Angoua Tano
Dr Angoua Tano wrote a pioneering PhD thesis research in Leiden University on an emerging village sign language in Côte d’Ivoire. After his defence, he returned to Côte d’Ivoire and obtained a position as a lecturer and researcher in sign language linguistics at the Département des Sciences du Langage of the Université Houphouët-Boigny in Abidjan. His expertise is in language documentation and description of rural signed languages in Côte d’Ivoire. Dr Tano is an active member of the sign language linguistic community and has remained associated with Leiden University as a guest researcher ever since his defence and frequently collaborates with his Leiden colleagues on various signed language linguistics research in West Africa. The recent research was the 2-years project ‘’Language Socialization in Deaf Families’’ in five African countries where he was responsible for the entire Ivorian sub-project. This involved creating a longitudinal corpus of parent-child interactions in five deaf families in urban and rural settings.
Dr Tano will use his fellowship at the ASCL to study lexical internet corpus and variation of Langue des Signes de Côte d’Ivoire. He will be collaborating with the Collaborative Research Group African Languages Archives.