Idrissa.
Paris [etc.] : l'Harmattan, 1996.
Le PPN-RDA et la décolonisation du Niger : 1946-1960 / Claude Fluchard.
Paris : L'Harmattan, 1995.
ʺSilence! On décolonise...ʺ : itinéraire politique et syndical d'un militant africain / Djibo Bakary ; préf. de Ndiaye A. Abdoulaye.
Paris : L'Harmattan, 1992
Conseiller du président Diori / Jacques Baulin.
Paris : Eurafor-Press, 1986.
Burkina Faso - Maurice Yaméogo
Maurice Yaméogo, Blaise Compaoré : un destin croisé? / avec la préface de Moumina Chériff Sy. Domba Jean Marc Palm
Burkina Faso : Mercury Editions, 2017.
Le Burkina Faso passé et présent / sous la direction de Hamidou Diallo et Moussa Willy Bantenga.
[Ouagadougou] : P.U.O., 2015.
Amitiés, inimitiés : les rapports incertains de l'Église catholique avec la Première République voltai͏̈que (1960-1966) / Jean-Marie Bouron.
In: Civilisations (2011), vol. 60, no. 1, p. 123-141
Naaba Saaga II et Kougri, rois de Ouagadougou : un père et son fils dans la tourmente coloniale puis postcoloniale (1942-1982) / Benoît Beucher.
In: Outre-mers : revue d'histoire (2011), t. 99, no. 370/371, p. 99-109
La guerre coloniale du Bani-Volta, 1915-1916 (Burkina Faso, Mali) / Patrick Royer.
In: Autrepart : revue de sciences sociales au Sud (2003), no. 26, p. 35-51
La gestion du pouvoir politique en Haut-Volta de la loi-cadre à la IIIème République (1956-1980) / Jean Marc Domba.
In: Hemispheres : studies on cultures and societies (2001), no. 16, p. 65-83
Comment perdre le pouvoir? : le cas de Maurice Yameogo / Frédéric Guirma.
Paris : Chaka, 1991.
Ahmadou A. Dicko : a star in our sky / by Joseph Ki-Zerbo. Diary of a Defeat : concerning the referendum of 28th September 1958 in black Africa / by Ahmadou A. Dicko and transl. [from the French] by Wendy Davies.
In: Development dialogue : a journal of international development cooperation (1989), no. 2, p. 116-132, 133-176 : ill., foto's, krt
Le Drame de la Haute-Volta.
[Ouagadougou? : s.n], 1960.
Côte d'Ivoire - Félix Houphouët-Boigny
Mes années Houphouët / Serge Bilé.
Cote d'Ivoire : Cercle Média / Kofiba Éditions, 2019.
La France contre la Côte d'Ivoire : l'affaire du Sanwi : du malentendu politico-juridique à la tentative de sécession / Lazare Koffi Koffi and préface Séry Bailly.
Paris : Harmattan, 2013.
Félix Houphouët-Boigny / par Alain Foka.
[Paris] : Radio France Internationale, 2010.
Felix Houphouët-Boigny : vie et témoignages : hommage du cinquantenaire au Père fondateur de la nation / Innocent Kolo Toure. Liliana Lombardo
[S.l.] : auteurs, 2010.
Les composantes du pouvoir de Félix Houphouët-Boigny en Côte d'Ivoire (1958-1965) / par Thibaut Simonet.
In: Outre-mers : revue d'histoire (2010), t. 98, no. 368/369, p. 403-420
L'amitié coupable : de la Françafrique à la Francivoire, l'illusion d'une idylle coloniale / Nane Tory Ottemey and préf. de Nicolas Agbohou.
[Paris] : Éditions Menaibuc, 2009.
Aux origines de la nation ivoirienne 1893-1946 / René-Pierre Anouma.
Paris [etc.] : L'Harmattan, 2006-2009.
Comment la France a perdu l'Afrique / Stephen Smith. Antoine Glaser
Paris : Calmann-Lévy, 2005.
Rencontres avec Félix Houphouët-Boigny / ouvrage collectif réalisé sous la dir. de Frédéric Grah Mel.
Abidjan : Frat Mat éditions, 2005-2013.
Houphouët-Boigny et la crise ivoirienne / Amadou Koné.
Paris : Karthala, 2003.
Félix Houphouët-Boigny : biographie / Frédéric Grah Mel.
Abidjan / Paris : Éditions du CERAP / Maisonneuve et Larose, 2003-.
Les faux complots d'Houphouët-Boigny : fracture dans le destin d'une nation (1959-1970) / Samba Diarra and préf. de Bernard Dadié.
Paris : Karthala, 1997.
Houphouët-Boigny l'homme de la France en Afrique / Pierre Nandjui.
Paris : L'Harmattan, 1995.
Mes premiers combats / Félix Houphouët-Boigny and confidences recueillies par Patrice Vautier.
Paris / Abidjan : Édition°1 / Nouvelles éditions ivoiriennes, 1994.
Houphouët : un combat.
[S.l.] : Édition Dialogue, 1993.
Houphouët-Boigny : le médecin, le planteur et le ministre (1900(?)-1960) / Siradiou Diallo.
Paris : Groupe Jeune Afrique, 1993.
Independence and the longue durée : the Ivory Coast 'miracle' reconsidered / Timothy C. Weiskel.
In: Decolonization and African independence : the transfers of power, 1960-1980 / ed. by Prosser Gifford and Wm. Roger Louis. - New Haven, [Conn.] [etc.] : Yale University Press (1988), p. 347-380
Actes du Colloque International sur l'Histoire du R.D.A : Yamoussoukro 18-25 octobre 1986 / R.D.A. Rassemblement Démocratique Africain
Abidjan : Ceda, 1987.
Houphouët-Boigny ou la sagesse africaine / Paul-Henri Siriex.
Paris / Abidjan : Nathan / Les Nouvelles Editions Africaines, 1986.
Islam et decolonisation en Côte-d'Ivoire / Yves Person.
In: Le mois en Afrique (1982), vol. 17, no. 198/199, p. 14-30
La politique intérieure d'Houphouët-Boigny / Jacques Baulin.
Paris : Eurafor-Press, 1982.
Carnet de prison / Bernard B. Dadié.
Abidjan : CEDA, 1981.
La politique africaine d'Houphouët-Boigny / Jacques Baulin.
Paris : Eurafor-Press, 1980?
Colonisation et decolonisation en Côte-d'Ivoire / Yves Person.
In: Le mois en Afrique (1980/81), vol. 16, no. 188/189, p. 15-30
President Felix Houphouet-Boigny, the Ivory Coast, and France / F.O. Alalade.
In: Journal of African studies (1979/80), vol. 6, no. 3, p. 122-131
Anthologie des discours 1946-1978 [de] Félix Houphouët-Boigny.
Abidjan : CEDA, 1978.
Il était une fois... : Félix Houphouet-Boigny / [dessins: J.M. Ruffieux]
[Paris] : ABC, 1978.
Le combat du rassemblement democratique africain pour la decolonisation en Afrique noire et l'unite africaine / Gabriel Lisette.
In: Mondes et cultures : comptes rendus trimestriels des séances de l'Académie des Sciences d'Outre-Mer (1978), vol. 38, no. 4, p. 687-707
West Africa's Council of the Entente / [by] Virginia Thompson.
Ithaca, N.Y. : Cornell University Press, 1972.
La pensée sociale du Président Félix Houphouët-Boigny / par Mireille Laporte and préf. de P. Guillaume.
[Bordeaux] : Institut d'études politiques de Bordeaux, Centre d'études d'Afrique noire, 1970?
The road to independence : Ghana and the Ivory Coast / I. Wallerstein.
Paris [etc.] : Mouton, 1964.
L'affaire togolaise à L'O.N.U. : discours prononcé par M. Felix Houphouët-Boigny.
In: Union Française et parlement (1957), vol. 8, no. 79 (janvier), p. 4-9
Discours et allocutions : prononcés par monsieur le ministre Houphouet-Boigny : lors de son voyage en Côte d'Ivoire.
[S.l. : s.n.], 1956.
Chad - François Tombalbaye
Fils de nomade : les mémoires du dromadaire / Khayar Oumar Defallah.
Paris : L'Harmattan, 2009.
Histoire politique du Tchad sous le régime du Président François Tombalbaye 1960-1975 : déjà, le Tchad était mal parti! / Bichara Idriss Haggar and préf. d'Antoine Bangui.
Paris [etc.] : L'Harmattan, 2007.
Ngarta Tombalbaye : parcours et rôle dans la vie politique du Tchad (1959-1975) / Arnaud Dingammadji.
Paris : L'Harmattan, 2007.
Non à Tombalbaye! : fragments autobiographiques / Pierre Toura Gaba.
Paris [etc.] : L'Harmattan, 1998.
Muhammad Awuda Ouléch at Abéché: a reformist Islamic challenge to French and traditionalist interests in Ouaddai, Chad, 1947-1956 / par David E. Gardinier.
In: Islam et sociétés au sud du Sahara : notes et documents : cahiers annuels pluridisciplinaires (1989), no. 3, p. 159-185
Plaidoyer pour Tombalbaye / Bernard Lanne.
In: Le mois en Afrique (1986/87), vol. 22, no. 249/250, p. 32-45 / vol. 22, no. 251/252, p. 143-156
Le RDA et le Tchad : histoire d'une décolonisation / Marc Dumas. Yeyon Lisette
[Paris] / [Dakar] : Présence africaine / Les Nouvelles éditions africaines, 1986.
Le Tchad de n'Garta Tombalbaye au général Malloum / Edmond Jouve.
In: Revue française d'études politiques africaines (1978), vol. 13, no. 146, p. 21-53
Le Tchad : décolonisation et indépendance / P. Gentil.
In: Comptes rendus mensuels des séances de l'Académie des Sciences d'Outre-mer (1969), vol. 29, no. 1, p. 1-24
Central African Republic - Barthelemy Boganda / David Dacko
La RCA à la croisée des chemins et l'héritage de Barthélemy Boganda : actes de la conférence-débat du 2 février 2019 / sous la direction de Victor Bissengué et Prosper Indo.
Paris : L'Harmattan, 2019.
Barthélemy Boganda : héritage et vision / Victor Bissengué & Prosper Indo and préface de Monseigneur Joachim N'Dayen.
Paris : L'Harmattan, 2018.
De l'Oubangui-Chari à la République centrafricaine indépendante / Bernard Simiti.
Paris : L'Harmattan, 2013.
Portrait de Barthélémy Boganda / par Alain Foka.
[Paris] : Radio France Internationale, 2009.
Barthélémy Boganda et l'Église catholique en Oubangui-Chari / Côme Kinata.
In: Cahiers d'études africaines (2008), vol. 48, cah. 191, p. 549-565
Biographie de David Dacko : premier président de la République centrafricaine 1930-2003 / Jacques Serre.
Paris : L'Harmattan, 2007.
Barthélemy Boganda : premier prêtre oubanguien, fondateur de la République centrafricaine / Benoît Basile Siango and préf. de Joachim N'Dayen.
Pierrefitte-sur-Seine : Bajag-Meri, 2004.
La révolte de Berbérati (30 avril-1er mai 1954) / Xavier Mbembele.
In: Zo : revue d'anthropologie (1996), no. 1, p. 41-47
Barthélemy Boganda, 1910-1959 : élu de Dieu et des Centrafricains / Pierre Kalck.
Saint-Maur-des-Fossés : Éditions Sépia, 1995.
Sept tentatives, entre 1949 et 1953, pour lever l'immunité parlementaire de B. Boganda, député du deuxième collège de l'Oubangui-Chari / J.D. Pénel.
