The Library, Documentation and Information Department of the African Studies Centre has compiled this web dossier on development issues in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda to coincide with the first East Africa Day. The conference, that was held in Leiden on 22 June 2005, was organized by the African Studies Centre (ASC) in Leiden in cooperation with the Development Policy Review Network (DPRN).
The dossier begins with background information about the East Africa Day and then provides a list of titles on two specific themes: (1) policies for rural poverty reduction in East Africa, and (2) land issues in East Africa. The title section is based on the ASC library's collection and contains titles of books and articles published in the last ten years. Each title links directly to the corresponding record in the online catalogue that provides details about the title as well as abstracts of articles and edited works. The dossier concludes with a number of web resources.
1. Background
2. Policies for rural poverty reduction in East Africa
3. Land issues in East Africa
4. Selected Web Resources
For further information, please email us at or phone +31 (0)71 527 3354.
The Development Policy Review Network (DPRN) is a CERES-facilitated network of scholars, policy makers and practitioners from development-oriented institutions and organizations in the Netherlands and the Dutch-speaking areas of Belgium. With financial support from the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, DPRN has planned 13 regional meetings in the period 2005-2007 with the aim of stimulating contacts between and creating networks of development-oriented scholars, policy makers and practitioners active in the same geographical regions. The African Studies Centre, being a member of DPRN, has agreed to organize three regional meetings: on East Africa (Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda), West Africa (Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Chad, Côte d'Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone and Togo), and the Horn of Africa (Ethiopia, Somalia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Sudan).
In line with DPRN’s objectives, the aims of the East Africa Day 2005 are fourfold:
- to facilitate and stimulate an exchange of information and experiences among a wide variety of experts on the East Africa region including researchers, policy makers and practitioners from academic institutions, ministries, co-financing agencies, embassies (East African embassies in the Netherlands and vice versa, thematic co-financing agencies, consultants and representatives from diasporas in the Netherlands;
- to present an overview of ‘who is who’ and ‘who does what’ in the region;
- to present an overview of current relevant political, economic, social and cultural issues and developments in the region; and
- to stimulate discussion on and provide insight into the challenges development policies and practice offer, in particular the relevance of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), for the research agenda in the region and the extent to which this matches with the agenda, expectations and plans of researchers.
At the East Africa Day 2005 two themes were discussed in more detail regarding the above-mentioned objectives: (1) policies for rural poverty reduction in East Africa, and (2) land issues in East Africa.
Two recent evaluation reports by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs form the basis for the session on ‘Donor Policies and Rural Poverty Reduction’. One of these reports deals with Dutch support for local governance in Uganda (2003) and the other with Dutch aid to two (former) District Development Programmes in Tanzania (2004). Although written from different perspectives, both studies evaluate programmes supported by the Netherlands that were aimed at rural poverty reduction.
The conclusions of both reports raise interesting questions for further discussion between policy makers, development practitioners and researchers.
- How can poverty analysis and monitoring become an integral part of policy and programme formulation and implementation, and what role can (local) universities and researchers play in this respect?
- To what extent do sector-wide approaches (SWAPs) aimed at rural poverty reduction create better opportunities for integrating micro, meso and macro linkages in, for instance, local governance and agriculture, and how can (academic) research contribute insights in this field?
- How do the roles of the state and the private sector relate to each other in rural development programmes? Should the economic dimension of rural development be made more explicit in policies and programmes, and how can this be done? What role can research play in clarifying these issues?
Based on evidence from Kenya, several aspects of the land question (land conflicts, land policies, land conservation, etc.), their relationships with rural development efforts, and their implications for donor policies in the area of rural development were considered during the session on ‘Land policies and rural development programmes’. The following two questions were the main issues under discussion:
- To what extent are land policies taken into account in the formulation of donor policies and in the implementation of rural development programmes? What constraints do donors face in this respect?
- How and to what extent can land issues become part of policy and programme formulation and implementation, and what role can (local) universities and researchers play in this respect?
