African children have remained in the margins of social research despite the fact that over forty percent of Africans are under the age of fifteen. From the late 1990s onwards, research on children and childhood has gradually become a topic of study in the social sciences. Children have increasingly come into the limelight as culture makers and not just as extensions to the study of adults. The conference 'African Children in Focus: a Paradigm Shift in Methodology and Theory?’, which was held on 18-19 September 2008 in Leiden, The Netherlands, aims to provide a platform for qualitative studies on African children, paying attention to children's own perspectives, agencies and interdependencies. The conference is organized by the Netherlands African Studies Association (NVAS).
The Library, Documentation and Information Department of the ASC has compiled this dossier on Children in Africa to coincide with the Leiden conference. The dossier is partly an update of our earlier dossier on Youth in Africa (June 2003), especially the sections on Youth and War, and Street Children. The present dossier focuses on:
- Children and Society
- Children and Law, Children’s Rights
- Children and War, Child Soldiers
- Children and Work, Child Labour, Street Children
- Children and Health
- Child Care, Orphanhood
- Selected web resources
The dossier contains a selection of titles from the library's online catalogue, including monographs, articles, chapters from edited works, and videos published in the last five years (2003-2008). Each title links directly to the corresponding record in the online catalogue, which provides a more detailed description of all titles as well as abstracts of articles and edited works. The dossier ends with selected web resources on children in Africa.
For information about the dossier, please contact the library information desk at or phone: +31 (0)71 5273354.
Children and Society
Child participation in research: reflections on ethical challenges in the southern African context / Glynis Clacherty & David Donald
In: African journal of AIDS research: (2007), vol. 6, no. 2, p. 147-156 : foto's
Moving the goalposts : the impact of soccer on the lives and prospects of girls and young women in rural Kenya / Sarah Forde & Andrea Kendall-Taylor
In: Ufahamu: (2007), vol. 33, no. 2/3, p. 36-45
Naître et devenir : anthropologie de la petite enfance en pays Soninké (Mali) / Élodie Razy. - Nanterre : Société d'ethnologie, 2007. - (Sociétés africaines, ISSN 0293-9118 ; 19)
Souffle : pages d'une jeunesse congolaise, lettre à Henri Lopes / Victor Nimy. - Paris [ect] : L'Harmattan, 2007. - (Terrain, Récits et fictions)
South African girlhood in the age of AIDS : towards girlhood studies? / Relebohile Moletsane
In: Agenda: (2007), no. 72, p. 155-165 : foto's
Boys and masks among the Dogon / Walter E. A. Beek
In: Playful performers : African children's masquerades: (2006), p. 67-88
'I had eleven children, ten have died': child mortality, rites and childcare in North Cameroon / José C. M. van Santen
In: Een handvol kolanoten : antropologische opstellen aangeboden aan Wouter van Beek: (2006), p. 111-143
In-migration and living conditions of young adolescents in Greater Johannesburg, South Africa / Linda M. Richter
In: Social dynamics: (2006), vol. 32, no. 1, p. 195-216 : tab
Navigating youth, generating adulthood : social becoming in an African context / Catrine Christiansen, Mats Utas, & Henrik E. Vigh (ed.). - Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, 2006
Playful performers : African children's masquerades / Simon Ottenberg & David A. Binkley (ed.). - New Brunswick, N.J., [etc.] : Transaction Publishers, 2006
The impact of neighbourhood-level factors on children's everyday lives, well-being and identity: a qualitative study of children living in Ocean View, Cape Town / Susan Moses
In: Social dynamics: (2006), vol. 32, no. 1, p. 102-134 : ill., krt., tab
Youth / Michael Etherton & Jane Plastow (ed.). - Oxford : James Currey, 2006. - (African theatre)
"But where are our moral heroes?" : an analysis of South African press reporting on children affected by HIV/AIDS / Helen Meintjes & Rachel Bray
In: African journal of AIDS research: (2005), vol. 4, no. 3, p. 147-159 : tab
La scolarisation des filles tunisiennes musulmanes dans l'enseignement laïc au début du protectorat / François Arnoulet
In: Revue d'histoire maghrébine: (2005), année 32, no. 118, p. [161]-170
Les "enfants bouviers" du sud du Tchad, nouveaux esclaves ou apprentis éleveurs? / Claude Arditi
In: Cahiers d'études africaines: (2005), vol. 45, cah. 179/180, p. 713-729
Makers & breakers : children & youth in postcolonial Africa / Alcinda Honwana & Filip de Boeck (ed.). - Oxford : James Currey, 2005
Psychologie et scolarité : études des cas / Lubamba Kibambe. - Lubumbashi : Presses Universitaires de Lubumbashi, 2005. - (Cahiers de la Faculté de psychologie et des sciences de l'éducation ; Annales des sciences humaines ; vol. 2)
Une veuve et ses filles / Jeannette Momo Doughagni. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2005. - (Graveurs de mémoire)
Violences sociales & exclusions : le développement social de l'Afrique en question = Social violence & exclusion : questioning Africa's social development / Jacky Bouju & Mirjam de Bruijn (ed.). - Münster : LIT Verlag, 2005. - (Bulletin ; no. 27/28)
What do Tanzanian children worry about? / Mai Bente Snipstad, Gro Therese Lie & Dagfinn Winje
In: African journal of AIDS research: (2005), vol. 4, no. 3, p. 183-193 : tab
Witch child / Sacha Mirzoeff. - [London] : BBC, 2005. - 1 videocassette [VHS] (60 min.). : kleur, gel.
