Proverbs in African languages

Fragment of kanga with Swahili text “Haraka haraka haina baraka” (Hurry hurry has no blessing). (Source: Kanga Collection Textile Research Centre Leiden, Photo: Hans Splinter)To mark the Year of Indigenous Languages, the ASCL Library has compiled this web dossier on Proverbs in African languages. The dossier includes titles from the ASCL Library collection, extended with sources available through the broader Leiden University Library collection. Titles link to the corresponding record in the online catalogue, and include subject headings, abstracts, and links to full text, where available. The dossier is introduced by ASCL Library Information Specialist Heleen Smits and concludes with a selection of links to relevant websites.

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An estimated six to seven thousand languages are spoken in the world today. The great majority of the world’s population, about 97%, speaks only 4% of all languages, while the remaining 96% of languages is spoken by only 3% of the world’s population. Almost one third of the world’s languages is spoken in Africa.

Language diversity on the national level has often been associated with social and political problems. This stigma has strongly influenced the language policies of many African countries, to the disadvantage of indigenous languages. Recent insights, however, have shown that social and economic problems in contexts of ethnolinguistic diversity find their causes in the complexities of historical, political and socio-cultural factors rather than in the use of indigenous languages per se. Policies respecting linguistic and cultural diversity have the potential to resolve conflicts rather than creating them and can empower more people to contribute creatively to a country’s economy.¹

The International Year of Indigenous Languages 2019 celebrates the world’s language diversity and aims to contribute to the protection and strengthening of indigenous languages and their speech communities. Though the focus of the ASCL library’s collection is on works on Africa in Western languages, it does host African language materials. Proverbs have been collected and published for a long time, initially mostly by missionaries, anthropologists and linguists, later on increasingly by African academics and connoisseurs. As tokens of wisdom, cultural knowledge and high-level language competence, proverbs are held in high esteem in African societies, as are the people, often elderly, who know many and are able to apply them appropriately and convincingly.

The current web dossier offers a selection of books and articles containing African proverbs. It focuses on collections of proverbs rather than on studies of proverbs as a socio-cultural phenomenon. Works offering proverbs only in translation have not been included.

As a small side-step, the web dossier offers a section on the East African kanga, the colourful and much-loved two-piece cloth worn by women along the Swahili coast and further inland. The kanga typically carries a Swahili message, which can also be a proverb. The kanga on the accompanying photo has one that exists in many languages: Haraka haraka haina baraka “haste makes waste”!

Heleen Smits

Introduction | Selected titles | Wikidata Map | Selected web resources| Picture gallery

Selected titles

Languages of Central Africa | Languages of East Africa | Languages of Southeast and Southern Africa | Languages of West and Northern Africa

Languages of Central Africa

Bafut proverbs / Zaccheus F. Ntumngia, Joseph N. Mfonyam. - Bafut: Bafut Language Organisation, 2004.

Proverbes b̳àsàa du Cameroun = Màn̳gèn ma b̳àsàa b̳a Kamèrûn / [Emmanuel Mbenda] ; préf. de Henri Marcel Bot b̳a Njock. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2014.
book cover "Proverbes b̳àsàa du Cameroun"

Études Beembe (Congo) : esquisse linguistique, devinettes et proverbes / André Jacquot. - Paris: Orstom, 1981.

Bubi (Pove)
Les proverbes de la forêt chez les Pové du Gabon / Paulin Kialo. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2013.

drum language
Zum Sprachgebrauch in den Sprichwörtern und in der Trommelsprache der Ewondo und der Búlu / von Klaus Piper.
In: Afrika und Übersee : Sprachen, Kulturen , Bd. 72, H. 1, p. 1-16 (1989).

Mille et un proverbes beti : mìnkàná bǝ́tí mìntèd àvóòm àì fùs : la société beti à travers ses proverbes / rec. par Théodore Tsala ; Jeanne-Françoise Vincent et Luc Bouquiaux (éds.) ; préf. de Philippe Laburthe-Tolra. - Paris: Selaf, 1985.

Le B-A BA de la pensée bamiléké : introduction au discours des peuples bamiléke / Leon Kamga. - Yaoundé, Cameroun: Afrédit, 2015.