Policies for rural poverty reduction in East Africa
PRSPs in Africa : parliaments and economic policy performance = Les DSRPs en Afrique : parlements et résultats des politiques économiques/ Steven Langdon & Rasheed Draman . - Eschborn : Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ), 2005.
Poverty, policies and perceptions in Tanzania : an evaluation of Dutch aid to two district rural development programmes [The Hague : Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Policy and Operations Evaluation Department], 2004. - (IOB-evaluaties, ISSN 1566-7391 ; nr. 296).
Full text available online
Fighting poverty in Africa : are PRSPs making a difference?/ David Booth . - London : Overseas Development Institute, 2003.
Growth and poverty reduction in Uganda, 1999-2000: panel data evidence / Klaus Deininger & John Okidi. In: Development Policy Review : (2003), vol. 21, no. 4, p. 481-509 : graf., tab.
USAID's approach to poverty reduction : the case of Uganda/ Joseph Lieberson . - Arlington, VA : USAID Development Experience Clearinghouse, 2003. - (Evaluation brief ; no. 8).
Predicting household poverty: a methodological note with a Kenyan example / Germano Mwabu.
In: African development review : a journal of the African Development Bank for the study and analysis of development issues in Africa : (2003), vol. 15, no. 1, p. 77-85 : tab.
Is there a place for virtual poverty funds in pro-poor public spending reform? : lessons from Uganda's PAF/ Tim Williamson & Sudharshan Canagarajah. In: Development Policy Review : (2003), vol. 21, no. 4, p. 449-480 : fig., graf., tab.
Perspectives of the poor on anti-poverty policies : results from six piloted districts.- Nairobi Ministry of Finance and Planning, 2002.
Education and health expenditure and poverty reduction in East Africa : Madagascar and Tanzania/ Christian Morrisson . - Paris : OECD, Development Centre of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2002. - (Development Centre studies).
The right to food, land and democracy : an analysis from a grassroots perspective in three semi-arid rural districts in Tanzania/ C. G. Mung'ong'o.
In: Nordic journal of African studies : (2002), vol. 11, no. 1, p. 75-92 : tab.
Determinants of poverty in Kenya: a household level analysis/ Geda Alemayehu. - The Hague : Institute of Social Studies, 2001. - (Working papers, ISSN 0921-0210; no. 347. General series).
‘The rich are just like us, only richer´: poverty functions or consumption functions?/ Simon Appleton. In: Journal of African Economies : (2001), vol. 10, no. 4, p. 433-469 : tab.
Democracy, inequality and social policy in Uganda: an assessment of government initiatives on poverty eradication/ John Jean Barya.
In: East African Journal of Peace & Human Rights : (2001), vol. 7, no. 2, p. 215-228.
Extension, poverty and vulnerability in Uganda : country study for the Neuchâtel initiative/ Andrew D. Kidd . - London : ODI ; PACTeam, 2001. - (Working paper ; 151).
Globalization and competitiveness: implications for poverty reduction in Uganda / Augustus Nuwagaba.
In: Journal of Social Development in Africa : (2001), vol. 16, no. 2, p. 31-52: tab.
Learning from the poor. -Kampala : Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, 2000.
Co-operatives and poverty alleviation/ Jovin A. Banturaki . - Dar es Salaam : Tema Publishers, 2000.
Resources, poverty and human development in rural Uganda/ Tenkir Bonger. In: Africa development : a quarterly journal of the Council for the Development of Economic and Social Research in Africa : revue trimestrielle du Conseil pour le développement de la recherche économique et sociale en Afrique : (2000), vol. 25, no. 3/4, p. 31-76 : tab.
Meeting international poverty targets in Tanzania/ Graham Eele, Joseph Semboja, Servacius Likwelile & Stephen Ackroyd. In: Development Policy Review : (2000), vol. 18, no. 1, p. 63-83 : tab.
Meeting the international poverty targets in Uganda : halving poverty and achieving universal primary education/ Rosemary MacGee. In: Development Policy Review : (2000), vol. 18, no. 1, p. 85-106 : tab.
The African family in development crisis in the second millennium/ A. B. C. Ocholla-Ayayo.