Writing the child, youth, and violence into the francophone novel from sub-Saharan Africa: the impact of age and gender / Odile Cazenave
In: Research in African literatures: (2005), vol. 36, no. 2, p. 59-71 : tab
"Village life is better than town life": identity, migration, and development in the lives of Ugandan child citizens / Kristen E. Cheney
In: African studies review: (2004), vol. 47, no. 3, p. 1-22
Children's migration as a household/family strategy: coping with AIDS in Lesotho and Malawi / Nicola Ansell & Lorraine Van Blerk
In: Journal of Southern African studies: (2004), vol. 30, no. 3, p. 673-690 : tab
Co-housing as a possible housing option for children affected by HIV/AIDS : evidence from informal settlements / Barbara Simpson & Tanusha Raniga
In: Urban forum: (2004), vol. 15, no. 4, p. 365-379 : tab
Le Tasfih en Tunisie : un rituel de protection de la virginité féminine / Ibissem Ben Dridi. - Paris [etc.] : L'Harmattan, 2004. - (Histoire et perspectives méditerranéennes)
Televisiegeweld: is dit 'n probleem in Suid-Afrika? / Daan Van Vuuren
In: Tydskrif vir geesteswetenskappe: (2004), jg. 44, nr. 4, p. 358-371 : graf., tab
The power of continuity : Ethiopia through the eyes of its children / Eva Poluha. - Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, 2004
Childish images : the gendered depiction of childhood in popular South African magazines / Jeanne Prinsloo
In: Agenda: (2003), no. 56, p. 26-36 : tab
Education in Nigeria : early learning and related critical issues / Angela Chinyere Nwagbara. - Owerri : Tait, 2003
Exploring South African psychology : township girls, the community and identity in women students' talk about professional training / Jane Callaghan
In: Agenda: (2003), no. 57, p. 34-44
Fille de harki : "Le bouleversant témoignage d'une enfant de la guerre d'Algérie" / Fatima Besnaci-Lancou & Marie Christine Ray. - Paris : Éditions de l'Atelier, 2003. - (La vie au cœur)
Impact de la vidéoprojection sur la socialisation des enfants au Togo / Essè Amouzou
In: Présence africaine: (2003), no. 167/168, p. 93-102
L'enfant africain et ses univers : approches psychologiques et culturelles / Ferdinand Ezémbé. - Paris : Karthala, 2003. - (Questions d'enfances)
Leben in der Großfamilie: Aspekte von Kindsein und Erwachsenwerden in Afrika / Karin Demuth & Doris Kirchebner
In: Internationales Afrika-Forum: (2003), Jg. 39, Quart. 1, S. 87-92
Mille mois / Faouzi Bensaidi. - [Paris] : MK2, 2003. - 1 dvd-video (120 min.). : kleur, gel.
Naliaka is going / Albert Wandago & Brutus Sirucha. - Nairobi : Alwan Communications, 2003. - 1 videocassette (85 min.). : kleur, gel.
Protecting girlhood? : virginity revivals in the era of AIDS / Suzanne LeClerc-Madlala
In: Agenda: (2003), no. 56, p. 16-25
Testing for son preference in South Africa / Lata Gangadharan & Pushkar Maitra
In: Journal of African economies: (2003), vol. 12, no. 3, p. 371-416 : tab
Children and Law, Children's Rights
Les handicaps à la scolarisation de la jeune fille en Afrique noire / Essè Amouzou. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2008
Des droits de la femme et de l'enfant en Afrique: réflexions sur l'article 18 alinéa 3 de la Charte africaine des droits de l'homme et des peuples / Angéline Florence Ngomo
In: Revue juridique et politique des états francophones: (2007), année 61, no. 3, p. 331-355
Gender and education in post-apartheid South Africa: possibilities and limitations of the international human rights framework / Laura A. Negrón
In: East African journal of peace & human rights: (2007), vol. 13, no. 2, p. 166-213
Monitoring child well-being : a South African rights-based approach / Andrew Dawes, Rachel Bray, & Amelia van der Merwe (ed.). - Cape Town : HSRC, 2007
Normative Familienbilder für Afrika : das UN-Übereinkommen und die Afrikanische Charta über die Rechte des Kindes / Ulrike Wanitzek
In: Afrika Spectrum: (2007), Jg. 42, H. 2, p. 275-300
Pillars of the Nation : child citizens and Ugandan national development / Kristen E. Cheney. - Chicago [etc.] : University of Chicago Press, 2007
Recueil de textes : loi no 2006 - 19 du 05/09/2006 portant répression du harcèlement sexuel et protection des victimes en République du Bénin, La convention relative aux droits de l'enfant, publié au J.O. no 17 bis du 05/09/2006 / Alexandrine F. Saïzonou Bédie. - [S.l.] : SOKEMI, 2007
Still an infant or now a toddler? : the work of the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child and its 8th ordinary session / Benyam D. Mezmur
In: African human rights law journal: (2007), vol. 7, no. 1, p. 258-275
Workplace violence among domestic workers in urban households in Kenya : a case of Nairobi City / Kennedy Nyabuti Ondimu
In: Eastern Africa social science research review: (2007), vol. 23, no. 1, p. 37-61 : graf., tab
Child rights at the core : the use of international law in South African cases on children's socio-economic rights / Solange Rosa & Mira Dutschke
In: South African journal on human rights: (2006), vol. 22, pt. 2, p. 224-260
Child-widows silenced and unheard : human rights sufferers in Tanzania / Monica Elias Magoke-Mhoja. - [S.l.] : Children's Dignity Forum, 2006
Inheriting poverty? : the link between children's wellbeing and unemployment in South Africa / Paul Graham (ed.) / IDASA children's budget unit. - Cape Town : Idasa Publishing, 2006
National plan of action for orphans and vulnerable children : 2006-2010 / Kingdom of Swaziland. - [S.l.] : Kingdom of Swaziland, 2006
The African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child : an update / Benyam D. Mezmur
In: African human rights law journal: (2006), vol. 6, no. 2, p. 549-571
A situational analysis on child sexual abuse in Zambia / Priscilla Chileshe, Yvonne Matebele-Sichingabula & Christine Kalamwina / Young Women's Christian Association. - Lusaka : Young Women's Christian Association, 2005