Proverbes et maximes des Bahunde : Migani / Daniel Kitsa Buunda Kafukulo. - Paris [etc.]: Harmattan, 1998.

Litterature orale : contes et proverbes kongo / Nathalis Lembe Masiala. - Paris: Publibook, 2018.
book cover "Litterature orale : contes et proverbes kongo"

Panorama de la littérature orale du Loango : étude des proverbes / René Mavoungou Pambou ; préf. Auguste Miabéto Ladi. - Paris [etc.]: Paari, 2016.

Bingana, ou, Le souffle des ancêtres : proverbes ou adages du Congo-Brazzaville / Bernard N'Kaloulou. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2015.

Le masque des mots : sous le toit de mon père / Patrice Joseph Lhoni ; trad. de 500 proverbes Kongo en français. - [Châtenay-Malabry]: Édition Acoria, 2014.

Eloquência : manual de aprendizagem da eloquência através de provérbios Kikongo = Kinzonzi : malongi ma ntela a mambu muna yingana / Fernando Ndombele KidimaTadi ; trad. de Vuaituma Sebastião e Kiala Pierre ; pref. de Manzambi Vuvu Fernando ; rev. linguística Siona Casimiro. - Luanda: Mayamba, 2012.

Kongo proverbs and the origins of Bantu wisdom / Mukumbuta Lisimba. - Libreville: International Centre for Bantu Civilisations, 1999.

Droit coutumier africain : proverbes judiciaires kongo (Zai͏̈re) / André Ryckmans, C. Mwelanzambi Bakwa ; préf. de Louis-Vincent Thomas ; liminaire de Jacques Vanderlinden. - Paris [etc.]: L'Harmattan [etc.], 1992.

Les proverbes anciens du Bas-Congo / par Rob. L. Wannyn. - Bruxelles: Éditions du Vieux Planquesaule, 1983.

Sprichwörter der Kundu (Kamerun) / Johannes Ittmann. - Berlin: 1971.

Un recueil de proverbes nsong (R.D. Congo, Bantu B85d) / Joseph Koni Muluwa & Koen Bostoen.
In: Annales aequatoria , no. 28, p. 497-553 : krt., tab (2007).

Mutánga : la corde à proverbes des Lega du Kivu-Maniema (Congo) / Ngandu-Myango Malasi. - Gent: RECALL, Research Centre of African Languages and Literatures, 2000.

Proverbes, paraboles et argot dans la chanson congolaise moderne / Dieudonné Iyeli Katamu. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2010.

Lingala, Swahili
Les langages populaires et vision démocratique : la part du proverbe et du conte / André Yoka Lye Mudaba.
In: Congo-Afrique : économie, culture, vie sociale , année 47, no. 416, p. 423-431 (2007).

Luba-Sprichwörter : Übers., erweit. und überarb. Ausg. einer anonymen Sammlung aus Zaire / Hans-Ingolf Weier. - Köln: Köppe, 1992.
book cover "Le proverbe : forme, fonction et sens en pays tupuri"

Comportement alimentaire en rapport avec le discours luba, kasai / Tshibwabwa M. et Elia Monongo.
In: Annales aequatoria , vol. 8, p. 59-75 (1987).

Word and world : Luba thought and literature / Jacques A.Th. Theuws. - St. Augustin: Verlag des Anthropos-Instituts, 1983.

Les proverbes des Baluba-Shankadi : Mwana Muluba mu "Kyondo" / Mfum-wa-Mangi Ngoy Kasongo Kata.
In: Problèmes sociaux zai͏̈rois : bulletin trimestriel du Centre d'Exécution des Programmes Sociaux et Économiques , no. 112/113, p. 3-29; no. 114/115, p. 3-35 (1976).

Mamprusi proverbs / par Xavier Plissart. - Tervuren: Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Afrika, 1983.

Proverbes et dictons Ngambayes-Tchad / Dingamtoudji Maikoubou. - Paris [etc.]: L'Harmattan, 2005.

Proverbes mongo de Basankusu / Piet Korse. - Oosterbeek: Korse, 2005.

Losáko : salutation solennelle des Nkundó / par G. Hulstaert. - Bruxelles: 1959.

Proverbes Mongo / par G. Hulstaert. - Tervuren: Musée royal du Congo belge, 1958.