In: Civilisations (1993), vol. 41, no. 1/2, p. 443-458
Réalités oubanguiennes / Pierre Kalck and préf. de Barthélemy Boganda.
Paris : Berger-Levrault, 1959.
Central African Republic (CAR) web resources
Congo (Brazzaville) - Fulbert Youlou
Le procès d'André Grenard Matsoua : pour son combat de restauration de la dignité africaine : Congo-Brazzaville / Rudy Mbemba-Dya-Bô-Benazo-Mbanzulu.
Paris : Les impliqués éditeur, 2019.
La fabrique des barbouzes : histoire des réseaux Foccart en Afrique / Jean-Pierre Bat.
Paris : Nouveau monde, 2015.
Fulbert Youlou / par Alain Foka.
[Paris] : Radio France Internationale, 2010.
Plaidoirie pour l'abbé Fulbert Youlou : 1er président de la République du Congo-Brazzaville, 21 novembre 1959-15 août 1963 / Rudy Mbemba-Dya-bô-Benazo-Mbanzulu and préf. de Justin-Daniel Gandoulou.
Paris : L'Harmattan, 2009. (Inhaltsverzeichnis//Klappentext//Inhaltsverzeichnis//Klappentext)
Congo démocratie / Calixte Baniafouna
Paris [etc.] : L'Harmattan, 2003. - Congo démocratie
Les trois glorieuses ou la chute de Fulbert Youlou / Rémy Boutet.
Dakar: Éditions Chaka, 1990.
André Matsoua : fondateur du mouvement de libération du Congo / Martial Sinda.
Paris / Dakar / Abidjan : A.B.C. [ Afrique biblio club] / N.E.A, 1977.
The politics of Congo-Brazzaville / by René Gauze and editing translation, and supplement by Virginia Thompson and Richard Adloff.
Stanford, Calif : Hoover Institution Press, 1973.
J'accuse la Chine / Fulbert Youlou.
Paris : La Table Ronde, 1966.
Un prisonnier encombrant : Fulbert Youlou / G. Badel.
In: France-Eurafrique : la tribune libre des deux continents (1963), vol. 15, no. 145, p. 18-20
Congo (Brazzaville) web resources
Gabon - Leon M'ba
Histoire du Gabon : de ses origines à 1964 / Gildas Nyame Mendendy Boussambe.
Paris : L'Harmattan, 2019.
La construction de l'État au Gabon (1957-2009) / Jean-Ferdinand Mbah and préf. de Jean Copans.
Paris : L'Harmattan, 2015.
L'exclusion de Paul-Marie Indjendjet-Gondjout du Bloc démocratique gabonais : un épisode de sa rivalité avec Léon Mba Minko / Jean-François Owaye and préf. de Hugues Mouckaga.
Paris : L'Harmattan, 2015.
La transmission de l'État colonial au Gabon (1946-1966) : institutions, élites et crises / Wilson-André Ndombet.
Paris : Karthala, 2009. (Inhaltsverzeichnis)
Léon Mba, père de la nomenklatura gabonaise / Janis Otsiemi.
Paris : Edilivre-Aparis, 2009.
Le rêve d'un Nouvel ordre international pacifique et consensuel / Grégoire Biyogo.
Paris : L'Harmattan, 2008. - Omar Bongo Ondimba. l'insoumis
Justice indigène et essor du droit coutumier au Gabon : la contribution de Léon Mba, 1924-1938 / Dominique Etoughe.
Paris : L'Harmattan, 2007.
L' évolution du leader indigène aux yeux des administrateurs français : Léon M'Ba et le changement des modalités de participation au pouvoir local au Gabon, 1922-1967 / Alexander Keese.
In: Afrique & histoire : revue internationale (2004), no. 2, p. 141-170
Le Gabon après Léon Mba.
In: Europe France outremer : revue internationale (1967), vol. 45, no. 454, p. 9-62
Leon Mba : the ideology of dependence / B. Weinstein.
In: Genève-Afrique : acta africana (1967), vol. 6, no. 1, p. 49-62
Senegal - Léopold Sédar Senghor / Mamadou Dia
Si vous faites l'âne, je recours au baton! : Mamadou Dia et le projet de décolonisation du Sénégal : lignes de force, limites et perceptions (1952-2012) / Patrick Dramé et Bocar Niang.
In: Outre-mers : revue d'histoire (2019.), t. 107, no. 402-403, pages 127-150
Ibrahima Seydou Ndaw : 1890-1969 : essai d'histoire politique du Sénégal / Abdoul Sow, et al.
Dakar : L'Harmattan, 2012.
Président Dia / un film écrit et réalisé par Ousmane William Mbaye and avec: Mamadou Dia .. [et al.]
Paris : L'Harmattan, 2012.
La France et l'islam au Sénégal : la République face à une double altérité : le colonisé et le musulman (1936-1962) / Hélène Grandhomme and Ibrahima Thioub. sous la codir. de Alain Tirefort
[S.l. : s.n.], 2008.
Le Sénégal à l'heure de l'indépendance : le projet politique de Mamadou Dia (1957-1962) / Adama Baytir Diop.
Paris : L'Harmattan, 2008.
Mémoires de lutte : textes pour servir à l'histoire du Parti Africain de l'Indépendance / Majhemout Diop and [préf de Abdoulaye Wade]
Paris : Présence africaine, 2007.
Sénégal, histoire des conquêtes démocratiques : essai / El hadj Ibrahima Ndao.
Dakar : Nouvelles éditions africaines du Sénégal, 2003.
De la gestion à l'arbitrage: l'administration du Sénégal face aux premières élections libres de l'après-guerre (1945-1958) / Catherine Atlan.
In: Outre-mers : revue d'histoire (2003), no. 338/339, p. 133-152
Afrique : le prix de la liberté / Mamadou Dia.
Paris : L'Harmattan, 2001.
Le Sénégal à la conquête de son indépendance (1939-1960) : chronique de la vie politique et syndicale, de l'Empire français à l'indépendance / Christian Roche.
Paris : Karthala, 2001.
Senghor's rise to power 1948-1951 : early roots of French sub-Saharan decolonisation / Stefan Kras.
In: Itinerario : bulletin of the Leyden Centre for the History of European Expansion (1999), vol. 23, no. 1, p. 91-113
Decolonization in West African states, with French colonial legacy : comparison and contrast : development in Guinea, the Ivory Coast, and Senegal, 1945-1980 / Aguibou Y. Yansané.
Cambridge, Mass : Schenkman Pub. Co, 1984.
Lamine Senghor as organizer of the anti-colonial struggle / A.B. Letnev.
In: Leadership and national liberation movement in Africa / ed. by T. Büttner (1980), p. 89-95
More titles on Léopold Sédar Senghor
Titles by Léopold Sédar Senghor
Nigeria - Nnamdi Azikiwe / Ahmadu Bello
Decolonizing Nigeria, 1945-1960 : politics, power and personalities / Bola Dauda. Tóyìn Fálọlá
Austin, TX [etc.] : Pan-African University Press [etc.], 2017.
The women's war of 1929 : gender and violence in colonial Nigeria / Marc Matera, Misty L. Bastian, Susan Kingsley Kent.
Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2012
The Women's War of 1929 : a history of anti-colonial resistance in eastern Nigeria / Toyin Falola, Adam Paddock.
Durham, NC : Carolina Academic Press, 2011.
Britain, leftist nationalists and the transfer of power in Nigeria, 1945-1965 / Hakeem Ibikunle Tijani.
New York, NY [etc.] : Routledge, 2006.
Football, mobilization and protest : Nnamdi Azikiwe and the goodwill tours of World War II / Wiebe Boer.
In: Lagos historical review : a journal of the Department of History, University of Lagos (2006), vol. 6, p. 39-61
We were all slaves : African miners, culture and resistance at the Enugu Government Colliery / Carolyn A. Brown.
Portsmouth, NH /Oxford [etc.] : Heinemann / James Currey [etc.], 2003.
Managing political reform 1943-1953 / ed. Martin Lynn.
London : The Stationery Office, 2001. - British documents on the end of empire. Series B, Country volumes. Nigeria
Moving to independence 1953-1960 / ed. Martin Lynn.
London : The Stationery Office, 2001. - British documents on the end of empire. Series B, Country volumes. Nigeria
Radical students' movement and bourgeois nationalists in the struggle for Nigeria's independence / Ahmed Aminu Yusuf.
In: Africa quarterly : Indian journal of African affairs (2000), vol. 40, no. 1, p. 133-155
Alhaji Sir Ahmadu Bello, Sardauna of Sokoto : his thoughts and vision in his own words : selected speeches and letters of the great leader / comp. by Suleiman Ismaila Nchi and Sama'ila Abdullahi Mohammed.
Makurdi : Oracle, 1999.
Capitalism and nationalism at the end of empire : State and business in decolonizing Egypt, Nigeria, and Kenya, 1945-1963 / Robert L. Tignor.
Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1998.
Nnamdi Azikiwe : tributes to an African legend / Aka Ikenga.
Lagos [etc.] : Minaj Publishers, 1996.
Radical politics in Nigeria, 1945-1950 : the significance of the Zikist movement / by Ehiedu Emmanuel Goodluck Iweriebor.
Zaria : Ahmadu Bello University Press, 1996.
Zik : the African legend / [general ed. Rhoda Osemene] and contributors: Jasper Onuekwusi ... [et al.]
Lagos : Times Books, 1996.
Hafsatu Ahmadu Bello : the unsung heroine / Ladi S. Adamu.
Kaduna : Adams Books, 1995.
Inside Nigerian history 1950-1970 : events, issues and sources / ed. by Yusufu Bala Usman and George Amale Kwanashie.
Ibadan : The Presidential Panel on Nigeria Since Independence History Project, 1995.
Britain's response to post-Second World War colonial crisis, 1947-50 : findings and reflections from the Nigeria research / G. Ugo Nwokweji.
In: Frankfurter afrikanistische Blätter (1994), Nr. 6, p. 75-86
British commercial interests and the decolonization process in Nigeria, 1950-60 / Olakunle A. Lawal.
In: African economic history (1994), no. 22, p. 93-110
The politics of Mallam Aminu Kano : documents from the independence struggle 1950-1960 / ed. by Alkasum Abba.
Kaduna : Vanguard Printers and Publishers, 1993.
Nnamdi Azikiwe : the philosopher of our time / by Agbafor Igwe.
Enugu : Fourth Dimension Publishing, 1992.
Azikiwe and the National Church of Nigeria and the Cameroons: a case study of the political use of religion in African nationalism / Patrick J. Furlong.
In: African affairs : the journal of the Royal African Society (1992), vol. 91, no. 364, p. 433-452
An imperial twilight / Gawain Bell.
London : Lester Crook Academic Publishing, 1989.
Religion and 'godless' nationalism in colonial Nigeria : the case of the God's Kingdom Society and the N.C.N.C. / by D.I. Ilega.
In: Journal of religion in Africa (1988), vol. 18, no. 2, p. 163-182
Transfer of power in Nigeria : its origins and consequences / J.F. Ade. Ajayi and A.E. Ekoko.
In: Decolonization and African independence : the transfers of power, 1960-1980 / ed. by Prosser Gifford and Wm. Roger Louis. - New Haven, [Conn.] [etc.] : Yale University Press (1988), p. 245-269
Ahmadu Bello, Sardauna of Sokoto : values and leadership in Nigeria / John N. Paden.
London : Hodder and Stoughton, 1986.
