Privatization in Africa
Privatisation des soins de santé en Afrique: une solution miracle au bénéfice (et au détriment) de qui? / Rémi Bachand .
In: Canadian journal of African studies: (2004), vol. 38, no. 1, p. 1-19.
Le crime transnational et la formation de l'État / Jean François Bayart .
In: Politique africaine: (2004), no. 93, p. 93-104.
Reinventing the local? : privatization, decentralization and the politics of resource management : examples from Africa / Sara Berry .
In: African study monographs: (2004), vol. 25, no. 2, p. 79-101.
Utility privatisation in sub-Saharan Africa: a case study of water / Kate Bayliss .
In: The journal of modern African studies : a quarterly survey of politics, economics and related topics in contemporary Africa: (2003), vol. 41, no. 4, p. 507-531 : tab.
Civilianising military functions in sub-Saharan Africa / Geoff Harris .
In: African security review: (2003), vol. 12, no. 4, p. 83-89.
État et acteurs émergents en Afrique : démocratie, indocilité et transnationalisation / Yann Lebeau . - Paris [etc.] : Karthala [etc.], 2003. - (Hommes et sociétés, ISSN 0290-6600)
Dossier investir en Afrique / Frédéric Lejeal .
In: Marchés tropicaux et méditerranéens: (2003), année 58, no. 3004, p. 1199-1220 : foto, tab.
The liberalisation, de-regulation and privatisation of the transport sector in sub-Saharan Africa : experiences, challenges and opportunities / Ngila Mwase .
In: Journal of African economies: (2003), vol. 12, suppl. 2, p. 153-192 : tab.
Frontiers of legal knowledge : business and economic law in context / Kenneth Kaoma Mwenda & David A. Ailola. - Durham, NC : Carolina Academic Press, 2003.
Dossier privatisation / Loïc Rivière.
In: Marchés tropicaux et méditerranéens: (2003), année 58, no. 3010, p. 1499-1517 : foto's
Panorama de la situation des privatisations en Afrique / Jacques Alibert.
In: Revue juridique et politique : indépendance et coopération : organe de l'Institut International de Droit d'Expression Française: (2002), année 56, no. 2, p. 157-164
Dossier intrants / Bénédicte Châtel.
In: Marchés tropicaux et méditerranéens: (2002), année 57, no. 2965, p. 1902-1912: tab.
Les nouveaux mercenaires ou la privatisation du maintien de la paix / Jean Philippe Daniel.
In: Géopolitique africaine: (2002), no. 5, p. 223-235.
Privatisation and corporate governance / Augustin Fosu & Melvin Ayogu. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2002. - (Journal of African economies, ISSN 0963-8024 ; vol. 11 (2002), suppl. 1 (Feb.))
Fluidity of boundaries and the privatisation of the State in Africa / Béatrice Hibou. - Leipzig : Institut für Afrikanistik, 2002. - (University of Leipzig papers on Africa ; no. 48. Politics and economics series)
Better governance and public policy : capacity building for democratic renewal in Africa / Dele Olowu & Soumana Sako. - Bloomfield, CT : Kumarian Press, 2002.
The privatization of security : framing a conflict prevention and peacebuilding policy agenda : Wilton Park Conference, November 19-21 1999. - London : International Alert, 2001.
Afrique noire: un État sans fonctionnaires? / Jean Copans.
In: Autrepart: (2001), no. 20, p. 11-26.
Le modèle du Nouveau Management Public face aux réalités étatiques de l'Afrique / François Mukoka Nsenda.
In: Congo-Afrique : économie, culture, vie sociale: (2001), no. 359, p. 536-548.
Dimensions économiques des réformes de l'État en Afrique subsaharienne / Alice Sindzingre.
In: L'Afrique politique: (2001), p. 201-228.
From nationalisation to privatisation in Africa / Bogdan Stefa´nski.
In: Africana bulletin: (2001), no. 49, p. 143-167 : tab.
Both pretense and promise : the political economy of privatization in Africa / S. Tjip Walker. - Ann Harbor : UMI Dissertation Services, 2001.
Negotiating space for rural communities? : market orthodoxy and the changing concept of social welfare services in Africa / Said Adejumobi.
In: African journal of political science: (2000), vol. 5, no. 1, p. 29-45.
A thousand flowers : social struggles against structural adjustment in African universities / Silvia Federici, Constantine George Caffentzis & Ousseina Alidou. - Trenton, N.J. Africa World Press, 2000.