Traditions, tales and proverbs of the Bali-Nyonga / coll. and transl. by Johannes Stöckle. - Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag, 1994.

Proverbes mùrùm du Tchad / par Antoine Berilengar. - [N'Djaména]: Editions SAO, 2002.

Proverbes et devinettes ngbaka / V. Maes.
In: Africana linguistica , p. 51-64 (1967).

Proverbes pelende : (Rép. du Zai͏̈re) / Matadiwamba Kamba Mutu. - Bandundu: Ceeba, 1996.

Proverbes et dictons des Punu du Gabon / Nza-Mateki. - Libreville: Editions Raponda-Walker, 2008.

Zeme ba fotxi : fragmentos da tradição oral São-Tomense contos e provérbios / Angelson Coelho ; revisão, Naduska. - São Tomé: Centro Cultural Brasil / São Tomé e Príncipe, 2010.

Proverbes des Songye / P.R. Lumeka.
In: Africana linguistica III , p. 39-49 (1967).

Le proverbe taabwa / Kalunga Mwela-Ubi".
In: Africa : rivista trimestrale di studi e documentazione , vol. 35, no. 2, p. 191-216 (1980).

Contes, proverbes et devinettes des Banen (Sud-Ouest du Cameroun) / Idelette Dugast. - Paris: Société d'Études Linguistiques et Anthropologiques de France, 1975.

Le proverbe : forme, fonction et sens en pays tupuri (Tchad-Cameroun) : la famille Adamawa-oubanguienne au rythme de la "langue de la danse" / Jean-Paul Balga ; préface d'Emmanuel Matateyou. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2018.

1700 proverbes vili = Bi ngân bi loangu / Robert Tinou. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2015.

book cover "1700 proverbes vili"

Dire sans le dire : tchi luangu mueni : adages, anecdotes, dictons et proverbes d'Afrique noire / Fumu Bipe ; avec la. coll. de Francois Tchibouela-Poati et Valentin Poary-Pemba. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2014.

Proverbes et contes vili : (République du Congo) / Jean Dello ; préf. de J.B. Tati Loutard. - Paris [etc.]: L'Harmattan, 2006.

Proverbes de la sagesse yaka : Matsaba : traduits et annotés / Martial De-Paul Ikounga. - Paris: l'Harmattan, 2013.

Proverbes yaka du Zai͏̈re / Alain Van der Beken. - Paris: Karthala, 1993.

Proverbes et vie yaka / Alain Van der Beken. - S[ank]t Augustin: Anthropos-Institut, Haus Völker und Kulturen, 1978.

Languages of East Africa

Acholi proverbs / Okot p'Bitek. - Nairobi: Heinemann Kenya, 1985.

Máakut(i) t̕awá shuultáa = Proverbs finish the problems : sayings of the Alaaba (Ethiopia) / Gertrud Schneider-Blum (ed.). - Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag, 2009.

book cover "proverbs finish the problems"

Traditional Ethiopian legal culture : Amharic proverbs and maxims on law and justice / Jon Abbink.
In: Studies in Ethiopian languages, literature, and history : festschrift for Getatchew Haile, presented by his friends and colleagues , p. 3-20 (2017).

Pocketwoordenboek bananen Luganda-Nederlands / door de studenten van PRE-University College, onder begeleiding van Maarten Mous en Margaret Nabiyiki. - [Leiden]: Leiden University, 2019.

Gendering social destiny in the proverbs of the Baganda: reflections on boys and girls becoming men and women / Abasi Kiyimba.
In: Journal of African cultural studies , vol. 17, no. 2, p. 253-270 (2005).

"Okukkera Ngʾomuzungu", to talk nonsense like a whiteman : the use of proverbs in Luganda historical writing / by John A. Rowe. - Boston, MA: Boston University, African Studies Center, 1991.

Luganda proverbs / F. Walser. - Berlin: Dietrich Reimer, 1982.

The powers of genre : interpreting Haya oral literature / Peter Seitel. - New York, NY [etc.]: Oxford University Press, 1999.

Proverbs and sayings : theory and practice / J.S. Madumulla. - Dar es Salaam: Institute of Kiswahili Research, University of Dar es Salaam, 1995.

