Dossier on Vernon Alexander February (1938-2002)
The poet, writer and literature scholar Vernon (Vernie) Alexander February died on 24 November 2002. Vernie had worked at the African Studies Centre in Leiden for more than thirty years before returning to his native South Africa in January 2002.
Born in Somerset-West in South Africa's Cape Province, Vernie came to the Netherlands as an exile in the 1970s and was awarded a PhD at the University of Leiden in 1977 for his thesis entitled Flagellated Skin, A Fine Fetish. In addition to his work at the ASC, he was also a guest lecturer from 1990 onwards in the Afrikaans Department at the University of the Western Cape in Bellville, South Africa. He published poems in Afrikaans and in English including collections entitled O Snotverdriet (1979) and Spectre de la Rose (1982) and co-edited Een Kwestie van Identiteit (1986), a compilation of stories by black South African writers. He produced two titles for an ASC series of monographs: Mind Your Colour (1981, new edition 1991) and The Afrikaners of South Africa (1991), and following a conference in Leiden in 1992 about the status of Afrikaans and the Dutch language, he edited many of the papers in a volume entitled Taal en Identiteit (1995).
The ASC library has put together a dossier to provide an overview of all the publications by Vernie February that are available in the library: monographs, articles, and literary and scientific works. Most are about South Africa, or about Africa in general. Clicking on any title in the list provides a direct link to the online catalogue. The dossier also includes a selection of Vernie's other publications on language, literature and the Surinamese identity.
Publications by Vernie February in the ASC Library
Klein begin is aanhou wen / V.A. February
In: Perspektief en profiel : 'n Afrikaanse literatuurgeskiedenis I / H.P. van Coller (ed). - Pretoria: Van Schaik, 1998, p. 3-20. Met bibliogr.
The many voices of the land / Vernon February.
In: Matatu: (1996), no. 15/16, p. 73-90.
Les 'impis' et le 'laager' / A. Vernon February ; trad. de C. Abel et D. Darbon.
In: Ethnicité et nation en Afrique du Sud : imageries identitaires et enjeux sociaux / sous la dir. de Dominique Darbon. - Paris [etc.] : Karthala [etc.]: (cop. 1995), p. 65-88.
Taal en identiteit : Afrikaans en Nederlands : voordragte gehou in die Pieterskerk, Leiden 23-24 junie 1992 onder beskerming van die Afrika Studiecentrum / byeengebr. en ingel. deur Vernon February. - Kaapstad : Tafelberg, 1994. - 201 p. : fig., tab. Bijdragen in het Afrikaans, Engels of Nederlands. - Met lit.-opg. ISBN 0-624-03356-2
Van ahom to amen : Afrikaanse literatuur en het christendom / Vernon February.
In: In elkaars spiegel : Westers christendom in Afrika / met bijdragen van: Jan Heijke ... [et al.]: (cop. 1993), 192-222.
A group unto itself : the Afrikaner and freedom / Vernon February.
In: Mfecane to Boer war : versions of South African history / Elmor Lehmann, Erhard Reckwitz ed. - Essen : Verlag Die Blaue Eule: (1992), p. 55-71.
The stereotype and South African English literature / Vernon A. February.
In: Perspectives on South African English literature / ed. by Michael Chapman, Colin Gardner, Es'kia Mphahlele. - Parklands : AD. Donker: (1992), p. 314-326.
The Afrikaners of South Africa / Vernon February. - London [etc.] : Kegan Paul International, 1991. - X, 296 p. : ill., krt., tab. (Monographs from the African Studies Centre, Leiden) Bibliogr.: p. 274-278. - Met index. ISBN 0-7103-0353-X
Laat het ons ernst wezen : die verhouding Afrikaans-Nederlands / Vernon February. - [Leiden : Afrika-Studiecentrum] ; [S.l.] : Universiteit Wes-Kaapland, 1991. - 25, 20, 8 p.; Tekst in het Afrikaans en Engels, met samenvatting in het Xhosa. - Intreerede Universiteit van Wes-Kaapland 1991. - Met lit. opg.
Mind your colour : the "coloured" stereotype in South African literature / V.A. February. - London [etc.] : Kegan Paul International, 1991. - VIII, 282 p. (Monographs from the African Studies Centre, Leiden) Oorspr. uitg.: 1981. - Bibliogr.: p. 257-[270]. - Met bijl., index. ISBN 0-7103-0386-6 pbk
Die literatuur en die breë Suid Afrikaanse kultuurstrewe / Vernon February.
In: The ghostly dance : writing in a new South Africa ; (part 1) / papers by Tim Couzens ... [et al.] . - Mowbray : IDASA: ([1990]), p. 4-11.
