Addis Ababa field report : defining, targeting and reaching the very poor

TitleAddis Ababa field report : defining, targeting and reaching the very poor
Publication TypeOther
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsA. Altaf
Series titleASC working paper
Pagination - 23
Date Published2016///
PublisherAfrican Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL)
Place PublishedLeiden
Publication Languageeng

The research project 'Defining, targeting and reaching the very poor' has resulted in 5 Working Papers. These volumes are field reports on Bangladesh (Working Paper 126), Benin (Working Paper 127), Jeldu, Ethiopia (Working Paper 128), Addis Ababa (Working Paper 129) and finally a Synthesis (Working Paper 130). Please note that Working Paper 126 on Bangladesh is a co-production with the International Institute of Asian Studies IIAS in Leiden.

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Citation Key7901