Thimo cia Agĩkũyũ = Proverbs of the Kikuyu people / Kamau-Wango. - Nairobi: Flame Keepers, 2009.

The wisdom and philosophy of the Gikuyu proverbs : the Kihooto world-view / Gerald Joseph Wanjohi. - Nairobi: Paulines Publications Africa, 1997.

The teaching of non-violence in Gikuyu proverbs / G.J. Wanjohi.
In: Journal of African religion and philosophy , vol. 2, no. 2, p. 3-9 : fig (1993).

The Gikuyu philosophy of religion with reference to the proverbs / G.J. Wanjohi.
In: Journal of African religion and philosophy , vol. 2, no. 2, p. 165-172 (1993).

1000 Kikuyu proverbs : with transl. and English equivalents / G. Barra. - London: Kenya Literature Bureau, 1960.

Proverbes du Rwanda / par Pierre Crépeau et Simon Bizimana. - Tervuren: Musée Royal de l'Afrique Centrale, 1979.

Lwoo proverbs : Acoli & Lango / Bruno Carollo. - Kampala: Comboni Missionaries, 1998.

Oral literature of the Marakwet of Kenya / Paul Kipchumba. - Nairobi, Kenya: Kipchumba Foundation, 2016.

book cover "Oral literature of the Marakwet of Kenya"

1200 Kimeru proverbs (including idiomatic expressions and similes) / by E. Steven Mwiti. - Nairobi: Downtown Printing, 2004.

The ideal of the good life : as crystallized by Tanzanian Meru proverbs / by Raimo Harjula. - Helsinki: The Finnish Oriental Society, 1997.

The proverbs of Kigezi and Ankole (Uganda) / Marius Cisternino. - Kampala [etc.]: Comboni Missionaries, 1987.

Ethiopian wisdom : proverbs and sayings of the Oromo people / George Cotter. - Ibadan: Daystar Sefer Books, 1996.

Proverbs and sayings of the Oromo people of Ethiopia and Kenya with English translations / George Cotter. - Lewiston, N.Y. [etc.]: Edwin Mellen Press, 1992.

Swahili modern proverbs : the role of literary writers and social network users / Shani Omari.
In: Swahili Forum, vol. 23, p. 21-46 (2016).

Palm oil with which Swahili words are eaten : use of proverbs in modern Swahili literature / Elena Zubkova Bertoncini.
In: The growth of African literature : twenty-five years after Dakar and Fourah Bay / ed. by Edris Makward, Thelma Ravell-Pinto & Aliko Songolo. - Trenton, N.J. [etc] : Africa World Press , p. 11-21 (1998).

Swahili proverbs / by Jan Knappert. - [Ndanda]: Ndanda Mission Press, 1997.

Proverbs from the Lamu archipelago and the central Kenya coast / by Jan Knappert. - Berlin: Reimer, 1986.

Swahili proverbs : Nia zikiwa moja, kilicho mbali huja / Albert Scheven. - Washington, D.C: University Press of America, 1981.

Politics in Swahili proverbs / Albert Scheven.
In: Ufahamu : journal of the African Activist Association , vol. 8, no. 1, p. 95-105 (1977).

Swahili proverb songs / Jan Knappert.
In: Afrika und Übersee : Sprachen, Kulturen , vol. 59, no. 2, p. 105-112 (1975).

Swahili sayings from Zanzibar / S.S. Farsi. - Nairobi [etc.]: 1958.

African aphorisms : or: saws from Swahili-land / coll., transl. and annot. by W.E. Taylor ; with a preface by W.S. Price. - London: The Sheldon press, 1924.

Swahili kanga
Common threads: fabrics made-in-India for Africa /  Meera Venkatachalam, Renu Modi, Johann Salazar. - Leiden: African Studies Centre, To appear.
book cover "Kanga wisdom"

Swahili kanga
Textile trades, consumer cultures, and the material worlds of the Indian Ocean / Pedro Machado, Sarah Fee, Gwyn Campbell. - Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.

Swahili kanga
One size fits all: the fashionable kanga of Zanzibari women / Rose Ong'oa-Morara.
In: Fashion Theory: The Journal of Dress, Body & Culture, vol. 18, no. 1, p. 73-95 (2014).

