Destination Africa
On the occasion of the international conference ‘Destination Africa’, organized by the ASCL’s and AEGIS collaborative research group ‘Africa in the World’ in Leiden on 22 and 23 March 2018, the ASCL Library has compiled a web dossier on this theme. The dossier starts with an introduction to the subject by ASCL researcher Mayke Kaag. It consists of selected items from the ASCL Library Catalogue, published in the last ten years. The selection has been extended with online sources available through the UBL Catalogue, and a few open access sources. Titles link to the corresponding record in the online catalogue, which provides additional details and abstracts, where available.
Political and economic engagements
Humanitarianism and development
Social and cultural encounters
Diasporic engagements and returnees
In an era of rising anxiety in Europe over African immigration, fueled by media images and politicians talking of a ‘tsunami’ of migrants from Africa ‘invading’ Europe, chasing ‘our’ wealth and challenging ‘our’ values, it seems worthwhile to reverse the perspective and to consider current movements towards Africa and Africa as a centre of global connectivity. Examples abound: Western and Asian companies increasingly invest in Africa to capture one of the world’s largest unsaturated markets in consumer goods and services; hundreds of thousands of Chinese migrants have settled in Africa; the Arab states, Turkey and Malaysia are heavily investing in Islamic education in the continent, while Evangelical Churches from the Americas also see Africa as an important missionary ground; Brazilian agricultural schemes are implanted in Mozambique; Indian and Korean academics lead new Ethiopian universities, and the highly prized safari tourism in Tanzania or Botswana has reached new heights, thanks to an influx of new upper-class clients from Asia and the Arab countries, among others. In addition, the migration of young African professionals returning to their ‘home’ countries, investments in African land markets by African migrants, and intra-African investment by African multinationals are booming. It is true that the wave of ‘Afro-Optimism’ of the last decade has suffered severe setbacks in recent years. One of the factors is the obvious mass migration of young Africans, who frequently originate not from failed states and civil war regions, but from countries like Ghana or Senegal, which are considered internationally as top-performing and democratic countries. Furthermore, the economic and political turmoil in South Africa, the state collapse in South Sudan, and the reappearance of pictures of mass starvation of African children have darkened the picture. An increasing number of Africans and non-Africans, however, consider Africa as the place to be and stay.
The aim of the ‘Destination Africa’ conference (Leiden, 22 and 23 March 2018) is to further explore this idea of contemporary Africa as a global meeting point. Important questions include the ways in which people in Africa perceive this new influx and how they navigate, negotiate, engage, and possibly struggle to strike a balance between their own interests and those of the ‘newcomers’, including their evaluation of questions concerning integration, and the distribution of profits and resources. The conference also aims to shed greater light on the motivations, interests, negotiation strategies and navigating practices of those who see Africa as a destination. Finally, it is important to put these current global encounters on African soil in a historical perspective.
For this webdossier, we have compiled an overview of bibliographical and web resources treating diverse aspects of the various current movements towards Africa. In the following, they will be presented under the following headings:
- Political and economic engagements
- Humanitarianism and development
- Social and cultural encounters
- Diasporic engagements and returnees
The start of Africa’s recent economic rise coinciding with the growing interest in the continent of China and other emerging global players, particularly from the mid-2000s boosted the production of academic and policy studies that tried to describe and make sense of these new developments. In the beginning, they mainly focused on the economic and political aspects (including questions of development) of these new global actors’ engagements with Africa. It was only later that more local, ethnographic studies started to appear that not so much focused on the economic and political, but started to investigate the social and cultural aspects of encounters on African soil and in which African perceptions got a more prominent place. Examples include relationships between Chinese and Indian entrepreneurs and their African employees and clients. Tourism and education are other noticeable fields of social and cultural (non-)encounters.
The steadily growing corpus of literature focusing on engagements of the African diaspora, and particularly of those returning to Africa, with the economic and political changes in their countries of origin deserves specific attention. While diaspora agents and returning migrants are heralded as development actors par excellence in many policy documents, studies like Africa’s return migrants also show the challenges involved for returnees to integrate and make things work for them and for their communities. Publications on the Horn of Africa and on Somalia in particular are overrepresented in this category and mainly focus on political issues, while West-Africa’s booming economies (Nigeria and Ghana) provide another accent. In this latter category, particularly studies on the role of young diasporic professionals returning to their countries of origin stand out as an important addition to the literature. Sadder stories are provided by studies and films focusing on deportees to Africa who did not chose this destination for themselves at this point in their lives.
Historical studies remain crucial for understanding current developments and aspects of change and continuity in Africa’s global positioning and relationships with the rest of the world. These include studies on the precolonial and colonial eras, but also longue durée studies like Bayart’s seminal work and studies focusing on contemporary history, such as Monson’s work on the Tazara Railway, shedding light on the Cold War period.