Africa in world politics : the African State system in flux / John W. Harbeson & Donald Rothchild. - Boulder, Col. [etc.] : Westview Press, 2000.
An exploration of the link between foreign direct investment (FDI) and privatisation / Hannatjie Jacobs.
In: Politeia : journal for the political sciences: (2000), vol. 19, no. 2, p. 69-86 : tab.
Les enjeux de la gestion urbaine des villes africaines / Mamadou Ndiaye & Pierre Jacolin.
In: Villes en sursis au Sahel : expériences au Tchad et au Sénégal: (2000), p. 11-24 : foto's.
The social welfare impact of privatisation in sub-Saharan Africa: a discussion / Charles C. Okeahalam & Royson M. Mukwena .
In: Social dynamics : a journal of the Faculty of Social Science, University of Cape Town: (2000), vol. 26, no. 1, p. 134-149.
Africa's weak States, nonstate actors, and the privatization of interstate relations / William Reno .
In: Africa in world politics : the African State system in flux / ed. by John W. Harbeson, Donald Rothchild. - 3rd ed. - Boulder, Col. [etc.] : Westview Press: (2000), p. 286-307 : tab.
La compétitivité future des économies africaines : actes du Forum de Dakar, mars 1999 / Alioune Sall . - Paris [etc.] : Karthala [etc.], 2000. - (Hommes et sociétés, ISSN 0290-6600)
African enclosures? : the social dynamics of wetlands in drylands / Philip Woodhouse, Henry Bernstein & David Hulme . - Oxford : James Currey, 2000.
The criminalization of the state in Africa / Jean François Bayart, Stephen Ellis & Béatrice Hibou . - Oxford : Currey [etc.], 1999. - (African issues)
Décentralisation, pouvoirs sociaux et réseaux sociaux = Decentralization, local level politics, and social networks / Giorgio Blundo & Roch Mongbo . - Münster : Lit, 1999. - (Bulletin ; no. 16)
From mercenaries to "private military companies" : the collapse of the African State and the outsourcing of State security / Christo Botha .
In: South African yearbook of international law: (1999), vol. 24, p. 133-148.
Peace, profit or plunder? : the privatisation of security in war-torn African societies / Jakkie Cilliers & Peggy Mason . - Halfway House : Institute for Security Studies, 1999.
Privatisation des économies et des États africains : commentaires d'un historien / Mamadou Diouf .
In: Politique africaine: (1999)
Africa, gender, globalization and resistance / Yassine Fall . - Dakar : AAWORD, 1999. - (AAWORD book series)
Operationalizing concepts of sustainable development in Africa / Valentine Udoh James .
In: Sustainable development in Africa : prospects for the 21st century / Valentine Udoh James, ed. - San Francisco, Cal. [etc.] : International Scholars Publications: (1999), p. 1-7.
A positive theory of privatisation for sub-Saharan Africa / Jean Jacques Laffont & Mathieu Meleu .
In: Journal of African economies: (1999), vol. 8, suppl. 1, p. 30-67 : graf., tab.
Making the State relevant to African societies / John Mukum Mbaku .
In: Preparing Africa for the twenty-first century : strategies for peaceful coexistence and sustainable development / ed. by John Mukum Mbaku. - Aldershot [etc.] : Ashgate: (cop. 1999), p. 299-333.
The privatisation of security in Africa / Greg Mills & John Stremlau . - Johannesburg : South African Institute of International Affairs, 1999.
Le transport aérien / Lucas Patriat .
In: Marchés tropicaux et méditerranéens: (1999), année 54, no. 2792, p. 1001-1008 : fig., tab.
African economies in transition / Jo Ann Paulson . - Basingstoke : Macmillan, 1999. - (@Studies on the African economies)
Export crop liberalization in Africa : a review / Andrew Shepherd & Stefano Farolfi . - Rome : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1999. - (Agricultural services bulletin, ISSN 0378-2182 ; 135)
The politics of patronage in Africa : parastatals, privatization and private enterprise / Roger Tangri . - Trenton, N.J. [etc.] : Africa World Press, 1999.
Privatizing health services in Africa / Meredeth Turshen . - New Brunswick, N.J. [etc.] : Rutgers University Press, 1999.
Privatization in Africa / Oliver Campbell White & Anita Bhatia . - Washington, D.C. The World Bank, 1998. - (Directions in development)
Mercenaires S.A / Philippe Chapleau & François Misser . - Paris : Desclée de Brouwer, 1998.
