New film: ‘Governance off the ground’

Both in northern Uganda and South Sudan people driven away by violence in the past are now returning to their home communities. Some of them, however, find their lands occupied by others and end up in conflict. Why is there so much confusion and contestation about land when violent conflict is over? And what makes land issues so difficult to resolve? This documentary explores land disputes in Yei County in South Sudan and Amuru District in northern Uganda, and the challenges they pose for post-conflict governance.

‘Governance off the ground’ was made by Mathijs van Leeuwen, Doreen Nancy Kobusingye and Peter Hakim Justin of the African Studies Centre, in collaboration with YOGIEMONK Televisie Producties. It was produced as part of the Grounding Land Governance programme, a research programme financed by WOTRO - Science for Global Development - NWO. Read more about the research project here.