In: The African anthropologist : journal of the Pan African Anthropological Association: (2000), vol. 7, no. 1, p. 84-113.
Reaching out to stakeholders : the impact of agricultural reforms on poverty alleviation in rural Kenya/ Mary Omosa.
In: Africa in transformation : political and economic transformations and socio-economic development responses in Africa: (2000), p. 139-144.
Foreign aid and the poverty menace in Tanzania : an overview of recent experiences/ Sverine M. Rugumamu & Benjamin Mutagwaba.
In: Africa in transformation : political and economic transformations and socio-economic development responses in Africa: (2000), p. 17-31: tab. 2000, p. 17-31.
The poor are not us : poverty & pastoralism in Eastern Africa/ David M. Anderson & Vigdis Broch-Due. - Oxford : James Currey, 1999. - (Eastern African studies)
Changes in poverty in Uganda, 1992-1997/ Simon Appleton. - Oxford : Centre for the Study of African Economies, University of Oxford, 1999. - (Working paper series ; WPS 99-22)
Rich man, poor man, administrator, beast : the politics of impoverishment in Turkana, Kenya, 1890-1990/ Vigdis Broch-Due & Todd Sanders .
In: Nomadic Peoples : (1999) ,n.s., vol. 3, issue 2, p. 35-55.
Development strategies and poverty reduction initiatives : analytical discussion with applications to Tanzania/ Fidelis Mtatifikolo & Robert Mabele.
In: Eastern Africa social science research review : a publication of the Organization for Social Science Research in Eastern Africa : (1999) ,vol. 15, no. 1, p. 33-54 : tab.
Determinants of regional poverty in Uganda/ Francis Nathan Okurut, Jonathan J. A. O. Odwee & Asa Adebua. - Kampala : Economic Policy Research Center, Makerere University Campus, 1999. - (Research series ; no. 8)
'We are as sheep & goats': Iraqw & Datooga discourses on fortune, failure & the future/ Ole Bjørn Rekdal & Astrid Blystad .
In: The poor are not us: poverty & pastoralism in Eastern Africa / ed. by David M. Anderson & Vigdis Broch-Due. - Oxford : James Currey ; Athens [etc.] : Ohio University Press [etc.]: (1999), p. 125-146 .1999, p. 125-146.
Pastoralists at the border: Maasai poverty & the development discourse in Tanzania/ Aud Talle
In: The poor are not us: poverty & pastoralism in Eastern Africa / ed. by David M. Anderson & Vigdis Broch-Due. - Oxford : James Currey ; Athens [etc.] : Ohio University Press [etc.]: (1999), p. 106-124 .1999, p. 106-124.
European aid for poverty reduction in Tanzania/ Timo Voipio & Paul Hoebink. - London : Overseas Development Institute, 1999. - (Working paper ; 116)
Gendering poverty : a review of six World Bank African poverty assessments/ Ann Whitehead & Matthew Lockwood .
In: Development and Change : (1999) ,vol. 30, no. 3, p. 525-555 : tab.
First report on poverty in Kenya Vol. 1: Incidence and depth of poverty. Vol. 2: Poverty and social indicators. Vol. 3: Welfare indicators atlas. - [Nairobi] : Ministry of Planning and National Development, 1998.
Shinyanga human development report Shinyanga region Tanzania.- [S.l. s.n.], 1998.
Evolving strategies for alleviating poverty in Kenya/ O. N. Gakuru, Joe Oshomuvwe & Juvenalis Baitu . - Nairobi : Catholic University of Eastern Africa, 1998.
Contextualising poverty in Tanzania : historical origins, policy failures and recent trends/ Werner Biermann & Humphrey P. S. Moshi . - Hamburg : Lit, 1997. - (Social research on Africa ; 2)
Development, change, and poverty in the informal sector during the era of structural adjustments in Tanzania/ Joe L. P. Lugalla.
In: Canadian journal of African studies : (1997), vol. 31, no. 3, p. 424-451.