Mayke Kaag, African Studies Centre Leiden
Political and economic engagements
African media and the corporate takeover: Video film circulation in the age of neoliberal transformations / Alessandro Jedlowski
In: African Affairs (2017), vol. 116, no. 465, p. 671-691
Ethiopia’s Asian Options: A Collage of African and Asian Entanglements / Frauke Katharina Eckl, et al.
In: Insight on Africa (2017), vol. 9, no. 2, p. 89-108
North Korean monuments in Southern Africa: legitimizing party rule through the National Heroes' Acres in Zimbabwe and Namibia / Tycho van der Hoog
[S.l. : s.n.] , 2017.
India-Kenya relations : socio-economic perspectives / Prasenjeet Harish Khanderao.
Jaipur [etc.] : ABD Publishers, 2016.
Indonesia in Africa : revitalizing relations / István Tarrósy.
Leiden : African Studies Centre 2016.
Small-scale gold mining : Chinese operations in Cameroon / Katja Becker and Jonathan Happ ; in cooperation with the BMBF-funded project AFRASO (Africas Asian Options) (Free access)
Blanke boeren zonder erf / Maarten Blokzijl
China's second continent : how a million migrants are building a new empire in Africa / Howard W. French
New York : Vintage Books, a division of Random House LLC , 2015.
South Korea in Africa : from arbitrary foreign policy to win-win ideology / Emre Bari Kanik
Leiden : African Studies Centre , 2015. - ASC infosheet ; 26
Startups head to Lagos's Silicon Valley: the Lagos suburb of Yaba is becoming a hub for technology startup companies because of its ready talent pool and reliable amenities / Temitayo Omotola
In: African Business (2015), no. 424, p. 78
China and Mozambique : from comrades to capitalists / Chris Alden and Sérgio Inacio Chichava (ed.)
Auckland Park : Jacana Media , 2014.
Corporate social responsibility and Chinese oil : multinationals in the oil and gas industry of Nigera : an appraisal / Eghosa Osa Ekhator
In: Cadernos de Estudos Africanos: (2014), no. 28, p. 119-140
Demystifying Chinese business strength in urban Senegal and Ghana : structural change and the performativity of rumours / Laurence Marfaing and Alena Thiel
In: Canadian Journal of African Studies: (2014), vol. 48, no. 3, p. 405-423 : tab
La révolution des produits chinois en Afrique Consommation de masse et nouvelle culture matérielle / Antoine Kernen and Guive Khan Mohammad
In: Politique africaine (2014), vol. 134, no. 2, p. 111
L'Afrique, nouveau terrain de jeu des émergents / Sebastian Santander (ed.)
Paris : Karthala , 2014. - Hommes et sociétés, ISSN 0290-6600
Le dossier : China, Ltd. : un business africain / Antoine Kernen
In: Politique africaine: (2014), no. 134, p. 5-132
New player on the scene: Turkish engagement in Africa / Katerina Rudincová
In: Bulletin of Geography. Socio-economic Series (2014), vol. 25, no. 25, p. 197-213
The role of economic factors and "guanxi" networks in the success of Chinese shops in Johannesburg, South Africa / Lodene Willemse
In: Urban Forum: (2014), vol. 25, no. 1, p. 105-123 : graf. , tab
Turkey in Africa : where economic diplomacy meets Islamic appeal / Alessandro Paolo
Leiden : African Studies Centre , 2014. - ASC infosheet ; 24
Africa and the Gulf / Michael Peel
In: Survival: (2013), vol. 55, no. 4, p. 143-154
Agricultural development and food security in Africa : the impact of Chinese, Indian and Brazilian investments / Fantu Cheru and Renu Modi (ed.)
London [etc.] : Zed Books, in association with the Nordic Africa Institute , 2013. - Africa Now
At the margins of the economy? : Chinese migrants in Lesotho's wholesale and retail sector / Sarah Hanisch
In: Africa Spectrum: (2013), vol. 48, no. 3, p. 85-97
Brazil-Africa booming business across the Atlantic / Peter Konijn and François Lenfant
Leiden : African Studies Centre , 2013. - ASC infosheet ; 18
China-Uganda and the question of mutual benefits / Ward Warmerdam and Meine Pieter van Dijk
In: South African Journal of International Affairs: (2013), vol. 20, no. 2, p. 271-295 : graf. , tab
Chinese devils, the global market, and the declining power of Togo's Nana-Benzes / Nina Sylvanus
In: African Studies Review: (2013), vol. 56, no. 1, p. 65-80
The impact of Chinese business on market entry in Ghana and Senegal / Laurence Marfaing and Alena Thiel
In: Africa / International African Institute: (2013), vol. 83, no. 4, p. 646-669
Mapping free Indian migration to Natal through a biographical lens, 1880-1930 / Kalpana Hiralal
In: New Contree: (2013), no. 66, p. 97-119 : foto
Negotiating China: reinserting African agency into China-Africa relations / Giles Mohan and Ben Lampert
In: African Affairs: (2013), vol. 112, no. 446, p. 92-110
Temporary Chinese migration to Madagascar : local perceptions, economic impacts, and human capital flows / Cornelia Tremann
In: African review of economics and finance (2013), vol. 5, no. 1, p. 275-16
India's Africa Policy : toward a more coherent engagement / Sharinee Jagtiani
Singapore : S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies , 2012. - RSIS policy brief ; no. 21
Subjects of empires/citizens of states : Yemenis in the Port of Djibouti and its hinterland / Samson Abebe Bezabeh
[S.l. : s.n.] , 2012.
