PhD defence Tycho van der Hoog

On 7 May at 15:00 hrs. (sharp), Tycho van der Hoog will defend his dissertation 'North Korea and the Liberation of Southern Africa, 1960-2020'.

This thesis explores North Korea’s influential role in the liberation of Southern Africa and describes how African states repay this historical aid today. Specifically, it examines the question of how political elites in Southern Africa benefitted from North Korean support, from 1960 until 2020. The main argument of this book is that liberation (and not the Cold War) is the leitmotif for African–North Korean relations, as the transition from anticolonial struggles to postcolonial politics is characterised by continuity not change. 


Registration is not required. Please note that admittance to the Great Auditorium after 15:00 hrs. is not possible.

Watch the livestream.

Read the interview Tycho gave for the Leiden University website.

Date, time and location

07 May 2024
15.00 - 16.00
Academy Building, Rapenburg 73 Leiden
Great Auditorium