Director | Research staff | Library staff | Support staff | Employee Council | Board of Governors | Academic Advisory Council | Societal Advisory Council
The African Studies Centre Leiden has a Board of Governors, with the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities as its Chair, the Dean of the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences as second member and the Dean of the Leiden Law School as the third member. The Director is supported by an Executive Board (EB). Board, Director and EB are advised by the Employee Council, an Academic Advisory Council and by a Societal Advisory Council. The Chair of the Societal Advisory Council is also Chair of the Stichting Afrika-Studiecentrum (new style), which used to govern the ASC before its integration with Leiden University (1/1/2016), but still owns the books, journals and other library materials collected until 31/12/2015, which are given on loan to Leiden University. The ASCL's Director is financially responsible for the Leiden African Studies Assembly.
ASCL staff during a visit to the exhibition 'Born Free' by Ilvy Njiokiktjien in Museum Hilversum, 4 June 2019.
Photo credit: Ilvy Njiokiktjien.
ASCL Directors past and present:
1947-1963 Prof. P.J. Idenburg
1963-1969 Prof. J.F. Holleman
1969-1990 G.W. Grootenhuis
1991-1994 Prof. S.D.K. Ellis
1994-1995 Prof. A.A. Trouwborst
1995-1996 A. van Deursen
1996-2004 Dr G.S.C.M. Hesseling
2004-2010 Prof. L.J. de Haan
2010-2017 Prof. A.J. Dietz
2017-2021 Prof. J.B. Gewald
2021- Prof. M. Dekker