New web dossier: the ANC at 100

The library of the African Studies Centre has compiled a web dossier to coincide with the conference  The African National Congress at 100 on 10 September 2012, organized by the ASC together with the International Institute of Social Studies, and ISS-Scholas.

The web dossier is based on the ASC library collection and contains  a selection of titles on the ANC  published in the last  ten years.  These are arranged in two sections: one on the history of the ANC and its development before 1994, the other on the ANC  after the end of apartheid in 1994. Each title in the dossier links directly to the corresponding record in the library’s online catalogue. The dossier begins with an Introduction on the ANC at 100 by Stephen Ellis and ends with a selection of links to relevant websites.

Date, time and location

05 September 2012