Swahili kanga
Overcoming the barriers through literal and descriptive translations: examples of kanga names / Pendo Salu Malangwa.
In: Journal for studies in humanities and social sciences , vol. 1, no. 1, p. 51-62 : foto's, tab (2012).

Swahili kanga
The kanga, a cloth that reveals co-production of culture in Africa and the Indian Ocean Region / Phyllis Ressler. - Lincoln: University of Nebraska, 2012.

Swahili kanga
Kanga wisdom : a collection of Kanga sayings / compiled by Nadin Hadi ; photographs by Javed Jafferji. - Zanzibar: Gallery Publications, 2007.

Swahili kanga
Say what you like: dress, identity and heritage in Zanzibar / Rosabelle Boswell.
In: International Journal of Heritage Studies, vol. 12, no. 5, pp. 440-457 (2006).

Swahili kanga
Texts on textiles: proverbiality as characteristic of equivocal communication at the East African coast (Swahili) / Rose Marie Beck.
In: Journal of African cultural studies , vol. 17, no. 2, p. 131-160 (2005).

Swahili kanga
Kanga, the cloth that speaks / by Sharifa M. Zawawi. - The Bronx, NY: Azaniya Hills Press, 2005.

book cover "Kanga, the cloth that speaks"

Swahili kanga
Ambiguous signs: on communication with kanga / Rose-Marie Beck.
In: Swahili forum VIII : in honour of Gudrun Miehe, p. 157-169 (2001).

Swahili kanga
Aesthetics of communication: texts on textiles (leso) from the East African Coast (Swahili) / Rose-Marie Beck.
In: Research In African Literatures, vol. 31, no. 4, p. 104-124 (2000).

Swahili kanga
If the cap fits : 'kanga' names and women's voice in Swahili society / Saida Yahya-Othman.
In: Afrikanistische Arbeitspapiere : Schriftenreihe des Kölner Instituts für Afrikanistik , No. 51, p. 135-149 (1997).

Swahili kanga
The effects of Khanga inscription as a communication vehicle in Tanzania / C. Hongoke. - Dar es Salaam: Women's Research and Documentation Project (WRDP), 1993.

Swahili kanga
Kanga: popular cloths with messages / Elisabeth Linnebuhr.
In: Matatu : Zeitschrift für afrikanische Kultur und Gesellschaft , no. 9, p. 81-90 (1992).

Tugen proverbs / David Ng'osos ; ill. Njeri Kahonge. - Nairobi: Phoenix Publishers, 1997.

Languages of Southeast and Southern Africa

Omiano vya Tjipangandjara : Otjiherero proverbs and idioms / Jekura Uaurika Kavari. - Windhoek: University of Namibia Press, 2013.

Kaonde proverbs / John C. Ganly ; [ill. with drawings by Jones Muna]. - Ndola: Mission Press, 1987.

Lamba hoany, proverb cloths from Madagascar / Rebecca L. Green.
In: African Arts, vol. 36, no. 2, p. 30-43 (2003).

Langages non conventionnels à Madagascar : argot des jeunes et proverbes gaillards / Clément Sambo. - Paris: Éditions Karthala [etc.], 2001.
book cover "Langages non conventionnels à Madagascar"

Fahendrena malagasy : index des proverbes malgaches / O. Rickenbcher. - Paris: Institut des langues et civilisations orientales, 1987.

"Ny atao no miverina" : ou: ethnologie et proverbes malgaches / P.G. Navone. - Fianarantsoa: Ambozontany, 1977.

Ndebele proverbs and other sayings / By J.N. Pelling. - Gwelo: Mambo Press, 1977.

Northern Sotho
Sepedi proverbs / Nape'a Motana ; ill. by Garth Erasmus. - Cape Town: Kwela, 2004.

Provérbios em Nyaneka / [António Joaquim Silva]. - [S.l.: s.n.], 1989.

Chinyanja and the language of rights / Harri Englund.
In: Nordic journal of African studies , vol. 10, no. 3, p. 299-319 (2001).

Wisdom of the people : 2000 Chinyanja proverbs / J.C. Chakanza ; [ill.: Samson Kambalu]. - Blantyre: Claim, 2000.

