Climate migration myths
Misleading claims about mass migration induced by climate change continue to surface in both academia and policy. This requires a new research agenda on ‘climate mobilities’ that moves beyond simplistic assumptions and more accurately advances knowledge of the nexus between human mobility and climate change.
This article has appeared in a special issue of Nature Climate Change volume 9, pages 901–903(2019), on migration and mobility in the face of change.
Mirjam de Bruijn, Professor of Citizenship and Identities in Africa at the African Studies Centre Leiden, is one of the authors of this article.
Author(s) / editor(s)
Boas, Farbotko, Adams, (...) De Bruijn, et al.
About the author(s) / editor(s)
Mirjam de Bruijn, Professor of Citizenship and Identities in Africa at the African Studies Centre Leiden, is one of the authors of this article.
Publisher website:
Posted on 6 December 2019, last modified on 6 December 2019