Marleen Dekker
Marleen Dekker is Professor of Inclusive Development in Africa at Leiden University and Director of the African Studies Centre Leiden. She is trained as a human geographer and holds a PhD in Development Economics. Marleen Dekker's research is interdisciplinary in nature and analyses the role of social norms and networks in accessing markets and local socio-economic development. The focus of her work is on behavioural determinants of access to and use of formal and informal financial services, including informal insurance networks, community-based health insurance and intra-household resource sharing. In a new initiative, Marleen facilitates interdisciplinary collaboration with natural scientists to develop African air quality and climate change models.
Marleen has collaborated in several international research projects in Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, Togo, Kenya, Zambia and Nigeria on social networks, insurance, CSO advocacy, marriage and intra-household collaboration. From 2014 to 2021, Marleen was the coordinator of the Secretariat of INCLUDE, the Knowledge Platform on Inclusive Development Policies in Africa. The platform supports research, shares relevant knowledge with policy makers and practitioners and organises international policy dialogues on inclusive development themes both in The Netherlands and in African countries.
She is the academic lead of the Leiden-Legon-Edinburgh academic partnership (LLEAP) EUniWell SPOC: Decentring global epistemologies of Well-being. Marleen is a also member of INCLUDE knowledge platform, the AIV-COS as well as the NWO-NWA-SDG initiative group.
Keywords: inclusive development, markets, social networks, marriage, financial inclusion, land reform, air quality and climate change.
2021: Director African Studies Centre Leiden
2017: Professor Inclusive Development in Africa at Leiden University (read her Inaugural Address)
2014: Coordinator INCLUDE Knowledge Platform
2007: Senior researcher African Studies Centre Leiden
2004-2007: Post-doctoral Researcher Vrije Universiteit
1999-2004: PhD research Risk Resettlement and Relations in Zimbabwe
1994: MA Human Geography (with distinction)
CV Marleen Dekker (pdf)
(Photo credit: Sandra Hazenberg).
Prof. Dr. M. Dekker's profile on the Leiden University website
Governance, entrepreneurship and inclusive development
Financial decision-making, gender and social norms in Zambia
Locally grounded models for air quality in Africa: the power of TROPOMI to bridge African science and policy
Recommendations and reflections (2024)
Equity in COVID-19: mitigation and policy responses in Africa (2024)
In the air tonight: satellite-based air quality data and inclusive development in Africa: a scoping review of the literature (2024)
Introduction (2024)
Bridging boundaries through virtual well-being exchange (2023)
Afrika; hulp & handel in perspectief ; lessen uit het veld (2023)
Social norms and financial decision-making: technical update (2023)
Introduction to the special issue: policies for inclusive development in Africa (2022)
(In)decent work for youth in agro-industrial value chains in Uganda (2022)
Financial decision-making gender and social norms in Zambia: report on the quantitative data generation, analysis and results and subsequent qualitative follow-up (2021)
Social norms and financial funded by decision-making in Zambia: technical brief (2021)
Inequalities in higher education in low‐ and middle‐income countries: a scoping review of the literature (2021)
Economic consequences of ill-health in rural Ethiopia (2021)
Inequalities in higher education in low- and middle-income countries: a scoping review of the literature (2020)
Entrepreneurship in microfranchising: an emerging market perspective (2020)
Financial decision-making, gender and social norms in Zambia: preliminary report on the quantitative data generation, analysis and results (2020)
Financial decision-making, gender and social norms in Zambia: preliminary report on the quantitative data generation, analysis and results (2020)
Leaving no one behind? Social inclusion of health insurance in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review (2019)
Cooperation in polygynous households (2019)
Youth are the present, not only the future! (2019)
Interim findings: civil society engagement with land rights advocacy in Kenya (2019)
Seven principles for inclusive development policy-making (2019)
Moving forward in debates on inclusive development policies: INCLUDE’s renewed knowledge agenda (2019)
Inclusive development in Africa (2019)
Boosting productive employment in Africa: policy publication (2019)
The business case for social protection in Africa (2018)
Inclusive development : not business as usual! (2018)
Boosting productive employment in Africa : what works and why? (2018)
Civil society engagement with land rights advocacy in Kenya: what roles to play? Literature review (2018)
Strategic actors for inclusive development in Africa (2018)
From macro to micro: how smallholder farmers in Zimbabwe are coping with dollarization (2017)