Transforming innovations in Africa : explorative studies on appropriation in African societies / Jan Bart Gewald, et al.
Leiden [etc.] : Brill , 2012. - African dynamics ; v. II
African engagements : Africa negotiating an emerging multipolar world / Kjell Havnevik ed. by Ton Dietz, Mayke Kaag, Terje Oestigaard.
Leiden [etc.] : Brill, 2011. (Free access)
Africa, the Arabian Gulf and Asia : changing dynamics in contemporary West Africa's political economy / Emmanuel Akyeampong
In: Journal of African Development: (2011), vol. 13, no. 1, p. 85-115 : graf. , tab
Chinese are coming.. Series 1, Episode 1 / Justin Rowlatt, et al.
Cross-cultural entrepreneurship in the Atlantic : Africans, Dutch and Sephardic Jews in Western Africa, 1580-1674 / Cátia Antunes and Filipa Ribeiro da Silva
In: Itinerario: vol. 35 (2011), issue 1, page 49-76
From formal- to informal-sector employment : examining the Chinese presence in Zambia / Aleksandra W. Gadzala
In: Review of African Political Economy: (2010), vol. 37, no. 123, p. 41-59
Indian diaspora in Africa : a comparative perspective / Ajay Dubey (ed.)
New Delhi : MD Publications , 2010.
Raw encounters : Chinese managers, African workers, and the politics of casualization in Africa's Chinese enclaves / Ching Kwan Lee
In: Zambia, mining, and neoliberalism : boom and bust on the globalized Copperbelt / edited by Alastair Fraser and Miles Larmer. - New York : Palgrave Macmillan: (2010), p. 127-153
Spinning and weaving discontent : labour relations and the production of meaning at Zambia-China Mulungushi Textiles / Andrew Brooks
In: Journal of Southern African Studies: (2010), vol. 36, no. 1, p. 113-132
The world's first biometric money: Ghana's e-Zwich and the contemporary influence of South African biometrics / Keith Breckenridge.
In: Africa : journal of the International African Institute (2010), vol. 80, no. 4, p. 642-662 : fig
The dragon's gift : the real story of China in Africa / Deborah Brautigam
Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University Press , 2009.
La politique africaine de Taiwan : continuité et rupture / Marc Aicardi de Saint-Paul
In: Géopolitique africaine / OR. IMA International: (2009), no. 35, p. 281-298
Filipino labour migration to Nigeria : a study in labour and bilateral relations / Saliba Bahar James
Ibadan : Loud Books , 2007.
Africa in the world: a history of extraversion / Jean-François Bayart ; [transl. from the French by Stephen Ellis]
In: African affairs : the journal of the Royal African Society (2000), vol. 99, no. 395, p. 217-267 (Restricted access)
Humanitarianism and development

In: Anthropology Today (2017), vol. 33, no. 1, p. 3-5
Instrumentalisation de la coopération chinoise et transition politique au Sénégal : analyse de l'ère Wade? / Serge Banyongen.
In: Canadian journal of African studies (2017), vol. 51, no. 2, p. 199-216
India-Africa relations / S.K. Singh.
Delhi : Prashant Publishing House, 2016.
Islamic charities from the Arab world in Africa : intercultural encounters of humanitarianism and morality / Mayke Kaag.
London : Routledge, 2016.
African dam building as extraversion : the case of Sudan's dam programme, Nubian resistance, and the Saudi-Iranian proxy war in Yemen / Harry Verhoeven
In: African Affairs: (2016), vol. 115, no. 460, p. 562-573
Brazilian cities in Mozambique : South-South development co-operation or the projection of soft power? / Fritz Nganje
In: Journal of Southern African Studies: (2016), vol. 42, no. 4, p. 659-674
Defence cooperation between Brazil and Namibia:enduring ties across the South Atlantic / Pedro Seabra
In: South African Journal of International Affairs: (2016), vol. 23, no. 1, p. 89-106
The delusion of knowledge transfer : the impact of foreign aid experts on policy-making in South Africa and Tanzania / Susanne Koch and Peter Weingart
Cape Town : African Minds , 2016.