And bid him sing : essays in literature and cultural domination / Vernon February. - London [etc.] : Kegan Paul, 1988. - XVI, 212 p. : krt. - Met index, noten. ISBN 0-7103-0278-9
'Go measure the distance...' : the poetic experience in South Africa / Vernie February. In: Leidschrift: (1988), vol. 4, no. 3, p. 17-32.
Ilizwi likajakobi kodwa isandla sika-Esau = The voice of Jacob but the hand of Esau: thoughts on the language question / Vernon February.
In: From popular culture to the written artefact : second conference on South African Literature, December 11-13, 1987. - Bad Boll : Evangelische Akademie: (1988), p. 63-90.
The pen and the sword: a tribute to Alex La Guma / Vernon February.
In: Liberation and the art of writing : first conference on South African English Literature, November 7-9, 1986. - Bad Boll : Evangelische Akademie: (1987).
Een kwestie van identiteit : verhalen van zwarte Zuidafrikaanse schrijvers / samenstelling Robert Dorsman, Vernie A. February ; met een voorw. van Vernie A. February ; [vert. uit het Engels door Robert Dorsman]. - Amsterdam : SUA ; Utrecht : Werkgroep Kairos, 1986. - 176 p. ISBN 90-6222-135-1
De staat en schrijver in Zuid-Afrika / V.A. February. - [Groningen : Groninger Historische Studentenpers], 1985. - [9] bl. Omslagtitel: Schrijver en staat. - Overdr. uit: Groniek : Gronings historisch tijdschrift ; nr. 91, 1985, p. 11-19. - Met bibliogr., noten.
From the arsenal : the Teachers League of South Africa : a documentary study of "coloured" attitudes between 1913-1980 / ed. and comp. by V.A. February. - Leiden : African Studies Centre, cop. 1983. - II, 331 p. (Research reports / African Studies Centre ; no. 18) Met lit. opg., index. ISBN 90-70110-36-9
From peau noire to po' white / V.A. February.
In: Racism and colonialism : essays on ideology and social structure / ed. by Robert Ross. - The Hague : Nijhoff : (1982), p. 183-197.
Just the faintest spoor.... : (poems of home and exile) / Vernie A. February. - [Amsterdam : s.n.], [1982]. - [64] p. Omslagtiphone - Beperkte oplage van 100 getekende en genummerde exemplaren.
Spectre de la rose : (gedichten in het Engels, Nederlands en Afrikaans) / Vernie A. February. - [Amsterdam : s.n.], [1982]. - [32] p. Omslagtiphone - Beperkte oplage van 50 getekende en genummerde exemplaren.
Mind your colour : the "coloured" stereotype in South African literature / V.A. February. - London [etc.] : Kegan Paul International, 1981. - viii, 248 p. (Monographs from the African Studies Centre, Leiden). - Met bijl., index, noten. - Bibliography: p. 222-235. - ISBN 0-7103-0002-6
O snotverdriet : Afrikaanse gedigte / [door] Vernie February. - Haarlem : In de Knipscheer, 1979. - 32 p. (Mandalareeks) ISBN 90-6265-031-7
Flagellated skin, a fine fetish : the 'Coloured' as a stereotype in South African literature / Vernon Alexander February. - [S.l. : s.n.], 1977. - 256 bl. : ill. - Proefschrift Leiden. - Bibliogr.: p. 240-255. - Met bijl., noten.
The Afrikaans language - Afrikanerizing instrument / V. February.
In: African Perspectives: (1976), no. 1, p. 11-22.
From Ordinance Fifty until the Erika Theron Commission (1976) / V. February.
In: African Perspectives: (1976), no. 1, p. 25-33.
White minorities, black majorities / ed. for this issue: V. February. - Leiden : Afrika-Studiecentrum, 1976. - 135 p. : ill. (African Perspectives 1976/1). - Met lit.opg.
You taught me language / Vernie February.
In: Kroniek van Afrika: (1972), vol. 12, no. 4, p. 218-225.
A Nguni legacy / V.A. February.
In: Kroniek van Afrika: (1970), no. 4, p. 281-288.
Zuid-Afrikaanse aspekten / door Kenneth N. Carstens, E. A. du Plessis, V. A. February ... [et al.]. - Utrecht [etc.] : Christen Studenten Associatie, 1970. - 47 p. . - (Eltheto-brochure reeks, ISSN 0921-5522 ; no. 30) Met lit. opg.