Agir pour l'éducation des filles en Afrique subsaharienne francophone / Lucila Jallade & Vittoria Cavicchioni (ed.) / Groupe d'étude sur l'éducation en Afrique. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2005. - (Éducations et sociétés)
Child trafficking in Africa: dialogues and impact of globalisation / Peace N. Ibeagha
In: Psychopathologie africaine: (2005), vol. 33, no. 1, p. 93-104 : tab
Circumcision and the rights of the Kenyan boy-child / Patricia Mande Nyaundi
In: African human rights law journal: (2005), vol. 5, no. 1, p. 171-181
Concerns about child subject research in Botswana : a call for establishing structures and guidelines that protect children / Tapologo Maundeni & Lisa Lopez Levers
In: African sociological review: (2005), vol. 9, no. 2, p. 153-167
Ending corporal punishment of children in Swaziland : he should talk to me, not beat .. / Ulrika Soneson. - Arcadia : Save the Children Sweden, Regional Office for Southern Africa, 2005
Modern slavery, global capitalism & deproletarianisation in West Africa / Kate Manzo
In: Review of African political economy: (2005), vol. 32, no. 106, p. 521-534
Report of the Law Commission on the Review of the Children and Young Persons Act / Malawi Law Commission. - Lilongwe : Government Printer, 2005. - (Law Commission report ; no. 14)
The Convention on the Rights of the Child and the cultural legitimacy of children's rights in Africa : some reflections / Thoko Kaime
In: African human rights law journal: (2005), vol. 5, no. 2, p. 221-238
International human rights standards : reporting obligations : Convention on the Rights of the Child / International Commission of Jurists, Kenya Section. - Nairobi : Kenyan Section of the International Commission of Jurists, 2004
Le mineur et la loi pénale camerounaise : (étude socio-judiciaire) / Vieux Eyike. - Yaoundé : Presses universitaires d'Afrique [etc.], 2004. - (Droit uniforme)
Submission to parliament : Children's Status Bill / Legal Assistance Centre. - [S.l.] : Legal Assistance Centre, 2004
'Did the constitution produce my children!?' : negotiating Ugandan childhood and nationhood through performance / Kristen E. Cheney
In: African identities: (2003), vol. 1, no. 1, p. [79]-94
Charged with being children : Egyptian police abuse of children in need of protection / Clarisa Bencomo. - New York, NY [etc.] : Human Rights Watch, 2003. - (Human rights watch publications, E: The Middle East and North Africa ; vol. 15 (2003), no. 1 (Feb.))
Children: some perspectives on their legal position and the development of indigenous law / Joan Church
In: Anthropology Southern Africa: (2003), vol. 26, no. 3/4, p. 119-123
Das Schicksal der Kinder in den Konzentrationslagern von Burundi / Tabu Abd'allah Manirakiza
In: Internationales Afrika-Forum: (2003), Jg. 39, Quart. 1, S. 65-67
The rights of child witnesses versus the accused's right to confrontation: a comparative perspective / Fawzia Cassim
In: The comparative and international law journal of Southern Africa: (2003), vol. 36, no. 1, p. 65-82
The state of juvenile justice in Tanzania : a fact-finding report on legal and practical considerations / Clement J. Mashamba & Living R. Kimaro / Kituo cha Sheria na Haki za Binadamu, Tanzania. - Dar es Salaam : Legal and Human Rights Centre, 2003
Understanding children's rights : the case of corporal punishment in rural Uganda / Lillian Tibatemwa-Ekirikubinza
In: East African journal of peace & human rights: (2003), vol. 9, no. 1, p. 115-143
Children and War, Child Soldiers
"Paper protection" mechanisms : child soldiers and the international protection of children in Africa's conflict zones / David J. Francis
In: The journal of modern African studies: (2007), vol. 45, no. 2, p. 207-231 : tab
A long way gone : memoirs of a boy soldier / Ishmael Beah. - London : Fourth Estate, 2007
Blood diamond / Edward Zwick. - [Amsterdam] : Warner Home Video, 2007. - 1 dvd-video (137 min.). : kleur, geluid, breedbeeld.
En toen moest ik mijn broer doodbijten / Els De Temmerman. - Antwerpen ; Amsterdam : Houtekiet, 2007
Recollections of childhood experiences during the Nigerian civil war / Egodi Uchendu
In: Africa : journal of the International African Institute: (2007), vol. 77, no. 3, p. 393-418 : krt
The post-conflict treatment of child soldiers : the case of Liberia / Lindsy Shorr
In: East African journal of peace & human rights: (2007), vol. 13, no. 1, p. 1-29
When a child is not a child : the scourge of child soldiering in Africa / Divya Singh
In: African human rights law journal: (2007), vol. 7, no. 1, p. 206-224
Child soldiers : from violence to protection / Michael Wessells. - Cambridge, MA [etc.] : Harvard University Press, 2006
Child soldiers in Africa / Alcinda Honwana. - Philadelphia, PA : University of Pennsylvania Press, 2006. - (The ethnography of political violence)
La guerre, un jeu d'enfants? : enfants soldats : la problématique des filles / Régine Gachoud
In: African yearbook of international law: (2006), vol. 14, p. 75-123
La protection de la femme et de l'enfant dans les conflits armés en Afrique / Innocent Biruka. - Paris [etc.] : L'Harmattan, 2006. - (Études africaines)
Challenges in establishing the accountability of child soldiers for human rights violations : restorative justice as an option / Godfrey M. Musila
In: African human rights law journal: (2005), vol. 5, no. 2, p. 321-334
Invisible stakeholders : children and war in Africa / Angela MacIntyre (ed.). - Pretoria : Institute for Security Studies, 2005
J'étais enfant-soldat / Lucien Badjoko & Katia Clarens. - Paris : Plon, 2005
Just peace : Sudan stories on DVD / Andy Jones. - London : ScreenStation Productions, 2005. - 1 dvd-video (65 min.). : kleur, gel.
