Berckmoes wins NWO Open Competition Grant for project on intergenerational resilience in Rwanda
The full title of the new research project, led by Dr Lidewyde Berckmoes, is 'Intergenerational resilience and anticipation of conflict and natural disaster'. It investigates how descendants of survivors of violent conflict anticipate and respond to future disaster - both potential new conflict and natural disaster. Dr Berckmoes has won an NWO Open Competition XS grant for this project.
More attention to intergenerational resilience
The long-lasting and multifaceted impact violent conflict or 'natural' disaster, has been well-documented in the literature. Numerous studies have described the adverse effects for society and individuals, particularly in terms of ill mental health and vulnerability to recurring disaster. To challenge this prevailing emphasis on deficit and long-term vulnerability, recently, some scholars have called for more attention to intergenerational resilience. In line with this call, the project explores intergenerational resilience and adaption in the aftermath of genocide in Rwanda. Specifically, we investigate anticipatory practices of descendants of war and genocide survivors who face potential, new disaster in Rwanda. This is important in view of the world-wide observed pattern of disaster as often leading to more or recurring disaster, and contributes to new understandings of entanglements between ‘natural’ and ‘manmade’ disasters and adaptation.
University of Rwanda
The project will be carried out in collaboration with colleagues from the University of Rwanda. It started in December 2024 and will run for one year.
Congratulations to Lidewyde Berckmoes on winning a grant for this important project that fills a gap in research into intergerational resilience and adaptation.
Photo credit: Lidewyde Berckmoes