The rise and decline of the Nigerian Youth Movement, 1934-1941 / S.O. Arifalo.
In: The African review : a journal of African politics development and international affairs (1986), vol. 13, no. 1, p. 59-76
The independence movement / Tekena N. Tamuno.
In: Nigerian history and culture / ed. by Richard Olaniyan (1985), p. 176-188 : foto
The press and the formation of pre-independence political parties in Nigeria / R. Chude Okonkwor.
In: Nigeria magazine (1981), no. 137, p. 66-73
Protests and political disobedience in colonial South-Eastern Nigeria / C.E. Emezi.
In: Journal of African studies (1981), vol. 8, no. 3, p. 138-141
Entrepreneurs, professionals, and the national leadership in Nigeria, from 1880's to 1939 / J.J. Milewski.
In: Leadership and national liberation movement in Africa / ed. by T. Büttner (1980), p. 68-75
Press and politics in Nigeria, 1880-1937 / [by] Fred I.A. Omu.
London : Longman, 1978.
The rise of anti-colonial movement in Nigeria, 1908-1938 / S.O. Arifalo.
In: Seminar papers// vol. I (1978), p. 399-451
Sir Hugh Clifford and the national congress of British West Africa : a reconsideration / Vincent B. Thompson.
In: Kenya historical review : the journal of the Historical Association of Kenya (1975), vol. 3, no. 1, p. 109-125
The independence movement in Nigeria / Tekena N. Tamuno.
In: Tarikh (1971), vol. 4, no. 1, p. 1-14
My odyssey : an autobiography / Nnamdi Azikiwe.
London : Hurst, 1970.
The Benin water rate agitation 1937-1939 : an example of social conflict / Philip A. Igbafe.
In: Journal of the Historical Society of Nigeria (1968), vol. 4, no. 3, p. 355-373
The Zikist movement : a study in political radicalism, 1946-50 / G.O. Olusanya.
In: The journal of modern African studies : a quarterly survey of politics, economics and related topics in contemporary Africa (1966), vol. 4, no. 3, p. 323-333
A life of Azikiwe / K.A.B. Jones-Quartey.
Harmondsworth, 1965.
The background of the Engugu Colliery shooting incident in 1949 / Agwu Akpala.
In: Journal of the Historical Society of Nigeria (1964), vol. 3, no. 2, p. 335-363
My life / Sardauna of Sokoto. by Alhaji Sir Ahmadu Bello
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1962.
L'avenir du pan-africanisme / Azikiwe Nnamdi.
In: Présence africaine : revue culturelle du monde noir (1962), no. 40, p. 5-31
Zik : a selection from the speeches of Nnamdi Azikiwe.
Cambridge : At The University Press, 1961.
Zik of new Africa / Vincent C. Ikeotuonye.
London : P.R. Macmillan, 1961.
An act to make provision for, and in connection with, the attainment by Nigeria of fully responsible status within the Commonwealth.
London : Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1960.
Les étapes de l'indépendance nigérienne / E. Bustin.
In: Civilisations (1960), vol. 10, no. 4, p. 415-445
Nigeria : background to nationalism / by James S. Coleman.
Berkeley, Calif. etc. / Los Angeles : University of California Press, 1958.
The development of political parties in Nigeria / N. Azikiwe.
London : Office of the Commissioner in the United Kingdom for the Eastern Region on Nigeria, 1957.
British west Africa : patterns of self-government / D.E. Apter.
In: The annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (1955), p. 117-129
La Nigeria sur la voie de l'indépendence / M. Perham.
In: Articles et documents : bulletin d'informations et de presse internationale (1955), no. 0.199 (26 avril)
Path to Nigerian freedom / by Obafemi Awolowo and with a forew. by Margery Perham.
London : Faber and Faber, 1947.
Renascent Africa / Nnamdi Azikiwe.
London : Cass, 1937.
Mauritania - Moktar Ould Daddah
La décolonisation de l'Afrique revisitée : la responsabilité de l'Europe / Ahmed-baba Miské.
Paris : Karthala, 2014.
La Mauritanie entre le pouvoir civil et le pouvoir militaire / Mohamed Lemine Ould Meymoun.
Paris : L'Harmattan, 2011.
Les aventures du vieux petit defender militaire mauritanien : réflexions de l'auteur sur le destin douloureux de Feu Ahmed ould Bouceif et ses compagnons : récit de voyage / Abou Eljenah.
Nouakchott : Éditions de la Librairie 15/21, 2010.
Bourguiba face à l'indépendance de la Mauritanie et relations tuniso-marocaines à la lumière des correspondances diplomatiques (1956-1960) / Abdeljelil Temimi.
In: al-Maǧalla al-tārīḵiyya al-Maġribiyya (li-al-ʿahd al-ḥadīṯ wa-al-muʿāṣir) (2004), année 31, no. 115, p. [53]-79
La Mauritanie contre vents et marées / Moktar Ould Daddah.
Paris : Karthala, 2003. - Hommes et sociétés
De Ould Daddah à Ould Taya : la longue marche de la Mauritanie / Lemine Ould Mohamed Salem.
In: Géopolitique africaine (2003), no. 12, p. 175-190
Quelques traits de la vie politique de Mokhtar Ould Daddah, premier président de la Mauritanie indépendante / par Mariella Villasante Cervello.
In: The Maghreb review : a bi-monthly journal on North African affairs (2002), vol. 27, no. 1, p. [49]-63
Le marabout et le colonel : la Mauritanie de Ould Daddah à Ould Taya / François Soudan.
Paris : JALIVRES, 1992.
Les campagnes militaires françaises de la décolonisation en Afrique sud-Saharienne / Jacques Guillemin.
In: Le mois en Afrique (1982), vol. 17, no. 198/199, p. 124-141
Cours de droit constitutionnel mauritanien / Marie Therèse Ould Daddah.
Nouakchott, 1964.
Discours prononce devant l'assemble nationale le 28 novembre 1962 / Moktar Ould Daddah.
[S.l. : s.n.], 1962.
Independent Mauritania / Hella Pick.
In: The world today : Chatham House review (1961), vol. 17, p. 149-158
Kwame Nkrumah - speeches and writings
The struggle continues : 6 Panaf pamphlets / by Kwame Nkrumah.
London : Panaf Books, 1981.
Towards colonial freedom : Africa in the struggle against world imperialism / by Kwame Nkrumah.
London : Panaf, 1979.
Rhodesia file / Kwame Nkrumah.
London : Panaf Books, 1975.
Neo-colonialism : the last stage of imperialism Kwame Nkrumah
London 1971.
Class struggle in Africa / Kwame Nkrumah Pres. Ghana.
London : Panaf Books Ltd, 1970.
Consciencism : philosophy and ideology for decolonisation / Kwame Nkrumah.
London : Panaf, 1970.
Handbook of revolutionary warfare : a guide to the armed phase of the African revolution / Pres. Ghana. Kwame Nkrumah
London : Panaf Books Ltd, 1968.
Voice from Conakry : [broadcasts to the people of Ghana made in Conakry between March and December 1966 on Radio Guinea's Voice of the Revolution / by Kwame Nkrumah]
London : Panaf Publications Ltd, 1967.
Axioms / Kwame Nkrumah.
London [etc.], 1967.
Blueprint of our goal : Osagyefo launches Seven-Year Plan : [11th March, 1964] / Kwame Nkrumah.
Accra : Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, 1965.
Inauguration of Ghana Television Service at the Ceremony of Inauguration, July 31, 1965 : speech / by Kwame Nkrumah.
[S.l. : s.n.], 1965.
On the move : a new nation shapes its destiny to the vision of its leader / Kwame Nkrumah and photogr. and designed by Willis E. Bell.
Accra, 1965.
The Osagyefo players : address by Osagyefo the President during the Inauguration of the Osagyefo Players at Flagstaff House, January 24, 1965 / Kwame Nkrumah.
[S.l. : s.n.], 1965.
Significant landmark : address at the closing session of the Third O.A.U. Summit Conference at the State House, Accra, October 26, 1965 / by Kwame Nkrumah.
[S.l. : s.n.], 1965.
Neo-colonialism : the last stage of imperialism / Kwame Nkrumah.
London etc. : Nelson, 1965.
Consciencism : philosophy and ideology for decolonization and development with particular reference to the African revolution / Kwame Nkrumah.
London : Heinemann, 1964.
Le Consciencisme / Kwame Nkrumah.
In: Présence africaine : revue culturelle du monde noir (1964), no. 49, p. 8-34
13th Anniversary of positive action : speech by Osagyefo the President, 8th January, 1963 / Kwame Nkrumah.
[S.l. : s.n.], 1963.
Opening of Kwame Nkrumah Market : message by Osagyefo the President at the official opening of the Kwame Nkrumah Market : on 16th February, 1963 / Kwame Nkrumah.
[S.l. : s.n.], 1963.
Sixth Independence Anniversary : broadcast talk by Osagyefo the President on the eve of Ghana's Sixth Independence Anniversary : [5 March, 1963] / [Kwame Nkrumah]
[S.l. : s.n.], 1963.
Africa must unite / Kwame Nkrumah.
London [etc.] : Heinemann, 1963.
Speeches by Nkrumah.
In: Ghana today (1963), vol. 7, no. 8, 1964, supplements
The eleventh Party Congress at Kumasi on 29th July, 1962 : address / by Kwame Nkrumah.
Accra : Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, 1962.
Gateway to Ghana : speech by Osagyefo the President on the occasion of the official opening of the Tema Harbour on Saturday, 10th February, 1962 / by Kwame Nkrumah.
Accra : Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, 1962.
The old and the new... : law in Africa : speech by Osagyefo the President at the Conference on Legal Education at the Ghana Law School : Thursday, 4th January, 1962 / by Kwame Nkrumah.
Accra : Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, 1962.
The opening of the Canadian Trade Fair : a speech by Osagyefo the President when opening the Canadian Trade Fair in Accra, on 14th February, 1962 / by Kwame Nkrumah.
[S.l. : s.n.], 1962.
Osagyefo calls for unity : sessional address delivered by Osagyefo the President to the National Assembly, 2nd October / Kwame Nkrumah.
Accra : Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, 1962.
The African worker versus European Common Market. Kwame Nkrumah
[S.l. : s.n.], 1962.
De l'histoire culturelle du Ghana / Kwame Nkrumah.
In: Présence africaine : revue culturelle du monde noir (1962), no. 41, p. 5-12
The fight on two fronts : for the freedom and unity of the whole of Africa, for freedom from ignorance, poverty and want : a speech on May 1, 1961 / by Kwame Nkrumah.
[S.l. : s.n.], 1961.
New Year message : on 1st January, 1961 / by Kwame Nkrumah.
[S.l. : s.n.], 1961.
Politics are not for soldiers : an address to cadets of the Ghana Military Academy on 18th May 1961 / by Kwame Nkrumah.
[S.l. : s.n.], 1961.
Season of goodwill : Osagyefo's New Year broadcast to the Nation together with his Christmas broadcast and a seasonal toast : on 31th December, 1961 / by Kwame Nkrumah.
Accra : Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, 1961.
The voice of Africa : speech on the opening of the Ghana External Broadcasting Service [on 27th October 1961] / by Kwame Nkrumah.
Accra : Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, 1961.
Work for Ghana and the future : broadcast by Osagyefo the President [on 20th May 1961] / [Kwame Nkrumah]
Accra : Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, 1961.
I speak of freedom : a statement of African ideology / Kwame Nkrumah.
London [etc.] : Heinemann, 1961.
Speeches by Nkrumah.