Liberia : an uncivil war / Jonathan Stack & James Brabazon. - San Francisco, CA : California Newsreel, 2005. - 1 dvd-video (102 min.). : kleur, gel.
The uncertainties of the child soldier experience and subsequent reintegration into civil society / Art Hansen
In: Displacement risks in Africa: (2005), p. 78-115
Adolescents caught between fires : coping with the trauma of war in Northern Uganda / Kennedy P'Olak Amone. - Leiden : Universiteit Leiden, 2004
Children under international criminal law / Max Du Plessis
In: African security review: (2004), vol. 13, no. 2, p. 103-111
Gestolen kinderen / Ida Kniep. - Hilversum : EO, 2004. - 1 dvd-video (30 min.). : kleur, gel.
La petite fille à la Kalachnikov : ma vie d'enfant soldat / China Keitetsi. - Bruxelles : Editions Complexe/GRIP, 2004. - (Les livres du GRIP ; no. 273/274)
Lost children / Olivier Stoltz & Ali Samadi Amadi. - München : Time Bandits Films, 2004. - 1 videocassette (60 min.). : kleur, gel.
Re-examining voluntarism : youth combatants in Sierra Leone / Krijn Peters. - Pretoria : ISS, 2004. - (ISS monograph series, ISSN 1026-0412 ; no. 100)
Young soldiers : why they choose to fight / Rachel Brett & Irma Specht. - Boulder, CO [etc.] : Lynne Rienner, 2004
Africa's young soldiers : the co-option of childhood / Afua Twum-Danso. - Pretoria : Institute of Security Studies, 2003. - (ISS monograph series, ISSN 1026-0412 ; no. 82)
Children and youth in Sierra Leone's peace-building process / Angela McIntyre & Thokozani Thusi
In: African security review: (2003), vol. 12, no. 2, p. 73-80
Civil wars, child soldiers and post conflict peace building in West Africa / Amadu Sesay (ed.). - Ibadan : College Press and Publishers, 2003
Kadogo : enfants des guerres d'Afrique Centrale : Soudan, Ouganda, Rwanda, R-D Congo / Hervé Cheuzeville. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2003
Kinder im Krieg im Kontext der afrikanischen Literatur / Pierrette Herzberger-Fofana
In: Internationales Afrika-Forum: (2003), Jg. 39, Quart. 1, S. 77-86
Military patrimonialism and child soldier clientalism in the Liberian and Sierra Leonean civil wars / William P. Murphy
In: African studies review: (2003), vol. 46, no. 2, p. 61-87
Rights, root causes and recruitment : the youth factor in Africa's armed conflicts / Angela McIntyre
In: African security review: (2003), vol. 12, no. 2, p. 91-99
Stolen children : abduction and recruitment in Northern Uganda / Jo Becker & Tony Tate. - New York, NY : Human Rights Watch, 2003. - (Human rights watch publications, A: Sub-Saharan Africa ; vol. 15 (2003), no. 7 (March))
Violence, reconciliation and identity : the reintegration of Lord's Resistance Army child abductees in Northern Uganda / Angela Veale & Aki Stavrou. - Pretoria : ISS, 2003. - (ISS monograph series, ISSN 1026-0412 ; no. 92)
Wenn aus Kindern Killer werden / Wolfgang Schonecke
In: Internationales Afrika-Forum: (2003), Jg. 39, Quart. 1, S. 69-75
Youth and war in Sierra Leone / Julia Maxted
In: African identities: (2003), vol. 1, no. 1, p. [69]-78 : foto's
Children and Work, Child Labour, Street Children
Moisés : kind van Mozambique / Marijke Teeuw. - Eindhoven : Pepijn, 2008
Risk and schooling decisions in rural Madagascar : a panel data-analysis / Flore Gubert & Anne Sophie Robilliard
In: Journal of African economies: (2008), vol. 17, no. 2, p. 207-238 : graf., tab
Agency in and from the margins: street children and youth in N'djaména, Chad / Mirjam de Bruijn
In: Strength beyond structure : social and historical trajectories of agency in Africa: (2007), p. 263-284 : foto's, krt
Child work and schooling : the role of household asset profiles and poverty in rural Ethiopia / John Cockburn & Benoit Dostie
In: Journal of African economies: (2007), vol. 16, no. 4, p. 519-563 : graf., tab
Girl farm labour and double-shift schooling in The Gambia : the paradox of development intervention / Pamela Kea
In: Canadian journal of African studies: (2007), vol. 41, no. 2, p. 258-288
Selection and reporting bias in household surveys of child labor : evidence from Tanzania / Yohanne N. Kidolezi
In: African development review: (2007), vol. 19, no. 2, p. 368-378 : tab
Child domestic workers in Zimbabwe / Michael Bourdillon & Tinashe Pfigu. - Harare [etc.] : Weaver Press [etc.], 2006
Child labour or child work? : whither policy / Victor Ngonidzashe Muzvidziwa
In: Research review: (2006), n.s., vol. 22, no. 1, p. 23-33
Children at work : child labor practices in Africa / Anne Kielland & Maurizia Tovo. - Boulder, CO [etc.] : Lynne Rienner, 2006
Diversity and difference in the everyday lives of Ugandan street children: the significance of age and gender for understanding the use of space / Lorraine Van Blerk
In: Social dynamics: (2006), vol. 32, no. 1, p. 47-74 : fig
Household size and composition as correlates of child labour in urban Nigeria / Dimeji Togunde & Sarah Richardson
