ELIAS 9th annual meeting in Paris
This year's meeting of ELIAS (European Librarians in African Studies) will take place on 7 July in Paris, hosted by BULAC - Bibliothèque universitaire des langues et civilisations. The meeting is open to ELIAS members and other interested librarians, archivists, documentalists or other information workers. Theme of this year’s meeting: Special Collections.
Draft Programme
9.00: Registration
9.15: Welcome address
9.30-10.30: Library tour
- Benjamin Guichard, scientific Director (Presentation of the project, the BULAC and services)
- Alexandre Asanovic, Head of Collections Division (The place of the Africanist collections in the collections of the BULAC)
10.30: Tea and Coffee Break
11.00-12.30: Keynote speakers
- Ninja Steinbach-Huether, Thomas Efer (University of Leipzig): African knowledge in BnF catalogue data. Quantitative graph-based analyses clarifying tracks of 'published and perished'?
- Peter Limb (Michigan State University, East Lansing): Building African Bandes dessinées/comic art collections
13.15: Lunch
14.30: ELIAS Annual Business Meeting
15.00: Thematic contributions on 'Special Collections'
- Pier Luigi Rossi (Institut de recherche pour le développement-IRD): Tropical soil science in open access (The PeTroLAc Project)
- Dag Henrichsen (Basler Afrika Bibliographien, Basel): Shared voices. Audio letters from Namibian townships
- Françoise Gubry (Centre Population & Développement-CEPED, Paris): The IREDA project (Inventory of Population Censuses and Surveys in Africa)
- Meliné Pehlivanian (Orientabteilung, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin): Africana special collections in the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin
- Sophia Thubauville, Sabine Dinslage, Kim Glück and Moritz Müller (Frobenius-Institut, Frankfurt am Main): Indexing and Digitizing of the Archival Material on Ethiopian Studies of the Frobenius Institute
16.30: Tea and Coffee Break
17.00: Short country presentations
- Peter Limb (Michigan State University, East Lansing): New African digital initiatives: photographic, archival, and newspaper
- Alicia Leon y Barella (SCD Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, Paris): Introducing the future library of the Campus Condorcet
- Fleur de Jaeger (Royal Museum for Central Africa, Tervuren): Knowledge Corner: RMCA’s Digital Information Sources
- Hartmut Bergenthum (Universitätsbibliothek Johann Christian Senckenberg, Frankfurt am Main): The German reform of the DFG-funded 'Special Subject Collections'
- Françoise Blum (Centre d'histoire sociale du XXe siècle, Paris): The BiogrAfrique project: Dictionary of african protest and mobilizations, 'Maitron Africa'
20.00: Conference Dinner
The organizers
Marine Defosse, BULAC (marine.defosse@bulac.fr)
Fabrice Melka, IMAF (fabrice.Melka@univ-paris1.fr)
Michèle Raffutin, IMAF (michele.raffutin@univ-paris1.fr)
More information on the conference.