My African sojourns : a UN diplomat's experiences of working in the strife-torn countries of Africa / Nasim Ahmed and Swapnil Bharali
Dehli : Spectrum Publications , 2016.
"New friends, easier partners and bigger brothers": the influence of the emerging powers on agriculture and food security in Malawi / Tom De Bruyn
In: South African Journal of International Affairs: (2016), vol. 23, no. 1, p. 39-68
Project for the Establishment of a National Museum in the DRC and Korea's new ODA strategy: the contextualization of the DRC's history and culture / Kwang Su Kim
In: African and Asian Studies: (2016), vol. 15, no. 4, p. 408-442 : tab
South Korean development cooperation in Africa : the legacy of a developmental state / Thomas Kalinowski and Min Joung Park
In: Afrika spectrum (2016)
China in Africa : impacts and prospects for accountable development / Giles Mohan
In: The politics of inclusive development : interrogating the evidence / Samuel Hickey, Kunal Sen, & Badru Bukenya (ed.). - Oxford : Oxford University Press: (2015), p. 279-304 : tab
South Korea in Africa : from arbitrary foreign policy to win-win ideology / Emre Bari Kanik
Leiden : African Studies Centre , 2015. - ASC infosheet ; 26
Engagement with Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa : an alternative development cooperation initiative? / Darlene K. Mutalemwa and Deo P. Mutalemwa
Dar Es Salaam : Policy Forum , 2014.
From idealism to realism : a social history of the Dutch in Zambia 1965-2013 / Anne Lot Hoek
Leiden : Afrika-Studiecentrum , 2014. - ASC occasional publications ; 20
Gulf charities in Africa / Mayke Kaag
Berlin : Gerlach , 2014.
Japan's foreign aid to Africa : Angola and Mozambique within the TICAD process / Pedro Amakasu Raposo
London [etc.] : Routledge , 2014. - Routledge contemporary Japan series ; 51
Korea's soft power as an alternative approach to Africa in development cooperation : beyond economic interest-led perspectives of Korea-Africa relations? / Kyu Deug Hwang
In: African and Asian Studies: (2014), vol. 13, no. 3, p. 249-271
Peacekeeping in Africa : the evolving security architecture / Thierry Tardy and Marco Wyss (ed.)
London [etc.] : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group , 2014. - CSS studies in security and international relations
New Maps for Africa? Contextualising the 'Chinese Model' within Ethiopian and Kenyan Paradigms of Development / Elsje Fourie
[S.l.] : University of Trento , 2013.
China's role in African agriculture / Donald L. Cassell
In: Liberian Studies Journal: (2012), vol. 37, no. 2, p. 78-115 : graf. , tab
Comparative study on "Asian" approaches to Africa : an introductory reflection / Takuo Iwata
In: African Study Monographs: (2012), vol. 33, no. 4, p. 209-231 : tab
Deploying development to counter terrorism : post-9/11 transformation of U.S. foreign aid to Africa / William F.S. Miles
In: African Studies Review: (2012), vol. 55, no. 3, p. 27-60
Les coopérations agricoles chinoises et brésiliennes en Afrique : quelles innovations dans les principes et pratiques? / Jean Jacques Gabas and Frédéric Goulet
In: Afrique contemporaine: (2012), no. 243, p. 113-131 : krt
Special issue: Between protection and stabilization? : addressing the tensions in contemporary Western interventions in Africa / Jan Bachmann and Linnéa Gelot (ed.)
Philadelphia, PA : Routledge , 2012. - African security, ISSN 1939-2206 ; vol. 5, no. 3/4
Sudan looks East : China, India & the politics of Asian alternatives / Daniel Large and Luke A. Patey (ed.)
New York : James Currey , 2011. - African issues
Africa's cooperation with new and emerging development partners: options for Africa's development / Raphael Kaplinsky and Masuma Farooki
New York : UN-OSSA , 2010.
Relief workers in African conflict zones : neutrals, targets or unlawful participants? / Shannon Bosch
In: African Security Review: (2010), vol. 19, no. 3, p. 78-93
Aide, Oumma et politique: les ONG islamiques transnationales au Tchad / Mayke Kaag
In: Islam, État et société en Afrique / René Otayek et Benjamin Soares (éd.). - Paris : Karthala, cop. 2009. - p. 133-159
Nouveaux acteurs religieux en Afrique du Sud: l'exemple de l'humanitaire islamique / Samadia Sadouni
In: Islam, État et société en Afrique / René Otayek et Benjamin Soares (éd.). - Paris : Karthala, cop. 2009. - p. 161-183
The uncertain business of doing good : outsiders in Africa / Larry Krotz
East Lansing, MI : Michigan state university press , 2009.
