Africa now : people, policies & institutions

TitleAfrica now : people, policies & institutions
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1996
AuthorsS. Ellis
Pagination - xxii, 293
Date Published1996///
PublisherJames Currey [etc.]
Place PublishedLondon [etc.]
Publication Languageeng
ISBN Number0-85255-232-7
KeywordsAfrica, agriculture, development cooperation, economic conditions, ethnicity, migration, policy, political systems, politics, violence

Commissioned by the Dutch Minister for Development Cooperation and intended for discussion at the 1995 Global Coalition for Africa plenary meeting on 'Africa's future and the world', held in Maastricht in November, this book reviews some of the main political, economic and social trends in Africa in recent years, with examples drawn as far as possible from the whole of the continent. It contains fourteen separate thematic chapters arranged in three sections - States & citizens, Institutions & policies, Africa in the world - whose main themes represent a progression in scale from the individual to the international level. The editor, Stephen Ellis, has contributed an introduction and an interpretative conclusion. Contents: Africa in perspective (Toyin Falola) - Nationalism, ethnicity & democracy (Solofo Randrianja) - Youth & violence (Ali El-Kenz) - Movements of religious renewal (Mohamed Tozy) - Building public morality (Lilia Labidi) - The institutional foundations of growth (Janine Aron) - Formal & informal economic activities (Ernest Aryeetey) - The diversity of adjustment in agriculture (Jean-Paul Azam) - Constraints to manufacturing production (Lindani Ndlovu) - An agrarian continent in transition (Deborah Fahy Bryceson & John Howe) - The crisis of the State (Tiébilé Dramé) - Regional integration (Colin McCarthy) - The politics of aid effectiveness (Nicolas van de Walle ) - Some legal aspects of migration (Chaloka Beyani)


Met lit. opg., index. - Samenvatting

Citation Key1657