Individual agency and responsibility in African proverbial discourse / Alex Pongweni.
In: Journal for studies in humanities and social sciences , vol. 5, no. 2, p. 152-171 (2016).

Implications of the portrayal of women in Shona proverbs for gender sensitive teaching and learning of ChiShona / Beatrice Taringa.
In: Zimbabwe journal of educational research , vol. 26, no. 3, p. 395-408 (2014).

Shona proverbs : palm oil with which African words are eaten / compiling editors, Ngwabi Bhebe [and] Advice Viriri. - Gweru: Booklove Publishers, 2012.

Epistemological implications of selected Shona proverbs / Ephraim Gwaravanda, Dennis Masaka. - Cape Town: Casas, 2008.
book cover "Shona proverbs"

Metaphors of our times : the oral interrogations of sociocultural continuities and raptures / Alec J.C. Pongweni & Emmanuel M. Chiwome. - Cape Town: The Centre for Advanced Studies of African Society, 2007.

Language as indigenous knowledge / Shumirai Nyota, Jacob Mapara. - Cape Town: Casas, 2007.

Tsumo-Shumo : Shona proverbial lore and wisdom / introduced, translated, and explained by Mordikai A. Hamutyinei and Albert B. Plangger. - Gweru: Mambo Press, 1996.

Imagery in Southern-Sotho proverbs and riddles / Malema Mary Motebele. - [Johannesburg]: 1997.

Perceptions, contexts, uses and meanings of silence in Setswana / Mompoloki Mmangaka Bagwasi.
In: Journal of African cultural studies , vol. 24, no. 2, p. 184-194 (2012).

African wisdom : a personal collection of Setswana proverbs / Ellen K. Kuzwayo. - Roggebaai: Kwela Books, 1998.

Sabedoria popular dos Ovimbundu : 630 provérbios em Umbundu / Basílio Tchikale. - Luanda: Kilombelombe, 2011.

Selecção de provérbios e adivinhas em Umbundu / por José Francisco Valente. - Lisboa: Junta de investigações do Ultramar, 1964.

Xhosa proverbs and metaphors / Zolile Calana ; [ill. by] Patrick Holo. - Capetown: Kwela Books, 2002.

Wisdom of the Yawo people, Lunda Iwa Wanda wa Ciyawo : Yawo proverbs and stories, Yitagu ni Adisi sya Ciyawo / Ian D. Dicks. - Zomba: Kachere Series, 2006.

Zulu proverbs / C.L. Sibusiso Nyembezi. - Johannesburg: Witwatersrand University Press, 1974.

Languages of West and Northern Africa

Dangme and Klama proverbs / coll. and transl. [from the Klama] by T.N.N. Accam ; ed. with an annot. ind. by M.E. Kropp Dakubu. - Legon: Institute of African Studies, 1972.

Sagesse bambara : proverbes et sentences / Père Charles Bailleul. - Bamako: Donniya, 2005.

Sentences et proverbes bamanan (expliqués en bamanan et en français) / El Hadj Sadia Traoré. - Bamako: Editions Jamana, 1995.
book cover "Temne names and proverbs"

Proverbes et contes bambara : accompagnés d'une traduction française et précédés d'un abrégé de droit coutumier bambara et malinké / par Moussa Travélé. - Paris: Paul Geuthner, 1977.

Les Baoules d'après leurs dictions et proverbes / Cyprien Arbelbide. - [Abidjan]: Ceda, 1975.

Trente dictons baoulés / P. Vogler.
In: Annales de l'Université d'Abidjan , vol. 1, no. 1, p. 46-49 (1968).

Rhymes in Buli proverbs, songs and poems / Franz Kröger.
In: Research review , n.s., vol. 25, no. 1, p. 43-50 (2009).

Dàgàrà-yèrbíé ou proverbes dagara or dagara proverbs : théorie sur la circulation des textes des langues à tradition orale en Afrique Noire et application des méthodes phonologiques de transcription / Penou-Achille Somé, Claude Bouygues. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 1992.

Dagbani proverbs = Dagban' naha / by Kofi Ron Lange. - Tamale: Kofi Ron Lange, 2006.

Afenmai proverbs / collected, transl. and annot. by Zakariyau Idrees-Oboh Oseni. - Auchi: Darun-Nur, 2003.

