Sjaan van Marrewijk (1947-2012)

Sjaan van MarrewijkIt was with the deepest sadness that the African Studies Centre learned of the sudden death of Sjaan van Marrewijk on 24 November 2012.

After a career as a nurse, archivist and librarian in Delft, Sjaan joined the ASC Library in 1990 where she supported numerous students and researchers in Leiden in their quest for scientific information. She was a dedicated librarian and loved her work on the lending and information desk where she was ‘one of the faces of the ASC’ for so many years. Proof of how much she was appreciated can be seen in the acknowledgements in the prefaces of many books and dissertations on Africa.

Sjaan left the ASC in 2010 but will always be remembered as a lively, enthusiastic and dedicated colleague who loved both her job and Africa. Our hearts go out to Sjaan’s family at this difficult time and we wish them all the very best.