In: Africa development: (2006), vol. 31, no. 1, p. 50-65 : tab
Le travail des enfants en Afrique subsaharienne : le cas du Bénin, du Gabon et du Togo / Denise Landria Ndembi. - Paris [etc.] : L'Harmattan, 2006. - (Études africaines)
Les enfants des rues, l'État et les ONG: qui produit l'espace urbain? : les exemples de Yaoundé (Cameroun) et d'Antananarivo (Madagascar) / Marie Morelle
In: Afrique contemporaine: (2006), no. 217, p. 217-229
Les enfants des rues: pauvreté monétaire et pauvreté affective / Jérôme Ballet
In: Formes sociales de la pauvreté en Mauritanie: (cop. 2006), p. 77-112 : graf., tab
Les enfants en rupture en RDC : analyse d'une expérience d'enquête collective / Aimé Kakudji
In: Civilisations: (2006), vol. 54, no. 1/2, p. 125-133
Les enfants pêcheurs au Ghana : travail traditionnel ou exploitation / France Manghardt. - Paris [etc.] : L'Harmattan, 2006. - (Études africaines)
The 'picaninny wage': an historical overview of the persistence of structural inequality and child labour in South Africa / S. L. Levine
In: Anthropology Southern Africa: (2006), vol. 29, no. 3/4, p. 122-131
The impact of the 2001/2002 hunger crisis on child labour and education: a case study of Kasungu and Mchinji Districts in central Malawi / Alister Munthali
In: Current issues of rural development in Malawi: (2006), p. 23-65 : graf
Education in Namibia : a collection of essays / M. L. Mostert & C. D. Kasanda (ed.). - Windhoek : University of Namibia Press, 2005
État nutritionnel et histoire de vie des "enfants de la rue" à N'Djamena (Tchad) / Mirjam de Bruijn & Nakar Djindil
In: Psychopathologie africaine: (2005), vol. 33, no. 2, p. 183-211 : graf., krt., tab
Grandir à Nima (Ghana) : les figures du travail dans un faubourg populaire d'Accra / Martin Verlet. - Paris : Karthala, 2005. - (Hommes et sociétés, ISSN 0290-6600)
Youth, crime and urban renewal in the Western Cape / Tony Roshan Samara
In: Journal of Southern African studies: (2005), vol. 31, no. 1, p. 209-227
'Njàngaan': the daily regime of qur'ânic students in twentieth-century Senegal / Rudolph T. Ware
In: The international journal of African historical studies: (2004), vol. 37, no. 3, p. 515-538
Child labor and Africanist scholarship : a critical overview / Beverly Grier
In: African studies review: (2004), vol. 47, no. 2, p. 1-25
Child labor in sub-Saharan Africa / Loretta Elizabeth Bass. - Boulder, CO [etc.] : Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2004
Enfants des rues d'Afrique centrale : Douala et Kinshasa : de l'analyse à l'action / Bernard Pirot. - Paris : Karthala, 2004. - (Questions d'enfances)
Enfants sorciers : entre magie et misère / Aurore D'Haeyer. - Bruxelles : Labor, 2004. - (La Noria)
Family and child labour : a study of child hawkers in Calabar / Joseph Okokon Charles & Arit O. Charles
In: Journal of social development in Africa: (2004), vol. 19, no. 2, p. 113-133 : tab
Les enfants de la rue à Abidjan : une étude socioanthropologique des éléments symptomatiques de la crise ivoirienne / Léa Salmon-Marchat. - Paris [etc.] : L'Harmattan, 2004. - (Socioanthropologie)
Tanzanian childhoods : street children's narratives of 'home' / Ruth M. C. Evans
In: Journal of contemporary African studies: (2004), vol. 22, no. 1, p. 69-92 : ill
Trade, reputation, and child labor in twentieth-century Egypt / Ellis Goldberg. - New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2004
Attending school: two 'Rs' and child work in rural Ethiopia / Assefa Admassie & Arjun Singh Bedi. - The Hague : Institute of Social Studies, 2003. - (Working paper series / Institute of Social Studies. General series, ISSN 0921-0210 ; no. 387)
Child labour in the context of globalisation in Nigeria / Edlyne E. Anugwom
In: The African anthropologist: (2003), vol. 10, no. 2, p. 105-124 : tab
Enfants et adolescents en danger dans la rue à Bamako (Mali) : questions cliniques et anthropologiques à partir d'une pratique / Olivier Douville
In: Psychopathologie africaine: (2003), vol. 32, no. 1, p. 55-89
Girls on the street / Michael Bourdillon & Rumbidzai Rurevo. - Harare : Weaver Press, 2003
In the shadow of the Sheraton : imagining localities in global spaces in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania / Eileen Marie Moyer. - [S.l. : s.n.], 2003
Le travail des enfants à Ouagadougou / Banza Baya
In: Études urbaines à Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso): (2003), p. 145-160 : foto's
Urban life and street children's health : children's accounts of urban hardships and violence in Tanzania / Joe L. Lugalla & Colleta G. Kibassa. - Münster [etc.] : LIT Verlag, 2003. - (Afrikanische Studien ; 16)
Children and Health
Africa's future, Africa's challenge : early childhood care and development in Sub-Saharan Africa / Marito H. Garcia, Alan Pence, & Judith L. Evans (ed.). - Washington, DC : World Bank, 2008
