Ditmars and Dekker awarded grant for Virtual International Collaboration Project
Madi Ditmars and Marleen Dekker have been awarded a 'Virtueel Internationale Samenwerkingsproject' (Virtual International Collaboration Project - VIS) subsidy from the Netherlands Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport. The grant will be used to review and improve the Small Private Online Course (SPOC) within the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus minor African Dynamics. The SPOC is offered as Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) course. In this particular online course, LDE-minor students join forces with students from various African universities to explore different approaches to address the Sustainable Development Goals. The grant will be used to explore strategies that enable more collaboration between the participating students, and to adapt the assignments so that they are less focused on testing of knowledge and more on co-creation of knowledge and acknowledging different ontologies and epistemologies.