Credit accessibility to the rural poor in Uganda/ John Matovu & Luke Okumu . - Kampala : EPRC, 1997. - (Research series ; no. 1)
Voices of the poor : poverty and social capital in Tanzania/ Deepa Narayan-Parker . - Washington, D.C. World Bank, 1997. - (Environmentally and socially sustainable development studies and monographs series ; no. 20)
Ontwikkelingssamenwerking en armoedebestrijding in Tanzania/ Eelco Tinga .
In: Derde wereld : tijdschrift over imperialisme, onderontwikkeling en verzet : (1997) ,jrg. 16, nr. 4, p. 452-469.
Proceedings of the workshop on the Uganda land bill and its implications for poverty eradication in Uganda/ Liz Wily, Rosetti Nabbumba, Ben Paul Mungyereza & Fred Opio . - [Kampala] : EPRC, 1997.
Society and environment eroded : a study of household poverty and natural resource use in two Tanzanian villages/ Clas Lindberg . - Uppsala : Kulturgeografiska institutionen vid Uppsala universitet, 1996. - (Geografiska regionstudier, ISSN 0431-2023 ; nr. 29)
The legal status of women and poverty in Tanzania/ Magdalena K. Rwebangira . - Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, 1996. - (Research report / Scandinavian Institute of African Studies, ISSN 0080-6714 ; no. 100)
Workshop on poverty status in Uganda.-Kampala : Economic Policy Research Centre, 1995.
"The rich are just like us only richer" : poverty functions or consumptions functions?/ Simon Appleton . - Oxford : Centre for the Study of African Economies, 1995. - (Working paper series ; 95-4)
Understanding poverty in Uganda : adding a sociological dimension/ Philippa Bevan & Achilles Ssewaya . - Oxford : Centre for the Study of African Economies, 1995. - (Working paper series ; 95-10)
Raising productivity levels and alleviating poverty in Tanzania's rural areas : the case of non-agricultural activities/ Festus Limbu . - Dar es Salaam : Economic and social research foundation (ESRF), 1995. - (ESRF discussion paper series, ISSN 0856-9754 ; 8/1995)
Crisis, urbanization, and urban poverty in Tanzania : a study of urban poverty and survival politics/ Joe Lugalla . - Lanham, MD. [etc.] : University Press of America, 1995.
Adjustment and poverty in Tanzania/ Joe Lugalla . - Münster : Lit, 1995. - (Bremer Afrika-Studien ; 12)
An inventory of potential researchers and institutions of relevance to research on poverty in Tanzania/ A. F. Lwaitama . - Dar es Salaam : Research on Poverty Alleviation (REPOA), 1995. - (REPOA special paper ; 10)
A bibliography on poverty in Tanzania/ B. Mutagwaba . - Dar es Salaam : Research on Poverty Alleviation (REPOA), 1995. - (REPOA special paper ; 11)
A participatory poverty assessment study - Kenya/ Deepa Narayan & David Nyamwaya . - Nairobi : [s.n.], 1995.
Consumption and poverty in Tanzania in 1976 and 1991 : a comparison using survey data/ Alexander H. Sarris & Platon Tinios. In: World development : the multi-disciplinary international journal devoted to the study and promotion of world development : (1995), vol. 23, no. 8, p. 1401-1419 : graf., tab.
The World Bank and poverty reduction in Uganda/ Lars Udsholt . - Copenhagen : Centre for Development Research, 1995. - (CDR working papers. Green series, ISSN 0904-4701 ; no. 95.1)
Evaluating the impact of NGOs in rural poverty alleviation : Uganda country study/ John de Coninck . - London : Overseas Development Institute, 1992. - (Working paper / ODI ; 51).
Land issues in East Africa
Can negotiated land reforms deliver? : a case of Kenya's, South Africa's and Zimbabwe's land reform policy debates/ Samuel M. Kariuki . - Leiden [etc.] : African Studies Centre [etc.], 2004.
"Be like firm soldiers to develop the country" : political imagination and the geography of Gikuyuland/ Derek R. Peterson.
In: The International Journal of African Historical Studies : (2004), vol. 37, no. 1, p. 71-101.