Divine interventions? Humanitarian aid and Qur'anic schools in Senegal / Sara Thiam
ProQuest Dissertations Publishing 2008.
You can't just blame the crocodile : Delft engineers travel into sustainability / Mark Mulder
Delft : University Delft , 2008.
Social and cultural encounters
To live in paradise : a memoir of dreams found and dreams lost in the heart of Africa / Cindi McVey.
Pawcatuck, CT : Homebound Publications, cop. 2014.
China-Africa media interactions : media and popular culture between business and state intervention / guest ed.: Alessandro Jedlowski & Ute Röschenthaler.
Abingdon : Taylor & Francis, 2017.
Iron sharpens iron : social interactions at China shops in Botswana / Yanyin Zi.
Bamenda, : Langaa Research & Publishing Common Initiative Group, 2017.
Mobility between Africa, Asia and Latin America : economic networks and cultural interactions / ed. by Ute Röschenthaler and Alessandro Jedlowski.
London : Zed Books, 2017.
« Venues pour les plages, restées pour les garçons » ? du tourisme à l’expatriation amoureuse des femmes occidentales à Zanzibar / Altaïr Despres
In: Recherches familiales (2017), vol. 14, no. 1, p. 67-78
"The clave comes home" : salsa dance and pan-African identity in Ghana / Christey Carwile
In: African Studies Review: (2017), vol. 60, no. 2, p. 183-207 : foto's
Des histoires avec lendemains. Intimité transnationale et ascension sociale des beach boys de Zanzibar / Altaïr Despres
In: Actes de la Recherche en Sciences Sociales (2017), no. 218
Germans on the Kenyan coast : land, charity, and romance / Nina Auguste Berman
Bloomington, IN : Indiana University Press , 2017.
Les migrants européens du littoral sénégalais (Petite Côte, Saloum) : ouverture de l’économie touristique et entre-soi identitaire / Hélène Quashie
In: Autrepart (2017), vol. 77, no. 1, p. 125-141
Migrer du Portugal en Angola : perception de la migration et rapport au passé colonial. Quelques pistes de réflexion / Irène Dos Santos
In: Cahiers de l’Urmis [En ligne] (2017)
Representing 'otherness' in African popular media: Chinese characters in Ethiopian video-films / Alessandro Jedlowski and Michael W. Thomas
In: Journal of African Cultural Studies (2017), vol. 29, no. 1, p. 63
Volunteer work as a neocolonial practice – racism in transnational education / Alice Blum and Dorothee Schäfer
In: Transnational Social Review (2017), p. 1-15
Just another Chinese guy / Melanie Gärtner ; in cooperation with the BMBF-funded project AFRASO (Africas Asian Options) (Free access)
Mobilités et migrations européennes en (post) colonies / Michel Peraldi and others
Paris : École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales , 2016. - Cahiers d'études africaines, ISSN 0008-0055 ; vol. 56, cah. 221/222
Muslim institutions of higher education in postcolonial Africa / Mbaye Lo and Muhammed Haron (ed.)
New York, NY : Palgrave Macmillan , 2016.
Pushed to Africa: emigration and social change in China / M. Driessen
In: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies (2016), vol. 42, no. 15, p. 2482-2498
Quand tourisme et migrations revisitent le passé colonial / Hélène Quashie
In: Sociologies [En ligne], (2016) access)
AIDS orphan tourism: A threat to young children in residential care / Linda M. Richter and Amy Norman
In: Vulnerable children and youth studies : an international interdisciplinary journal for research, policy and care (2015), vol. 5, no. 3, p. 217-229
Beyond the lens of conservation : Malagasy and Swiss imaginations of one another / Eva Keller
New York [etc.] : Berghahn , 2015. - Studies in environmental anthropology and ethnobiology ; volume 20
Chinese adaptations: African agency, fragmented community and social capital creation in Ghana / Katy N. Lam
In: Journal of Current Chinese Affairs (2015), vol. 44, no. 1, p. 9-41
Exodus! : heirs and pioneers, Rastafari return to Ethiopia / Giulia Bonacci and Antoinette Tidjani Alou
Kingston : The University of the West Indies Press , 2015.