We need SMEs in the middle for job creation in Africa : key messages from INCLUDE's 'Productive Employment' roundtable (2017)
The evidence base on what works to promote youth employment (2017)
Highlights of the strategic actors synthesis report (2017)
Boosting youth employment in Africa : what works and why? (2017)
Cooperation in polygynous households (2017)
Resettlement in Zimbabwe: final destination from the zones of transition (2015)
Impact of Ethiopia's Community-Based Health Insurance on household economic welfare (2015)
The impact of Ethiopia's community-based health insurance on household economic welfare : a policy brief (2015)
The formation of community-based organizations : an analysis of a quasi-experiment in Zimbabwe (2015)
Navigating through times of scarcity: the intensification of a gift-giving economy after dollarization in rural Zimbabwe (2014)
Impact of Ethiopia's Community Based Health Insurance on household economic welfare (2014)
Rome wasn't built in a day : the accessibility of social protection for informal workers : a mapping of 5 West African countries (2014)
Coping with shocks in rural Ethiopia (2014)
Shocks and coping strategies in rural Ethiopia: a policy brief (2014)
Coping with shocks in rural Ethiopia (2013)
Promoting gender equality and female empowerment: a systematic review of the evidence on property rights, labour markets,political participation and violence against women (2013)
'It is time to start my own farm': the unforeseen effects of two waves of resettlement on household formation in Zimbabwe (2012)
Bridging the gender divide: an experimental analysis of group formation in African villages (2012)
Who shares risk with whom under different enforcement mechanisms? (2012)
Coping with Zimbabwe's economic crisis: small-scale farmers and livelihoods under stress (2011)
Creating inclusive communities: the results of resettlement in Zimbabwe (2011)
Contextualizing Zimbabwe's land reform: long term observations from the first generation (2011)
Introduction: economic ethnographies of the marketization of health and healing in Africa (2010)
Who shares risk with whom under different enforcement mechanisms? (2010)
Health insurance and other risk-coping strategies in Uganda: the case of Microcare Insurance Ltd (2010)
The formation of community based organizations in sub-Saharan Africa: an analysis of a quasi-experiment (2010)
Markets of well-being: navigating health and healing in Africa (2010)
Can't buy me health: financial constraints and health seeking behaviour among rural household members in Central Togo (2010)
Individual or shared responsibility: who finances treatment of illnesses in households in rural Ethiopia? (2010)
Bridging the gender divide: an experimental analysis of group formation in African villages (2009)
Can health insurance be the magic bullet? The case of Microcare ltd. in Uganda (2009)
Risk sharing relations and enforcement mechanisms (2008)
Intra-household differences in coping with illness in rural Ethiopia (2008)
Estimating wealth effects without expenditure data : an asset based wealth index for rural Ethiopia (2006)
Trends in non-consumption dimensions of welfare for Tanzania, 1992-2000 (2006)
Estimating wealth effects without expenditure data : an asset based wealth index for rural Ethiopia (2006)
Micro-macro verbanden in Tanzania : waar zit de kink in de kabel? (2005)
Risk, resettlement and relations : social security in rural Zimbabwe (2004)
Sustainability and Resourcefulness : Support Networks During Periods of Stress (2004)
Bride wealth and household security in rural Zimbabwe (2002)
NGO's and environmental dilemmas in Zimbabwe (1999)
NGO's and environmental dilemmas in Zimbabwe (1997)
Equity in COVID-19: mitigation and policy responses in Africa
London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2024
A. Altaf; D. Tsikata; G.D. Torvikey; M. Dekker
Full text
Estimating wealth effects without expenditure data : an asset based wealth index for rural Ethiopia
Addis Abeba: Ethiopian Economics Association, Proceedings 3rd International Conference on the Ethiopian Economy 2006
M. Dekker
Risk, resettlement and relations : social security in rural Zimbabwe
Amsterdam: Thela Thesis, Tinbergen Institute research series ; no. 331 2004
M. Dekker
Full text
'Word of welcome'
In: F. Veldkamp; G. Seuren: 'A window on Africa: African Studies Centre Leiden's 75th anniversary celebration', Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL), 2024.
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'Recommendations and reflections'
In: A. Altaf; D. Tsikata; G.D. Torvikey; M. Dekker: 'Equity in COVID-19: mitigation and policy responses in Africa', London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2024.
Full text
In: A. Altaf; D. Tsikata; G.D. Torvikey; M. Dekker: 'Equity in COVID-19: mitigation and policy responses in Africa', London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2024.
Full text
'(In)decent work for youth in agro-industrial value chains in Uganda'
In: P. Goulart; R. Ramos; G. Ferrittu: 'Global labour in distress, volume II: earnings, (in)decent work and institutions', Glam: Springer, 2022.