Partnerships in community-based ecotourism projects: experiences from the Maasai Region, Kenya: volume 1/ Marcel M. E. M. Rutten . - Leiden [etc.] : African Studies Centre [etc.], 2004. - (ASC working paper ; 57)
Securing land rights in Africa/ Tor A. Benjaminsen . - London [etc.] : Cass, 2003.
Changing land tenure regimes in a matrilineal village of south eastern Tanzania/ Stephane Dondeyne.
In: Journal of Social Development in Africa : (2003) ,vol. 18, no. 1, p. 7-31.
A comparative analysis of the pre and post colonial land tenure systems in Buganda : which one is the most suitable for the future?/ M. W. Mukiibi-Katende.
In: The Uganda Journal : (2003) ,vol. 49, p. 15-19.
Local norms, institutions, and women's property rights in rural Kenya/ Celestine Nyamu-Musembi.
In: East African Journal of Peace & Human Rights : (2003) ,vol. 9, no. 2, p. 255-289: tab.
Community-based land tenure management : questions and answers about Tanzania's new Village Land Act, 1999/ Liz Alden Wily . - London : International Institute for Environment and Development, 2003.
Gender relations and women's rights to land in Uganda: a study of Kabarole district, western Uganda/ Consolata Kabonesa .
In: East African Journal of Peace & Human Rights : (2002) ,vol. 8, no. 2, p. 227-249.
Negotiating law and custom : judicial doctrine and women's property rights in Uganda/ Lynn Khadiagala .
In: Journal of African Law : (2002) ,vol. 46, no. 1, p. 1-13 : tab.
Justice and power in the adjudication of women's property rights in Uganda / Lynn S. Khadiagala .
In: Africa Today : (2002) ,vol. 49, no. 2, p. 101-121.
Litigating land rights in Tanzania/ Ben Lobulu . - Kampala : Centre for Basic Research, 2002.
Principles of land law in Uganda/ John T. Mugambwa . - Kampala : Fountain Publishers, 2002.
Source book of Uganda's land law/ John Tamukedde Mugambwa . - Kampala : Fountain Publishers, 2002. 
Women's land and property rights in Kenya : sociological and anthropological perspectives/ John M. Njoka. - Nairobi : Institute for Development Studies, University of Nairobi, 2002.
Pastoralism on the margins : the decline and dispersal of herding on the Umba Nyika from 1800 to 1919/ Dan Brockington.
In: Azania : (2000), vol. 35, p. 1-19 : krt.
Land reform and customary rights : the case of Uganda/ Simon Coldham.
In: Journal of African Law : (2000) ,vol. 44, no. 1, p. 65-77.
Land tenure, land use, environment degradation and conflict resolution : a PASIR analysis for the Narok District, Kenya/ Anantha K. Duraiappah. - London [etc.] : IIED [etc.], 2000.
Re-distribution from above : the politics of land rights and squatting in coastal Kenya/ Karuti Kanyinga. - Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, 2000.
Pilfering the public: the problem of land grabbing in contemporary Kenya / Jacqueline M. Klopp.
In: Africa Today : (2000), vol. 47, no. 1, p. 7-26.
Land rights of minorities and indigenous peoples/ S. E. A. Mvungi.
In: Eastern Africa Law Review : (2000) ,vol. 20/27, p. 88-99.
The sacred forests of North Pare, Tanzania : indigenous conservation, local politics, and land tenure/ Michael J. Sheridan . - Boston : African Studies Center, Boston University, 2000.
Evolving land rights, policy and tenure in Africa/ Camilla Toulmin & Julian Quan. - London : The Drylands Programme, IIED, 2000.
African enclosures? : the social dynamics of wetlands in drylands/ Philip Woodhouse, Henry Bernstein & David Hulme . - Oxford : James Currey, 2000.
Agrarian economy, State and society in contemporary Tanzania/ Peter G. Forster & Sam Maghimbi. - Aldershot [etc.] : Ashgate, 1999.
Grounding pastoralists: law, politics, and dispossession in East Africa / John G. Galaty.