In: Ghana today (1961), vol. 5, no. 6, 1962 supplements
An address to the National Assembly on African affairs / Kwame Nkrumah the Osagyefo.
Accra : Govt. Printer, 1960.
Broadcast on Sunday 9th October 1960 / by Kwame Nkrumah.
[S.l. : s.n.], 1960.
Christmas message : on 24th December, 1960 / by Kwame Nkrumah.
[S.l. : s.n.], 1960.
The Congo situation : a broadcast / Presidendt of the Rep. of Ghana. by dr. Kwame Nkrumah the Osagyefo
Accra : Ghana Inf. Services, 1960.
Hands off Africa : some famous speeches / by Kwame Nkrumah the Osagyefo.
Accra : Ministry of Local Govt., 1960.
The opening of the Hall of Trade Unions : speech / President of Ghana. delivered by Osagyefo Kwame Nkrumah
[S.l. : s.n.], 1960.
Osagyefo at the United Nations / Kwame Nkrumah the Osagyefo.
Accra : Ghana Inf. Services, 1960.
Speech at the formal opening of Cocoa House : Saturday 19th November 1960 / by Kwame Nkrumah.
Accra : Ghana Information Service, 1960.
Visit to Ghana by H. I. M. Haile Selassie I, Emperor of Ethiopia.
Accra : Govt. Printer, 1960.
African prospect / Kwame Nkrumah.
In: West-African review (1959), vol. 30, no. 379, p. 297-301
Statement on foreign policy : in the National Assembly on 3rd September, 1958 / by Kwame Nkrumah.
[S.l. : s.n.], 1958.
Cést indépendance et la souveraineté des peuples africains / par le Dr. Kwame Nkrumah.
In: L'Occident : hebdomadaire (1958), No. 18, p. 30-34
Address by the Prime Minister of Ghana, the Hon. Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, to the International Missionary Assembly at Accra, 28th December, 1957.
[S.l. : s.n.], 1957.
The autobiography of Kwame Nkrumah. Kwame Nkrumah
Edinburgh [etc.] : Nelson, 1957.
Christmas eve broadcast by the Prime Minister of Ghana : 24th December, 1957 / Kwame Nkrumah.
[S.l. : s.n.], 1957.
Movement for colonial freedom / by Kwame Nkrumah.
In: Phylon : the Atlanta University review of race and culture (1955), vol. 16, no. 4, p. 397-409
Kwame Nkrumah - life and politics
A historiographical overview of Nkrumah's ideology and foreign policy / Matteo Grilli.
In: Southern Journal for Contemporary History vol. 44, no. 2 (2019), pages 29-54.
Living with Nkrumahism : nation, state, and Pan-Africanism in Ghana / Jeffrey S. Ahlman.
Athens, Ohio : Ohio University Press, 2017.
Theory of philosophical consciencism : practice foundations of Nkrumaism in social systemicity / Kofi Kissi Dompere.
London, United Kingdom : Adonis & Abbey Publishers Ltd, 2017.
Kwame Nkrumah : recueil de textes / introd. par Amzat Boukari-Yabara.
Genève : Cetim, 2016.
Establishing ethos and envisioning a new Africa : Kwame Nkrumah's invention at the 1958 All-African People's Conference / Eric Opoku Mensah.
In: Journal for studies in humanities and social sciences (2015), vol. 4, no. 1 & 2, p. 103-115 : tab
The legend : Kwame Nkrumah / [by Dapo Adeleke and ill. by Ganiyu Olanrewaju]
Lagos [etc.] : Lantern Books, 2014.
Le chœur de Nkrumah / Raoul Dagaud.
Abidjan : Balafons, 2013.
Revisiting the national question and rethinking the political trajectory of Africa in the 21st century / Sabelo J. Ndlovu-Gatsheni.
In: International journal of African renaissance studies : multi-, inter- and transdisciplinarity (2013), vol. 8, no. 2, p. 32-57
Kwame Nkrumah and the complex African continental agenda : a critical analysis / by Sehlare Makgetlaneng.
Pretoria : Africa Institute of South Africa, 2011.
The political and social thought of Kwame Nkrumah / Ama Biney.
New York, NY [etc.] : Palgrave Macmillan, 2011.
Kwame Nkrumah et les jeunes Africains contemporains / Joseph Teguezem.
In: Éthiopiques : revue socialiste de culture négro-africaine (2011), no. 86, p. 131-150
'Africa Must Unite' revisited : continuity and change in the case for continental unification / Kurt B. Young.
In: Africa today (2010), vol. 57, no. 1, p. 43-63
Beyond his place, beyond his time : Nkrumah's heritage in the new millenium / Kofi Anyidoho.
In: CODESRIA bulletin (2010), no. 1/2, p. 3-10
The development of Kwame Nkrumah's political thought in exile, 1966-1972 / by Ama Biney.
In: The journal of African history (2009), vol. 50, no. 1, p. 81-100
Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah : the legend of African nationalism / Martin Chukwuka Okany.
Onitsha : Africana First Publishers (AFP), 2008.
Kwame Nkrumah vision and tragedy / David Rooney.
Accra, Ghana : Sub-Saharan Publishers, 2007.
Kwame Nkrumah's liberation thought : a paradigm for religious advocacy in contemporary Ghana / Robert Yaw Owusu.
Trenton, NJ [etc.] : Africa World Press, 2006.
Kwame Nkrumah's politico-cultural thought and policies an African-centered paradigm for the second phase of the African revolution / Kwame Botwe-Asamoah.
New York : Routledge, 2005.
Kwame Nkrumah's contribution to Pan-Africanism : an Afrocentric analysis / D. Zizwe Poe.
New York, NY [etc.] : Routledge, 2003.
The political legacy of Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana / Charles Adom Boateng.
Lewiston, NY : Edwin Mellen Press, 2003. - African studies.
Landmarks of Dr. Kwame Nkrumah / by David Busumtwi-Sam.
Accra : Author, 2001.
Kwame Nkrumah : a biography / June Milne.
London : Panaf Books, 2000.
Nkrumah & the chiefs : the politics of chieftaincy in Ghana 1951-60 / Richard Rathbone.
Accra ; Athens ; Oxford : Reimmer ; Ohio University Press ; Currey, 2000.
Kwame Nkrumah : a case study of religion and politics in Ghana / Ebenezer Obiri Addo.
Lanham [etc.] : University Press of America, 1999.
Kwame Nkrumah : the father of African nationalism / David Birmingham.
Athens, Ohio : Ohio University Press, 1998.
The political thought of Kwame Nkrumah : a comprehensive presentation / Pierre Moukoko Mbonjo.
[Lagos] : University of Lagos Press, 1998.
Developing charisma : Nkrumah as a cargo benefactor in Ghana / Michio Iijima.
In: African study monographs (1998), vol. 19, no. 4, p. 171-185
Selected speeches : Kwame Nkrumah / comp. by Samuel Obeng.
Accra : Afram Publications, 1997.
Kwame Nkrumah : the years abroad 1935-1947 / Marika Sherwood.
Legon : Freedom Publications, 1996.
Nkrumah's philosophy of African history : some considerations on a neglected theme / Abubakar Momoh.
In: Transafrican journal of history (1996), vol. 25, p. 29-44
The life and work of Kwame Nkrumah : papers of a symposium organized by the Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana, Legon / ed. by Kwame Arhin.
Trenton, N.J. : Africa World Press, 1993.
Picture story of Kwame Nkrumah and Ghana / by G. MacLean Amissah.
Cape Coast : Germain, 1993.
Kwame Nkrumah : the visionary / by K. Budu Acquah.
Accra : Service and Method Agency, 1992.
Kwame N'Krumah et le rêve de l'unité africaine / Lansiné Kaba.
Paris : Éditions Chaka, 1991.
Kwame Nkrumah : the Conakry years : his life and letters / comp. by June Milne.
London [etc.] : PANAF, 1990.
Kwame Nkrumah : the political kingdom in the Third World / David Rooney.
London : Tauris, 1988.
Kwame Nkrumah and the church in Ghana 1949-1966 : (a study in the relationship between the socialist government of Kwame Nkrumah, the first prime minister and the first president of Ghana, and the protestant Christian churches in Ghana) / John S. Pobee.
Accra : Asempa Publishers, 1988.
Nkrumah and Ghana : the dilemma of post-colonial power / Kofi Buenor Hadjor.
London [etc.] : Kegan Paul International, 1988.
Materialistisches Credo und revoluti[o]näre Utopie - Bemerkungen zu Kwame N'Krumah als Philosoph / von Gerd-Rüdiger Hoffmann.
In: Zeitschrift für Afrikastudien (1988), Nr. 3, p. 25-45
Kwame Nkrumah / Yuri Smertin and transl. from the Russian by Sharon McKee.
Moscow : Progress Publishers, 1987.
Kwame Nkrumah / Jr. Douglas Kellner (introductory essay on leadership [by] Arthur M. Schlesinger
New York [etc.] : Chelsea House Publishers, 1987.
Notes sur l'evolution de la pensee de k. nkrumah : (du consciencisme à la lutte des classes) / par Grégoire Mavounia.
In: Revue congolaise de droit (1987), no. 1, p. 49-65
Kwame Nkrumah symposium : symposium on the life and work of Kwame Nkrumah / University of Ghana organized by the Institute of African studies, Legon, May 27 - June 1, 1985.
Legon : Institute of African studies, University of Ghana, 1985.
Nkrumah's ideology / Afari-Gyan.
Legon : Institute of African studies, University of Ghana, 1985.
Nkrumah's leadership style : an assessment from a cultural perspective / by George P. Hagan.
Legon : Institute of African studies, University of Ghana, 1985.
The Pan-Africanist thought of Kwame Nkrumah / by Kumi Ansah-Koi.
Legon : Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana, 1985.
Religion and Nkrumah : a study in church and state relations in the first republic / by K.A. Dickson.
Legon : Institute of African studies, University of Ghana, 1985.
The social and philisophical world-outlook of Kwame Nkrumah : prolegomena / by Dominic Kofi Agyman.
Legon : Institute of African studies, University of Ghana, 1985.
Private secretary (female)/Gold Coast / Erica Powell.
New York : St. Martin's Press, 1984.
Kwame Nkrumah : six years in exile, 1966-1972 / [by] A.B. Assensoh.
Ilfracombe : Stockwell, 1978.
Consciencism as the key to Nkrumah / Miriam Okadigbo.
In: Umoja : a scholarly journal of Black Studies (1978), n.s., vol. 2, no. 1, p. 41-52
Forward ever / by the ed. of Panaf Books.
London : Panaf, 1977.
Nkrumah and the Ghana Revolution / [by] C.L.R. James.
London : Allison and Busby, 1977. - Motive : a new series of radical writings.
The castel and the umbrella : some religious dimensions of Kwame Nkrumah's leadership role in Ghana / Darrell Reeck.
In: Africa today (1976), vol. 23, no. 4, p. 7-27
Ghana's first republic, 1960-1966 : the pursuit of the political kingdom / [by] Trevor Jones.
London : Methuen, 1976.
Nkrumahism : a critical analysis / Maina-Wa-Kinyatti.
In: Thought and practice journal : the journal of the Philosophical Association of Kenya (1976), vol. 3, no. 1, p. 55-64
Black star : a view of the life and times of Kwame Nkrumah / [by] Basil Davidson.
London : Allen Lane, 1973.
Hommage à Kwame Nkrumah = Homage to Kwame Nkrumah.
In: Présence africaine : revue culturelle du monde noir (1973), no. 85, p. 5-182
Kwame Nkrumah : the anatomy of an African dictatorship / T. Peter Omari and with a forew. by Nii Amaa Ollennu.
