Charity auction for the Kakaran Foundation

In the framework of 65 years African Studies Centre we are organizing a charity auction for the Kakaran Foundation (co-founded by former ASC director Gerti Hesseling) on 8 November at 19:00 hrs, at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Leiden. Among the auction items we have an original Zapiro cartoon (signed by the artist), many pieces of African art and textiles and lots more.
Preliminary auction catalogue (veilingboekje)

If you wish to bid on an item but are unable to attend the auction please fill out and sign this form and return it to address mentioned in the form.
Indien u een bod wilt uitbrengen maar niet in staat bent de veiling bij te wonen vult u dan dit formulier in en stuur het ondertekend naar het retouradres.

The auction will take plase in room 1A20 of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Wassenaarseweg 52 Leiden. The room will be open from 18h15. Live djembé drumming will add lustre to the evening.
Maaike Westra
+31 (0)71 5276704


Date, time and location

08 November 2012