In: Nomadic Peoples : (1999), n.s., vol. 3, issue 2, p. 56-73.
Pastoral land tenure and community conservation : a case study from North-East Tanzania/ Jim Igoe & Dan Brockington. - London : IIED, 1999.
Roadblocks to community conservation in Tanzania : a case study from Simanjiro district/ Jim Igoe . - Boston : African Studies Center, Boston University, 1999. - (Working papers in African Studies ; 218)
The AIDS epidemic and women's land rights in Tanzania/ Ambreena S. Manji .
In: Recht in Afrika : (1999) ,H. 1, p. 31-49.
How to integrate statutory and customary tenure : the Uganda case/ Rose Mwebaza . - London : International Institute for Environment and Development, 1999.
Women and land rights in Kenya.- Nairobi : Kenya Human Rights Commission, 1998.
Land rights directory. - [Nairobi] : Kenya Human Rights Commission, 1998.
Streams of contestation: age and politics in Maasai land claims and conflicts/ John G. Galaty.
In: The politics of age and gerontocracy in Africa: ethnographies of the past & memories of the present / ed. by Mario I. Aguilar. - Trenton, N.J. [etc.] : Africa World Press.1998, p. 211-223.
Land and the producers : the implication of the Land Bill Act 1998 to rural producers/ Ng'wanza Kamata . - [S.l. s.n.], 1998.
Struggles of access to land : the 'squatter question' in coastal Kenya/ Karuti Kanyinga. - Copenhagen : Centre for Development Research, 1998.
Land reform and socioeconomic change in Kenya/ Adam Leach.
In: East African Journal of Peace & Human Rights : (1998), vol. 4, no. 1, p. 41-69.
Land, ecology and resistance in Kenya, 1880-1952/ A. Fiona Mackenzie. - Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press, 1998.
Making law work: restructuring land relations in Africa/ Patrick McAuslan.
In: Development and Change : (1998) ,vol. 29, no. 3, p. 525-552.
Mailo land tenure system, customary land rights and claims in Buganda : a case study of Nakasongola/ Frank Emmanuel Muhereza. - Kampala : Centre for Basic Research, 1998.
Land tenure frontiers and food security among Maasai pastoralists in Kenya / Marcel M. E. M. Rutten. - Dordrecht [etc.] : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998.
Not yet democracy : reforming land tenure in Tanzania/ Issa G. Shivji. - Dar es Salaam : HAKIARDHI, 1998.
Les enjeux de la réforme foncière en Ouganda/ Alain François & Kabann Kabananukye. - Nairobi : Institut français de recherche en Afrique, 1997.
Contested lands in southern and eastern Africa : a literature survey/ Robin Palmer . - Oxford : Oxfam, 1997.
Pastoral economy, property rights and traditional mutual assistance mechanisms among the Ngorongoro and Salei Maasai of Tanzania/ Tomasz Potkanski. - London : IIED, 1997. - (Pastoral land tenure series, ISSN 1357-9274 ; 2)
Women, men and trees : gender, power and property in forest and agrarian landscapes/ Dianne Rocheleau & David Edmunds.
In: World Development : (1997), vol. 25, no. 8, p. 1351-1371 : ill., fig.
Land reform in Africa : lessons from Kenya/ Marcel Rutten.
In: The diversity of development : essays in honour of Jan Kleinpenning / ed. by Ton van Naerssen, Marcel Rutten, Annelies Zoomers. - Assen : Van Gorcum.1997, p. 71-83.
Proceedings of the workshop on the Uganda land bill and its implications for poverty eradication in Uganda/ Liz Wily, Rosetti Nabbumba, Ben Paul Mungyereza & Fred Opio. - [Kampala] : EPRC, 1997.
Land privatisation, security of tenure and agricultural production: the Ugandan experience/ Nsabagasani Xavier. - The Hague : Institute of Social Studies, 1997. - (Working papers / Institute of Social Studies. General series, ISSN 0921-0210 ; no. 263)
Ours by right, theirs by might : a study on land clashes.- Nairobi : Kenya Human Rights Commission, 1996.