L'envers du tourisme au Sahara tchadien : entre jeu politique national et indifférences locales / Julien Brachet and Judith Scheele
In: Cahiers d'études africaines: (2015), vol. 55, cah. 217, p. 107-131 : krt
Mapping the boundaries of otherness : naming Caribbean settlers in Ethiopia / Giulia Bonacci
In: In and out of Ethiopia : migrations, diasporas and contemporary Ethiopia / Giulia Bonacci ... [et al.]. - Leiden [etc.] : Brill, 2015. - p. 34-50. - (African diaspora, ISSN 1872-5457 ; vol. 8, no. 1)
Of other spaces? Hybrid forms of Chinese engagement in Sub-Saharan Africa / Romain Dittgen
In: Journal of Current Chinese Affairs: (2015), vol. 44, no. 1, p. 43-73 : foto's
Shii cosmopolitanisms in Africa : Lebanese migration and religious conversion in Senegal / Mara Leichtman
Bloomington IN [etc.] : , 2015. - Public cultures of the Middle East and North Africa
The Chinese presence in Burkina Faso: a Sino-African cooperation from below / Guive Khan Mohammad
In: Journal of Current Chinese Affairs (2014), vol. 43, no. 1, p. 71
"Magic body" and "cursed sex" : Chinese sex workers as bitch-witches in Cameroon / Basile Ndjio
In: African Affairs: (2014), vol. 113, no. 452, p. 370-386
Sino-African encounters in Ghana and Nigeria : from conflict to conviviality and mutual benefits / Ben Lampert and Giles Mohan
In: Journal of Current Chinese Affairs: (2014), vol. 43, no. 1, p. 9-39
Translocal Ethics: Hizmet Teachers and the Formation of Gülen-inspired Schools in Urban Tanzania / Kristina Dohrn
In: Sociology of Islam (2014), vol. 1, no. 3-4, p. 233-256
Anthro-tourism, documentary film and method / Roanne Peters
In: Journal of African Cinemas: (2013), vol. 5, no. 1, p. 19-31
Introduction: Africa and China: new engagements, new research / Jamie Monson and Stephanie Rupp
In: African Studies Review: (2013), vol. 56, no. 1, p. 21-44
Perceptions of Chinese in Southern Africa :constructions of the 'Other' and the role of memory / Jung Park Yoon
In: African Studies Review: (2013), vol. 56, no. 1, p. 131-153
Remembering work on the Tazara railway in Africa and China, 1965-2011 : when 'new men' grow old / Jamie Monson
In: African Studies Review: (2013), vol. 56, no. 1, p. 45-64
Reporting China in Africa / Herman Wasserman (ed.)
Abingdon : , 2013. - Ecquid novi, ISSN 0256-0054 ; vol. 34, no. 3
Serving in Africa: US Peace Corps in Cameroon / Julius A. Amin
In: Africa Spectrum: (2013), vol. 48, no. 1, p. 71-87
Tourisme sportif et identités : les pratiquants de canoe en Zambie / Antoine Marsac
In: Cadernos de Estudos Africanos: (2013), no. 26, p. 83-103
African hosts & their guests : cultural dynamics of tourism / Walter van Beek and Annette Schmidt (ed.)
Woodbridge, Suffolk ; Rochester, NY : James Currey , 2012.
Cultural tourism and identity : rethinking indigeneity / Keyan G. Tomaselli (ed.)
Leiden [etc.] : Brill , 2012. - Afrika-Studiecentrum series, ISSN 1570-9310 ; 24
La bienvenue et l'adieu : migrants juifs et musulmans au Maghreb, XVe-XXe siècles. / Frédéric Abécassis, et al. (ed.)
[Paris] : Karthala , 2012.
Men at play : freedom and alternative ordering through (romantic) intercultural relationships at the beach in Zanzibar / Henrike Hoogenraad
[S.l. : s.n.] , 2012.
Mobility and connectedness: Chinese medical doctors in Kenya / Elisabeth Hsu
In: Medicine, mobility, and power in global Africa : transnational health and healing / ed. by Hansjörg Dilger, Abdoulaye Kane and Stacey A. Langwick. - Bloomington, IN [etc.] : Indiana University Press, 2012. - VI, p. 295-315
One hundred years in Brava : the migration of the 'Umar Ba 'Umar from Hadhramaut to East Africa and back, c. 1890-1990 / Alessandra Vianello
In: Journal of Eastern African Studies: (2012), vol. 6, no. 4, p. 655-671
Return of the 6th Region : Rastafari settlement in the motherland contributing to the African Renaissance / Ijahnya Christian
In: CODESRIA Bulletin: (2012), no. 1/2, p. 30-42
Revisiting 'township tourism': multiple mobilities and the re-territorialisation of township spaces in Cape Town, South Africa / Jessica L. Dickson
In: Anthropology Southern Africa: (2012), vol. 35, no. 1/2, p. 31-39
Strategy and tactics : Chinese immigrants and diasporic spaces in Johannesburg, South Africa / Philip Harrison, et al.
In: Journal of Southern African Studies: (2012), vol. 38, no. 4, p. 899-925 : foto's, krt. , tab
Tourism and transparency : navigating ethical risks in volunteerism with fair trade learning / Eric Hartman, et al.
