Warm welcome to the new students!

The Master and Research Master African Studies, as well as the LDE minors African Dynamics and Frugal Innovation for Sustainable Global Development for the academic year 2023-2024 have started!
More than a dozen new (Research) Master students of African Studies were - literally - warmly welcomed at the ASCL on 6 September (photo left). The MA students were introduced to the master programme by Karin Nijenhuis (chair of the programme) and Tim Sanders (student advisor), and course convenors André Leliveld and Akinyinka Akinyoade outlined their course 'Africa in Practice'. The Research Master students were welcomed by Azeb Amha (chair of the ResMA programme), John Kegel and Gerard van de Bruinhorst (lecturers) and student advisor Karin Nijenhuis. After lunch, Marleen Dekker, Director, explained the role and activities of the African Studies Centre Leiden, and Jos Damen and colleagues gave a tour of the ASCL Library. A Q&A session with alumni of African Studies provided the newly arrived students with career perspectives, followed by a meet-and-greet with the Leiden Student Association for Africanists LSA Mugusa.
LDE minors
The LDE Minor African Dynamics started on 1 September with 23 enrolled students (photo right) and the Minor Frugal Innovation for Sustainable Global Development on 4 September with 32 students. The days were full with introductions, preparations for the semester and activities to get to know each other better, such as assignments linked to the walk 'Traces of Africa in Leiden'. Both opening sessions closed with social events in the Bamboo lounge at the Pieter de la Court Building, hosted by the ASCL. 
We wish all students good luck with their studies!