Landknappheit in den Usambara-Bergen (Tansania) : Konflikte und Strategien der Bevölkerung/ Stefan Arnold. - Hamburg : Institut für Afrika-Kunde, 1996.
Land law and land ownership in Africa : case studies from colonial and contemporary Cameroon and Tanzania/ Robert Debusmann & Stefan Arnold. - Bayreuth : Bayreuth African Studies Breitinger, 1996.
Sales contracts and land tenure relations in Ankole, Western Uganda/ Simon Heck. - Boston : Boston University, 1996.
In land we trust : environment, private property and constitutional change/ Calestous Juma & J. B. Ojwang. - Nairobi : Initiatives Publishers [etc.], 1996. - (ACTS environmental policy series ; no. 7)
Pastures lost : Barabaig economy, resource tenure, and the alienation of their land in Tanzania/ Charles Lane. - Nairobi : Initiatives Publishers, 1996. - (Dryland research series ; no. 7)
Conflicting claims to custom : land and law in Central Province, Kenya, 1912-52/ Fiona Mackenzie.
In: Journal of African Law : (1996), vol. 40, no. 1, p. 62-77 : tab.
Structural adjustment, land reform, and disenfranchisement in Uganda/ Warren Nyamugasira.
In: Development in Practice : (1996), vol. 6, no. 4, p. 347-351.
Beyond villagization: land conflicts and local institutions in northeastern Tanzania/ Achim von Oppen.
In: Improved natural resource management : the role of formal organisations and informal networks and institutions / ed. by Henrik Secher Marcussen. - Roskilde : International Development Studies, Roskilde University.1996, p. 207-231.
Working with pastoralist NGOs and land conflicts in Tanzania : a report on a workshop held in Terrat, Tanzania 11th-15th December, 1994/ Mark Bradbury, Simon Fisher & Charles Lane. - London [etc.] : IIED [etc.], 1995.
Trees and farm boundaries: farm forestry, land tenure and reform in Kenya / Peter A. Dewees.
In: Africa / International African Institute : (1995), vol. 65, no. 2, p. 217-235 : tab.
L'occidentalisation des Maasaï du Kenya : privatisation foncière et destructuration sociale chez les Maasaï du Kenya/ Xavier Péron. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 1995. - (Anthropologie - Connaissance des hommes)
Property rights, institutional credit and the gender question in Uganda / Lilian Ekirikubinza Tibatemwa.
In: East African Journal of Peace & Human Rights : (1995), vol. 2, no. 1, p. 68-80.
The dilemma of the customary landholder : the conflict between customary and statutory rights of occupancy in Tanzania's land tenure system/ Fauz Twaib.
In: Papers of the Commission's Xth international congress, Legon, Ghana, August 21-24, 1995 / [org. by: Commission on Folk Law and Legal Pluralism] ; pres. Harald W. Finkler. - Legon : Commission on Folk Law and Legal Pluralism.1995, p. 133-157.
Searching for land tenure security in Africa/ John W. Bruce & Shem E. Migot-Adholla. - Dubuque, Iowa : Kendall/Hunt, 1994.
Report of the Presidential Commission of Inquiry into Land Matters/ Issa G. Shivji. - Uppsala [etc.] : Scandinavian Institute of African Studies [etc.], 1994.
Selling wealth to buy poverty : the process of the individualization of landownership among the Maasai pastoralists of Kajiado district, Kenya, 1890-1990/ Marinus Mattheus Eduard Maria Rutten. - Saarbrücken [etc.] : Breitenbach, 1992. - (Nijmegen studies in development and cultural change, ISSN 0935-7173 ; 10)
Selected Web Resources
Focus on Land in Africa
Focus on Land in Africa (FoLA) is a resource for the development community and policy makers to better understand how land and natural resource rights affect, and are affected by, development in Africa. Countries. Themes.
PovertyNet: Guide to Poverty Alleviation Organizations and Resources Across the Web.
Information about poverty, its assessment, its impact, and initiatives to reduce poverty internationally. Includes a special collection of poverty alleviation reports and papers, and a web guide.