Infosheets on the 17 African countries that gained independence in 1960
1960 was the ‘Year of Africa’: seventeen colonies in Africa became politically independent. On the occasion of 'Africa 2020', the ASCL created Infosheets about these countries, indicating demographic developments, income, health and education statistics (Humand Development Index), migration numbers, agricultural production, urbanisation and regional inequality - between 1960 and 2020. Most striking is the degree of urbanisation, but also the increase in education, better healthcare and, in many cases, an increase in income. There are however exceptions (e.g. Somalia) and there are large differences between countries. Also, regional differences within a country can be substantial (for a Subnational Human Development Index of Africa as a whole for the years 2000 and 2018, see this Thematic Map).
To highlight the role of individual African leaders in the independence processes, Germa Seuren (ASCL Library) created the web dossier 'African Leaders of Independence' and the corresponding interactive timeline.
Read the Infosheets:
ASCL Infosheet 'Mauritania at 60' (independent 28 November 1960)
ASCL Infosheet 'Nigeria at 60' (extra long! Independent 1 October 1960)
ASCL Infosheet 'Senegal at 60' (independent 20 August 1960)
ASCL Infosheet 'Gabon at 60' (independent 17 August 1960)
ASCL Infosheet 'Republic of the Congo at 60' (15 August 1960)
ASCL Infosheet 'CAR at 60' (13 August 1960)
ASCL Infosheet 'Chad at 60' (11 August 1960)
ASCL Infosheet 'Côte d'Ivoire at 60' (7 August 1960)
ASCL Infosheet 'Burkina Faso at 60' (5 August 1960)
ASCL Infosheet 'Niger at 60' (3 August 1960)
ASCL Infosheet 'Benin at 60' (1 August 1960)
ASCL Infosheet 'Somalia at 60' (1 July 1960)
ASCL Infosheet 'DRC at 60' (independent 30 June 1960)
ASCL Infosheet 'Madagascar at 60' (independent 26 June 1960)
ASCL Infosheet 'Mali at 60' (independent 20 June 1960)
ASCL Infosheet 'Togo at 60' (independent 27 April 1960)
ASCL Infosheet 'Cameroon at 60' (independent 1 January 1960)