Infant mortality in Uganda : determinants, trends and the millennium development goals / Sarah Ssewanyana & Stephen D. Younger
In: Journal of African economies: (2008), vol. 17, no. 1, p. 34-61 : graf., tab
Contexte de paupérisation et mortalité des enfants ruraux au Rwanda, 1980-1994 / Lise Beck. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2007. - (Collection populations)
Enfants abandonnés en Algérie : une clinique des origines / Mourad Merdaci. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2007. - (Histoire et perspectives méditerranéennes)
A critical analysis of paradigms and rights in disability discourses / Laura Nyirinkindi
In: East African journal of peace & human rights: (2006), vol. 12, no. 1, p. 49-64
Endangered bodies : women, children and health in Africa / Toyin Falola & Matthew M. Heaton (ed.). - Trenton, NJ : Africa World Press, 2006
Health care in rural South Africa : an innovative approach / Adri Vermeer & Hugo Tempelman (ed.). - Amsterdam : VU University Press, 2006
Migration, urbanisation and child health: an African perspective / Michel Garenne
In: Africa on the move : African migration and urbanisation in comparative perspective: (2006), p. 252-279 : graf., krt., tab
Post-marital return to natal home to have the first birth : does this sociocultural tradition disempower women? : evidence from Gweru, Zimbabwe / Crescentia Madebwe & Victor Madebwe
In: Eastern Africa social science research review: (2006), vol. 22, no. 2, p. 51-64 : tab
Preliminary investigation of adherence to antiretroviral therapy among children in Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital, Nigeria / Mariya Mukhtar-Yola
In: African journal of AIDS research: (2006), vol. 5, no. 2, p. 141-144 : tab
Problématisations de la maladie de l'enfant et concurrences dans l'espace thérapeutique à Lougsi (Burkina Faso) : (histoire sociale de l'usage de la maladie dans une société lignagère) / Natéwindé Sawadogo. - [S.l. : s.n.], 2006
Reproductive, maternal and child health in Africa: current developments and future direction / Chuks J. Mba & Emmanuel Ngwe (ed.). - Dakar : UEPA/UAPS, 2006. - (Réseaux thématiques de recherche de l'UEPA ; no. 6)
Socio-cultural factors that influence child survival in Nyang'oma sublocation, Bondo district / Jerusha Akoth Ouma
In: Mila: (2006), n.s., vol. 7, p. 41-48
The burden of childhood malaria : an anthropological insight into a major medical problem / Maurice Kong'ong'o
In: Research review: (2006), n.s., vol. 22, no. 1, p. 15-22
Beyond the health centre : a case study on reproductive and child health in Mwanza, Tanzania / Dinasas Abdella & Hélène Raad. - [S.l. : s.n.], 2005
Child survival, poverty, and labor in Africa / Kempe Ronald Hope. - [S.l.] : Taylor & Francis, 2005. - (Overdr.uit: Journal of children & poverty ; vol. 11, no. 1 (2005), p. 19-42)
Chocs externes, gestion de l'État et mortalité des enfants en Zambie de 1964 à 1998 / Albert Enéas Gakusi, Michel Garenne & Guillaume Gaullier
In: African development review: (2005), vol. 17, no. 1, p. 70-105 : fig., graf., tab
Counting on communication : the Uganda nutrition and early childhood development project / Cecilia Cabañero-Verzosa. - Washington, DC. The World Bank, 2005. - (World Bank working paper, ISSN 1726-5878 ; 59)
Le conte comme technique thérapeutique de prise en charge de l'agressivité chez un enfant dysharmonique : Abidjan (Côte d'Ivoire) / Denis Koménan Dagou
In: Psychopathologie africaine: (2005), vol.33, no. 3, p. 347-366 : ill
The impact of living standards on childhood mortality in South Africa : evidence from cross-sectional data / Henry V. Doctor & Sandile E. Simelane
In: Journal of social development in Africa: (2005), vol. 20, no. 2, p. 7-38 : graf., tab
Using WinBUGS to study family frailty in child mortality, with an application to child survival in Ivory Coast / Marie Claire Koissi & Göran Högnäs
In: African population studies: (2005), vol. 20, no. 1, p. [1]-17 : graf., tab
Xale yi xiboun : de invloed van lokale gebruiken op de voedingstatus van kinderen van nul tot vijf jaar in Tivaouane en Terokh/Yindane, Senegal / J. T. Mars. - [S.l. : s.n.], 2005
Child mortality and socioeconomic status in sub-Saharan Africa / Agbessi Amouzou & Kenneth Hill
In: African population studies: (2004), vol. 19, no. 1, p. 1-11 : graf., tab
Désir d'enfant chez la mère séropositive ayant un enfant infecté par le VIH/SIDA / H. go-Akribi & M. C. Cacou
In: African population studies: (2004), vol. 19, suppl. B, p. 103-114 : tab
Disability among the children of migrants in South Africa / Kevin J. A. Thomas
In: African population studies: (2004), vol. 19, suppl. B, p. 139-164 : graf., tab
Enquête sur la mortalité infantile et le paludisme, EMIP 2003-2004 / Ahmed Ould Isselmou. - Nouakchott : Office national de la stistitique [etc.], 2004
Fréquentation scolaire des jeunes filles et risques d'infection à VIH: espoir ou inquiétude?
