LeidenASA Annual Meeting 2021





On 6 December the 2021 LeidenASA Annual Meeting will take place. LeidenASA is the network of Leiden based Africanist researchers. The meeting takes place online via Zoom, from 11:00-13:00.
Zoom: https://universiteitleiden.zoom.us/j/63261564311?pwd=QlVqdFhxWEhRNGRMbHZSUDZoTnhldz09
Meeting ID: 632 6156 4311
Passcode: 8=w0dfJk


11:00 Word of welcome by David Ehrhardt

11:05 Opening: Prof. Annetje Ottow on the importance of collaboration with African partners for Leiden University

11:15 LeidenASA members share their experiences with international cooperation in (online) teaching
Maria Yazdanbakhsh (by video message), speaking about her extensive African research network
André Leliveld, speaking about curriculum co-development and the LDE Minor Frugal Innovation

11:30 Panel discussion: Decolonising academic education and research?
This panel of LeidenASA members is challenged to reflect on the meaning of ‘decolonising the academy’ in their everyday teaching (and research) practices. What do they think about the decolonisation debates? How do they represent Africa and Africans, and what do they teach and write about it? How do they work with their own positionality? And how do they strive for true ‘post-colonial’ equality in their partnerships?

Panel members:
Prof. Marleen Dekker (ASCL), economist and founding coordinator of INCLUDE
Dr Ayo Adedokun (FGGA), political scientist and winner of the LUS Onderwijsprijs for engaging and inclusive teaching
Dr Cristiana Strava (HUM), anthropologist with research and teaching on urban margins of North Africa
Dr Mamadou Hebié (LAW), legal scholar and former Special Assistant to the President of the ICC
Dr Corinna Jentzsch (Social Sciences), Assistant Professor of International Relations at the Institute of Political Science.

Panel members will each give a brief introduction (ca. 5 minutes each), after which there will be time for questions and discussion.

12:40 Reflection on the panel by Prof. Annetje Ottow

12:50 LDE-ASA: looking forward (David Ehrhardt)


Date, time and location

06 December 2021