Alfred Lakwo
Dr. Lakwo, a Ugandan national, defended his PhD in January 2007 at Radboud University Nijmegen focusing on Microfinance, rural livelihoods and women's empowerment. He has a 15-year wealth of experience in development practice in parastatals, local government, consultancy, civil society and the academia. His interest revolves around synergy building between development practice and research in the fields of rural livelihoods, gender issues, microfinance, local governance, and development programming, fund raising, evaluation and documentation.
Currently Dr. Lakwo is a visiting lecturer at Uganda martyrs University. He also works for an NGO called Agency For Accelerated Regional development (AFARD) that is concerned with Capacity Building for Sustainable Livelihoods in the West Nile sub-region of Uganda. As the Programme Director, he has worked closely with many (inter)national development agencies like Gorta-Ireland, CORDAID, Maria Stroot Fonds, SNV, Irish AID and in-country development support from EU, HURINET, Royal Netherlands Embassy, and the Embassy of Ireland, among others in the theme of Food and Income security, Community Health (Water and sanitation and HIV/AIDS Prevention and Mitigation), and Institutional Development and Good Governance.