London : Hurst, 1970.
Not yet Uhuru : the autobiography of Oginga Odinga / with a foreword by Kwame Nkrumah.
London : Heinemann, 1967.
Report of the commission to enquire into the Kwame Nkrumah properties.
Accra : Ministry of Information, 1966.
The rise and fall of Kwame Nkrumah : a study of personal rule in Africa / Henry L. Bretton.
New York [etc.], 1966.
African tightrope : my two years as Nkrumah's Chief of Staff / H.T. Alexander.
London : Pall Mall Press, 1966.
Nkrumah : the Leninist Czar / Ali Mazrui.
In: Transition : a journal of the arts, culture and society (1966), no. 26, p. 9-17
White paper on the report of the commission to enquire into the Kwame Nkrumah properties.
Accra : Ministry of Information, 1966.
Africa unbound : reflections of an African statesman / Alex Quaison-Sackey and forew. by Kwame Nkrumah.
London, 1963.
Kwame Nkrumah, leider van Afrika / Mark Grammens.
Tielt [etc.] : Lannoo, 1961.
A portrait of the osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah / by Tawia Adamafio.
[Accra : s.n.], 1960.
Kwame Nkrumah and the future of Africa / John Frederick Vicars Phillips.
London : Faber and Faber, 1960.
Kwame Nkrumah : his rise to power / by Bankole Timothy and foreword by Kojo Botsio.
London : Allen & Unwin, 1955.
Ahmed Sékou Touré - speeches and writings
Vers la vérité et la justice pour une réconciliation nationale effective : l'origine de mon différend avec les cadres dirigeants de l'Église catholique guinéenne (1959-1967) / Ahmed Sékou Touré.
Conakry : Club Ahmed Sékou Touré, 2011.
La lutte pour le vote et l'application du Code du Travail d'Outre-Mer à travers 'L'Ouvrier' en 1952-1953 / Sékou Touré.
[S.l. : s.n.], 2010.
Audience accordée par le Président Ahmed Sékou Touré aux participants à la 4e réunion intergouvernementale d'experts en transports, communications et planification d'Afrique.
Conakry : Bureau de presse de la présidence de la République populaire révolutionnaire de Guinée, 1984.
Interventions du président Ahmed Sékou Touré au 4e sommet de l'organisation de la conférence islamique : Casablanca, 16, 17, 18 et 19 janvier 1984.
[Conakry] : Bureau de presse de la présidence de la République populaire révolutionnaire de Guinée, 1984.
Africa on the move / [Ahmed Sékou Touré]
London : Panaf Books, 1979.
Des droits du peuple aux droits de l'homme / Ahmed Sékou Touré.
[Conakry : Bureau de Presse de la Présidence de la République], 1978.
Extrait des œuvres du P.D.G / [Ahmed Sékou Touré and éd. Imre Marton]
Conakry : Le Bureau de Presse de la Présidence de la République, 1978.
Décisions et recommandations de la Conférence économique nationale 1976 / Ahmed Sékou Touré.
Conakry : Bureau de Presse de la présidence de la République, 1976.
Révolution culture panafricanisme / Ahmed Sékou Toure.
Conakry : Bureau de presse de la Présidence de la République, 1976.
Stratégie et tactique de la révolution / Ahmed Sékou Touré.
[S.l. : s.n.], 1976.
L'impérialisme et sa 5ème colonne en République de Guinée : (agression du 22 novembre 1970) / [contrib. de Ahmed Sékou Touré ... et al.]
[S.l. : s.n.], 1971. - Livre blanc
L'Afrique et la révolution / Ahmed Sékou Touré.
Paris : Présence Africaine, 1967.
Congrès général de l'U.G.T.A.N. (Union Générale des Travailleurs de l'Afrique Noire) : Conakry 15-18 Janvier 1959 / Sekou Touré.
Paris : Editions Présence Africaine, 1959.
L'action politique du Parti Démocratique de Guinée pour l'émancipation africaine / par Sékou Touré.
Conakry : Impr. Nationale, 1959.
L'expérience Guinéenne et l'unité africaine / [Sékou Touré and préf. d'Aimé Cesaire]
Paris : Présence Africaine, 1959.
Texte des interviews accordées aux représentants de la presse / Ahmed Sékou Touré.
Conakry : Impr. Nationale, 1959.
L'action politique du Parti Démocratique de Guinée / Sékou Touré.
Paris : Présence Africaine, 1959.
Le cinquième congrès national du parti démocratique de Guinée (R.D.A.), tenu à Conakry les 14, 15, 16 en 17 Sept. 1959 / (Ahmed) Sékou Touré.
Conakry : Impr. Nationale, 1959.
Ahmed Sékou Touré - life and politics
Ahmed Sékou Touré : l'origine de mon différend avec la hiérarchie catholique guinéenne (1959-1967) / Sidiki Kobélé Keita.
Saint Denis : Publibook, 2019.
Ahmed Sékou Touré : l'africain qui a osé dire "Non" au général de Gaulle le 28 septembre 1958 / Sidiki Kobélé Keita.
Saint Denis : Publibook, 2017.
Sékou Touré à Raymonde Jonvaux, militante anticolonialiste française (1948-1954) / [édité par] Sidiki Kobélé Keïta and préf. de Gilbert NDiaye.
Paris : L'Harmattan, 2016.
Le président Ahmed Sékou Touré, ma femme et moi / Georges Koly Guilavogui.
Paris : L'Harmattan, 2015.
La Guinée de Sékou Touré : pourquoi la prison du camp Boiro ? / Sidiki Kobélé Keita, et al.
Paris : L'Harmattan, 2014.
L'accusé : Sékou Touré devant le TPI / Nadine Bari.
Paris : L'Harmattan, 2014.
Political History of Guinea since World War Two.
New York [etc.] : Peter Lang Publishing Inc., 2014.
Archives d'Afrique / par Alain Foka.
Ahmed Sékou Touré (1922-1984) : président de la Guinée de 1958 à 1984. Tome 8, Annexes, chronologie et photos. / André Lewin
Paris : L'Harmattan, 2011. - Ahmed Sékou Touré (1922-1984)
La Guinée, un demi-siècle de politique, 1945-2008 : trois hommes, trois destins / Boubacar Yacine Diallo.
Paris : L'Harmattan, 2011.
Ahmed Sékou Touré (1922-1984) : président de la Guinée de 1958 à 1984. Tome 7, Juin 1977- mars 1984 (chapitres 77 à 89) / André Lewin
Paris : L'Harmattan, 2010. - Ahmed Sékou Touré (1922-1984)
Le non de la Guinée, 1958 : entre mythe, relecture historique et résonances contemporaines / Céline Pauthier et Abdoulaye Diallo. ouvrage dir. par Odile Goerg
Paris : L'Harmattan, 2010.
Sékou Touré / par Alain Foka.
Paris: Radio France Internationale, 2010. (1ère partie/2ème partie/3ème partie/4ème partie)
1954-1984 : trente ans de violence politique en Guinée / Bah Thierno.
Paris : L'Harmattan, 2009.
Ahmed Sékou Touré (1922-1984) : président de la Guinée de 1958 à 1984. Tome 6, novembre 1970-juillet 1976 (chapitres 65 à 76) / André Lewin
Paris : L'Harmattan, 2009. - Ahmed Sékou Touré (1922-1984)
Ahmed Sékou Touré (1922-1984) : président de la Guinée de 1958 à 1984. Tome 5, mai 1962-mars 1969 (chapitres 52 à 64) / André Lewin
Paris : L'Harmattan, 2010. - Ahmed Sékou Touré (1922-1984)
Ahmed Sékou Touré (1922-1984) : président de la Guinée de 1958 à 1984. Tome 4, 1960-1962 (chapitres 41 à 51) / André Lewin
Paris : L'Harmattan, 2009. - Ahmed Sékou Touré (1922-1984)
Ahmed Sékou Touré (1922-1984) : président de la Guinée de 1958 à 1984. Tome 3, 1958-1960 (chapitres 31 à 40) : Sékou Touré ouvre la Guinée sur le monde extérieur : les deux Allemagne, les Nations Unies, l'Afrique, la Chine et les pays d'Asie, les États-Unis, Israe͏̈l. / André Lewin
Paris : L'Harmattan, 2009. - Ahmed Sékou Touré (1922-1984)
Ahmed Sékou Touré (1922-1984) : président de la Guinée de 1958 à 1984. Tome 2, 1956-1958, chapitres 20 à 30, le député français Sékou Touré conduit la Guinée à l'indépendance, et séduit en premier les pays communistes./ André Lewin
Paris : L'Harmattan, 2009. - Ahmed Sékou Touré (1922-1984)
Ahmed Sékou Touré (1922-1984) : président de la Guinée de 1958 à 1984. Tome 1, 1922 - 1956 (chapitres 1 à 19) : l'enfance, la formation, les années militantes et la marche vers le pouvoir. / André Lewin
Paris : L'Harmattan, 2009. - Ahmed Sékou Touré (1922-1984)
Youth, nationalism, and the Guinean Revolution Jay Straker
Bloomington : Indiana University Press 2009.
Sékou Touré 1957-1961 : mythe et réalites d'un héros / Abdoulaye Diallo.
Paris : L'Harmattan, 2008.
Sékou Touré et l'indépendance guinéenne: déconstruction d'un mythe et retour sur l'histoire / Abdoulaye Diallo.
In: Outre-mers : revue d'histoire (2008), t. 96, no. 358/359, p. 267-288
La fin de Sékou Touré : échos sonores et radiophoniques / Mandiouf Mauro Sidibe.
Paris : L'Harmattan, 2007.
Sékou Touré face au Général de Gaulle / El Hadji Saloum Diakite.
Dakar : Feu de brousse, 2007.
His master's voice : mass communication and single-party politics in Guinea under Sékou Touré / Mohamed Saliou Camara.
Trenton, NJ [etc.] : Africa World Press, 2005.
L'Église catholique en Guinée à l'épreuve de Sékou Touré (1958-1984) / Gerard Vieira and préf de Robert Sarah.
Paris : Karthala, 2005.
Le non de Sékou Touré / André R. Lewin.
In: Géopolitique africaine (2005), no. 17, p. [179]-191
Guinée de Sékou Touré à Lansana Conté / Maligui Soumah.
Paris [etc.] : L'Harmattan, 2004.
Sékou Touré : un totalitarisme africain / Maurice Jeanjean.
Paris [etc.] : L'Harmattan, 2004.
La Guinée : requiem pour une révolution / Mandiouf Mauro Sidibe.
Paris [etc.] : L'Harmattan, 2003.
Parole futée, peuple dupé : discours & révolution chez Sékou Touré / Alpha Ousmane Barry and préf. de Jules Duchastel.
Paris : L'Harmattan, 2003.
Pouvoir du discours & discours du pouvoir : l'art oratoire chez Sékou Touré de 1958 à 1984 / Alpha Ousmane Barry.
Paris : L'Harmattan, 2002.
Construire la Guinée après Sékou Touré / Mahmoud Bah.
Paris : L'Harmattan, 1990.
Noviciat d'un évêque : huit ans et huit mois de captivité sous Sékou Touré / Raymond-Marie Tchidimbo.
[Paris] : Fayard, 1987.
Sékou Touré : le héros et le tyran / Ibrahima Baba Kaké.
Paris : Groupe Jeune Afrique, 1987.
La vérité du ministre : dix ans dans les geôles de Sékou Touré / Alpha-Abdoulaye Diallo.
