Webinar by Marleen Dekker and Nicky Pouw on how to reach the extreme poor through inclusive development policies
In the EADI webinar "How to reach the (extreme) poor through inclusive development policies in sub Saharan Africa?", Marleen Dekker, Professor of Inclusive Development in Africa (Leiden University) and Nicky Pouw, Associate Professor in Economics of Wellbeing (University of Amsterdam) introduce a policy analysis framework to understand inclusive development from a bottom-up perspective of the poor and diversified vulnerable groups, the stakeholders involved and the importance of uncovering the transaction costs related to access and reaping the benefits of the interventions, programs and processes.
Second, it briefly discusses the results of three empirical studies on inclusive development policies, programmes, interventions and processes and the hidden costs in accessing and using them, especially from the perspective of the ones who are, or risk to be, left behind. These range from specific social protection programmes or selected agricultural value chains to technological and institutional innovations and investment behaviour. Specifically, the webinar addresses what could be done in the context of the specific multi-level policy and action instruments to reduce the hidden costs and promote more equity, and how this is related to the specific regulatory, socio-economic and political context in which the study is set and the specific population groups and actors concerned.
This webinar has been organised by the European Association of Development Institutes (EADI) and can now be watched on YouTube.