Gerard van de Bruinhorst

Gerard van der BruinhorstGerard van de Bruinhorst's work as information specialist focuses on facilitating access to African Studies resources and meeting the information needs of ASCL library users. He is responsible for acquisitions policy and collection development. His specific tasks include subject indexing, the handling of gifts and the evaluation and selection of digital resources.

Dr. G.C. (Gerard) van de Bruinhorst
Collection development, documentation
+ 31 (0)71 527 6734
Room number: 0.73
Displaying 1 - 9 of 9

Gatekeeper, gateway, gate-opener?: 75 years of ASCL collection development
G.C. van de Bruinhorst
Editors: F. Veldkamp; G. Seuren
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Op boekenjacht: acquisitiereizen voor meer diversiteit en betere collectie
G.C. van de Bruinhorst; J.C.M. Damen
Type of Publication: Journal Article

’A confirmation of what went before it’ : historicising a Swahili Qur’an translation
G.C. van de Bruinhorst
Editors: Z. Hirji
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Translocality, texts and discourses: ritual transformations of Islamic sacrifices
G.C. van de Bruinhorst
Editors: F. Declich
Type of Publication: Book Chapter

Changing criticism of Swahili Qur'an translations: the three 'Rods of Moses'
G.C. van de Bruinhorst
Type of Publication: Journal Article

Siku ya Arafa and the Idd el-Hajj: Knowledge, Ritual and Renewal in Tanzania
G.C. van de Bruinhorst
Editors: K. Larsen
Type of Publication: Book Chapter
Displaying 1 - 1 of 1

'Gatekeeper, gateway, gate-opener?: 75 years of ASCL collection development'
In: F. Veldkamp; G. Seuren: 'A window on Africa: African Studies Centre Leiden's 75th anniversary celebration', Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL), 2024.
Full text

'’A confirmation of what went before it’ : historicising a Swahili Qur’an translation'
In: Z. Hirji: 'Approaches to the Qur’an in Sub-Saharan Africa', London: Oxford university, in association with the Institute of Ismaili Studies, 2019.

'Translocality, texts and discourses: ritual transformations of Islamic sacrifices'
In: F. Declich: 'Translocal connections across the Indian Ocean : Swahili speaking networks on the move.', Leiden: Brill, 2018.
Full text

'Siku ya Arafa and the Idd el-Hajj: Knowledge, Ritual and Renewal in Tanzania'
In: K. Larsen: 'Knowledge, Renewal and Religion: Repositioning and changing ideological and material circumstances among the Swahili on the East African Coast', Uppsala: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, 2009.

'Op boekenjacht: acquisitiereizen voor meer diversiteit en betere collectie'
in: IP: vakblad voor informatieprofessionals, no. 7, pp. [1-4], 2022.
Full text

'Changing criticism of Swahili Qur'an translations: the three 'Rods of Moses''
in: Journal of Qur'anic studies, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 206 - 231, 2013.
Full text
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