Victor Igreja

Victor Igreja did his PhD at the University of Leiden (2007) on processes of healing, reconciliation and justice in the aftermath of the Mozambican civil war. In the last ten months was a fellow at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIAS) where he worked on a research team exploring different forms of mediations of experiences of violence in Africa. At the ASC he will be working on the role of post-colonial politics on processes of religious transformation in Mozambique and religious strategies of talk to convey experiences of post-colonial pain.

Recent publications

Igreja, V., Dias-Lambranca, B. and Richters, A. (2008). Gamba spirits, gender relations and healing in post-civil war Gorongosa, Mozambique. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (N.S.), 14: 350-71.

Igreja, Victor. (2008). Memories as Weapons: The Politics of Peace and Silence in Post-Civil War Mozambique. Journal of Southern African Studies, 34(3): 539-556.

Igreja, V. & Dias-Lambranca, B. (2008). Restorative justice and the role of magamba spirits in post-civil war Gorongosa, Central Mozambique. In L. Huyse & M. Salter, eds., Traditional justice and reconciliation after violent conflict: Learning from African experiences (pp. 61-83). Stockholm: International IDEA.

Fellowship year: 
Dr. V. (Victor) Igreja
Former visiting fellow