le cas de Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso / Banza Baya
In: African population studies: (2004), vol. 19, suppl. B, p. 81-101 : graf., tab
How do children with disabilities experience poverty, disability and service delivery : a report on participatory workshops / Glynis Clacherty, Kgethi Matshai & Washeila Sait. - Cape Town : IDASA, 2004
La malnutrition infantile en milieu urbain africain : étude des étiologies relationnelles / Jean François Bouville. - Paris [etc.] : L'Harmattan, 2004
Risks, amenities, and child mortality in rural South Africa / Solveig Argeseanu
In: African population studies: (2004), vol. 19, no. 1, p. 13-33 : tab
Socioeconomic status and child mortality: an illustration using housing and household characteristics from African census data / Ayaga A. Bawah & Tukufu Zuberi
In: African population studies: (2004), vol. 19, suppl. B, p. 9-29 : graf., tab
Soigner les enfants exclusivement à domicile en cas de paludisme en milieu rural sénégalais: un effet de la pauvreté? / Sylvain Landry Faye, Richard Lalou & Agnès Adjamagbo
In: African population studies: (2004), vol. 19, suppl. A, p. 221-240 : krt
The effect of living standards on childhood mortality in Malawi / Henry V. Doctor
In: African population studies: (2004), vol. 19, suppl. A, p. 241-263 : fig., tab
The spatial epidemiology of childhood diseases in Malawi and Zambia / Kandala Ngianga-Bakwin & Nyovani Madise
In: African population studies: (2004), vol. 19, suppl. B, p. 199-226 : graf., krt., tab
Tired of weeping : mother love, child death, and poverty in Guinea-Bissau / Jónína Einardsdóttir. - Madison : University of Wisconsin Press, 2004. - (Women in Africa and the diaspora)
Child morbidity and mortality in slum environments along Nairobi River / Margaret Nyanchoka Keraka & Wellington Nguya Wamicha
In: Eastern Africa social science research review: (2003), vol. 19, no. 1, p. 41-57 : fig., tab
Structural adjustment: source of structural adversity : socio-economic stress, health and child nutritional status in Zimbabwe / Leonardus Antonius Bijlmakers. - Leiden : African Studies Centre, 2003. - (Research report / African Studies Centre ; 69)
War crisis and child mortality in Eritrea : 1981-1995 / Gebremariam Woldemicael
In: Journal of Eritrean studies: (2003), vol. 2, no. 1/2, p. 1-8 : graf., tab
Child Care, Orphanhood
Breaching cultural silence: enhancing resilience among Ugandan orphans / Marguerite Daniel
In: African journal of AIDS research: (2007), vol. 6, no. 2, p. 109-120 : tab
Community-based care of children with HIV in Potchefstroom, South Africa / Anneke Van Graan, Engela Van der Walt & Mada Watson
In: African journal of AIDS research: (2007), vol. 6, no. 3, p. 305-313 : tab
Les enfants aussi ont une histoire : travail de mémoire et résilience au temps du sida / Philippe Denis (ed.). - Paris : Karthala, 2007. - (Questions d'enfances)
Outcomes of community based orphan care programmes in Malawi / Betty J. Beard
In: Journal of social development in Africa: (2007), vol. 22, no. 1, p. 35-52
Practices of relatedness and the re-invention of 'duol' as a network of care for orphans and widows in western Kenya / Erick Otieno Nyambedha & Jens agaard-Hansen
In: Africa : journal of the International African Institute: (2007), vol. 77, no. 4, p. 517-534
Vulnerability to HIV infection among Luo female adolescent orphans in Western Kenya / Erick Otieno Nyambedha
In: African journal of AIDS research: (2007), vol. 6, no. 3, p. 287-295
World and experiences of AIDS orphans in north central Namibia / Mienke van der Brug. - Leiden : African Studies Centre, 2007. - (African studies collection, ISSN 1876-018X ; 1)
Yakubas neues Leben: zum Wandel der Kindpflegschaftspraxis bei den ländlichen Fée (Mokollé) in Nordbenin / Jeannett Martin
In: Afrika Spectrum: (2007), Jg. 42, H. 2, p. 219-249
Children affected by AIDS : Africa's orphaned and vulnerable generations / United Nations Children's Fund, New York;UNAIDS Secretariat, Geneva;U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, Washington. - New York [etc.] : UNICEF [etc.], 2006
Psychosocial disadvantage: preparation, grieving, remembrance and recovery for orphans in eastern Zimbabwe / Brian Howard
In: African journal of AIDS research: (2006), vol. 5, no. 1, p. 71-83 : graf., tab
Special issue on orphans and other vulnerable children / Linda Dube & Tomaida Banda (ed.). - Harare : School of Social Work, 2006. - (Journal of social development in Africa, ISSN 1012-1080 ; vol. 21, no. 1)
Stratégies familiales de prise en charge des orphélins et autres enfants vulnérables en Mauritanie / Mohameden Ould Lafdal & Abdoulaye Sow
In: Formes sociales de la pauvreté en Mauritanie: (cop. 2006), p. 113-143 : tab
A comparative study of extended family system versus institutional childcare for orphaned and vulnerable children in Northern Zambia / Peter Mutale Kangwa & Lightwel Chongo. - Lusaka : Ministry of Finance and National Planning, Zambia Social Investment Fund, 2005
AIDS, orphans, crime, and instability : exploring the linkages / Robyn Pharoah & Taya Weiss. - Pretoria : Institute for Security Studies (ISS), 2005. - (ISS paper, ISSN 1026-0404 ; no. 107)
Aidswezen in KwaMhlanga, Zuid-Afrika : scriptie / Gerdien van Bruchem. - [S.l. : s.n.], 2005
Beyond liminality : orphanhood and marginalisation in Botswana / Marguerite Daniel
In: African journal of AIDS research: (2005), vol. 4, no. 3, p. 195-204 : graf., tab
Childcare in poor urban settlements in Swaziland in an era of HIV/AIDS / Lynne Jones
In: African journal of AIDS research: (2005), vol. 4, no. 3, p. 161-171 : tab
Childhood memories and contemporary parenting in Ekiti, Nigeria / Elisha P. Renne
In: Africa : journal of the International African Institute: (2005), vol. 75, no. 1, p. 63-82
Developmental vulnerabilities and strengths of children living in child-headed households : a comparison with children in adult-headed households in equivalent impoverished communities / David Donald & Glynis Clacherty
In: African journal of AIDS research: (2005), vol. 4, no. 1, p. 21-28 : tab
Loveness and her brothers : trajectories of life for children orphaned by HIV/AIDS in Zambia / C. Bawa Yamba
In: African journal of AIDS research: (2005), vol. 4, no. 3, p. 205-210
Positioning children and institutions of childcare in contemporary Uganda / Catrine Christiansen
In: African journal of AIDS research: (2005), vol. 4, no. 3, p. 173-182