In: Africa Insight: (2012/13), vol. 42, no. 2, p. 157-168
When voicelessness meets speechlessness : struggling for equity in Chinese-Ghanaian employment relations / Karsten Giese and Alena Thiel
Hamburg : GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies , 2012. - GIGA working papers ; 194/2012
At the heart of things : Peace Corps volunteers in Sub-Saharan Africa / David Peterson del Mar
In: African Identities: (2011), vol. 9, no. 4, p. 349-361
Dragons in the savannah : a case study of new Chinese migrants in Tamale, Ghana / J.E. Zoetelief
Rotterdam : [s.n.] , 2011.
Empire of dust / Bram van Paesschen
When China met Africa /a film by Nick en Marc Francis / Nick Francis and Marc Francis
Yemeni families in the early history of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia ca. 1900-1950 : a revisionist approach in diasporic historiography / Samson A. Bezabeh
In: Cahiers d'études africaines: (2011), vol. 51, cah. 204, p. 893-919 : foto's
Boundaries, Borders and Borderland Constructions: Chinese in Contemporary South Africa and the Region / Yoon Jung Park
In: Making sense of borders / guest ed.: Yoon Jung Park. - Abingdon : Taylor & Francis, 2010. - p. 457-479. - (African studies, ISSN 0002-0184 ; vol. 69, no. 3)
China in Africa / Yoon Jung Park, et al. (ed.)
Leiden [etc.] : Brill , 2010. - African and Asian studies, ISSN 1569-2094 ; vol. 9, no. 3
Exploring transnational spaces of Chinese migrants in Africa / Iriann Freemantle
In: Africa Insight: (2010/11), vol. 40, no. 1, p. 31-48
Africa's freedom railway : how a Chinese development project changed lives and livelihoods in Tanzania / Jamie Monson
Bloomington, IN [etc.] : Indiana University Press , 2009.
Back to Africa / Kwesi Kwaa Prah Vol. 1: Afro-Brazilian returnees and their communities / Kwesi Kwaa Prah and others
Cape Town : Centre for Advanced Studies of African Society (CASAS) , 2009. - CASAS book series ; no. 69
Mobilités chinoises et dynamiques sociales locales au Mali / Françoise Bourdarias
In: Politique africaine: (2009), no. 113, p. 28-54
A tale of two Shi'isms : Lebanese migrants and Senegalese converts in Dakar / Mara A. Leichtman
[S.l.] : [s.n.] , 2007.
Africa paradis = Africa paradise : et si l'immigration changeait de camp ... / adaptation et dialogues un film de Sylvestre Amoussou ; scénario, Pierre Sauvil ; avec Stéphane Roux ... [et al.]
Rosny-Sous-Bois : Tchoko Tchoko, cop. 2007. (Trailer)
Diasporic engagements and returnees
ASC-KDCN-VSO Kenya volunteer project maximizing the value of the Kenyan diaspora / Akinyinka Akinyoade and Antony Otieno Ong'ayo
Leiden : African Studies Centre , 2016. - ASC infosheet ; 28
Africa's return migrants : the new developers? / Lisa Åkesson and Maria Eriksson Baaz (ed.)
London [etc.] : Zed Books in association with the Nordic Africa Institute , 2015. - Africa now
Borders / Jacqueline van Vugt
The Eritrean diaspora and its impact on regime stability: responses to UN sanctions / Nicole Hirt
In: African Affairs: (2015), vol. 114, no. 454, p. 115-135
'Flamber moins et investir utile' : la promotion de l'entrepreneuriat chez des migrants de retour au Sénégal / Mamadou Dimé
In: Special issue on migration / guest ed. Sylvie Bredeloup. - Dakar : Codesria, 2015. - p. 81-97 - (Africa development ; vol. 40, no. 1)
Migrations et développement dans les Afriques de l'Ouest et du Centre / Pierre Kamdem (ed.)
Paris : L'Harmattan , 2015. - Études africaines
The difference that crisis makes : diasporic entanglements with home and the case of Zimbabwe / JoAnn McGregor and Dominic Pasura (ed.)
Leiden : , 2014. - African diaspora, ISSN 1872-5457 ; vol. 7, no. 1
Étudiants arabophones de retour à Ouagadougou cherchent désespérément reconnaissance / Sylvie Bredeloup
In: Routes migratoires africaines et dynamiques religieuses : dossier / sous la dir. de Sophie Bava et Katia Boissevain. - no. 11, p. 7-211 In: L'année du Maghreb: (2014), no. 11, p. 57-78. (2014)
(In)visible diasporan returnee communities : silences and the challenges in studying trans-atlantic history in Ghana / Kwame Essien
In: Ghana Studies: (2014), vol. 17, p. 63-99 ; foto's
Mobilités dans l'espace ouest-africain : ressources, développement local et intégration régionale / Elisabeth Boesen and Laurence Marfaing (ed.)
