Public debate: The inclusion of African youth in Europe

photo African youth in EuropeDialogue
On 20 November, universal Children’s Day, we invite you to join the discussion on how Europe can support African youth and promote their inclusion in society. More than 40 students, particularly with African background, will contribute to the debate, engaging in dialogue with policymakers, professionals, and academics: Roelof van Laar (development cooperation spokesman PvdA, Tweede Kamer), Stefanie Schuddebeurs (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Kingdom Relations), Dr. Harry Wels (Faculty of Social Sciences, Vrije Universiteit), Nicky Wako (Diaspora Forum for Development), Christoph Damalie (Thirdway Human Rights & Development) and Dr. Akinyinka Akinyoade (African Studies Centre). Jos van Beurden (trainer, researcher and writer) will chair the afternoon.

The exclusion of African youth in our society is a burning issue in the media at the moment. The recent report of Amnesty International on ethnic profiling demonstrates that the humiliating stop-and-search police practices apply predominantly to people of African and Northern African appearance. Also, the National Ombudsman in the Netherlands, Alex Brenninkmeijer, warns of widespread discrimination and exclusion, and the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights reports that discrimination rates are highest among the Sub-Saharan and North African migrants. Discriminatory and excluding practices hinder the development of African youth in Europe and create a gap between the excluded youth and those in power.

Questions to be addressed
How can we move from a society that defines young people in terms of problems, dangers and risks towards a society characterized by participation? In the multicultural reality of today, how can we become a more inclusive society? How do we empower African youth and other excluded groups to participate and to raise their voices? The major questions that need to be addressed to reduce exclusion are those of equal access to education, employment opportunities, and safety in the neighbourhoods. We cordially invite you to contribute to the debate with your ideas, experience, and knowledge – your input to the discussion of the inclusion of African youth is highly appreciated.

13.00 Welcoming speech by Roelof van Laar on the inclusion of African Youth in Europe.
13.30 The debate winners’ speeches: the first round, panel and public discussion: “The inclusion of African youth in educational sector”.
14.00 The debate winners’ speeches: the second round, panel and public discussion: “African youth and labour participation in Europe”
14.30 Coffee/tea break.
15.00 The debate winners’ speeches: the third round, panel and public discussion: “The impact of ethnic profiling in Europe on African youth”.
16.00 Awarding the winners, presenting the participants’ certificates.
16.30 Drinks at the Kinderrechtenhuis.

More information:

Project contacts: Roeland Hemsteede
Anna Fatikova:

This event has been organized by the International Debate Education Association (IDEA) together with NCDO, Youth in Action and the African Studies Centre.

Date, time and location

20 November 2013
13.00 - 16.00
Kinderrechtenhuis, Hooglandse Kerkgracht 17d, 2312 HS Leiden
