Nuba and the Sudan

Current Sudanese news sources, discussion group, information on government, cabinet, political parties, constitution, history, education, society and culture, travel and tourism, the weather, geographical and statistical facts, links to related sites. Maintained by Muaz M. Ataalsid.

Sudan Update
Information and referral service for individuals and organizations seeking a politically non-aligned briefing on the situation in Sudan. Includes news reviews, briefings and reports, statistics, historical background, resources, who’s who, maps, links. Publishes Sudan Update Newsletter.

Sudan Infonet
Sudan Infonet is an education and information service on Sudan provided by the Sudan Working Group - USA.

Africa News Online: Sudan
This service collects and maintains news items from the All Africa News Service and other newspapers throughout the continent and is updated regularly. It hosts extensive material on the subject of the Sudanese conflict.

INCORE Guide to Sources on Conflict and Ethnicity in Sudan
Annotated guide to internet sources on conflict and ethnicity in Sudan by the Initiative on Conflict Resolution and Ethnicity (INCORE) , a joint initiative of the University of Ulster, Northern Ireland and the United Nations University.

The Nuba Mountains Home Page
An online source of information on the war in the Nuba Mountains. Includes background information on Sudan and the Nuba, feature articles, news, a section on life in the Nuba Mountains, and links.

Nuba Peoples