Paris : Karthala , 2014. - Hommes et sociétés, ISSN 0290-6600
Modeling the determinants of voluntary reverse migration flows and repatriations of African immigrants / John A. Arthur
In: Africans in global migration : searching for promised lands / ed. by John A. Arthur, Joseph Takougang, and Thomas Owusu. - Lanham, MD [etc.] : Lexington Books, 2014. - XVI, p. 273-304
Saharan migrant camel herders : Znga social status and the global age / Francisco Freire
In: Journal of Modern African Studies: (2014), vol. 52, no. 3, p. 425-446 : foto's
Sexy money / Karin Junger
The depoliticisation of diasporas from the Horn of Africa : from refugees to transnational aid workers / Cindy Horst
In: African Studies: (2013), vol. 72, no. 2, p. 228-245
The diaspora as actors in contemporary Nigerian politics: prospects and challenges / Nengak Daniel Gondyi
In: Actors in contemporary African politics / ed. by Georg Klute and Peter Skalník. - Králové : Lit Verlag, cop. 2013. - XV, p. 41-60. - (Afrikanische Studien ; 51)
Migrations africaines : le codéveloppement en questions : essai de démographie politique / Cris Beauchemin (ed.)
Paris : A. Colin , 2013. - Armand Colin/Recherches
Translating and acting diaspora : looking through the lens of a co-development project between Italy and Ghana / Selenia Marabello
In: African Studies: (2013), vol. 72, no. 2, p. 207-227
Back to my roots : a study of 'returning' emigrated health professionals in the Greater Accra region of Ghana / Emmanuel Asampong
In: Africa Today: (2012/13), vol. 59, no. 4, p. 119-130
De weg terug naar Cuey Machar / Albert Elings and Kon Kelei
"I was crying, I did not come back with anything" : women's experiences of deportation from Europe to Nigeria / Emma Ratia and Catrien Notermans
In: African Diaspora: (2012), vol. 5, no. 2, p. 143-164
The role of Eritrea's diaspora in regional peace and human rights / Simon M. Weldehaimanot
In: East African Journal of Peace & Human Rights: (2012), vol. 18, no. 1, p. 177-201
The transformation of the US-based Liberian diaspora from hard power to soft power agents / Osman Antwi-Boateng
In: African Studies Quarterly: (2012), vol. 13, no. 1/2, p. 39-58
Zimbabwean diaspora politics and the power of laughter: humour as a tool for political communication, criticism and protest / Jenny Kuhlmann
In: Journal of African Media Studies: (2012), vol. 4, no. 3, p. 295-314 : ill
Diaspora and post-war political leadership in Somalia / Abdirashid A. Ismail
In: Nordic Journal of African Studies: (2011), vol. 20, no. 1, p. 28-47
Diaspora, faith, and science: building a Mouride hospital in Senegal / Ellen E. Foley and Cheikh Anta Babou
In: African Affairs: (2011), vol. 110, no. 438, p. 75-95
Escale Tringa Marena / Cécile Canut and Mamadou Bathily
Failed diaspora: experiences of 'Dhaqan Celis' and mentally ill returnees in Somaliland / Marja Tiilikainen
In: Nordic Journal of African Studies: (2011), vol. 20, no. 1, p. 71-89
Homeland perception and recognition of the diaspora engagement: the case of the Somali diaspora / Mahdi Abdile and Päivi Pirkkalainen
In: Nordic Journal of African Studies: (2011), vol. 20, no. 1, p. 48-70
Les territoires de l'exil : entre tactiques et dilemme / Abderrahmane Ngaide
In: Across Disciplinary Boundaries: (2011), no. 2, p. 211-220
Making migrants responsible for development: Cape Verdean returnees and Northern migration policies / Lisa Åkesson
In: Africa Spectrum: (2011), vol. 46, no. 1, p. 61-83
Modern chiefs: tradition, development and return among traditional authorities in Ghana / Nauja Kleist
In: African Affairs: (2011), vol. 110, no. 441, p. 629-647
The political participation of the U.S.-based Liberian diaspora and its implication for peace building / Osman Antwi-Boateng
In: Africa Today: (2011/12), vol. 58, no. 1, p. 3-26
Remittance markets in Africa / Sanket Mohapatra and Dilip Ratha (ed.)
Washington, DC : World Bank , 2011. - Directions in development, Finance
Somali and Ethiopian diasporic engagement for peace in the Horn of Africa / Markus Virgil Hoehne, et al.
In: African Conflict & Peacebuilding Review: (2011), vol. 1, no. 1, p. 71-99
Building institutional cooperation between the diaspora and homeland governments in Africa : the cases of Ghana, Nigeria, Germany, USA and the UK / Awil Mohamoud (ed.)
The Hague : African Diaspora Policy Centre , 2010.