Take a look at me now! : children's experiences and agency in orphanhood / Eefje Smet. - [S.l. : s.n.], 2005
The children left to stand alone / Sidsel Roalkvam
In: African journal of AIDS research: (2005), vol. 4, no. 3, p. 211-218
The Oscar van Leer award 2005 for excellence in enabling parents and communities to help young children realise their full potential / Wendy Stone. - The Hague : Bernard van Leer Foundation, 2005
A generation at risk? : HIV/AIDS, vulnerable children and security in Southern Africa / Robyn Pharoah (ed.). - Pretoria : Institute for Security Studies, 2004. - (ISS monograph series, ISSN 1026-0412 ; no. 109)
Beyond fishing : KCDF's approach to capacity development / Nora Mwaura. - The Hague : Bernard van Leer Foundation, 2004. - (Working papers in early childhood development, ISSN 1383-7907 ; 32)
Change and continuity in kin-based support systems for widows and orphans among the Luo in western Kenya / Erick Otieno Nyambedha
In: African sociological review: (2004), vol. 8, no. 1, p. 139-153
Children in crisis : family care under review / Christine Oppong, Kari Wærness, & Deborah Atobrah (ed.). - Legon : Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana, 2004. - (Research review, ISSN 0855-4412 ; suppl. 16)
Grandparents and grandchildren / Wenzel Geissler & Erdmute Alber (ed.). - [Edinburgh : Edinburgh U.P.], 2004. - (Africa, ISSN 0001-9720 ; vol. 74, no. 1)

Reaching out to Africa's orphans : a framework for public action / Kalanidhi Subbarao & Diane Coury. - Washington, D.C : World Bank, 2004. - (Africa region human development series)
Social adjustment of Kenyan orphaned grandchildren, perceived caregiving stresses and discipline strategies used by their fostering grandmothers / Paul Odhiambo Oburu. - [Göteborg] [etc.] : Psykologiska Institutionen [etc.], 2004. - (Avhandling)
Survey of the needs of HIV/AIDS orphaned children and foster parents and the implications of these needs on care giving : a case for Murehwa District / Cleophas Chidakwa & Cuthbert Majoni
In: Zimbabwe journal of educational research: (2004), vol. 16, no. 3, p. 215-227
The effect of early childhood development programmes on women's labour force participation and older children's schooling in Kenya / Michael M. Lokshin, Elena Glinskaya & Marito Garcia
In: Journal of African economies: (2004), vol. 13, no. 2, p. 240-276 : krt., tab
Willingness to care for children orphaned by HIV/AIDS : a study of foster and adoptive parents / Loraine Townsend & Andy Dawes
In: African journal of AIDS research: (2004), vol. 3, no. 1, p. 69-80 : graf., tab
AIDS-Waisen in Afrika / Maria Groos
In: Internationales Afrika-Forum: (2003), Jg. 39, Quart. 1, S. 59-62
Facteurs socioculturels et problématique du support identificatoire paternel à l'adolescence : à propos d'un cas clinique à Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) / Arouna Ouédraogo & Sélouké Siranyan
In: Psychopathologie africaine: (2003), vol. 32, no. 3, p. 261-271
Orphans' household circumstances and access to education in a maturing HIV epidemic in eastern Zimbabwe / Constance A. Nyamukapa, Geoff Foster & Simon Gregson
In: Journal of social development in Africa: (2003), vol. 18, no. 2, p. 7-32 : graf., tab
Predicting the social consequences of orphanhood in South Africa / Rachel Bray
In: African journal of AIDS research: (2003), vol. 2, no. 1, p. 39-55 : tab
The children of Africa confront AIDS : from vulnerability to possibility / Arvind Singhal & W. Stephen Howard (ed.). - Athens : Ohio University Press, 2003. - (Ohio University research in international studies. Africa series ; 80)
Selected web resources
The ASC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.
Africa Renewal - Children
Survey of articles on children in Africa produced by the Africa Renewal information programme (formerly Africa Recovery), created by the UN Africa Section, Strategic Communications Division, in cooperation
with the UN Website Section, Department of Public Information.
African Child Policy Forum
The African Child Policy Forum is an independent, pan-African advocacy organization working for the realization of children’s rights. The work of the Forum is rights-based, inspired by universal values and informed by global experiences and knowledge. Based in Addis Ababa.
African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child
The African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACERWC) draws its mandate from articles 32-46 of the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child, which was adopted by the Heads of State and Government of the OAU on 11th July 1990 and came into force on 29th November 1999. The site contains the text of the Charter, reports of Committee meetings, events & activities.
African Network for the Prevention and Protection against Child Abuse and Neglect
Pan-African network that promotes child rights and child protection in Africa, founded in 1986 in Enugu, Nigeria, at the first Child Labour Conference. It has national chapters in 22 African countries and is headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya.
Children’s Institute, University of Cape Town
The Children’s Institute aims to contribute to policies, laws and interventions that promote equality and realise the rights and improve the conditions of all children in South Africa, through research, advocacy, education and technical support. The Institute operates through programmes which are based on four key challenges facing children in South Africa: children’s rights, child health services, child poverty, and HIV/AIDS.
International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour –Africa
The ILO’s International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour (IPEC) was created in 1992 with the overall goal of the progressive elimination of child labour. Africa is a high priority for IPEC.
Institute for the African Child, Center for African Studies, Ohio University
The children of Africa are the interdisciplinary focus of the Institute for the African Child at Ohio University. The Institute promotes research, teaching, and service that consider children in the process of the African continent's socio-economic development. The site contains info on faculty research, graduate studies, conferences, working papers, resources, etc.
UNICEF - data by country
UNICEF's page giving access to data, searchable by country