La transmission culturelle : l'exemple du peul / sous la dir. de Ursula Baumgardt et Abdourahmane Diallo (éds.). - Paris: Karthala, 2014.

Devinettes peules : suivies de quelques proverbes et exemples d'argots (Nord-Cameroun) / J.P. Lebeuf et P.F. Lacroix. - Paris [etc.]: 1972.

Proverbes et maximes peuls et toucouleurs / trad., exp. et ann. par Henri Gaden. - Paris: 1931.

Gbaan mɔ fiedoalenu / coordonnateur: Taki Oya Robert ; Illustrations: Selly Essis Maxime Alphonse. - Abidjan: Edilis, 2008.

Sprichwörter der Guang von Boso und Anum in Ghana (Guang-studien V) / E.L. Rapp.
In: Afrikanische Sprachen und Kulturen; ein Querschnitt / hrsg. von V. Six, N. Cyffer, E. Wolff, u.a. , p. 305-316 (1971).

Hausa, Igbo, Ivbie North-Okpela-Arhe, Yoruba
Proverbs as iconic and indexical markers of culture : exploration of proverbs of four Nigerian cultures / Alexandra llzoaku Esimaje, Richard Abekhe Mosagbor, Chukwuma Daniel Ezirim.
In: Okike : an African journal of new writing , no. 51, p. 255-271 : tab (2014).

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Ilu Ndi Igbo : a study of Igbo proverbs / Solomon Amadiume. - Enugu: Fourth Dimension Publishing, 1994.

Noin nẹngịa, ḅẹrẹ nẹngịa : Nembe n'akaḅụ = More days, more wisdom : Nembe proverbs / E.J. Alagoa. - Port Harcourt: University of Port Harcourt Press, 1986.

Adages et mythes porteurs du genre en Kabiye. - Togo: INADES-Formation, 2000.

Innan in Teqbaylit = Paroles kabyles / textes choisis par Samia Messaoudi et Mustapha Harzoune ; préf. de: Idir. - Alger: Casbah éditions, 2015.

Énigmes et joutes oratoires de Kabylie : commentaire linguistique et ethnographique / Youcef Allioui. - Paris [etc.]: L'Harmattan, 2005.

Kanuri proverbs: metaphoric conceptualization of a cultural discourse / Mohammed Laminu Mele.
In: Journal of African cultural studies , vol. 25, no. 3, p. 333-348 : tab (2013).

An introduction to Kasena society and culture through their proverbs / A.K. Awedoba. - Lanham, Md. [etc.]: University Press of America, 2000.
book cover "An introduction to Kasena society"

Proverbes malinké : à l'ombre des grands fromagers / proverbes rec. et trad. [du malinké] par Gérard Meyer avec la collab. de Jean-Raphae͏̈l Camara et de Fonsa Camara. - Paris: Conseil International de la Langue Française Edicef, 1985.

Mandinka dilemma stories, puzzles, riddles and proverbs : (Mandinka texts and translations) / [coll. and transl.] by David P. Gamble. - San Francisco: [D.P. Gamble], 1977.

Diæli : le livre de la sagesse noire / André Demaison ; [ornementation dess. par Pierre Courtois]. - Paris: Piazza, 1931.

Proverbes du Moogo : le mur du soir se pose sur le mur du matin : pour construire le futur, on part du passé / Wendinminté Ouedraogo. - [Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso]: EAN éditions développement, 2014.

Nzema mrelebule = Nzema proverbs / George B. Kwesi ; ed. and with a new introd. by Mariano Pavanello. - Legon: Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana, 2007.

Songhai, Zarma
Anthologie de la littérature orale Songhay-Zarma : saveurs sahéliennes / Fatimata Mounkaila. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2008.

Temne names and proverbs / collec. by Abou Bai-Sharka. - Freetown: People's Educational Association of Sierra Leone, 1986.

Proverbes, sentences, maximes en touareg (berbère méridional) / par Mohamed Aghali-Zakara.
In: Études et documents berbères, no. 22, p. 119-139 (2004).

Littérature orale touarègue : contes et proverbes / [rassemblés par] Nai͏̈ma Louali-Raynal, Nadine Decourt et Ramada Elghamis. - Paris [etc.]: L'Harmattan, 1997.