Paris : Calmann-Lévy, 1985.
Sékou Touré : grausamer Despot oder Leitbild des jungen Afrikas? / W. Reichhold.
In: Internationales Afrika-Forum (1984), vol. 20, no. 2, p. 177-180
Lettre ouverte au président Mitterrand : Sékou Touré à Paris, l'homme et son régime / Diakité Claude Abou.
[S.l.] : Directoire du Groupe d'Action des Guinéens Libres [etc.], 1982?
Guinée enchainée ou le livre noir de Sékou Touré / Diakité Claude Abou.
[Paris : D.A.C.], 1972.
Cinq hommes et la France / Jean Lacouture.
Paris : Seuil, 1961.
Léopold Sédar Senghor - speeches and political writings
Le dialogue des cultures / Léopold Sédar Senghor.
Paris : Seuil, 1993. - Liberté
Ce que je crois : négritude, francité et civilisation de l'universel / Léopold Sédar Senghor.
Paris : Bernard Grasset, 1988.
De la Francophonie / Léopold Sédar Senghor.
In: Éthiopiques : revue socialiste de culture négro-africaine (1988), nouv. sér., vol. 5, no. 3/4, p. 7-35
Discours de remerciement et de réception a l'Académie Française / Léopold Sédar Senghor [et] Edgar Faure.
[Paris] : Éditions Du Seuil, 1984.
Socialisme et planification / Léopold Sédar Senghor.
Paris : Seuil, 1983. - Liberté
La poésie de l'action : conversations avec Mohamed Aziza / [par] Léopold Sédar Senghor.
Paris : Stock, 1980. - Les grands leaders /
Les leçons de Leo Frobenius / L. Sédar Senghor.
In: Symposium Leo Frobenius II// le rôle des traditions dans le développement de l'Afrique (1980), p. 22-31
Pour une philosophie négro-africaine et moderne / Léopold Sédar Senghor.
In: Éthiopiques : revue socialiste de culture négro-africaine (1980), no. 23, p. 5-32
Négritude et civilisation méditerranéennes / Léopold Sédar Senghor.
In: Afrique noire et monde méditerranéen dans l'antiquité// colloque de Dakar: 19-24 janvier 1976 (1978), p. 19-27
Négritude et civilisation de l'universel / Léopold Sédar Senghor.
Paris : Seuil, 1977. - Liberté
Les noirs dans l'antiquite mediterranéenne / Léopold Sédar Senghor.
In: Éthiopiques : revue socialiste de culture négro-africaine (1977), no. 11, p. 30-48
L'Afrique et le nouvel ordre économique mondial / Léopold Sédar Senghor.
In: Revue française d'études politiques africaines (1976), vol. 11, no. 128, p. 80-90
Nationale und offizielle Sprachen im schwarzen Afrika / Leopold Sedar Senghor.
In: Internationales Afrika-Forum (1976), vol. 12, no. 2, p. 168-172
Deux textes sur la negritude / L.S. Senghor.
Abidjan : CEDA, 1972.
Pourquoi une ideologie negro-africaine / Léopold Sédar Senghor.
In: Présence africaine : revue culturelle du monde noir (1972), vol. 82, p. 11-38
Nation et voie africaine du socialisme / Léopold Sédar Senghor.
Paris : Seuil, 1971. - Liberté
Afrikanisches Denken und moderne Welt : Négritude als Humanismus des 20. Jahrhunderts / L. Sédar Senghor.
In: Internationales Afrika-Forum (1971), vol. 7, no. 1, p. 43-53
Problematique de la Négritude / Léopold S. Senghor.
In: Présence africaine : revue culturelle du monde noir (1971), no. 78, p. 3-26
Der senegalische Weg zum Sozialismus / L.S. Senghor.
In: Internationales Afrika-Forum (1970), vol. 6, no. 9/10, p. 531-541
The study of African man / L.S. Senghor.
In: Mawazo : a publication of the Faculties of Arts and Social Sciences, Makerere University College (1967/68), vol. 1, no. 4, p. 3-7
Les fondements de l'Africanité, ou Négritude et arabité : [conférence] / Léopold Sédar Senghor.
[Paris] : Présence africaine, 1967.
Négritude and the Germans / L.S. Senghor.
In: Africa report : America's leading magazine on Africa (1967), vol. 12, no. 2, p. 46-48
Négritude et arabisme : la dialectique Négro-Arabe / Léopold Sédar Senghor.
In: Présence africaine : revue culturelle du monde noir (1967), 1e Trim., no. 61, p. 94-102
Négritude : a humanism of the 20th century / Léopold Sédar Senghor.
In: Optima : a quarterly review published in the interests of mining, industrial, scientific and economic progress (1966), vol. 16, no. 1, p. 1-8
Democracy and socialism / L.S. Senghor.
In: Ibadan : a journal published at University College (1965), no. 21, p. 5-13
Négritude et humanisme / Léopold Sédar Senghor.
Paris : Seuil, 1964. - Liberté
Afrique africaine / [Textes par Léopold Sédar Senghor ... et al.]
Lausanne : La Guilde du Livre Lausanne et Clairefontaine, 1963.
Colloque sur la littérature africaine d' expression française à l' Université de Dakar, (26 mars 1963) : discours d' ouverture du Président de la République.
[S.l. : s.n.], 1963.
Discours : prononcé par son excellence Léopold Sédar Senghor, à l' ouverture de la deuxième conférence des Chefs de Mission diplomatique sénégalaise, 18 mars 1963.
[S.l. : s.n.], 1963.
Discours de monsieur Léopold Sédar Senghor, chef du gouvernement à l'Assemblée nationale, (vendredi 19 avril 1963)
[S.l. : s.n.], 1963.
Magal de Touba (11 juillet 1963) : réponse du Président de la République.
[S.l. : s.n.], 1963.
Message à la Nation, (le 18 février 1963) / par Léopold Sédar Senghor.
[S.l. : s.n.], 1963.
Planification et tension morale / Léopold Sédar Senghor.
Dakar : Ministère de l'Information et des Télécommunications, 1963.
Rencontre de Kidira (22 juin 1963) / discours de Léopold Sédar Senghor.
[S.l. : s.n.], 1963.
Visite officielle de Sir Ahmadu Bello, premier Ministre du Nord-Nigeria : toast du Président de la République au déjeuner offert en son honneur, (6 novembre 1963)
[S.l. : s.n.], 1963.
Discours d'Addis Abeba / par Léopold Sédar Senghor.
[S.l. : s.n.], 1963.
Négritude and African socialism / Léopold Sédar Senghor.
In: African affairs (1963), p. 9-22
Négritude et civilisation de l'universel / Léopold Sédar Senghor.
In: Présence africaine : revue culturelle du monde noir (1963), no. 46, p. 8-13
Voyage dans le Senegal oriental : discours du Président de la République à Tambacounda.
[S.l. : s.n.], 1963.
Théorie et pratique du socialisme Sénégalais : seminaire des cadres politiques Novembre-Decembre 1962 / Léopold Sedar Senghor.
[S.l. : s.n.], 1962.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin et la politique Africaine / Sauvons l'humanité / L'art dans la ligne de l'énergie humaine / Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. / Léopold Sédar Senghor.
Paris : Éditions du Seuil, 1962. - Cahiers Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Présentation des voeux du corps diplomatique, le 31 décembre 1962 : allocution / de Léopold Sédar Senghor.
[S.l. : s.n.], 1962.
Rapport sur la doctrine et la politique générale : ou socialisme, unité africaine, construction nationale : IIIème congres de l'U.P.S., Thies, 4-6 février 1962 / Léopold Sedar Senghor.
Dakar : [s.n.], 1962.
De la négritude : psychologie du Negro-africain / L.S. Senghor.
In: Diogène : revue internationale des sciences humaines/ publ. sous les auspices du Conseil International de la Philosophie et des Sciences Humaines et avec l'aide de l'UNESCO (1962), no. 37, p. 3-16
Messages de Monsieur Leopold Sedar Senghor, Président de la République, au peuple Sénégalais.
Dakar : Direction des Services de Presse du Ministère de l'Information de la Presse et de la Radiodiffusion, 1962.
Une étude sur les diverses voies africaines du socialisme / Leopold Sedar Senghor.
In: La semaine africaine et malgache : bulletin de liaison de l'U.A.M. (1962), no. 23, p. 9-14
Allocution du Président de la République du Sénégal à la XVI. session de l'Assemblée Générale des Nations Unies ... 1961 / Léopold Sédar Senghor.
Paris : O.N.U., 1961.
Éléments pour un manifeste du socialisme africain : étude réalisée par un groupe d'universitaires sénégalais, Dakar, le 29 mars 1961.
[S.l. : s.n.], 1961.
Visite officielle en Grande-Bretagne : discours prononcé à l'Université d'Oxford (26 Octobre 1961) / [Léopold Sédar Senghor]
[S.l. : s.n.], 1961.
Nation et voie africaine du socialisme / Léopold Sédar Senghor.
Paris : Présence africaine, 1961.
Conférence de presse du 23 aout 1960 / par Léopold Sédar Senghor.
[S.l.]: Ministère de l'Information, de la Presse et de la Radiodiffusion, 1960.
Installation de la Cour Suprême : (14 Novembre 1960) / discours de Léopold Sédar Senghor.
[S.l. : s.n.], 1960.
Voyage en France du Président Senghor : reception à l ́U.N.E.S.C.O. : (20 avril 1961) / réponse du Président.
[S.l. : s.n.], 1960.
African socialism : a report to the constitutive congress of the Party of African Federation / by Leopold Sedar Senghor and transl. and ed. by Mercer Cook.
New York : American Society of African Culture, 1959.
Assemblée fédérale du Mali : (6 Avril 1959) / discours de Léopold Sédar Senghor.
[S.l. : s.n.], 1959.
Rapport sur la doctrine et le programme du parti / L. Sédar Senghor.
Paris : Présence Africaine, 1959.
Pour une république fédérale dans une union confédérale / L.S. Senghor.
In: Union Française et parlement (1958/59), vol. 10, no. 96/97, p. 5-11
C'est l'indépendance suivie d'abandons de souveraineté dans le cadre d'un accord avec les métropoles / par Léopold Sedar Senghor.
In: L'Occident : hebdomadaire (1958), No. 18, p. 39-42
Pour une communauté franco-africaine / par L.S. Senghor.
In: Les cahiers de la République : revue bimestrielle de politique (1957), no. 7, p. 64-68
L'esprit de la civilisation ou les lois de la culture négro-africaine / Léopold Sédar Senghor.
In: Présence africaine : revue culturelle du monde noir (1956), no. 8/10, juin/nov., p. 51-65
Pour une république federale / L.S. Senghor.
In: Cahiers Nord-Africains (1956), no. 53 (juillet-aouÌt), p. 1-8
L'avenir de la France dans l'Outre-Mer / Léopold Senghor.
In: Politique étrangère (1954), vol. 19, no. 4 Aug./Oct, p. 419-426
Léopold Sédar Senghor - life and politics
Trente ans de vie politique avec Léopold Sédar Senghor / Christian Valantin and préf. de Souleymane Bachir Diagne.
Paris : Belin, 2016.
Léopold Sédar Senghor : tourangeau et soldat des idéaux de la France / Brahim Thioune. Jack Vivier
Paris : L'Harmattan, 2014.
Léopold Sédar Senghor : chronique d'une époque : essai / El Hadji Saloum Diakité.
Dakar : Abis, 2013.
Les fondements théoriques du socialisme africain chez L.S. Senghor / Babacar Diop.
