Africa and International Corruption : the Strange Case of South Africa and Seychelles

TitleAfrica and International Corruption : the Strange Case of South Africa and Seychelles
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication1998
AuthorsS. Ellis
EditorJ.M. Mbaku
Secondary TitleCorruption and the crisis of institutional reforms in Africa
Series titleAfrican studies ; vol. 47
Pagination193 - 236
Date Published1998///
PublisherEdwin Mellen Press
Place PublishedNew York
Publication Languageeng
KeywordsAfrica, African studies, Cameroon, corruption, Country, South Africa

This book, which is grounded in economic theories, analyses various dimensions of corruption in Africa. It not only catalogues instances of corrupt practices from several countries, it also provides suggestions on how corruption can be minimized. John Mukum Mbaku surveys corruption as an important postindependence institution in Africa, analyses bureaucratic and political corruption, discusses the crisis of institutional reform in Africa, and assesses the future of corruption in Africa (chapters 1-3 and 9-11). Nantang Jua deals with corruption in Cameroon (ch. 4), Sahr John Kpundeh with Sierra Leone (ch. 5), Toyin Falola and Andrew J. Clarno with Nigeria (ch. 6-7), and Stephen Ellis with South Africa and Seychelles (ch. 8)

Citation Key1765