First episode of the LUALA Beats podcast series online

The lecture and podcast series LUALA Beats (Leiden University Africa Latin America) is a cooperation between the two Area Studies sections of Leiden University’s Institute for History. The lecture and podcast series are intended: (1) as platforms for critical discussions amongst practitioners, scholars and students on issues typical of Area Studies’ epistemologies: diversity, inequality, power and cultural interactions; (2) as avenues to connect Leiden University with society. The lecture and podcast series are co-managed by teachers and students.

Apartheid Studies: A new interdisciplinary framework
How does harm (oppression, injustice, inequality) persist instead of end? How do people live with harm and in harm’s way? The problem of the persistence of oppression, harm and injustice is one of the fundamental problems of the 21st century. When will it end? How will it all end? Apartheid Studies (AS) is an emerging interdisciplinary framework which utilises the notion of “apartheid” to study the persistence of harm in human society. It studies how people live with harm and live in harm’s way from the grassroots, that is bottom up rather than top-down. In this first episode of the LUALA Beats podcast, Dr Sara de WitDr Walter Nkwi and Jasper Krijns (BA student African Studies) talk to Prof. Nyasha Mboti (University of the Free State, South Africa), who is the founder of this new interdisciplinary field.

Listen to the podcast (Spotify).