In: Éthiopiques : revue socialiste de culture négro-africaine (2012), no. 89, p. 129-147
Bergson postcolonial : l'élan vital dans la pensée de Léopold Sédar Senghor et Mohammed Iqbal / Souleymane Bachir Diagne.
Paris : CNRS, 2011.
Senghor philosophe : cinq études / Jacques Chatué and préf. de Charles-Robert Dimi.
Yaoundé : Éditions CLÉ, 2009.
The crisis of Negritude : a study of the black movement against intellectual oppression in the early 20th century / Emmanuel E. Egar.
Boca Raton, FL : BrownWalker Press, 2009, 2008.
De l'assimilation à l'appropriation: essai de glottopolitique senghorienne / Mamadou Cissé.
In: Revue africaine : philosophie/art, littérature/linguistique, sociologie/économie (2008), no. 3, p. 65-74
L'émotion est nègre, comme la raison est hellène: d'une philosophie organologique allemande vers sa récupération en Afrique occidentale / Amadou Oury Ba.
In: Éthiopiques : revue socialiste de culture négro-africaine (2008), no. 81, p. 167-179
Léopold Sédar Senghor als Subjekt der Dialektik des Kolonialismus : ein Denker Afrikas und die imperiale Metropole / Lasse Heerten.
In: Stichproben (2008), Jg. 8, Nr. 15, S. 87-116
Mé-tissages: de la culture nègre aux cultures de l'universel / Cheikh Thiam.
In: Revue africaine : philosophie/art, littérature/linguistique, sociologie/économie (2008), no. 3, p. 49-55
Léopold Sédar Senghor : le maître de langue : biographie / Daniel Delas.
Croissy-Beaubourg : Éditions Aden, 2007.
Sénégal notre pirogue : au soleil de la liberté : journal de bord 1955-1980 / Roland Colin and préf. d'Elikia M'Bokolo.
Paris : Présence africaine, 2007.
Senghor et le socialisme / Luis Ayala ... [et al.]
Paris : L'Harmattan, 2007.
À propos des philosophèmes mathématiques de Senghor: du discours obvié au rattachement épistémologique / Jacques Chatue.
In: Éthiopiques : revue socialiste de culture négro-africaine (2007), no. 79, p. 163-182
Senghor, chantre de la négritude / Clément Mbom.
In: Géopolitique africaine (2007), no. 27, p. 29-44
C'était Senghor / Simon Njami.
[Paris] : Fayard, 2006.
Léopold Sédar Senghor / par Armand Guibert et Nimrod.
Paris : Seghers, 2006.
Léopold Sédar Senghor : enregistrements historiques / présentés par Philippe Sainteny.
Vincennes [etc.] : RFI/Frémeaux [etc.], 2006.
Léopold Sédar Senghor : le président humaniste / Christian Roche and préf. d'Abdou Diouf.
Toulouse : Privat, 2006.
Léopold Sédar Senghor : lumière noire / Hervé Bourges.
[Paris] : Mengès, 2006.
Léopold Sédar Senghor und der afrikanische Aufbruch im 20. Jahrhundert / János Riesz.
Wuppertal : Peter Hammer, 2006. (Inhaltsverzeichnis)
L'héritage politique de Léopold Sédar Senghor : entre ombres et lumières / Mody Niang.
Dakar : Sentinelles, 2006.
Senghor : ma part d'homme / Amadou Lamine Sall.
Dakar : Feu du brousse, 2006.
Vie de Léopold Sédar Senghor : Noir, Français et Africain / Janet G. Vaillant, et al.
Paris : Karthala, 2006.
Au-delà la nation: germanité dans Négritude / Pierre Kadi Sossou.
In: Éthiopiques : revue socialiste de culture négro-africaine (2006), no. 76, p. 277-291
L.S. Senghor/ un universel fondamental / Omar Gueye.
In: Éthiopiques : revue socialiste de culture négro-africaine (2006), no. 76, p. 249-257
La théorie de la connaissance chez Senghor / Boubé Namai͏̈wa.
In: Éthiopiques : revue socialiste de culture négro-africaine (2006), no. 76, p. 259-275
Léopold Sédar Senghor : genèse d'un imaginaire francophone / Jean-Michel Djian and préf. d'Abdou Diouf suivi d'un entretien avec Aimé Césaire.
Paris : Gallimard, 2005.
Précis des humanités de Léopold Sédar Senghor : une étude fondée sur l'enseignement en France de 1900 à 1945 / Akatiwa Adjambo.
Paris [etc.] : L'Harmattan, 2004.
Senghor et Cheikh Anta Diop ou la conscience restaurée / Charles Zorgbibe.
In: Géopolitique africaine (2004), no. 13, p. 161-174
Le siècle de Senghor : actes du colloque international des 16 et 17 avril 2003 à Yaoundé / réunis et publiés par Marcelin Vounda Etoa.
Yaoundé : Presses Universitaires de Yaoundé, 2003.
L.S. Senghor: le contemporain capital : témoignage / Papa Mody Niang.
In: Éthiopiques : revue socialiste de culture négro-africaine (2003), no. 70, p. 7-19
L'apport de Léopold Sédar Senghor à la Francophonie : témoignage / Stella M.A. Johnson.
In: Éthiopiques : revue socialiste de culture négro-africaine (2003), no. 70, p. 21-27
Léopold Sedar Senghor et l'idéologie française / par Jean-Claude Gautron.
In: Revue juridique et politique des états francophones (2003), année 57, no. 3, p. 263-266
Les cultures religieuses et leurs signifiances dans les poésies des civilisations modernes : les exemples de Louis Aragon et des poètes du Sénégal / Ibra Diene.
In: Éthiopiques : revue socialiste de culture négro-africaine (2003), no. 70, p. 151-162
Léopold Sédar Senghor : 1906 - 2001 / éditorial Bassirou Dieng.
Dakar : [s.n.], 2002.
Senghor 1906-2001: l'homme d'État, le poète, l'humaniste : chroniques, témoignages, commentaires, et photos inédités / éd. Béchir Ben Yahmed
Paris : Jeune Afrique L'intelligent, 2002.
Senghor : le troisième temps : documents et analyses critiques / Robert Jouanny.
Paris [etc.] : L'Harmattan, 2002.
Special issue: Léopold Sédar Senghor / ed.: Abiola Irele and [Wole Soyinka ... et al.]
Bloomington, IN : Indiana University Press, 2002.
Dossier Léopold Sédar Senghor / Max Jalade ... [et al.]
In: Afrique contemporaine : documents d'Afrique noire et de Madagascar (2002), no. 201, p. 3-28
Senghor et la Francophonie / René Gnalega.
In: Éthiopiques : revue socialiste de culture négro-africaine (2002), no. 69, p. 179-189
Senghor, le poète de la négritude / père de la francophonie / Alain Decaux. Senghor Jean Poirier. Senghor, enseignant et constitutionnaliste / François Luchaire. Senghor, homme politique / Pierre Messmer. Senghor, homme d'État / Abdou Diouf.
In: Mondes et cultures : comptes rendus trimestriels des séances de l'Académie des Sciences d'Outre-Mer (2002), t. 62, no. 1/4, p. 225-255
La philosophie politique de Léopold Sédar Senghor / Aliou Camara.
Paris [etc.] : l'Harmattan, 2001.
Le siècle Senghor / sous la dir. de André-Patient Bokiba.
Paris [etc.] : L'Harmattan, 2001.
Legacy of Leopold Senghor : 1909-2001 / K. Mathews.
In: Africa quarterly : Indian journal of African affairs (2001), vol. 41, no. 4, p. xiii-xx : foto
Negritude, francofonia e cultura africana : Léopold Sédar Senghor como paradigma / János Riesz and [trad. de Joana Guimarães]
In: Africana studia : revista internacional de estudos africanos (2001), no. 4, p. 149-162
Listen to Africa : a call from L.S. Senghor / Josiane Nespoulous-Neuville and transl. from French by Pierre de Fontnouvelle.
Pretoria : University of South Africa, 1999.
Léopold Sédar Senghor / par Joseph-Roger de Benoist and témoignage de Cheikh Hamidou Kane.
Paris : Beauchesne, 1998.
Léopold Sédar Senghor : from politics to poetry / William Kluback.
New York [etc.] : Peter Lang, 1997.
Léopold Sédar Senghor, une trajectoire à l'épreuve du temps / Clément Mbom.
In: Présence africaine : revue culturelle du monde noir (1996), no. 154, p. 107-129
Senghor : ou la tentation de l'universel / Jean-Pierre Biondi.
Paris : Denoe͏̈l, 1993. - L'aventure coloniale de la France
Negritude and history : Senghor's argument with Frobenius / Michael J.C. Echeruo.
In: Research in African literatures : official journal of the African Literature Committee of the African Studies Association of America and the African Literatures Seminar of the Modern Language Association (1993), vol. 24, no. 4, p. 1-13
La pensée humaniste du président Léopold Sédar Senghor / Alassane Ndao.
In: Éthiopiques : revue socialiste de culture négro-africaine (1992), no. 56, p. 17-30
Senghor, sensuel et plurivalent poète civil : identité, émotion, universalité / Liano Petroni.
In: Éthiopiques : revue socialiste de culture négro-africaine (1992), no. 56, p. 5-16
Black, French, and African : a life of Léopold Sédar Senghor / Janet G. Vaillant.
Cambridge, Mass. [etc.] : Harvard University Press, 1990.
Léopold Sédar Senghor : de la tradition à l'universalisme / Josiane Nespoulous-Neuville.
Paris : Éditions du Seuil, 1988.
Élégies majeures : suivi de Dialogue sur la poésie francophone / Léopold Sédar Senghor.
Paris : Éditions du Seuil, 1979.
L' oeuvre poétique et politique de Léopold Sedar Senghor comme l'expression de normes africaines traditionnelles et nouvelles / Jacek Oledski.
In: Africana bulletin (1977), no. 26, p. 113-129
The literary and political works of Leopold Sedar Senghor : an appraisal is the light of recent studies of millenarian movements / J. de Coninck.
In: Mawazo : a publication of the Faculties of Arts and Social Sciences, Makerere University College (1974), vol. 4, no. 2, p. 61-86
La parole chez Paul Claudel et chez les négro-africains : [discours] / Léopold Sédar Senghor.
Dakar : Les Nouvelles Editions Africaines, 1973.
Léopold Sédar Senghor : an intellectual biography / by Jacques Louis Hymans.
Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press, 1971.
Léopold Sédar Senghor and the politics of Negritude / Irving Leonard Markovitz.
New York, N.Y. : Atheneum, 1969.
Léopold Sédar Senghor et la naissance de L'Afrique moderne / Ernest Milcent [et] Monique Sordet and avec une préf. de Georges Pompidou.
[Paris] : Seghers, 1969.
Léopold Sédar Senghor : la vie d'un président de l'Afrique nouvelle / Jean Rous.
Paris : Didier, 1967.
Léopold Sédar Senghor : l'homme et l'oeuvre / par Armand Guibert.
Paris : Présence Africaine, 1962.
Web resources
Archives d’Afrique (in French)
Radio podcasts by Cameroonian journalist Alain Foka (Radio France internationale) on leading figures in African history, on the basis of audio-archives and personal testimonies of living witnesses. The archives include many broadcasts on African independence and its important actors.
BBC World Service Archive - The story of Africa
The series The story of Africa was restored as part of the BBC World Service Archive project. It includes episodes on African anti-colonialism and independence.
South African History Online (West Africa section)
This South African website for popular history has a section on West Africa, with country pages, timelines, articles and links.