Quelles politiques foncières pour l'Afrique rurale? : réconcilier pratiques, légitimité et légalité / Philippe Lavigne Delville . - Paris : Karthala [etc.], 1998. - (Économie et développement)
Privatisations / Christel Fargeas .
In: Marchés tropicaux et méditerranéens: (1998), année 53, no. 2767, p. 2422-2434 : tab
Liberalised food marketing in developing countries : key policy problems / Stephen Jones . - Oxford : Oxford Policy Management, 1998.
Privatisations, management et financements internationaux des firmes en Afrique / Jean Kernaïse Mavoungou . - Paris [etc.] : L'Harmattan, 1998. - (Dynamiques d'entreprises)
L'Afrique et le transport maritime mondial / Lucas Patriat .
In: Marchés tropicaux et méditerranéens: (1998), année 53, no. 2739, p. 989-994 : tab.
Hungary's systemic transformation and privatization paradigm : lessons for the sub-Saharan Africa reform countries / Ashagre A. Yigletu .
In: Scandinavian journal of development alternatives and area studies: (1998), vol. 17, no. 1, p. 33-47 : tab.
La Société financière internationale et l'Afrique en 1996-97 / Jacques Alibert .
In: Marchés tropicaux et méditerranéens: (1997), année 52, no. 2708, p. 2145-2148 : tab.
La criminalisation de l'État en Afrique / Jean François Bayart, Stephen Ellis & Béatrice Hibou . - Bruxelles : Éditions Complexe, 1997. - (Espace international)
Privatization in sub-Saharan Africa : progress and prospects during the 1990s / Paul Bennell .
In: World development : the multi-disciplinary international journal devoted to the study and promotion of world development: (1997), vol. 25, no. 11, p. 1785-1803 : tab.
L'industrie minière en Afrique subsaharienne / Muriel Devey & Ariane Vilain .
In: Marchés tropicaux et méditerranéens: (1997), année 52, no. 2717, p. 2653-2676 : foto's, krt., tab.
Impact of privatization on gender and property rights in Africa / Susana Lastarria-Cornhiel .
In: World development : the multi-disciplinary international journal devoted to the study and promotion of world development: (1997), vol. 25, no. 8, p. 1317-1333.
Public enterprise reform in Africa : lessons from experience / Gatian F. Lungu .
In: Africanus : skakelblad van die Departement van Naturelle-Administrasie, Universiteit van Suid-Afrika: (1997), vol. 27, no. 2, p. 34-44.
Designing privatization strategies in Africa : law, economics, and practice / Gerald Bisong Tanyi & George L. Priest . - Westport, Conn. Praeger, 1997.
Report on the ad-hoc expert group meeting : guidelines for natural resources and energy development in Africa with emphasis on privatisation and deregulation. - [Addis Ababa] : United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, 1996.
Diverses approches de la privatisation en Afrique : actes du séminaire, Tanger (Maroc), 12-16 juin 1995. - Tanger : CAFRAD, 1996. - (Cahiers africains d'administration publique, ISSN 0007-9588 ; no. 47)
Privatisation in sub-Saharan Africa : progress and prospects during the 1990s / Paul Bennell. - Brighton : Institute of Development Studies, 1996. - (Working paper, ISSN 1353-6141 ; 41)
Privatisation in Africa : the way forward / Olu Fadahunsi. - Nairobi : AAPAM, 1996.
Mass media in sub-Saharan Africa / Louise Manon Bourgault. - Bloomington [etc.] : Indiana University Press, 1995.
Privatization in developing countries : its impact on economic development and democracy / Jacques V. Dinavo. - Westport, Conn. [etc.] : Praeger, 1995.
Structural adjustment and the reform of public enterprises in Africa / Cheikh Tidiane Gadio.
In: Démocraties africaines: (1995), no. 3, p. 37-44 : graf., tab
Marketing Africa's high-value foods : comparative experiences of an emergent private sector / Steven Jaffee & John Morton. - Dubuque, Iowa : Kendall/Hunt, 1995.
African studies in social movements and democracy / Mahmood Mamdani & Ernest Wamba-dia-Wamba. - Dakar : Codesria, 1995. - (Codesria book series)
The politics of Africa's public and private enterprise / Roger Tangri.
In: The journal of commonwealth & comparative politics: (1995), vol. 33, no. 2, p. 169-184.