'From macro to micro: how smallholder farmers in Zimbabwe are coping with dollarization'
In: W.E.A. van Beek; J.C.M. Damen; D.W.J. Foeken: 'The face of Africa: essays in honour of Ton Dietz', Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL), 2017.
'Resettlement in Zimbabwe: final destination from the zones of transition'
In: A. Akinyoade; J.B. Gewald: 'African roads to prosperity: people en route to socio-cultural and economic transformation', Leiden: Brill, 2015.
''It is time to start my own farm': the unforeseen effects of two waves of resettlement on household formation in Zimbabwe'
In: J.B. Gewald; A.H.M. Leliveld; I. Peša: 'Transforming innovations in Africa: explorative studies on appropriation in African societies', Leiden: Brill, 2012.
'Introduction: economic ethnographies of the marketization of health and healing in Africa'
In: M. Dekker; R.A. van Dijk: 'Markets of well-being: navigating health and healing in Africa', Leiden: Brill, 2010.
'Individual or shared responsibility: who finances treatment of illnesses in households in rural Ethiopia?'
In: M. Dekker; R.A. van Dijk: 'Markets of well-being: navigating health and healing in Africa', Leiden: Brill, 2010.
'Can't buy me health: financial constraints and health seeking behaviour among rural household members in Central Togo'
In: M. Dekker; R.A. van Dijk: 'Markets of well-being: navigating health and healing in Africa', Leiden: Brill, 2010.
'Intra-household differences in coping with illness in rural Ethiopia'
In: M.M.E.M. Rutten; A.H.M. Leliveld; D.W.J. Foeken: 'Inside Poverty and Development in Africa', Leiden: Brill, 2008.
'NGO's and environmental dilemmas in Zimbabwe'
In: H.van den Breemer; L.B. Venema: 'Towards negotiated comanagement of natural resources in Africa', Münster: LIT Verlag, 1999.
Full text
Markets of well-being: navigating health and healing in Africa
M. Dekker; R.A. van Dijk (editors)
Leiden: Brill, African dynamics 9, 2010.
Full text
'Introduction to the special issue: policies for inclusive development in Africa'
in: The European journal of development research, vol. 34, no. 5, pp. 2137-2155, 2022.
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'Economic consequences of ill-health in rural Ethiopia'
in: Health systems & reform, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. (9), 2021.
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'Inequalities in higher education in low‐ and middle‐income countries: a scoping review of the literature'
in: Development policy review, vol. 39, no. 5, pp. 865-889, 2021.
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'Entrepreneurship in microfranchising: an emerging market perspective'
in: Journal of entrepreneurship in emerging economies, 2020.
'Inequalities in higher education in low- and middle-income countries: a scoping review of the literature'
in: Development policy review, 2020.
'Cooperation in polygynous households'
in: American economic journal: applied economics, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 266-283, 2019.
Full text
'Leaving no one behind? Social inclusion of health insurance in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review'
in: International journal for equity in health, vol. 18, no. 1, 2019.
'Inclusive development : not business as usual!'
in: Vice Versa, pp. 50 - 51, 2018.
'The formation of community-based organizations : an analysis of a quasi-experiment in Zimbabwe'
in: World development, vol. 66, pp. 131 - 153, 2015.
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'Impact of Ethiopia's Community-Based Health Insurance on household economic welfare'
in: The World Bank economic review, pp. - 10, 2015.
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'Coping with shocks in rural Ethiopia'
in: Journal of development studies, vol. 50, no. 7, pp. 1009 - 1024, 2014.
'Bridging the gender divide: an experimental analysis of group formation in African villages'
in: World development, vol. 40, no. 10, pp. 2063-2077, 2012.
'Who shares risk with whom under different enforcement mechanisms?'
in: Economic development and cultural change, vol. 60, no. 4, pp. 677-706, 2012.
'Contextualizing Zimbabwe's land reform: long term observations from the first generation'
in: The journal of peasant studies, vol. 38, no. 5, pp. 995 - 1019, 2011.
'Health insurance and other risk-coping strategies in Uganda: the case of Microcare Insurance Ltd'
in: World development, vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 369 - 378, 2010.
'Estimating wealth effects without expenditure data : an asset based wealth index for rural Ethiopia'
in: Ethiopian Journal of Economics, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 35 - 54, 2006.
'Micro-macro verbanden in Tanzania : waar zit de kink in de kabel?'
in: Kwartaalschrift Economie, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 244 - 267, 2005.
'Sustainability and Resourcefulness : Support Networks During Periods of Stress'
in: World development, vol. 32, no. 10, pp. 1735 - 1751, 2004.
'Bride wealth and household security in rural Zimbabwe'
in: Journal of African economies, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 114 - 145, 2002.
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