Translations by Vernie February
Education, estrangement and adjustment : a study among pupils and school leavers in Bukumbi, a rural community in Tanzania / Jan Kaayk ; [translation, V.A. February]. - The Hague [etc.] : Mouton, cop. 1976. - XVI, 268 p. : fig., tab. (Change and continuity in Africa ; 8) Includes index. - Bibliography: p. 265-267, ind. ISBN 90-279-7702-X
The ten-house groups in Ngamanga / P.M. van Hekken ; [transl. from the Dutch by V.A. February]. - Leiden : Afrika-Studiecentrum, 1970. - 30 bl. : ill.
Zionism and faith-healing in Rhodesia : aspects of African independent churches / M.L. Daneel ; [transl. from the Dutch by V.A. February]. - The Hague [etc.] : Mouton, 1970. - 64 p., [8] : ill. ; (Communications ; 2). - Bibliography.
Other publications by Vernie February
The Surinamese muse : reflections on poetry / Vernie February
In: A history of literature in the Caribbean : Vol. 2: English- and Dutch-speaking regions: (2001), p. 569-580.
Parler par les multiples voix de la terre / V.A. February
In: Hérodote: (1996), no. 82/83, p. 197-212.
Afrikaans en het Christendom / V.A. February
In: Stilet, tydskrif vir letterkunde: (1994), p. 1-20.
Afrikaans in een veranderende context / V.A. February
In: Concept, Eernegem: (1994), p. 134-135.
De taal is gansch het volk / V.A. February
In: Afrikaans Vandag: (1994), vol. 2, no. 2, p. 6-7.
Koloniale erfenis in Nederland: schrijf jij met die verkeerde hand kan dit jau siel kos / V.A. February
In: Karring: tydskrif vir die onderrig van Afrikaans: (1992), no. 4 (Winter), p. 29-30, 32-34, portr.
Steun voor studie Nederlands uit onverwachte hoek : [interview met] Vernon February / door Loes Nas.
In: Zuid-Afrika: vol. 68 (1991), no. 11-12 (nov-dec), p. 192-193, portr.
Boesi sa tek' mi baka : let the bush receive me once again. Edgar Cairo Surinamese writer / Vernon February.
In: And bid him sing: essays in literature and cultural domination / Vernon February. - London [etc.] : Kegan Paul, 1988, p. 131-161
From the Green Antilles: Frank Marinus Arion / [by] Vernon February.
In: And bid him sing: essays in literature and cultural domination / Vernon February. - London [etc.] : Kegan Paul, 1988, p. 163-185.
Only connect: E.M. Forster's A passage to India and Multatuli's Max Havelaar / [by]] Vernon February.
In: And bid him sing: essays in literature and cultural domination / Vernon February. - London [etc.] : Kegan Paul, 1988, p. 187-201
Schrijven met de verkeerde hand kan je je ziel kosten ... / Vernie A. February.
In: Weg van elders: een symposium over literatuur van 'migranten': georganiseerd in het kader van de nationale boekenweek, 24-25 maart 1987; [redactie: Flora van Houwelingen, Marijke Vos-Maan]: ([1987]), p. 62-71.
Ik ben het gezicht / Vernie February. - Den Haag : NOVIB, 1986. - [4] p. Losse katernen per taal in omslag (Nederlands, Frans, Engels, Duits, Zulu, Portugees, Spaans, Surinaams)
Zwarte perspektieven : collegereeks over wit-centrisme, zwarte vrouwenliteraturen en taalfilosofie, 12 nov. 1986 t/m 9 1987 / samenstelling , ... [et al.]. - Utrecht : Universiteit, 1986. - 138 p. : ill.
Boesi sa tek' mi baka : let the bush receive me once again. Edgar Cairo Surinamese writer / Vernie A. February.
In: Oso: (1984), vol. 3 , no. 1, p. 39-62.
Poezie explosie : 23-5, 30-5, 6-6 1979 / [red. Steef Davidson ; tek. Peter van de Klashorst ; medew. Vernie February ... et al.]. - [Amsterdam] : Paradiso-Parapress, [1979]. - [28] bl. : ill. Omslagtiphone
Creole drum : an anthology of Creole literature in Surinam / [comp. and] ed. by Jan Voorhoeve and Ursy M. Lichtveld ; with English translations by Vernie A. February. - New Haven, Conn., [etc.] : Yale University Press, 1975. - dIX, 308 p. : ill., krt. (Caribbean series ; 15) Parallel Creole text and English translation, English preface, introduction and notes. - Met bibliogr.: p. 289-293. - Index. ISBN 0-300-01661-1
Kultuur in verdrukking en verzet / onder ko-red. van V.A. February. - Utrecht : Werkgroep Kairos, 1974. - 24 p. : ill. Speciaal nummer van: Kairos-berichten, 1974, no. 4.