Africa at 60
On the occasion of the 'Africa 2020' year, the African Studies Centre Leiden has compiled a thematic map showing a number of developments in African countries during the last sixty years, relating to: year of independence, population growth, social indicators e.g. literacy rates, agglomerations, agriculture, and state stability-fragility.
Web resources - Cameroon
Timeline : Cameroon profile - BBC News. Last updated 2018.
ASCL Infosheet: Cameroon at 60 / Ton Dietz, David Ehrhardt, Fenneken Veldkamp. Leiden: African Studies Centre, 2020.
Publication: The Political Evolution of Cameroon, 1884-1961 / Victor Julius Ngoh. - Portland: Portland State University, 1979
Publication: Historical Dictionary of the Republic of Cameroon / Mark Dike DeLancey, Rebecca Neh Mbuh, Mark W. DeLancey. - Lanham : The Scarecrow Press, Inc., 2010. See chronology and introduction (pages 32-56) for independence history.
Podcast : Spéciale Archives d'Afrique - Ahmadou Ahidjo (1-8) - RFI (2010)
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Video: Spécial 60 ans de l'indépendance du Cameroun / RFI, YouTube Channel (2020)
Web resources - Togo
Timeline: Togo profile - BBC News. Last updated 2018.
ASCL Infosheet: Togo at 60 / Ton Dietz, David Ehrhardt, Fenneken Veldkamp. - Leiden: African Studies Centre, 2020.
Article: Togo. South African History Online. Produced 21 March 2011. Last Updated 17 October 2019.
Publication: Political History of Togo / Djifa Kothor. Center for African Studies. University of Illinois, African Students Organization (2012)
Publication: The legacies of transition governments in Africa: the cases of Benin and Togo / Jennifer C. Seely. - New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2009.
Podcast: Portrait de Sylvanus Olympio (1-8) - RFI (2010)
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Web resources - Mali
Timeline: Mali profile - BBC News. Last updated 2018.
ASCL Infosheet: Mali at 60 / Ton Dietz, David Ehrhardt, Fenneken Veldkamp. - Leiden: African Studies Centre, 2020.
Publication: Old homes and new homelands: imagining the nation and remembering expulsion in the wake of the Mali Federation’s collapse / Marie Rodet and Brandon County. In: Africa: Journal of the International Africa Institute, 88 (3). pp. 469-491.
Podcast: Spéciale Archives d'Afrique - Modibo Keïta (1-6) - RFI (2010)
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Web resources - Madagascar
Timeline: Madagascar profile - BBC News. Last updated 2018.
ASCL Infosheet: Madagascar at 60 / Ton Dietz, David Ehrhardt, Fenneken Veldkamp. - Leiden: African Studies Centre, 2020.
Article: Madagascar’s fight for independence / Masika sipa. Mada Magazine. Accessed 9-1-2020.
Publication: Historical Dictionary of the Republic of Madagascar / Philip M. Allen and Maureen Covell. - Lanham : The Scarecrow Press, Inc., 2005. See chronology and introduction (pages 29-85) for independence history.
Podcast: Portrait de Philibert Tsiranana (1-2) - RFI (2013).
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Web resources - Somalia
Timeline: Somalia profile - BBC News. Last updated 2018.
ASCL Infosheet: Somalia at 60 / Ton Dietz, David Ehrhardt, Fenneken Veldkamp. - Leiden: African Studies Centre, 2020.
Article: Somalia. South African History Online. Produced 05 September 2016. Last Updated 18 April 2019.
Publication: Historical Dictionary of Somalia / Mohamed Haji Mukhta. - Lanham : The Scarecrow Press, Inc., 2003. See chronology and introduction (pages xxv-9) for independence history.
Web resources - Democratic Republic of the Congo
Timeline: Democratic Republic of Congo profile - BBC News (2019)
ASCL Infosheet: D.R. Congo at 60 / Ton Dietz, David Ehrhardt, Fenneken Veldkamp. - Leiden: African Studies Centre, 2020.
Publication: Historical Dictionary of the Democratic Republic of the Congo / Emizet François Kisangani and F. Scott Bobb. - Lanham : The Scarecrow Press, Inc., 2010. See chronology and introduction (pages 32-93) for independence history.
Publication: La pensée politique de Patrice Emery Lumumba / Par Jean-Paul Sartre (1963)
Podcast : Spéciale Archives d'Afrique - Patrice Emery Lumumba (1-4) - RFI (2010)
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Video: Africa ... States of Independence - DR Congo - Al Jazeera English YouTube Channel (2010)
Web resources - Benin
Timeline: Benin profile - BBC News. Last updated 2019.
ASCL Infosheet: Benin at 60 / Ton Dietz, David Ehrhardt, Fenneken Veldkamp. - Leiden: African Studies Centre, 2020.
Article: Benin. South African History Online. Produced 21 March 2011. Last Updated 17 October 2019
Publication: The legacies of transition governments in Africa: the cases of Benin and Togo / Jennifer C. Seely. - New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2009.
Podcast: Portrait de Sourou Migan Apithy - RFI (2013).
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Web resources - Niger
Timeline: Niger profile - BBC News. Last updated 2018.
ASCL Infosheet: Niger at 60 / Ton Dietz, David Ehrhardt, Fenneken Veldkamp. - Leiden: African Studies Centre, 2020.
ASCL Publication: The yearning for relief: a history of the Sawaba movement in Niger / Klaas van Walraven. Leiden: Brill, 2013.
Podcast: Spéciale Archives d'Afrique - Hamani Diori (1-4)
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Podcast : Archives d’Afrique - Hamani Diori ou l'indépendance du Niger - RFI (2019)
Web resources - Burkina Faso
Timeline: Burkina Faso profile - BBC News. Last updated 2018.
ASCL Infosheet: Burkina Faso at 60 / Ton Dietz, David Ehrhardt, Fenneken Veldkamp. - Leiden: African Studies Centre, 2020.
Publication: Historical Dictionary of Burkina Faso / Daniel Miles McFarland and Lawrence Rupley. - Lanham : The Scarecrow Press, Inc., 1998. See chronology and introduction (pages xxvii-4) for independence history.
Publication: From Upper Volta to Burkina Faso: a study of the politics of reaction and reform in a post-colonial African nation-state, 1960-1987 / Bryan J. Williamson. Scholar Commons, Graduate Theses and Dissertations (2013)
Podcast: Spéciale Archives d'Afrique - Maurice Yameogo (1-4) - RFI (2010)
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Web resources - Côte d'Ivoire
Timeline: Ivory Coast profile - BBC News. Last updated 2019.
ASCL Infosheet: Côte d'Ivoire at 60 / Ton Dietz, David Ehrhardt, Fenneken Veldkamp. - Leiden: African Studies Centre, 2020.
Publication: Historical Dictionary of Cote d'Ivoire (The Ivory Coast) / Cyril K. Daddieh. - Lanham : The Scarecrow Press, Inc., 2016. (via Google Books) See chronology and introduction (pages xxix-44) for independence history.
Podcast : Spéciale Archives d'Afrique - Félix Houphouët-Boigny (1-6) - RFI (2010)
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Video: Africa... States of Independence - Ivory Coast - Al Jazeera English YouTube Channel (2010)
Web resources - Chad
Timeline: Chad profile - BBC News. Last updated 2018.
ASCL Infosheet: Chad at 60 / Ton Dietz, David Ehrhardt, Fenneken Veldkamp. - Leiden: African Studies Centre, 2020.
Article: Tchad brève histoire politique jusqu’à 1990. Église de Mongo (2008)
Article: Chad. South African History Online. Produced 21 March 2011. Last Updated 25 November 2019.
Video: Africa... States of Independence - Chad - Al Jazeera English YouTube Channel (2010)
Web resources - Central African Republic (CAR)
Timeline: Central African Republic profile.- BBC News. Last updated 2018.
ASCL Infosheet: Central African Republic at 60 / Ton Dietz, David Ehrhardt, Fenneken Veldkamp. - Leiden: African Studies Centre, 2020.
ASCL Publication: The historical long-term in the politics of the Central African Republic insights from the biography of Barthélémy Boganda / K. van Walraven. ASC Working Paper 146 (2019)
Publication: Central African Republic (1960-present). University of Central Arkansas, Political Science Department. Last updated 2019.
Podcast : Spéciale Archives d'Afrique - Barthélémy Boganda (1-6). - RFI (2010)
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Podcast : Spéciale Archives d'Afrique - David Dacko (1-6) - RFI (2010)
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Web resources - Congo (Brazzaville)
Timeline: Republic of Congo profile - BBC News. Last updated 2018.
ASCL Infosheet: Republic of the Congo at 60 / Ton Dietz, David Ehrhardt, Fenneken Veldkamp. - Leiden: African Studies Centre, 2020.
Publication: Historical Dictionary of Republic of Congo / John F. Clark, Samuel Decalo. - Lanham : The Scarecrow Press, Inc., 2012. (via Google Books) See introduction (pages 1-28) for independence history.
Podcast: Spéciale Archives d'Afrique - Fulbert Youlou (1-10) - RFI (2010)
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Web resources - Gabon
Timeline: Gabon profile - BBC News. Last updated 2019.
ASCL Infosheet: Gabon at 60 / Ton Dietz, David Ehrhardt, Fenneken Veldkamp. - Leiden: African Studies Centre, 2020.
Article: Gabon. South African History Online. Produced 21 March 2011. Last Updated 17 December 2019.
Podcast: Spéciale Archives d'Afrique - Léon Mba (1-2) - RFI (2010)
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Web resources - Senegal
Timeline: Senegal profile - BBC News. Last updated 2018.
ASCL Infosheet: Senegal at 60 / Ton Dietz, David Ehrhardt, Fenneken Veldkamp. - Leiden: African Studies Centre, 2020.
Podcast: Spéciale Archives d'Afrique - Portrait de Léopold Sédar Senghor (1-16) - RFI (2012)
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Video: Africa... States of Independence - Senegal - Al Jazeera English YouTube Channel (2010)
Web resources - Nigeria
Timeline: Nigeria profile - BBC News. Last updated 2019.
ASCL Infosheet: Nigeria at 60 / Ton Dietz, David Ehrhardt, Fenneken Veldkamp. - Leiden: African Studies Centre, 2020.
Article: Impact of nationalist movement on the actualization of Nigerian independence, 1914-1960 / Kelechi Chika Ubaku, Chikezie Anyalewachi Emeh, Chinenye Nkiruhttp Anyikwa. In: International Journal of History and Philosophical Research vol.2 (2014), no.1, pp 54-67.
Publication: Historical Dictionary of Nigeria / Toyin Falola and Ann Genova. - Lanham : The Scarecrow Press, Inc., 2009. See chronology and introduction (pages xix-xlii) for independence history.
Video: Africa ... States of Independence - Nigeria - Al Jazeera YouTube Channel (2010)
Web resources - Mauritania
Timeline: Mauritania profile - BBC News. Last updated 2018.
ASCL Infosheet: Mauritania at 60 / Ton Dietz, David Ehrhardt, Fenneken Veldkamp. - Leiden: African Studies Centre, 2020.
Article: Mauritania's past doesn't want to go away / Elemine Mustapha, Francisco Freire. Africa is a country (2019)
Publication: Mauritania: a country study / Federal Research Division, Library of Congress, ed. by Robert Earl Handloff. Library of Congress. Washington, D.C. : Federal Research Divsion, Library of Congress, 1990.
Podcast: Archives d'Afrique - Portrait de Moktar Ould Daddah (1-4) - RFI (2010)
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