Yorùbá proverbs and musicality / Michael Olutayo Olatunji.
In: Legon journal of the humanities , vol. 23, p. 125-140 (2012).

Playful blasphemies : postproverbials as archetypes of modernity in Yorùbá culture / Aderemi Raji-Oyelade. - Trier: WVT, Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2012.

An analytical study of Yoruba proverbs of Islamic origin / S.A. Shittu.
In: Journal of Oriental and African studies , vol. 20, p. 145-157 (2011).

English-translated Yoruba proverbs associated with women : need for gender equality / A.A. Asiyanbola.
In: África : revista do Centro de Estudos Africanos, número 24-26, 247-264 (2009).

Yoruba, Tswana
Language, gender and politics : a festschrift for Yisa Kehinde Yusuf / ed. by Akin Odebunmi, Arua E. Arua, Sailal Arimi. - Lagos: Published for Centre for Black and African Arts and Civilization (CBAAC) by Concept Publications, 2009.

Yoruba proverbs / Oyekan Owomoyela. - Lincoln [etc.]: University of Nebraska Press, 2008.

book cover "Dire la santé avec des proverbes"

A Kì í : Yorùbá proscriptive and prescriptive proverbs / Oyekan Owomoyela. - Lanham, Md. [etc.]: University Press of America, 1988.

Yoruba proverbs : translation and annotation / by Bernth Lindfors and Oyekan Owomoyela. - [Athens: Ohio University Center for International Studies, Africa Program, 1973.

Òwe l'ẹṣin ọrọ : Yoruba proverbs : their meaning and usage / Isaac O. Delano. - Ibadan: Oxford University Press, 1966.

Dire la santé avec des proverbes : proverbes zarma-songay du Niger : essai / Yves Bernard ; préf. de Maga-Mazou Areynatou. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2007.

L'essence du verbe / Boubou Hama. - Niamey: Celhto, 1988.

Wikidata Map

Each red dot on the map indicates geolocated topics co-occurring with African proverbs as main subjects. The presentation is restricted to African languages. If you click on a dot, a window pops up offering a link to an English Wikipedia article (if it exists) and a link to publications on the subject in the ASCL catalogue. For your viewing pleasure, zoom in and you will discover, among other things, publications on Yoruba songs and Bulsa folk tales.

Click on plus and minus to zoom. To move the map, click and hold your mouse, then drag the map by moving your mouse.

Web resources

A site with information on African proverbs, sayings and stories including a bibliography.

De Proverbio
A website devoted to proverbs in several languages founded in January 1995 at the University of Tasmania, Australia. 

Kanga Collection of the British Museum

Kanga Collection of the Memory of the Netherlands
The collection includes kangas produced by Vlisco in the 1920s and 1930s.

Kanga Collection Modemuze

Kanga as a form of visual communication
Post by Ziddi Msangi on the website of the VCFA.

Swahili language and culture
Website including a page on the texts appearing on a kanga.

Picture gallery: kangas from the collection of the TRC Leiden

Photographer: Hans Splinter

Fragment of kanga with Swahili text “Siri ya maisha ni ujasiri” (The secret of life is courage). Fragment of kanga with Swahili text "Akili ni mali" (Intelligence is wealth). (Source: Kanga Collection Textile Research Centre Leiden, Photo: Hans Splinter)

 Fragment of kanga with Swahili text “Asemae hajapata aliyepata hasemi” (The one who speaks has not got anything yet, the one who has got it does not say anything). Fragment of kanga with Malagasy text “Tsara doany manonga arivo”.

Fragment of kanga with Swahili text “Umsafiaye nia moyoni ana mawazo”(You think you've got a good heart, but you're still having [negative] thoughts) 

Fragment of kanga with Swahili text “Kila upatacho mshukuru mungu” (Thank God for everything you get).

Fragment of kanga from Kenya. With Swahili text: “Tunapenda Africa yetu” (We love our Africa). 

Fragment of kanga from Tanzania. With Swahili texts: “Upendo na amani ametujalia Mungu” and “Hongera Barack Obama” (Love and peace have been granted us by God, and Congratulations Barack Obama).